WEBVTT 1 00:00:00.089 --> 00:00:06.660 Regan Molatore: In this session of the Westland Wilson will school board and 2 00:00:08.069 --> 00:00:10.260 Regan Molatore: Kelly would you take roll please. 3 00:00:11.040 --> 00:00:12.000 Kelly Douglas: Read mellotron 4 00:00:13.139 --> 00:00:15.120 Kelly Douglas: Here, Jesse King 5 00:00:15.570 --> 00:00:17.789 Kelly Douglas: Here Christie Thompson. 6 00:00:18.359 --> 00:00:20.490 Kelly Douglas: Here didn't affect 7 00:00:20.940 --> 00:00:23.070 Kelly Douglas: Your Devon heights. 8 00:00:23.460 --> 00:00:25.080 Kelly Douglas: Here. Thank you. 9 00:00:26.130 --> 00:00:38.490 Regan Molatore: Right. And before we sit down to our main agenda there are just a couple things I wanted to address. And the first is just that, you know, while it's a new year and 10 00:00:39.030 --> 00:00:55.650 Regan Molatore: The close of last year and start to this year has been a little tough, I think, to say the least. And it is with an aching heart that we recognize the loss of two members of our school community. 11 00:00:56.400 --> 00:01:10.560 Regan Molatore: And I just want to just take a brief moment just to acknowledge our joint grief, as we work through the loss of individuals from our community. And while words are often not adequate to express 12 00:01:11.580 --> 00:01:24.630 Regan Molatore: The breadth of our thought and emotion around these types of activities are the loss of life, in particular, and that we still wanted to take a moment to acknowledge those, as well as to send our 13 00:01:25.830 --> 00:01:29.790 Regan Molatore: condolences to the families that have been left behind. 14 00:01:32.460 --> 00:01:48.240 Regan Molatore: Now, the next topic is tonight we are meeting again by zoom. We as a board have discussed moving towards trying to have our board meet together and in person. And we had tentatively scheduled to begin that 15 00:01:48.930 --> 00:02:02.190 Regan Molatore: This month with our work session and I'm in light of the governor's announcements before the Christmas holiday. We had contemplated whether or not we would be able to have our meeting this evening. 16 00:02:03.000 --> 00:02:20.220 Regan Molatore: In person and ultimately while we as a board could meet in person. The limitations around gatherings, I would have prohibited us from being able to allow members of our community in or at least not to the extent that 17 00:02:21.480 --> 00:02:29.730 Regan Molatore: There was there's huge interest but indeed to attend our meeting this evening, and we certainly wouldn't have been able to allow everyone in under those guidelines. 18 00:02:30.120 --> 00:02:41.430 Regan Molatore: So we chose to remain in zoom this evening, just so that then all members of our public would have the ability to equally access on this meeting and the topics tonight. 19 00:02:42.120 --> 00:02:50.400 Regan Molatore: And we do have a lengthy agenda, we did try to move as many things as possible into the next month, but we do have some business items that 20 00:02:51.030 --> 00:03:03.540 Regan Molatore: We are required to address this month. And so we as a board will be working through those. Well, I know we have a lot of people tuning in, probably for the last topic on our agenda which has to do with 21 00:03:04.950 --> 00:03:09.660 Regan Molatore: Moves being made towards reopening our schools for in person learning 22 00:03:10.500 --> 00:03:20.880 Regan Molatore: For anybody who's checking in for that or is staying on until we get to that topic. I do not anticipate and I would not start our discussion on that topic until 23 00:03:21.750 --> 00:03:32.130 Regan Molatore: 830 or after this evening. So if people would like to go have a dinner their dinner or do something like that and then back in. I 24 00:03:33.120 --> 00:03:49.170 Regan Molatore: Always are welcome to do that, although you may gather other information by sticking with us this evening so alright with that we get to go on to our district communications and, in particular, we get to hear from students from our three high schools and 25 00:03:50.250 --> 00:03:55.770 Regan Molatore: Michelle Quinn, would you be willing to start us off with information about arts and technology. High School. 26 00:03:56.850 --> 00:03:57.390 Of course, 27 00:03:58.590 --> 00:04:02.430 Michelle Quinn: Good evening school board members and Dr. Ludwig. I hope you all had a happy new year. 28 00:04:03.330 --> 00:04:08.430 Michelle Quinn: As I'm sure you know, January is school board appreciation month. So we want to let you know how much we appreciate you. 29 00:04:08.940 --> 00:04:17.400 Michelle Quinn: Thank you for taking time out of your busy lives to help better school district and thank you for making the decisions that have to be made even though sometimes they can be very difficult. 30 00:04:17.940 --> 00:04:25.650 Michelle Quinn: Thank you for always taking time to come to our school events across the district and makes all the students and teachers feel that they're supported by the board. So thank you for that. 31 00:04:26.400 --> 00:04:34.560 Michelle Quinn: Students have been back to school for a week and things are going well in class quarter to will wrap up on February 5 so students are hard at work and all their classes and our 32 00:04:34.980 --> 00:04:40.110 Michelle Quinn: Teachers are making sure that their students have the support and resources they need in order to finish their assignments. 33 00:04:40.620 --> 00:04:50.010 Michelle Quinn: I want to report that the holiday gifts and lights event in December was a huge success students and families had the opportunity to see their teachers and to see other classmates that they may have not seen in a while. 34 00:04:50.700 --> 00:04:57.270 Michelle Quinn: The school parking lot was decked out in lights that impressed students as well as members of the community who saw the lights and decide to drive through as well. 35 00:04:57.900 --> 00:05:04.500 Michelle Quinn: Thank you for the opportunity to speak this evening and thank you again for all you do for our schools and I hope to see you all again in February. 36 00:05:06.900 --> 00:05:14.130 Regan Molatore: Thank you miss them so much and Cole. Are you up for giving us the presentation from less than high school 37 00:05:14.760 --> 00:05:15.030 Yes. 38 00:05:16.680 --> 00:05:21.360 Cole Peters: Good evening. Dr. Ludwig and school board members, thank you for allowing me to share with you what is happening in Westland 39 00:05:21.930 --> 00:05:29.040 Cole Peters: As you know, we returned the class last week from a well deserved. When a break. I'm so proud of the way our students have managed to persevere through this challenging school year. 40 00:05:29.340 --> 00:05:31.890 Cole Peters: And they definitely earned some time to rest and reenergize 41 00:05:32.340 --> 00:05:40.920 Cole Peters: Many of our athletic teams in school groups. I've returned to their socially distance out their training sessions and I know our students and coaches appreciate the opportunity to work together in that way. 42 00:05:41.580 --> 00:05:48.570 Cole Peters: Although most of our teams and performance groups have been unable to perform or compete our new Esports team just wrapped up their fall student their fall season. 43 00:05:49.170 --> 00:05:57.090 Cole Peters: With many of their teams placing top in the top 20% in the nation, our speech and debate team shared their virtual season last week and had great results in first competition. 44 00:05:57.480 --> 00:06:02.580 Cole Peters: And our thespian trip is planning to submit their performance videos for their regional competition in early February. 45 00:06:03.270 --> 00:06:09.300 Cole Peters: Overall, I believe our students are feeling recharged and ready to push through whatever difficulties and uncertainties may come next. 46 00:06:09.690 --> 00:06:17.670 Cole Peters: Thank you for continuing to make informed and intentional decisions regarding your school year. And thank you for taking the time to listen to what I had to share today, I will see you next month. 47 00:06:20.940 --> 00:06:26.790 Regan Molatore: Excellent. Thank you. Call and we've got Kylie handle from madisonville high school next 48 00:06:27.960 --> 00:06:31.260 Kylie Hadden: Good evening and Happy New Year doctoral level getting school board. I hope you 49 00:06:32.010 --> 00:06:42.000 Kylie Hadden: All had a safe by enjoyable holiday before I went to break all simple high school had a few events or leadership class worked really hard to create an online virtual winter assembly. 50 00:06:42.390 --> 00:06:46.830 Kylie Hadden: Leadership students create videos inside the gym, keeping Kobe 19 protocols in mind. 51 00:06:47.340 --> 00:06:56.880 Kylie Hadden: During our Assembly, we saw our acapella group sold out perform your mean when Mr. Grinch watch clips of leadership students giving out what your wishes to fellow classmates. 52 00:06:57.270 --> 00:07:07.320 Kylie Hadden: And receive boards of motivation from our football coach and teacher, Mr Gunther. This was shown on December 17 the zoom at the end of our first period. 53 00:07:07.740 --> 00:07:16.740 Kylie Hadden: On the same day sold up before I'm in front of our school as the hosted a walkthrough concert at 2:30pm Beijing Carol's for everyone in the community to enjoy. 54 00:07:17.400 --> 00:07:30.840 Kylie Hadden: Our leadership students continue to work hard as they created care packages for more than 80 students. Our staff deliver these packages that included hanger and words of encouragement to help students who are having a difficult time with CBL 55 00:07:32.070 --> 00:07:37.710 Kylie Hadden: over winter break our school community face the unexpected death of one of our classmates set 56 00:07:40.080 --> 00:07:49.590 Kylie Hadden: We are community came together to help them honor by creating a jewel jam board that only staff and students in our school could access 57 00:07:50.130 --> 00:07:59.550 Kylie Hadden: The jam board was a space where anyone could share memories. They had or just simply remember. So we're thankful for counselors who were available all week for us students 58 00:08:00.810 --> 00:08:09.720 Kylie Hadden: To support us us well. Cats are planning to make 2021 argument by planning more activities and events within our clubs and classes. 59 00:08:10.260 --> 00:08:19.290 Kylie Hadden: The Girls Club has decided to move their female hygiene drive to start on the 25th of this month club members are already putting up posters and planning times to display them around awesome bill. 60 00:08:19.860 --> 00:08:29.400 Kylie Hadden: Our robotics team attended the robotics kick off this past Saturday from 830 to 230 we assume they learned about their general rules for their season. 61 00:08:30.180 --> 00:08:37.590 Kylie Hadden: Your book has started to post on their Instagram about senior submitting their senior quotes and voting for senior superlatives. 62 00:08:38.070 --> 00:08:49.620 Kylie Hadden: Lastly, our school pictures are going to happen and get and we're going to take them next week on the 20th and the 21st. We are so excited for ninth graders to finally get there soon IDs. 63 00:08:50.250 --> 00:09:00.570 Kylie Hadden: As we prepare for the end of the second quarter students are preparing for the finals and getting ready to start with their new classes for their quarter. Thank you for another opportunity to speak with you all tonight, and I will see you next month. 64 00:09:04.260 --> 00:09:13.830 Regan Molatore: Excellent. Thank you so much. Kylie and Cole and Michelle for joining us this evening, and we look forward to hearing from you again next month. So thank you. 65 00:09:18.180 --> 00:09:20.130 Regan Molatore: So next on our agenda. 66 00:09:21.210 --> 00:09:30.960 Regan Molatore: Is our reckon missions and, in particular, we have two guests with us this evening we have former mayor to nap. 67 00:09:31.680 --> 00:09:42.570 Regan Molatore: From Wilson Ville and former mayor of Russell Axelrod from Westland, and we worked really hard to try and get both of these gentlemen with us. 68 00:09:42.960 --> 00:09:51.030 Regan Molatore: Last month during a meeting, but we all had conflicting public meetings and other obligations. So we have the opportunity for them to 69 00:09:51.690 --> 00:10:05.910 Regan Molatore: Join us this evening and, in particular, we just are. Thank you for being here. Both of you and we wanted to take this opportunity just to recognize and express our appreciation 70 00:10:06.870 --> 00:10:13.740 Regan Molatore: For your civic service, not just to your respective cities, but to our school communities as well. 71 00:10:14.610 --> 00:10:26.610 Regan Molatore: You have both been tremendous partners and collaborate or collaborators and supporters for and with our schools and students and you both been 72 00:10:27.090 --> 00:10:36.090 Regan Molatore: Incredibly adept at knowing the role schools play in our communities and how strong communities and strong schools go hand in hand. 73 00:10:36.660 --> 00:10:43.740 Regan Molatore: And Mayor Axelrod I you have been a fixture at school events, in particular those of Westland High School. 74 00:10:44.370 --> 00:10:58.650 Regan Molatore: You've helped students place peace polls on city property and you've listened to students have express their concerns and frustrations and you've provided an ear during student demonstrations and have given our students and 75 00:10:59.640 --> 00:11:10.560 Regan Molatore: You've given action to our students voices and Mayor nap has come alongside our students on many occasions, promoting their skills and talents within the larger Wilson, the end 76 00:11:10.980 --> 00:11:17.550 Regan Molatore: And most recently, he supported our Tech students artwork being featured as a wrap on city bus. 77 00:11:18.000 --> 00:11:27.060 Regan Molatore: And he's championed project and Wilson Ville known as beauty and the bridge where our primary students aren't work adorns and underpass in will symbol. 78 00:11:27.630 --> 00:11:38.970 Regan Molatore: And and Mayor nap is also worked with us graciously as we've leased city property for arts and technology high school until such times our district could 79 00:11:40.020 --> 00:11:49.560 Regan Molatore: Move our arts and technology. High School on to our own district owned property together both mares have helped us dig deeper into our work around equity. 80 00:11:50.010 --> 00:11:58.140 Regan Molatore: And have joined us in extending the Circles of Support within our schools into our larger surrounding communities. And one last 81 00:11:58.710 --> 00:12:09.240 Regan Molatore: Activity that I would highlight was their joint statement and supportive our most recent bond and local option in the past we have not been able to bring 82 00:12:10.080 --> 00:12:22.800 Regan Molatore: Both city leaders together in one statement, they tend to prefer it kind of their own twists on on a statement and these two gentlemen, you know, joined together and came up with one unified statement. 83 00:12:23.490 --> 00:12:38.160 Regan Molatore: That was in support of our schools and our teachers and so thank you for that. While this is certainly not an exhaustive list of your contributions we do want to thank you sincerely for your service and 84 00:12:38.730 --> 00:12:53.310 Regan Molatore: As Chelsea had pointed out before we began. We really hope that you will continue to be involved with our students and schools and Dr. Ludwig. I believe in her space has 85 00:12:53.820 --> 00:13:07.200 Regan Molatore: And simplex for you that are going to a recognition that will find their way to your homes here in the very near future. And with that, Dr Ludwick I'll turn it over to you. 86 00:13:07.950 --> 00:13:15.840 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Absolutely. Thank you. And then I think there may even be some space and time for their board members if they've got some comments but. Thank you, Chair mala tour for 87 00:13:16.530 --> 00:13:28.380 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Just listing out those many ways that both of you mayor's have partnered with our school district and you brought the city council's along. There's been many student events where you didn't attend alone. 88 00:13:28.770 --> 00:13:41.130 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): But you'd bring another council members so that they could be connected to students and and just relish in their performances and what they were doing and I just want to mention also both of you have been part of our equity summits. 89 00:13:41.970 --> 00:13:53.160 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): To lend your voice and support to the very important work around anti racism and equity work in our communities. And I want to thank you for that, in addition to a lot of work around our safety, health and safety. 90 00:13:54.510 --> 00:14:02.850 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): emergency operation plans and then also during both of your 10 years we were able to have those joint Western Wilson bill city first responders. 91 00:14:03.510 --> 00:14:12.480 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Quarterly breakfast where you'd send members from your city staff as well as our first responders and you're not in that direction your support in partnership 92 00:14:13.320 --> 00:14:23.130 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): And just really wrap around care of our school districts has been so appreciated these plaques will be mailed to you each of you have one 93 00:14:24.870 --> 00:14:40.590 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): From our school district and they read the Western Roseville school district and board of directors recognizes the efforts of Wilson bill mayor Tim NAP for your work with our schools and city to create a community that honors everyone 94 00:14:41.220 --> 00:14:57.780 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Thank you for your partnership and likewise the Western Wilson bill school district and board of directors recognizes the efforts of Westland mayor Russ Axelrod for your work with our schools and city to create a community that honors, everyone. Thank you for your partnership. 95 00:14:59.640 --> 00:15:12.030 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): In addition to that, in case you're a little bored next year. Not much to do our each of our large conference of high schools have given you exclusive 96 00:15:12.630 --> 00:15:24.300 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Passes all next year. These will be mailed also to your homes in addition to the plaques that allows you to attend any one of our school district student performances plays 97 00:15:24.900 --> 00:15:36.570 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): art shows any of the athletic performances. You don't have to pay at the door just whip out your little honorary pass and we'd love to have you continue to be a part of our events. 98 00:15:37.410 --> 00:15:43.590 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): You might even twist our arms to extend it for years to come. But certainly it's yours for the taking for next year. 99 00:15:44.430 --> 00:15:46.860 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): And we know now that you'll have a little bit of time on your hands. 100 00:15:47.250 --> 00:15:56.640 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): We have some other tokens of appreciation. A few cards that we're going to send your way, but we'll just have to send those in the mail. So be looking for a package that includes your 101 00:15:57.480 --> 00:16:06.120 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Well deserved plaques that recognize your work and some other tokens of appreciation from us. And then, on a personal note, I just want to thank you 102 00:16:06.750 --> 00:16:16.410 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): You know leadership work is complex and there are sometimes just a lot of voices and sometimes it feels like the decision. 103 00:16:17.040 --> 00:16:22.650 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Has no easy answer. And that somebody's going to feel disappointed with the decisions we make. 104 00:16:23.010 --> 00:16:31.230 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): And along the way, there's been times when each of you have reached out with either an email or a text just knowing what we've been going through and lending your support. 105 00:16:31.860 --> 00:16:40.320 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): And I hope you felt the same on our end when things have been going on in the city and just know that we have something really unique in our community. And that's tremendous. 106 00:16:40.830 --> 00:16:47.850 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Mutual respect for one another and collaboration. I've always felt that for both of you. So thank you tremendously and for 107 00:16:48.210 --> 00:17:02.700 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Nurturing and fostering great city councils and city teams that we look forward to continue working with. So we wish you all the best. And I'll turn it back over to chair monitor and any other board members who may wish to extend and appreciation 108 00:17:08.640 --> 00:17:11.400 Regan Molatore: Giving okay Dylan. Thank you. 109 00:17:12.420 --> 00:17:17.790 Dylan Hydes: Sorry, I can ever find the raise hand function. Anyways, thank you all started with Mayor nap. 110 00:17:18.270 --> 00:17:27.810 Dylan Hydes: Near nap. You are one of the first people I met with when I decided to run for school board. And one of the reasons I did. So is that I knew you to be a person that valued professionalism integrity. 111 00:17:28.200 --> 00:17:35.340 Dylan Hydes: And hard work and really being a walk at this stuff. Putting professionalism and knowledge in front of bluster 112 00:17:35.730 --> 00:17:37.860 Dylan Hydes: And I really respected that about even still do. 113 00:17:38.190 --> 00:17:48.330 Dylan Hydes: And this is why I'm not an advocate for term when it's the sometimes, it costs us really great talent and I don't know if you would have retired. Anyways, or not. But have you chosen to stay on. I certainly would have supported your candidacy. 114 00:17:48.930 --> 00:17:53.400 Dylan Hydes: With all the work that you did so. Thank you, Mayor NAP for your service. Mayor Axelrod 115 00:17:54.600 --> 00:18:00.120 Dylan Hydes: Thank you for your stewardship over Westland, and during a time that nobody else. I imagine wanting to do it. 116 00:18:00.840 --> 00:18:06.060 Dylan Hydes: I thought you did it with grace and class and now is exemplified I watched the last city council meeting. 117 00:18:06.480 --> 00:18:12.030 Dylan Hydes: And like a lot of people, including the Westland tidings. I was horrified by what I watched, but I was very proud of you. 118 00:18:12.840 --> 00:18:26.610 Dylan Hydes: I thought that you represented the democratic will have Westland voters with class and dignity and went out on a strong note and so thank you for finishing the term. On that note, and letting the current board take off on the right footing. So thank you for your leadership. 119 00:18:32.970 --> 00:18:34.410 Regan Molatore: How about Chelsea and then ginger. 120 00:18:37.470 --> 00:18:41.730 Chelsea King: Mayor Axl rotten mayor Napoli address both of you together. You both have been 121 00:18:42.060 --> 00:18:51.870 Chelsea King: The, the only mayor's I've known on my tenure ship on the board. I do believe I know for sure with you, Mayor nap and maybe mayor Axelrod, I think you and I may have started around the same time. 122 00:18:52.320 --> 00:19:02.940 Chelsea King: And but I know that as you pointed to, you know, this Monday night or Monday night, so get to watch some football games championship games do you haven't been able to watch. And I think that that's just an indicator of 123 00:19:03.300 --> 00:19:11.790 Chelsea King: The many sacrifices that you've made to serve your communities and are they, you know, functions that are rearranged or missed 124 00:19:12.240 --> 00:19:15.300 Chelsea King: You know family vacations, that are rearranged or interrupted. I think 125 00:19:16.020 --> 00:19:22.470 Chelsea King: Mayor Axelrod, I was texting, you're calling you at some point when you're on vacation. During some something happening in the community and so 126 00:19:22.830 --> 00:19:32.880 Chelsea King: I know you do this because you love your communities and I've seen seen that in your actions and so just want to give you my appreciation for that service and 127 00:19:33.570 --> 00:19:44.460 Chelsea King: An honor the sacrifice that you made in your personal life to serve in this capacity and just wish you a lot of joy and good fortune as you move forward and all the fun stuff. You're going to do 128 00:19:52.350 --> 00:20:01.890 Ginger Fitch: I have specific examples in mind, but to both mayor nap and near Axelrod you demonstrate that we are better together. And I want to thank you for that. 129 00:20:09.540 --> 00:20:10.500 Regan Molatore: All right, and 130 00:20:11.640 --> 00:20:15.390 Regan Molatore: Mr mayor's. Is there anything you would like to add or share 131 00:20:19.260 --> 00:20:20.040 Regan Molatore: Mayor nap. 132 00:20:34.860 --> 00:20:35.220 Regan Molatore: Are you 133 00:20:35.430 --> 00:20:36.420 Russ Axelrod: still muted. 134 00:20:36.960 --> 00:20:40.560 Regan Molatore: I know I'm like, I think that there might be an issue. Getting it unmuted. 135 00:20:44.370 --> 00:20:53.040 Chelsea King: Sometimes if the whoever's the host clicks on ask to unmute then sometimes that facilitates done muting them if he has a hard time 136 00:20:53.790 --> 00:21:03.210 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): We could go to mayor Axelrod if he wanted to speak and then mayor nap could always type something in the chat that we could read if we're not able to give you 137 00:21:03.240 --> 00:21:10.740 Russ Axelrod: Can get it figured out by then. Yeah. Okay, thank you. I don't want to take too long. I want to. It's I so appreciate you taking the time to acknowledge us 138 00:21:11.730 --> 00:21:20.040 Russ Axelrod: It really it it really makes it all worthwhile when you hear from your community back, just like you know the cheese. We get giving back. 139 00:21:20.760 --> 00:21:27.060 Russ Axelrod: One thing I want to thank mayor nap to for his leadership as Mayor and as coming together regionally in our mayor's work. 140 00:21:27.660 --> 00:21:38.490 Russ Axelrod: Not only for our school district for but for other other work, you know, our schools are, they're really the cornerstone of our communities and having brought two girls up through our, our schools. 141 00:21:40.050 --> 00:21:42.540 Russ Axelrod: really underscores the importance and I really 142 00:21:44.160 --> 00:21:48.210 Russ Axelrod: It's been incredible. And so any way I could get back to the schools has been 143 00:21:49.710 --> 00:21:58.230 Russ Axelrod: Something of great interest just personally and for building in our community. One thing I'm really proud of is my engagement in the youth advisory councils. 144 00:22:00.360 --> 00:22:12.960 Russ Axelrod: Sorry, I'm fighting a cold not cove. It just took bad cold and not only in our communities here and I'm still working on Council getting more funding for our youth council to get them back to DC still working on that. 145 00:22:13.710 --> 00:22:22.680 Russ Axelrod: But very active in our region in the state as well as the National League of Cities Youth Council organization. And I gotta say I just 146 00:22:23.160 --> 00:22:34.860 Russ Axelrod: You know, empowering our youth is really important. And I'm going to continue with a voice in that area and encourage youth engagement. We've got, you know, Rory below starsky on our Council this year. 147 00:22:35.370 --> 00:22:42.810 Russ Axelrod: Probably our youngest member ever. I would think on our council and I'm really excited about that. I think Rory is going to be a great addition. 148 00:22:43.200 --> 00:22:52.980 Russ Axelrod: And it. It's really encouraging to see youth involved in their local community and and governance and so I'm looking forward to that. And thank you all and and 149 00:22:53.760 --> 00:23:07.980 Russ Axelrod: Cathy superintendent Ludwig, we've had a. It's been a pleasure working with you and from the very beginning, you know, I reached out to you and then to the board and I just really appreciate the relationship and the collaboration we built together. 150 00:23:09.120 --> 00:23:09.930 Russ Axelrod: So, thank you. 151 00:23:13.080 --> 00:23:14.880 Russ Axelrod: Tim, do we get your thing figured out 152 00:23:21.720 --> 00:23:22.020 Regan Molatore: Okay. 153 00:23:22.410 --> 00:23:26.670 Tim Knapp: Maybe briefly. I'm on a battery pack here and it's almost out 154 00:23:27.690 --> 00:23:31.050 Tim Knapp: It wouldn't let me do anything but I may, I may lose the in the middle. 155 00:23:31.860 --> 00:23:38.430 Tim Knapp: Russ said said things very well. I appreciate that. I appreciate working with Ross, as a member of a neighboring city here. 156 00:23:38.850 --> 00:23:49.140 Tim Knapp: And I really have appreciated the relationship that Wilson Bill has had with the school board both current board and and prior boards. 157 00:23:49.830 --> 00:23:57.660 Tim Knapp: We have a long history of working together to look forward to the, the need for the school. 158 00:23:58.140 --> 00:24:09.120 Tim Knapp: District in our community and and i think about the groundbreaking and library primary I think about going downtown to metro to to 159 00:24:09.900 --> 00:24:17.730 Tim Knapp: Testify in favor of the urban growth boundary exception to enable meridian to go forward when it did. 160 00:24:18.480 --> 00:24:29.880 Tim Knapp: Things like that, that I think have mattered in the long run to our community and I I so appreciate the work that the board has done through the years, and they're consistent 161 00:24:30.630 --> 00:24:50.820 Tim Knapp: View that having a strong partnership with local government matters and and i think it's been just tremendous and something that is exemplary and and there's not always true, and other communities that I observed, regrettably, so thank you all for your partnership through the years. 162 00:24:51.930 --> 00:25:02.550 Tim Knapp: Dr. Ludwig you have been steadfast to out and I just think it's a tremendous asset to our community to have this kind of working relationship so 163 00:25:03.900 --> 00:25:19.920 Tim Knapp: Thank you all. I miss having direct participation in that, but I know our community will continue to benefit from it. I am very optimistic about my successor here and Wilson, though, being able to forge forward in positive ways. So we'll look forward, not backward 164 00:25:22.710 --> 00:25:37.950 Russ Axelrod: If I could just add to that, too. I very much look forward to mayor Walters in her continuing this bridge. We're building so she'll do great. And you all know her, she's wonderful should I feel very comfortable in that 165 00:25:39.240 --> 00:25:49.320 Regan Molatore: Well, excellent. Thank you both. And thank you both. Also, for giving a little bit more of your time this evening to join us here so that we can properly recognize you. So thank you so much for your service. 166 00:25:52.020 --> 00:25:56.460 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Don't be strangers. Want to see you at those activities and events. 167 00:25:56.490 --> 00:25:57.840 Front row seating for the play. 168 00:26:00.210 --> 00:26:03.570 Russ Axelrod: How about just a coffee periodically, I'd be happy to just do that. 169 00:26:03.570 --> 00:26:05.580 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): To that that would be fantastic. 170 00:26:05.700 --> 00:26:06.300 Absolutely. 171 00:26:08.790 --> 00:26:09.360 Russ Axelrod: Thank you. 172 00:26:09.750 --> 00:26:10.290 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Wish you 173 00:26:11.550 --> 00:26:26.610 Russ Axelrod: Were your mask. Good luck with opening the schools. It's been a challenging year and good luck with that. I know there's you've got tonight's discussion and then we'll be listening to that actually and looking forward to how we're going to work through the next next phase. 174 00:26:27.750 --> 00:26:28.320 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Thank you. 175 00:26:28.680 --> 00:26:38.910 Regan Molatore: Thank you very much. And yes, the conversation will go on. All right. Well, with that we will move on through our agenda and 176 00:26:40.140 --> 00:26:43.080 Regan Molatore: I will turn it over to Dr. Ludwig 177 00:26:46.590 --> 00:26:56.880 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Our second item of recognition every January school boards across Oregon and other states are recognized for their 178 00:26:58.170 --> 00:27:06.150 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Their service, as we all know, this is not a paid position. This is an elected position, but it's a voluntary service really 179 00:27:07.470 --> 00:27:17.040 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Of time. And speaking of sacrifices. You all are another group then give up many evenings, a lot of your own personal time with your families. 180 00:27:17.400 --> 00:27:27.840 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): To be with the family of the school district and we want to recognize your efforts. I'm going to read a proclamation that announces January as school but school board appreciation month 181 00:27:29.400 --> 00:27:34.710 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Whereas school boards, create a vision for what students should know and be able to do 182 00:27:35.370 --> 00:27:44.550 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Whereas school boards establish clear standards for student performance, whereas school boards, ensure that student assessments are tied to establish standards. 183 00:27:44.970 --> 00:27:50.220 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Whereas school boards are accountable to the community for operating schools that support student achievement. 184 00:27:50.910 --> 00:28:03.270 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Whereas school boards align school district resources to ensure that students meet standards, where a school boards, create a climate that supports the philosophy that all children can learn at high levels. 185 00:28:04.020 --> 00:28:10.380 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Whereas school boards build collaborative relationships based on trust, teamwork and shared accountability. 186 00:28:11.010 --> 00:28:17.820 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): And whereas school boards are committed to continuous education and training on issues related to student achievement. 187 00:28:18.690 --> 00:28:32.010 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Now, therefore we hereby declare our appreciation to the members of the Western Wilson bill School District School Board and proclaim the month of January to be school board recognition month 188 00:28:33.270 --> 00:28:43.440 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): We urge all citizens to join in recognizing the dedication and hard work of local school board members in preparing today's students for tomorrow's world. 189 00:28:45.150 --> 00:28:57.270 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): So on behalf of many educators that I represent in our district, and I believe I can speak on behalf of our community partners and our community members. We want to thank you, each of you for your service. 190 00:28:57.900 --> 00:29:08.130 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): And appreciate all that you do. We have some other words and tokens of appreciation that we're actually going to save for our work session later in January. 191 00:29:08.670 --> 00:29:18.750 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): And so we're going to kind of end our recognition appreciation of you with just the proclamation tonight and then there'll be a Part B, so to speak. 192 00:29:19.140 --> 00:29:28.470 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): At our work session because many members of our community and our school leaders have written notes and tokens of appreciation and we have some items to share with you. 193 00:29:28.830 --> 00:29:45.870 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): That just speak to how much you are cared for and cared about and how much we thank each of you. So we'll take some time at the beginning of our next board meeting as well to celebrate you but tonight we want again just recognize this month in all of your service and thank you deeply 194 00:29:51.570 --> 00:30:04.530 Regan Molatore: Thank you very much, Dr. Ludwig, and I will note that I've received some really fun I links to presentations that are expressing appreciation, as well as some notes in the mail so 195 00:30:05.370 --> 00:30:15.330 Regan Molatore: It's always nice. It's a, it's a tough job. It's always very uncomfortable to be recognized in this manner, but I appreciate the sentiment behind it all the same. 196 00:30:15.990 --> 00:30:28.440 Regan Molatore: And and then with that now we get to move on to our board reports and just for those who are members of our community and we routinely get bored reports at every 197 00:30:29.010 --> 00:30:31.980 Regan Molatore: Meeting and it's our opportunity to either share about our work. 198 00:30:32.460 --> 00:30:43.170 Regan Molatore: We've been doing across the district in the last month or sometimes it's an opportunity for us report back to our fellow board members about work that we've been tasked to do and 199 00:30:44.160 --> 00:30:47.790 Regan Molatore: It's kind of our only opportunity to have a discussion about some of those items. 200 00:30:48.750 --> 00:31:01.170 Regan Molatore: Is in a public meeting and I know in the last month or a little more all of our board members have made visits. We divided up all the schools in the district amongst ourselves and we virtually visited those schools. 201 00:31:01.620 --> 00:31:10.140 Regan Molatore: And originally we were going to present on those visits this evening, but we've kind of made time to be able to do that on 202 00:31:11.280 --> 00:31:19.050 Regan Molatore: During our January work sessions. So I just wanted to reiterate that and and 203 00:31:20.370 --> 00:31:26.550 Regan Molatore: With that, I'm Chelsea, would you like to begin with board reports. 204 00:31:27.630 --> 00:31:37.230 Chelsea King: Yes, oh my gosh, it wasn't on mute already and hopefully it wasn't being noisy. Yes. So, hello everyone. First, I'd like to address the public 205 00:31:37.650 --> 00:31:46.140 Chelsea King: And say welcome and shareable tour already spoke a little bit to some of what I'm going to say, but I'd like to just start with sharing a brief story. 206 00:31:46.560 --> 00:31:51.930 Chelsea King: That might clarify a little bit about what you'll see this evening as we move through this meeting. 207 00:31:52.470 --> 00:32:00.570 Chelsea King: Because I realized that perhaps for many of you. This might be your first board meeting and I can recall my first board meeting. 208 00:32:01.170 --> 00:32:08.760 Chelsea King: And when I thought back to that experience. I thought maybe it would be helpful if someone said this to me at the outset that meeting. 209 00:32:09.510 --> 00:32:18.660 Chelsea King: It was the year 2009 and the district was facing a major budget shortfall due to the economic collapse 2007 210 00:32:19.350 --> 00:32:31.320 Chelsea King: And there was a very heated decision that was being made by the board and hundreds of community members were writing on the board and attending meetings and I was one of those community members. 211 00:32:31.950 --> 00:32:41.100 Chelsea King: And my oldest child was entering kindergarten ins into a program that was drawing me to our schools and that program was about to be cut. 212 00:32:41.580 --> 00:32:45.810 Chelsea King: And so I was learning a lot very rapidly about how the system worked 213 00:32:46.440 --> 00:32:56.730 Chelsea King: And I can remember being in attendance at that meeting with hundreds of people and wondering why were the board members and the administrators talking about all kinds of other things. 214 00:32:57.120 --> 00:33:15.240 Chelsea King: Like construction projects and budgets and math curriculum, didn't they know what we were here for and why weren't they talking about that and where they minimizing the importance of that topic. And now I just thinking back to that, I, I wanted to say to you that 215 00:33:16.260 --> 00:33:28.320 Chelsea King: That we know why many of you are here in attendance this evening, it could be for the audit report but likely it is about the decision that landed on our table. 216 00:33:28.800 --> 00:33:37.470 Chelsea King: About two and a half weeks ago when the governor announced that local school boards would be making decisions about whether or not students would be returning to school in person. 217 00:33:38.040 --> 00:33:48.630 Chelsea King: So, as chairman tour had pointed to even before this announcement was made, we had already been engaged in a lot of work that rises up to the board level. 218 00:33:49.230 --> 00:34:00.840 Chelsea King: We had items on this agenda coming at this date for months leading up to tonight so please know that as we give our board reports and move through the agenda this evening. 219 00:34:01.530 --> 00:34:20.190 Chelsea King: That aside, benefits, or perhaps a burden that you gain by being an attendance this evening is a window into what a school board meeting looks like and the type of work that we're engaged in. So please know that your agenda item for the reason that you're in attendance. 220 00:34:21.270 --> 00:34:28.320 Chelsea King: Is just one of many that will cover tonight, and I wanted to say this because I think it's important that you know that you are being heard. 221 00:34:29.100 --> 00:34:45.690 Chelsea King: I know that the public has always wanted to be heard by their elected officials and by their government agencies and this is become heightened during the pandemic and you're being heard and whatever your opinion is and whatever your perspective is you're being heard. 222 00:34:47.310 --> 00:34:58.020 Chelsea King: I read your emails and texts, I received your phone calls. I read survey data read sources of information. I had synchronous and asynchronous conversations 223 00:34:58.380 --> 00:35:06.990 Chelsea King: And I spoke with both of the state representatives, a state senator sharing with them. What I'm hearing from you hearing from them what they're hearing 224 00:35:07.320 --> 00:35:14.910 Chelsea King: And so I want everybody to know that you're understood and there's a lot of validity and truth and many angles and 225 00:35:15.300 --> 00:35:25.620 Chelsea King: When we make these decisions we consider a lot of multiple interests. So I'm not going to get into you know that the content of the meeting tonight. I just wanted to make sure that I said that during my board report. 226 00:35:27.480 --> 00:35:33.060 Chelsea King: And just say to everybody in attendance said that I appreciate you and your my community. 227 00:35:34.080 --> 00:35:41.850 Chelsea King: You know, you're the teachers of my kids and you're my neighbors and you're my friends and my community. And so, I hear you and I see you 228 00:35:42.960 --> 00:35:53.700 Chelsea King: And so then I would like to address my fellow board members and we didn't make up January as board appreciation month that's given to us by somebody else. I don't know who made that up. 229 00:35:54.120 --> 00:36:12.690 Chelsea King: But we participate in it nonetheless. And so I just want my fellow board members to know and I appreciate you and I'm thankful to serve with you. We've been doing this together for years. Some of you, my entire tenure ship and some of you for several years. Some of you for a couple years. 230 00:36:13.890 --> 00:36:22.110 Chelsea King: And just like the community we represent five different perspectives and that's what makes us strong and we've 231 00:36:22.530 --> 00:36:31.770 Chelsea King: done a very good job historically of demonstrating our ability to listen to one another and to respect one another, even, even when we disagree. 232 00:36:32.190 --> 00:36:48.630 Chelsea King: And our ability to have different perspectives and to continue to move forward together toward a shared goal is a great example of converging around diverse perspectives and moving forward. So I am thankful to do this work alongside you. 233 00:36:49.830 --> 00:36:56.550 Chelsea King: And finally, the last thing I'll say is just that, yes, I did do those three school visits at at Creek. 234 00:36:57.180 --> 00:37:03.150 Chelsea King: Middle School Trillium primary school and Beckman Creek primary school. And as you all know, 235 00:37:03.570 --> 00:37:15.540 Chelsea King: We're not getting into that tonight we're going to have time at the the work session on the 25th and as you likely know we've moved the facilitated dialogue around board commitment, number one. 236 00:37:16.290 --> 00:37:24.810 Chelsea King: To not no longer land on that night, and we can talk more about planning for that work on board member number one, when we meet on the 25th. 237 00:37:25.200 --> 00:37:39.390 Chelsea King: And if you have any questions or anything about that that move then feel free to reach out to me and you know as I'm working with the facilitators who will be leading that discussion that's everything. Thank you. 238 00:37:42.720 --> 00:37:47.550 Regan Molatore: Thank you Chelsea him well said on many accounts I ginger. 239 00:37:50.820 --> 00:37:51.690 Ginger Fitch: Thank you. 240 00:37:52.710 --> 00:38:05.460 Ginger Fitch: So unrelated to the topic of reopening schools. I had the meeting with bins fairy Lowry and cedar oak, which I also report on in detail at our next meeting. 241 00:38:06.870 --> 00:38:22.470 Ginger Fitch: And I very much appreciate it receiving thank you notes in the mail getting what we call Royal Mail at my house, as well as those we receive virtually from different people in our school community. So thank you for that. 242 00:38:24.510 --> 00:38:34.860 Ginger Fitch: And then related to the decision of school opening reopening I toured Lowery primary school. I don't know. Thursday or Friday. 243 00:38:35.880 --> 00:38:49.980 Ginger Fitch: With the intent of understanding both what they're doing for limited in person instruction. Currently, and also to see their preparations for in person classroom learning 244 00:38:51.090 --> 00:39:06.720 Ginger Fitch: And I was pleased also to see the work that we had been doing in years prior to establish more safety measures in our classrooms and I was also been able to see that those things had been implemented and our bond money. 245 00:39:08.310 --> 00:39:11.790 Ginger Fitch: Used to get those things done at Lowry primary 246 00:39:13.380 --> 00:39:18.180 Ginger Fitch: I also observed Mr. Matthews art class at would middle school this morning. 247 00:39:19.170 --> 00:39:39.870 Ginger Fitch: He through zoom. He invited the board to do that. I was pleased that I was able to do that i over here, my children and their different classes, but it was a lot nicer. Actually, to be able to observe that, and I appreciate that invitation and the opportunity 248 00:39:41.400 --> 00:39:50.280 Ginger Fitch: I spoke with Jim green of the Oregon school board Association about the role of school boards on when it comes to reopening 249 00:39:51.060 --> 00:40:08.910 Ginger Fitch: And also about liability issues related to who makes decisions and what decisions are made, and about the upcoming information that will be coming out on January 19 250 00:40:10.080 --> 00:40:11.160 Ginger Fitch: from Oregon. 251 00:40:12.840 --> 00:40:14.040 Ginger Fitch: Department of Education. 252 00:40:15.750 --> 00:40:29.730 Ginger Fitch: Also spoke with Representative proof sock and Courtney neuron or spoke I communicated by email. Sometimes I had a meeting today with representative who Sachs staff. 253 00:40:30.480 --> 00:40:44.100 Ginger Fitch: And also communicated with three different state senators regarding my concerns that the Clackamas County Health Department be advising us as a school district. 254 00:40:45.390 --> 00:40:55.680 Ginger Fitch: On issues of reopening and the impact of the different data science and rates in our specific community. 255 00:40:59.850 --> 00:41:18.540 Ginger Fitch: I read every email, we received I'm worried that I didn't forward, maybe some on to the rest of my board that may have come just to be and I apologize if that happened because we received a lot and then 256 00:41:19.650 --> 00:41:30.720 Ginger Fitch: Director hides and I were running. It was one of the things we talked about is we wanted more participation from our community, meaning our students, our parents and also for me. 257 00:41:31.170 --> 00:41:36.510 Ginger Fitch: Teachers and I am excited I'm thrilled that we have 258 00:41:37.350 --> 00:41:53.520 Ginger Fitch: So many people willing to share their opinions and their thoughts and their concerns to send us links to articles to follow up when I write back and say, Hey, would you send me that, because I couldn't access it, or I have one more question for you. 259 00:41:55.260 --> 00:42:09.300 Ginger Fitch: We are listening, we are reading. I hope that you got a response from someone. If you didn't, it may have been just by virtual numbers that we read it but didn't respond to you. 260 00:42:11.460 --> 00:42:26.760 Ginger Fitch: And it's also hard to talk specifically about where we got certain concepts from or certain questions from or to explain to you how your email may have prompted me to ask Dr. Love with a question or to talk to represent and approve sack or to ask 261 00:42:28.920 --> 00:42:46.470 Ginger Fitch: Chair Molotov or something. But your emails have initiated more conversations more discussion and more investigation and I'm thankful for all of you who took the time to make sure that this discussion and future discussions on this issue are full. 262 00:42:51.570 --> 00:42:52.710 Regan Molatore: Thank you, Ginger. 263 00:42:54.420 --> 00:42:57.840 Dylan Hydes: Thinking director fish. Very well, said I echo those sentiments. 264 00:42:58.860 --> 00:43:09.060 Dylan Hydes: Central last meeting. I also didn't plant chance to me with some school leaders and the principles and some other support staff at Stafford primary both in primary and Rosemount ridge Middle School. 265 00:43:09.510 --> 00:43:19.650 Dylan Hydes: Really got an opportunity to learn from them. What is working well with CBL and what are some of the challenges with CCL and how they're remedying some of those things will discuss that more at the next board meeting. 266 00:43:20.730 --> 00:43:29.430 Dylan Hydes: Had a chance to meet Dr. Ludwig three times last week. So I do want to thank her for generously sharing her time and keeping the board updated is talking about conversations about 267 00:43:29.760 --> 00:43:44.820 Dylan Hydes: Opening schools and the complex myriad of factors that go into that decision. And I want to thank the public for all of their comments for against the middle very informative. And a special thank you to those who 268 00:43:45.900 --> 00:44:01.050 Dylan Hydes: Were kind in those things because everyone here really is here for the right reasons and want to make the best decision and we can disagree without being disagreeable. And so for those of you who were kind and understanding and gracious special thank you to you. 269 00:44:02.280 --> 00:44:11.250 Dylan Hydes: I do want to discuss with my fellow board members, just briefly, the fact that we're having this meeting via zoom. This was originally scheduled to take place in person. 270 00:44:11.820 --> 00:44:23.160 Dylan Hydes: Friday afternoon, the decision was made to change that. I think that was unfortunate. I think that we should try to have future meetings in person. It has been noted, I think, fairly 271 00:44:23.790 --> 00:44:34.830 Dylan Hydes: That it doesn't look great for us to be here tonight, discussing putting hundreds of teachers and students into buildings and five board members and possibly 10 staff members won't be in a very large room together. 272 00:44:35.190 --> 00:44:43.020 Dylan Hydes: It doesn't look great. And I don't think it's necessary. And so I would respectfully urge my board members and district office to try to make future meetings. 273 00:44:44.040 --> 00:44:51.720 Dylan Hydes: In person and with respect to allowing the public interest, that's a different question and we obviously can't put 500 people into a room. 274 00:44:52.020 --> 00:45:04.470 Dylan Hydes: But I think the public would understand that only 20 get in or maybe none get in but the very least, I would hope that we could be together, having these conversations as a showing the leadership, but this can be done safely with the proper measures being taken. 275 00:45:05.610 --> 00:45:06.060 Dylan Hydes: Thank you. 276 00:45:13.980 --> 00:45:14.580 Regan Molatore: I see you 277 00:45:16.410 --> 00:45:19.140 Regan Molatore: I said there's there's a comment. You had to make there. 278 00:45:19.710 --> 00:45:22.440 Ginger Fitch: Yeah, I just want to respond to director hides 279 00:45:23.880 --> 00:45:32.640 Ginger Fitch: We had all agreed that we were going to meet in person and that that was our plan going forward into this year and 280 00:45:33.690 --> 00:45:41.940 Ginger Fitch: When I heard that on social media. There were community members who weren't going to respect the protocols that we had in place for safety. 281 00:45:43.050 --> 00:45:48.180 Ginger Fitch: I strongly opposed that I would have to put myself at risk of 282 00:45:49.350 --> 00:45:58.500 Ginger Fitch: Being exposed to the virus and to people who weren't respecting our safety protocols to be able to meet in person and I did express that to both of our 283 00:45:59.160 --> 00:46:05.970 Ginger Fitch: Board leaders and so to the extent that the we can meet together, which would have been my preference. 284 00:46:06.840 --> 00:46:19.050 Ginger Fitch: I do expect the community to respect our protocols and respect the limits that we placed on their ability and based on what the governor and others have said, in terms of gatherings together. 285 00:46:23.190 --> 00:46:26.160 Regan Molatore: Well, the good news is I definitely think we can accommodate both of 286 00:46:26.160 --> 00:46:32.220 Regan Molatore: Those things and we're working towards doing that. So thank you both for sharing that and Christy 287 00:46:34.560 --> 00:46:35.280 Christy Thompson: Thank you. 288 00:46:35.790 --> 00:46:36.300 And 289 00:46:37.410 --> 00:46:49.740 Christy Thompson: So I want to just talk about a few events that I had the opportunity to go to. And one of the reasons that I like to highlight these when I'm giving my board report is because I feel like it gives recognition to 290 00:46:50.250 --> 00:46:59.310 Christy Thompson: Our school staff and students and the people behind these events that have organized them. And I've often said, I think it's these community events that really 291 00:47:00.210 --> 00:47:07.680 Christy Thompson: That make the difference in our kids lives in our parents lives and our families and so that's why I like to acknowledge them and 292 00:47:08.250 --> 00:47:17.010 Christy Thompson: So, but it will be a couple of things thrown in there as well. On December eight, the city of Wilson Ville held a community listening session on diversity, equity, and inclusion. 293 00:47:17.460 --> 00:47:29.280 Christy Thompson: And so just my desire to know what our community saying and being involved in our community and continue to be that bridge builder that here's from all different perspectives. I sat in on that listening session. 294 00:47:30.330 --> 00:47:34.770 Christy Thompson: And I do have my work planned visit. We're playing visit with 295 00:47:35.940 --> 00:47:49.530 Christy Thompson: Wilson both high school Meridian and Willamette. And I gotta say it was a lot of fun. And so I want to thank them for that. And it was a really enjoyable Friday afternoon and I look forward to sharing more about that. 296 00:47:50.730 --> 00:48:00.390 Christy Thompson: On the 25th when we meet again on December 15 I attended arts and technology high schools and gift and light drive through event and 297 00:48:01.140 --> 00:48:14.760 Christy Thompson: Talk about an event that puts you in the spirit as cars drove in they were giving out a hot drinks. I think there were hot chocolate maybe cider to the families that were there. The second little stop underneath. 298 00:48:15.780 --> 00:48:26.070 Christy Thompson: One of the tents was giving the kids a centerpiece that I believe the custodial staff had made for each student so I'm 299 00:48:26.610 --> 00:48:31.650 Christy Thompson: A centerpiece. And then some popcorn. The third tent was a gift for each student was a blanket. 300 00:48:32.160 --> 00:48:44.250 Christy Thompson: And who doesn't love a COZY BLANKET in winter. And then the final tense was for little gifts that were given to any siblings that were along so just thank you to that staff for what you do to make that family. 301 00:48:45.360 --> 00:49:03.030 Christy Thompson: Those families just feel so valued and a part of your community. And I also attended along with Chelsea, they Wilson belt Alliance for inclusive community meeting again just trying to listen to a new points of view that maybe I haven't heard and being a part of before. 302 00:49:04.230 --> 00:49:08.400 Christy Thompson: And so, Chelsea, I believe, are you the chair of that. 303 00:49:10.650 --> 00:49:14.220 Chelsea King: My official title is co founder, I'm not a chair. 304 00:49:14.580 --> 00:49:15.990 Christy Thompson: Your co founder. Okay. 305 00:49:16.140 --> 00:49:19.050 Chelsea King: Aaron woods and Garrett prior the CO chairs. 306 00:49:19.230 --> 00:49:19.590 Christy Thompson: Okay. 307 00:49:19.680 --> 00:49:21.990 Chelsea King: I just facilitate so I look a little more 308 00:49:23.250 --> 00:49:25.260 Christy Thompson: Yes, you are the one speaking so anyway. 309 00:49:25.380 --> 00:49:30.300 Christy Thompson: I'm just, again, trying to get myself out into different parts of the community that I haven't 310 00:49:30.540 --> 00:49:39.360 Christy Thompson: Been before and I attended on December 18 both the Bolton primary can food drive through event, which was so great. They 311 00:49:39.600 --> 00:49:50.460 Christy Thompson: It was an opportunity for students and really community members to drive through and see their teachers and the staff members and drop off cam food. So I'm posing my pig and I 312 00:49:51.120 --> 00:49:59.070 Christy Thompson: made an appearance in the drive through events and then we went right to Lowry primaries teacher parade that went through Bella BA 313 00:49:59.400 --> 00:50:15.690 Christy Thompson: And I have to tell you the excitement on the students faces when they saw their teachers and staff members that they recognized drive by. It was like Christmas on their faces are, you know, when they're opening presence. So again, super fun. 314 00:50:16.860 --> 00:50:21.330 Christy Thompson: And let's see. On December 16 I listened in on 315 00:50:22.650 --> 00:50:29.190 Christy Thompson: They had a collaborative webinar. It was titled balancing risks and benefits of school closures and reopening during 316 00:50:30.660 --> 00:50:35.580 Christy Thompson: And the two speakers that were involved in that were Dr. Leslie and I may not pronounce your name correctly being in 317 00:50:36.120 --> 00:50:49.890 Christy Thompson: And she's a professor of OH HS you PSU School of Public Health, as well as Dr. Alex Foster and I believe I had some other board members that were other board members that were on that, but just my continuing drive 318 00:50:51.000 --> 00:50:57.030 Christy Thompson: To know everything. I am and I have ID and schools and what we as 319 00:50:57.360 --> 00:50:58.650 Andrew Kilstrom: members need to know for the 320 00:50:58.650 --> 00:50:59.700 Andrew Kilstrom: Decisions that we have to 321 00:50:59.700 --> 00:51:00.960 Andrew Kilstrom: Make and 322 00:51:01.440 --> 00:51:03.870 Christy Thompson: I also listened into lowery's primary 323 00:51:03.900 --> 00:51:05.760 Christy Thompson: Larry primary had a PTA meeting. 324 00:51:06.390 --> 00:51:18.720 Christy Thompson: This last Thursday, I believe, and it featured the reason I wanted to listen in as it featured a discussion and kind of some information about how to talk with children about racism and 325 00:51:19.860 --> 00:51:30.600 Christy Thompson: So it was just a great conversation where I felt like people felt like they could open up and share kind of questions that they had and things that they were learning through this process. 326 00:51:31.200 --> 00:51:40.740 Christy Thompson: So I enjoyed being a part of that and and my continuing efforts to advocate for our teachers after I listened in on that public health webinar. I 327 00:51:41.790 --> 00:51:55.260 Christy Thompson: Emailed representative preset representative neuron representative Drazen so kind of our three local representatives that I have somewhat of a relationship with Governor Brown and Oh ha and just asked if they would 328 00:51:56.070 --> 00:52:03.870 Christy Thompson: Please prioritize educators for the vaccination. So that was kind of middle part I guess of December. 329 00:52:04.320 --> 00:52:11.670 Christy Thompson: And today, I had a conversation on the phone with Rebecca White, who happens to be representative raisins assistant and also with 330 00:52:12.330 --> 00:52:20.760 Christy Thompson: Clackamas County, the new Clackamas county chair 2D Smith and and just seeing continuing just to advocate for what can we do to get 331 00:52:21.420 --> 00:52:34.950 Christy Thompson: Vaccines into the arms of our educators and seeing kind of what power our local county commissioner has in our county to get those vaccinations into the hands of our school nurses, so 332 00:52:35.580 --> 00:52:47.400 Christy Thompson: Trying to continue that being an advocate and I want to reiterate what all of my other school board members said that we read every word that you write to us. 333 00:52:48.570 --> 00:52:57.150 Christy Thompson: And every word you write to us weighs heavy on our hearts and it's not just a quick read and we throw deciding check it off and go on with our day. 334 00:52:57.630 --> 00:53:07.290 Christy Thompson: And it's a read that stays and sits with us and regardless of what side you're on the stories that you share with us the stories about your children. 335 00:53:07.740 --> 00:53:23.310 Christy Thompson: And the stories that the teachers. Share with us that the staff members share with us know that nothing that we do sitting on this board do we take lightly at all and all of us are here because we love and care for this community and 336 00:53:24.450 --> 00:53:43.140 Christy Thompson: From day one of most of us being on this board. We have engaged fully in this work and I often joke and refer to school board is my full time job and because that's how I treat it. And I know my fellow board members to I have so much respect. 337 00:53:44.370 --> 00:54:02.520 Christy Thompson: For as I sit here and I listened to their board reports and what each of them have been doing in their times of meeting with representatives and advocating for our students. So I guess what I could say I just want to share and reiterate what has been said, is that 338 00:54:05.100 --> 00:54:16.200 Christy Thompson: That we as board members are doing this because we love students. We love teachers. We love staff members. We love the parents in this community and we truly strive to do what is best 339 00:54:16.980 --> 00:54:33.270 Christy Thompson: For our community, and I hope that you hear that in each one of our hearts and each one of our words as we speak tonight that we would be board members who lead with love for people who lead with grace with understanding with respect for differing 340 00:54:35.160 --> 00:54:39.180 Christy Thompson: For different views and that we would also be board members that attempt to be Bridge Builders. 341 00:54:40.140 --> 00:54:46.290 Christy Thompson: That tried to bring different views together because that was our job because not everybody's always going to agree with us. 342 00:54:46.620 --> 00:54:56.580 Christy Thompson: But that we strive to be Bridge Builders who bring points of view together and look for that commonality that we all share, and then try to move forward with that so 343 00:55:00.870 --> 00:55:03.510 Regan Molatore: Thank you. Christy and 344 00:55:04.530 --> 00:55:06.180 Regan Molatore: Now my board report, I'm 345 00:55:06.210 --> 00:55:14.490 Regan Molatore: Just I've spent a lot of time responding to not only do I read, but in my role is board chair. I am kind of the designated 346 00:55:14.850 --> 00:55:27.840 Regan Molatore: Spokesperson for the group so that when individuals email the board and it's, it is my role to ensure tried to acknowledge the best of my ability that one year, the board has received received 347 00:55:28.380 --> 00:55:35.520 Regan Molatore: Um, community input and to, to the extent that I have information to share that, on behalf of the Board. That's what I tried to do 348 00:55:36.240 --> 00:55:44.820 Regan Molatore: I think I did a really good job responding to almost all emails that came in before you get was like eight o'clock on Saturday. 349 00:55:45.630 --> 00:55:55.710 Regan Molatore: After that I, you know, kind of dedicated most my time to meeting preparation. So if you didn't get a response in that short time. That's why you're going to get. You're going to find out what happens tonight. 350 00:55:56.250 --> 00:56:08.730 Regan Molatore: And so with that, I just had a couple things I wanted to update and kind of our community on first of all is that it is a school board election year. 351 00:56:09.330 --> 00:56:28.410 Regan Molatore: Every two years we have some seats that come up for election on our school board. And this year, or this come this may 18 is Election Day and the seat that I hold that ginger fit told and that Dylan hides olds are up for election. 352 00:56:29.520 --> 00:56:38.010 Regan Molatore: I personally have made the decision and I made it at the beginning of this year, but I am not running for reelection, to the extent that 353 00:56:38.580 --> 00:56:48.510 Regan Molatore: Did ginger or Dylan has thoughts on that, then that's for them to share in their own time and they come to their own conclusions and but 354 00:56:49.170 --> 00:57:01.830 Regan Molatore: For anybody who is interested or has been interested in running for the school board and you will need to have your forms filed with the respective counties by March 18 355 00:57:02.190 --> 00:57:08.340 Regan Molatore: And your voter pamphlet information must be submitted by March 22 and 356 00:57:09.330 --> 00:57:15.990 Regan Molatore: I think one of the nice things about running for school board is it is a shorter election cycle of only eight weeks so 357 00:57:16.380 --> 00:57:27.360 Regan Molatore: Um, the joy and the pain of it is, is very short and compressed and. And with that, if there's anybody in our community who at all is interested in serving in this role. 358 00:57:27.690 --> 00:57:35.340 Regan Molatore: Come talk to me, come talk to any school board member. I know we would all love to share with you just how we enjoy this role. 359 00:57:36.090 --> 00:57:39.600 Regan Molatore: Even when we are forced to make very tough decisions. 360 00:57:40.200 --> 00:57:51.090 Regan Molatore: It's a great district to work on behalf of and there's so much joy in the work as well as I'm happy to connect you with just those share come alongside of you with, you know, how do you go about running an election campaign. 361 00:57:51.570 --> 00:58:03.960 Regan Molatore: And who do you talk to you and how can you get just a leg up on that process. So I'd be happy to share that and I did participate and kind of the summation of the audit that was 362 00:58:06.060 --> 00:58:10.830 Regan Molatore: Performed by our auditors as board chair, then I get on at the end with 363 00:58:11.670 --> 00:58:22.590 Regan Molatore: Some you know arredondo of our Donahoe Wilcox, and have a conversation with them, just in my roles for Board Chairman, if I've observed anything. And then I also get an opportunity to quiz him on 364 00:58:22.890 --> 00:58:35.910 Regan Molatore: You know, things that he may have discovered during this audit, so I can address that when we get to that topic, but on hold that information was really positive. And then I also had an opportunity to participate in the 365 00:58:40.230 --> 00:58:50.970 Regan Molatore: Selection of our new legal counsel and that's on our agenda tonight. So I'll just chime in with what what what part of the process I participated in, and what my observations were 366 00:58:51.450 --> 00:59:00.510 Regan Molatore: When we get to that. I'm also note that I had the chance to tour boots very primary school in December, just a couple days before winter break 367 00:59:00.960 --> 00:59:10.590 Regan Molatore: And and it was, it was great opportunity. I'm so happy to be able to get inside that school and see you know what it looks like when it is set up to receive 368 00:59:11.010 --> 00:59:20.970 Regan Molatore: Us students when the time comes, and my takeaway was that we all need to be prepared for what our schools will look like when we reopen 369 00:59:21.780 --> 00:59:32.010 Regan Molatore: Our schools will be significantly more restrictive environments and there will be a whole lot more rules around personal movement within that environment. 370 00:59:32.700 --> 00:59:37.770 Regan Molatore: During my tour I learned that our primary school classrooms are ready for students to return. 371 00:59:38.160 --> 00:59:49.200 Regan Molatore: Our operations department and our teaching staff, as I understand, work together to reconfigure classrooms under the operational blueprint and our state guidance. 372 00:59:49.980 --> 01:00:02.040 Regan Molatore: I examined the new school layout classroom layout the extra care room, which is a nice way of talking about where our students will go 373 01:00:02.490 --> 01:00:16.530 Regan Molatore: If they would come to school presenting symptoms of code or develop coping symptoms, while in school. I saw signage regarding safety school traffic and movement patterns and drop off and pick up 374 01:00:17.700 --> 01:00:25.500 Regan Molatore: Procedures for that vary according to their student came by bus or by foot and we 375 01:00:27.600 --> 01:00:35.730 Regan Molatore: The knee. Okay, the need to abide by safety regulations is kind of present all over the quarters and walls within the school. 376 01:00:36.150 --> 01:00:44.370 Regan Molatore: I did see that there was Plexiglas erected before the workstations in the office because they're particularly high traffic. 377 01:00:44.940 --> 01:01:00.990 Regan Molatore: Areas, the extra pair room was fitted with chairs and a couple of beds for those students who might become ill during the day or and are just awaiting their parent and Guardian pickup the classrooms, I admit that they were a little hard. 378 01:01:02.310 --> 01:01:10.350 Regan Molatore: To see just because they weren't what I'm accustomed to seeing I they they were kind of a reminder that this is an unprecedented time 379 01:01:11.130 --> 01:01:14.550 Regan Molatore: Overall, the classrooms were starker in a more sterile environment. 380 01:01:15.330 --> 01:01:28.320 Regan Molatore: They noticeably lacked the warmth that schools normally exude but, you know, of course, they were empty and didn't have any artwork. So I'm certain that contributed to the effect and that once you have bodies in there, it will definitely 381 01:01:28.890 --> 01:01:36.030 Regan Molatore: take on more life, but the desks are not set up in groups, half the desks have been removed from the classrooms. 382 01:01:37.020 --> 01:01:43.950 Regan Molatore: Because only half the students would be attending on any given day under the plans that were in place at the time. 383 01:01:44.580 --> 01:01:53.730 Regan Molatore: And the desks are we're in kind of the old fashioned school house rose spaced six feet apart. 384 01:01:54.180 --> 01:01:59.580 Regan Molatore: All the water faucets were turned off, because this is a health requirement for returning to schools. 385 01:02:00.030 --> 01:02:06.990 Regan Molatore: Students will not be allowed to congregate and groups gathering for lunchtime is going to be restricted and 386 01:02:07.500 --> 01:02:23.460 Regan Molatore: You know, in the primary school at the time they are contemplating your lunch delivery coming on a cart and then the person who's delivering it will will step back and then the teacher would deliver the food items on the cart to the students to prevent the 387 01:02:24.480 --> 01:02:33.060 Regan Molatore: Food Services individual going from classroom to classroom to classroom. And just to reduce content contact with within that environment. 388 01:02:33.990 --> 01:02:43.620 Regan Molatore: The signs and markings were on the floors and walls throughout the school to demonstrate and remind students of the required social distancing teachers also 389 01:02:44.640 --> 01:02:58.830 Regan Molatore: must abide by social distancing. So while students will be in the same room with teachers, which some may advocate is better than zoom a student's ability to approach the teacher's desk is also restricted and movement. 390 01:02:58.860 --> 01:03:04.080 Regan Molatore: movement throughout the school is restricted and even at arrival and departure times 391 01:03:04.410 --> 01:03:21.750 Regan Molatore: And there was discussion of, you know, students who come by car on foot can enter their classroom after a screening at the door of the physical doors on the exterior of the building and then students who come on bus would enter the school to the main 392 01:03:23.460 --> 01:03:28.620 Regan Molatore: The main, main entrance, and then I'll go through the hallways of core doors to reach their classroom. 393 01:03:30.360 --> 01:03:41.460 Regan Molatore: These are just, you know, some of the changes that I noticed an observed as I was able to participate in a walk through of bins very primary so I just wanted to share that with all of you. 394 01:03:42.450 --> 01:03:49.890 Regan Molatore: And finally, and this is kind of to I think some of the sentiments of my fellow board members in that 395 01:03:51.000 --> 01:03:57.510 Regan Molatore: Our community discussion around the topics of returning to school, along with so many other topics we've had this year, whether it's 396 01:03:58.170 --> 01:04:06.720 Regan Molatore: A review of our SRO program or the addition of a bank of gender neutral restrooms to our schools. We always welcome our, our 397 01:04:07.230 --> 01:04:18.300 Regan Molatore: The input of our stakeholders, because they're the ones who helped us We're here to represent them and we try to do our best in this job to do that. But we don't know that unless you communicate with us. 398 01:04:18.810 --> 01:04:39.450 Regan Molatore: And just as we're going through tonight as we do our work every day. I wanted to recognize our staff teachers, students and our caregivers and parents. We are a system that I think really wants our students and teachers back in school. I think that this is a common desire. Desire and however 399 01:04:40.500 --> 01:04:46.650 Regan Molatore: You know, I think what we differ on is what is the best and safest timing for doing that and 400 01:04:47.550 --> 01:04:57.810 Regan Molatore: And much like our community is all over the spectrum. It's very likely our board is as well. We are all individuals in a very unimpressive time doing the best that we possibly can. 401 01:04:58.440 --> 01:05:12.450 Regan Molatore: And I did want to just recognize and commend our students and families for making best of their learning. Under these circumstances, and I wanted to also express my gratitude to teachers and staff. 402 01:05:12.810 --> 01:05:23.580 Regan Molatore: Who have worked incredibly hard to reinvent the delivery of public education and it hasn't been easy for anyone. And I think that that is an understatement. 403 01:05:24.240 --> 01:05:38.340 Regan Molatore: At that I am grateful for the Herculean efforts being made by our staff to reach and educate our students during unprecedented times we are all in this together. And as our board continues its work. 404 01:05:39.180 --> 01:05:51.960 Regan Molatore: To dirt determine how and when we can safely reopen schools. I just want to ask that those who are engaging and participating in the conversation, especially within our larger community that 405 01:05:52.980 --> 01:06:04.860 Regan Molatore: While we welcome you to share and vet your frustrations with us as a board and we are the leaders of the system. And as you're elected leaders, you know, we will take on and I will take on 406 01:06:05.490 --> 01:06:15.600 Regan Molatore: The weight and the brunt of your frustrations, you know, so directed at me, I'm okay with that. And I would just ask that we as a community, I'm 407 01:06:16.200 --> 01:06:24.870 Regan Molatore: Just really try to engage in constructive dialogue and not take out our frustrations on each other within our community. 408 01:06:25.680 --> 01:06:32.820 Regan Molatore: I still find that that commentary is very productive and I don't feel that it moves our joint missions forward so 409 01:06:33.510 --> 01:06:40.050 Regan Molatore: It's going to take all of us working together to get to, I think, where we once were, in the world of education. 410 01:06:40.380 --> 01:06:54.660 Regan Molatore: And I think we all need to give each other permission and grace to move towards getting to where we once were together at our own pace is not everyone's going to get there at the same time. So with that, I look forward to 411 01:06:56.370 --> 01:06:58.860 Regan Molatore: Our boards discussions later this meeting, so 412 01:07:00.420 --> 01:07:21.450 Regan Molatore: Our next agenda item is the Consent Agenda and I am just going to go ahead and pull the board meeting minutes from that and we will discuss those meeting minutes at our work session. So on the Consent Agenda just remains the personnel report, is there a motion. 413 01:07:24.810 --> 01:07:27.210 Chelsea King: All move that we approve that consent agenda. 414 01:07:28.170 --> 01:07:28.440 I'll say 415 01:07:29.850 --> 01:07:33.270 Regan Molatore: Thank you. It's been moved and seconded. Kelly, would you please call it for a vote. 416 01:07:34.350 --> 01:07:36.360 Kelly Douglas: certainly recognize a toy. 417 01:07:36.990 --> 01:07:39.300 Kelly Douglas: Yes. Christie Thompson. 418 01:07:43.080 --> 01:07:43.920 Kelly Douglas: Dylan heights. 419 01:07:46.770 --> 01:07:48.150 Effect. Hi. 420 01:07:49.410 --> 01:07:49.980 Kelly Douglas: Chelsea can 421 01:07:50.820 --> 01:07:52.500 Kelly Douglas: I thank you. 422 01:07:54.600 --> 01:07:55.140 Kelly Douglas: All right. 423 01:07:55.890 --> 01:08:14.580 Regan Molatore: And with that, we now move on to our public comment and communications from our community. And this is opportunity for members of our public to advise us in our work and we as a school board are the decision makers and 424 01:08:15.600 --> 01:08:29.280 Regan Molatore: The opportunity to advise us as to how we should decide comes, you know, our community has many opportunities to weigh in and one of those opportunities is through public comment I'm during this time when our meetings, our 425 01:08:30.420 --> 01:08:40.500 Regan Molatore: Gatherings for our meetings are restricted, we are we have been accepting public comment via email, and we accepted public comment for this meeting. 426 01:08:41.460 --> 01:09:03.750 Regan Molatore: Any comment that was submitted to us as a public comment before 9am today was forwarded on to the board and I would like to thank both Kelly Douglas and Andrew kill strum. We knew that there was going to be a large volume of public comment. And so, and you've got it in and 427 01:09:03.780 --> 01:09:09.570 Regan Molatore: We can kind of did a quick search of Kelly's email to Ford onto us public comments so we as a 428 01:09:09.570 --> 01:09:10.560 Regan Molatore: Board could be can 429 01:09:10.590 --> 01:09:19.170 Regan Molatore: Working through and ensuring that we had the opportunity to read and review those and in advance of the meeting and then Kelly again. First thing today, got on. 430 01:09:20.340 --> 01:09:25.230 Regan Molatore: collating and forwarding on additional public comment that was 431 01:09:25.440 --> 01:09:26.190 Regan Molatore: Received in 432 01:09:26.310 --> 01:09:28.110 Regan Molatore: The last 48 hours. 433 01:09:28.800 --> 01:09:40.770 Regan Molatore: Before that, so thank you both for your efforts, because it really helped us ensure that we have the opportunity to review public comment. I will share that tonight and 434 01:09:44.130 --> 01:09:59.700 Regan Molatore: I'm not going to read the names of public comment because it would be the equivalent of sitting through a commencement ceremony. So we did receive 474 comments and of those 435 01:10:00.960 --> 01:10:07.710 Regan Molatore: 281 comments. We're urging for the safe reopening of our schools and 191 436 01:10:07.740 --> 01:10:08.520 Andrew Kilstrom: Comments, we're 437 01:10:08.550 --> 01:10:09.000 Regan Molatore: Urging 438 01:10:09.030 --> 01:10:15.210 Regan Molatore: That we not rushed reopen schools and or that it is not safe to do so at this time. 439 01:10:15.600 --> 01:10:26.760 Regan Molatore: We have two comments with regards to the addition of a bank of gender neutral bathrooms for our school there was one comment on each side of the issue on that one. 440 01:10:27.540 --> 01:10:36.870 Regan Molatore: The names of individuals who submitted public comment will be recorded and posted with our minutes for this meeting. 441 01:10:37.170 --> 01:10:50.760 Regan Molatore: In lieu of me reading them out loud right now. And so with that I'm the only other obligation this board across the public comment is just to confirm that we did in fact have the opportunity to review. 442 01:10:51.330 --> 01:11:11.250 Regan Molatore: Public comments that we received and so by NOT HAVE HAD ALL RIGHT. I'M SEEING FIVE head nodding, so thank you. Alright, so that will conclude our public comment portion of this meeting and we will move on to the report of our business office. Dr. Hicks. 443 01:11:12.720 --> 01:11:13.800 Son Le Hughes: It even 444 01:11:13.830 --> 01:11:16.200 Son Le Hughes: Is so nicely and do it tonight. 445 01:11:17.220 --> 01:11:18.360 Son Le Hughes: So I'm 446 01:11:19.560 --> 01:11:22.710 Son Le Hughes: At you know dance in mid November. 447 01:11:24.120 --> 01:11:30.600 Son Le Hughes: Beta muscle rouse our legal counsel analysis retirement and in 448 01:11:31.650 --> 01:11:32.940 Son Le Hughes: early December. 449 01:11:34.050 --> 01:11:45.540 Son Le Hughes: Directed rich announced to offer 10 public law or form in Oregon and we use the public law firm in Oregon. According to the recommendation that will we see from 450 01:11:46.140 --> 01:11:58.830 Son Le Hughes: The Oregon actual day of school in business office. So, and the Oregon scorn ball actual creation. So after reviewing timely proposal from qualify and interview candidate. 451 01:11:59.580 --> 01:12:10.890 Son Le Hughes: The leadership Pat Tillman that down the quality lower form that we would like to bring to bow for tonight is mula Nash so 452 01:12:12.300 --> 01:12:23.970 Son Le Hughes: mula not has so will be served at of. According to the information that we learned from them, we think back that I worked at the appropriate law firm for our Detroit's 453 01:12:24.660 --> 01:12:45.810 Son Le Hughes: With that, I invite visit now or me Lavelle haslett the partner of the mula Nash company to be here with us tonight and say, we'll share a little bit about a form and also give you the opportunity to ask her question. So now on me, are you here with us. 454 01:12:52.290 --> 01:12:55.230 Regan Molatore: I don't know if she's like, at least not upon 455 01:12:57.660 --> 01:13:00.300 Curtis Nelson: Neither the panelists, nor the attendees. 456 01:13:01.410 --> 01:13:08.550 Son Le Hughes: Okay, so I think I can move on to the financial report why we're waiting for her to join us. 457 01:13:10.050 --> 01:13:13.890 Son Le Hughes: So Curtis, would you let us know when you say, now let me show 458 01:13:14.970 --> 01:13:15.930 Curtis Nelson: I certainly will. 459 01:13:16.230 --> 01:13:17.340 Son Le Hughes: Thank you so much. 460 01:13:26.850 --> 01:13:27.480 Son Le Hughes: So this 461 01:13:28.830 --> 01:13:33.300 Son Le Hughes: Financial Reports for general on SRP some birthday for 462 01:13:33.300 --> 01:13:35.430 Son Le Hughes: Us. We just complex 463 01:13:36.180 --> 01:13:47.970 Son Le Hughes: Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for fiscal year 1920 and confirm and informal and for fiscal year 1920 is 11.9 million 464 01:13:48.510 --> 01:13:58.620 Son Le Hughes: So that 11.9 million up ended fund balance for fiscal year 1920 become the beginning balance for our current fiscal year 2021 465 01:13:59.250 --> 01:14:09.090 Son Le Hughes: So you can see here when we did the budget when when a business office put together the budget book one and a half year before the audit. 466 01:14:09.480 --> 01:14:33.990 Son Le Hughes: We voice estimate the end infant barrel and was about 10.9 million. And then when the audit complex audit a book, the result and up 11.9 million. The differences 932,000 they say dues to mostly have our own increase in the State Economic and property tax came in tong 467 01:14:35.370 --> 01:14:43.050 Son Le Hughes: Operate are the revenue very much remainder same compared to the last report that I present to you in November. 468 01:14:44.340 --> 01:14:54.420 Son Le Hughes: Under the expenditure operation I tracked close to what was at the Met. We are not at a point anticipate any significant 469 01:14:56.250 --> 01:15:15.030 Son Le Hughes: Changes in the past report that I show and presented to you. So with that, the end in fund balance that we estimate for this fiscal year will be 5.8 million of 4.52% afterthought on general fun 470 01:15:20.550 --> 01:15:28.950 Son Le Hughes: This a chapter craft that show you the difference between the work in but chat and current protection comparison. 471 01:15:29.580 --> 01:15:42.480 Son Le Hughes: So again, up here is the revenue. And down here, the expenditure, the blue one purpose in the, what can budget and earn one purpose and the current projection that we have up to 472 01:15:43.050 --> 01:15:52.980 Son Le Hughes: You today. Now here, the blue one purpose and what can buy chat and a great one purpose and yesterday actual for the expenditure. 473 01:15:55.680 --> 01:15:57.780 Son Le Hughes: Cut. This is anyone show up yet. 474 01:16:00.420 --> 01:16:02.160 Curtis Nelson: Not yet. Not yet. 475 01:16:03.180 --> 01:16:06.840 Regan Molatore: Okay so much time. Is that why most likely 476 01:16:08.010 --> 01:16:25.410 Son Le Hughes: Yeah, we tell them. Yeah, yeah. The legal counsel, we say that's seven o'clock, so. So with that, before I move on to the Khafre, did you have any question for me on the general 477 01:16:26.670 --> 01:16:29.310 Son Le Hughes: General general fund financial report. 478 01:16:32.430 --> 01:16:33.150 Dylan Hydes: Hi. I do. 479 01:16:34.380 --> 01:16:35.040 Dylan Hydes: Talk to us. 480 01:16:35.640 --> 01:16:37.710 Dylan Hydes: Yes, Reagan, am I recognized 481 01:16:39.060 --> 01:16:45.750 Dylan Hydes: Okay, can you go back to the chart that shows the expenditures and revenue. 482 01:16:47.730 --> 01:16:49.710 Dylan Hydes: Slide to yes 483 01:16:50.040 --> 01:16:51.330 Son Le Hughes: Can you see thick now. 484 01:16:52.560 --> 01:16:53.700 Dylan Hydes: No. Slide two 485 01:16:55.860 --> 01:16:58.350 Dylan Hydes: Yeah, that one. It looks like I'm 486 01:16:59.940 --> 01:17:09.480 Dylan Hydes: At the very bottom under surplus slash deficit that were for the 2021 school year. We're running a $6 million deficit, is that correct 487 01:17:10.170 --> 01:17:10.410 Yeah. 488 01:17:11.430 --> 01:17:25.290 Son Le Hughes: This one, the total revenue minus total expenditure, they say not factor in the end and fun. They say not factor into begun and fund balance. So if we had a big in infant barrel and add 489 01:17:25.710 --> 01:17:51.120 Son Le Hughes: To our current revenue here, the total about revenue plus and begin and fund balances 129.6 million and that minus two 123.7 million in the expenditure will give us a different of 5.8 million and then fund balance. So does 6,000,008 different between 490 01:17:54.330 --> 01:18:03.780 Son Le Hughes: The 117.7 million in revenue and rough and expenditure 120 3.7 so 491 01:18:03.810 --> 01:18:13.680 Dylan Hydes: Am I reading this correctly when when it works was saying to me is that as a district, we are spending $6 million more this year than we are bringing in. Is that accurate. 492 01:18:14.340 --> 01:18:14.700 Call right 493 01:18:16.380 --> 01:18:18.450 Son Le Hughes: Now to begin infant ballin. Yes. Right. 494 01:18:18.600 --> 01:18:33.420 Dylan Hydes: And so if we were to repeat that next year we would be in the hole. And so my question, then, is the factors that led to a $6 million deficit this year are these one time events or can we expect something similar to happen next year. 495 01:18:35.250 --> 01:18:40.080 Son Le Hughes: This is one of the one of the situation is 496 01:18:41.400 --> 01:18:47.820 Son Le Hughes: Earlier in the year when we had a student investment account from the O. D. 497 01:18:49.290 --> 01:19:11.730 Son Le Hughes: Telling us that we have about 7.8 million. And then after the birth chart up 7.6 million then backtrack got cut down to 4 million and then cut down again to 2.5 million. So yes, this is we got hit this year with the SI correct 498 01:19:12.870 --> 01:19:15.270 Dylan Hydes: And you expect, we're going to be hit by that next year as well. 499 01:19:18.450 --> 01:19:21.480 Son Le Hughes: At the moment, no we hope not, because 500 01:19:22.560 --> 01:19:22.980 Son Le Hughes: The 501 01:19:24.060 --> 01:19:24.480 Son Le Hughes: Well, 502 01:19:25.500 --> 01:19:31.860 Son Le Hughes: Most of data for this year will carry forward into the next school year. So 503 01:19:33.030 --> 01:19:38.010 Son Le Hughes: We hop into how more stimulus packet coming and in 504 01:19:39.090 --> 01:19:40.320 Son Le Hughes: In a manner so 505 01:19:40.830 --> 01:19:42.330 Son Le Hughes: Actually this coming week 506 01:19:42.390 --> 01:19:56.940 Son Le Hughes: Already will raise leave the second round of the so grand so grand stand for elementary and secondary school and emergency relief. So some of that money should be able to have our deficits. 507 01:19:57.570 --> 01:20:06.630 Dylan Hydes: And can you remind the board what best practices for size of an ending find balance in proportion to a budget was at five to 10% 508 01:20:08.430 --> 01:20:31.080 Son Le Hughes: Yes. So according to government financial officer Association, they recommend that way to end and fund balance up no less than two months up their regular general operating revenue operating expenditure. So if we, if I take 509 01:20:32.310 --> 01:20:38.490 Son Le Hughes: 120 120 to a point 7 million muscle whole year of 510 01:20:39.690 --> 01:20:43.230 Son Le Hughes: Projected a PI DIVIDED BY 12 511 01:20:44.250 --> 01:20:50.940 Son Le Hughes: So that's will be the number that dumb that Jeff always recommend us to have an infant ballin 512 01:20:51.270 --> 01:20:57.060 Dylan Hydes: So we're not even we're not even half of that right now. And so if we have a dev set next year. 513 01:20:57.750 --> 01:21:06.510 Dylan Hydes: Will be an even more difficult shape. So can you just do the board a favor and just kind of keep us apprised of this when we do over the budget each month to kind of let us know. 514 01:21:06.930 --> 01:21:15.660 Dylan Hydes: Because if we have another year like this, that's a big problem. And obviously we want to stay on top of this and make adjustments to the budget next year if we need to. Yes. 515 01:21:17.040 --> 01:21:17.430 Son Le Hughes: So, 516 01:21:18.810 --> 01:21:29.580 Son Le Hughes: 123.7 million divided by 12 so the monthly average a 10.3 million per month. So bass is 517 01:21:30.000 --> 01:21:40.830 Son Le Hughes: The ideals of the end and fund balance. So like for assembled and infant Mal, and for last year was 11.9 that's where the ideal one, but because of the 518 01:21:41.490 --> 01:21:54.810 Son Le Hughes: Situation that we are in this year it progress really down. So yes, I will keep you informed, if anything changing so you can help us and guide us to the right decision. 519 01:21:55.170 --> 01:21:56.910 Dylan Hydes: Within two months be 20 million 520 01:21:58.470 --> 01:21:59.070 Son Le Hughes: But it 521 01:21:59.280 --> 01:22:01.050 Dylan Hydes: Wouldn't to my speed 20 million 522 01:22:01.440 --> 01:22:01.980 Son Le Hughes: All right. 523 01:22:02.250 --> 01:22:02.550 Okay. 524 01:22:04.290 --> 01:22:11.130 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Do I think it's important for us to remember that when God oh eight comes out with a best practice. 525 01:22:12.000 --> 01:22:28.440 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): For all organizations, they're going to use that one or two months, but the reality, more so for school districts is is not that high of a standard. And that's why, oh, as though, and oh SBA will publish that five to 10% that you director highs that you remembered 526 01:22:28.710 --> 01:22:36.960 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Right as they just know school districts. It's very, it would be very difficult for district our size to reserve 20 million 527 01:22:37.530 --> 01:22:45.960 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Because districts operate with a much lower ending fund balance to use as many as much of the funds possible every year for students who are in their schools. 528 01:22:46.680 --> 01:22:56.730 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): And so we're, we're actually much closer to the five to 10% guiding practice that we get from school district business associations, then 529 01:22:57.180 --> 01:23:09.480 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Maybe a private corporation or other entities that Jeff away would send best practices to a family might be able to put aside, two months of rent, but very different for a school district to do that. 530 01:23:09.750 --> 01:23:10.890 Dylan Hydes: Thank you. That's what I recall 531 01:23:11.250 --> 01:23:22.380 Son Le Hughes: Yes, and we look at the report when we work with Moody's last year for the last 15 years our end and fund balance was between 5% to 90% 532 01:23:25.200 --> 01:23:28.590 Son Le Hughes: Okay, so I saw our legal counsel here. 533 01:23:29.550 --> 01:23:29.880 Hello. 534 01:23:30.960 --> 01:23:38.160 Son Le Hughes: Hey, so now I me. I already did the introduction to introduce mula Nash so 535 01:23:40.290 --> 01:23:46.920 Son Le Hughes: We will have some time to introduce your company to our board member and they will ask you some question. 536 01:23:47.730 --> 01:23:49.650 Naomi Haslitt: Great, thank you. Good evening, I'm 537 01:23:51.180 --> 01:23:59.040 Regan Molatore: Sorry me let me, if you don't mind, I just thought, if I go real fast before you didn't mean to interrupt you, but, um, I would just share with my 538 01:23:59.550 --> 01:24:13.650 Regan Molatore: fellow board members that I was involved in the interview process and it did come down to two a lot firms for that interview process but law firms were very well qualified individuals. 539 01:24:14.100 --> 01:24:22.020 Regan Molatore: And that you know we likely would be in good hands with either a doctor, Ludwig and or Dr. Hughes. 540 01:24:22.620 --> 01:24:32.490 Regan Molatore: Could explain, maybe what tip the scale towards their selection of Miller Nash because we haven't quite had that yet. And that might be helpful on to 541 01:24:33.120 --> 01:24:47.940 Regan Molatore: Answer some of the boards you know, like they may have questions about that. And that hasn't been part of the presentation, and then potentially then Naomi could introduce herself on to us as well as the work of their firm. 542 01:24:50.400 --> 01:24:52.290 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Yeah, I can certainly speak to that briefly. 543 01:24:53.520 --> 01:25:03.690 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): The interview process involved, of course, screening applicants that had submitted an RFP, they had to have certain qualifications to be able to serve a district our size. We wanted to make sure their team. 544 01:25:04.170 --> 01:25:23.580 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Had the diversity of skill set. We also look for diversity on their team to represent our district. We looked at experience level for the team. We looked at school districts. They were currently representing we contacted references we made sure that 545 01:25:25.080 --> 01:25:33.870 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): School districts that used each of those finalists were satisfied and that did get us to then two finalists that we spent 546 01:25:34.260 --> 01:25:51.330 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): An hour and a half, through an interview process with a presentation and then questions delivered by our team responses and then a debrief afterwards. And then a follow up interview again for about an hour and a half, with a finalist, and it was through that. 547 01:25:52.590 --> 01:26:03.540 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Deep process that it really was clear for us. Actually the first round of interviews that Miller Nash Graham and done was the law firm that we felt had the 548 01:26:04.380 --> 01:26:13.740 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Maybe to use a sports analogy that the depth on their bench to really be able to attend to a number of high priorities for us. We considered 549 01:26:14.490 --> 01:26:31.410 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Legal Counsel for the running and management of schools was a high priority that they were able to respond to policy changes already Naomi has been sending me information to help with decisions and then also we had of course wanted to look for 550 01:26:32.520 --> 01:26:41.640 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Bond support with projects. We have a 208 million dollar bond and an awesome grant. So there's a considerable investment this community has made 551 01:26:42.060 --> 01:26:52.800 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): And to know that they had legal counsel that has expertise, not just with other school districts, but they even present at conferences and give legal counsel advice to 552 01:26:54.150 --> 01:26:54.660 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Both 553 01:26:56.130 --> 01:26:58.320 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): School districts as well as commercial 554 01:26:59.640 --> 01:27:06.210 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Clients and so really understanding how cities work and city council's and city planners and engineering. 555 01:27:07.140 --> 01:27:22.470 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Systems and so we felt that our district with these enormous bond projects will be benefiting greatly from a law firm like Miller Nash and done that represents a number of school districts with large bonds and therefore has a legal team that can support that. 556 01:27:24.060 --> 01:27:30.780 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Likewise, we were impressed that that same their law firm also has expertise around 557 01:27:32.070 --> 01:27:42.540 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Legal Counsel for technology and and social media and we know that in today's world, we get a lot of questions about how we're supporting students 558 01:27:43.500 --> 01:27:53.340 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): With online and digital curriculum and to know that a law firm has kept progressive with court cases and navigating that was really important to us. 559 01:27:54.060 --> 01:27:58.260 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): And lastly, but certainly not least, was their stance on equity. 560 01:27:58.920 --> 01:28:07.230 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): And really wanting to consider what was in the best interest for us as a school district and helping us always think about what's in the best interest of all of our students. 561 01:28:07.530 --> 01:28:21.960 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): And to be mindful of the voices and the experience of families who are often not heard or meet who may not have the resources to often present their voice to the district or the board and that we're considering. 562 01:28:22.980 --> 01:28:29.730 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Decisions through an equity lens. They have an equity committee at their law firm and they're working through 563 01:28:30.990 --> 01:28:44.070 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Ways that they navigate as an organization with an equity lens and that impressed us as well. When the very few law firms that spoke to spoke to that so cumulatively. You can see how they rose to the top and 564 01:28:44.880 --> 01:28:50.520 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): They brought several members to the presentation and then several other Members again to the follow up second interview. 565 01:28:50.940 --> 01:28:59.280 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): And by the end of that we had met quite a number of key people on their team who would be representing us increasingly felt excited inspired 566 01:28:59.670 --> 01:29:11.430 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): And felt that we'd be in good hands with them as our next legal counsel. General legal counsel, so I'll, I'll turn it back over now to you, Chair mala tour. If you wanted to add to that, and then we'll hear from Naomi 567 01:29:13.800 --> 01:29:26.700 Regan Molatore: All right, thank you. And I just got to participate in the the interview process and each firm was given roughly seven or nine questions. 568 01:29:27.390 --> 01:29:42.360 Regan Molatore: To answer they were identical questions. So it was an apples to apples type comparison. And then at the conclusion of both of those activities, I was able to sit in and just kind of observe the discussion amongst our administrators as to 569 01:29:43.680 --> 01:29:48.960 Regan Molatore: And again I, you know, again, both both firms are fantastic. But, you know, 570 01:29:50.130 --> 01:30:03.180 Regan Molatore: They are we, it was very nice. We had a choice, and so on. I just got to, you know, kind of sit in and watch that that process of of weighing and trying to be out on our administrators, which which firm. They felt might be the 571 01:30:03.870 --> 01:30:12.360 Regan Molatore: best fit for their needs. And so with that, and Naomi Thank you. I didn't mean to interrupt you, but I just also board would benefit. 572 01:30:13.590 --> 01:30:16.800 Regan Molatore: From knowing that background process before they have the opportunity to meet you. 573 01:30:17.310 --> 01:30:32.700 Naomi Haslitt: Oh no, no worries. And thank you very much. It has been a pleasure to already meet your team and start to think about how we how we can work with you all, and we appreciate the opportunity to meet with you all today. 574 01:30:33.270 --> 01:30:42.060 Naomi Haslitt: As well. My name is Naomi haslett and I will be serving as the primary point of contact with the district. I'm a partner in our education and employment group. 575 01:30:42.780 --> 01:30:52.320 Naomi Haslitt: In my practice, I regularly work with education and public entity clients on compliance and with regulatory issues such as Title nine student record issues. 576 01:30:52.710 --> 01:31:01.230 Naomi Haslitt: Labor and Employment issues that can include advising on day to day personnel issues like Ada leave wage and hour and discipline and dismissal. 577 01:31:01.680 --> 01:31:18.120 Naomi Haslitt: And employee grievances and arbitrations student issues responding to agency charges and litigation regarding employee and student issues and other liability claims from third parties, and then also working with boards and entity leadership on policy issues and 578 01:31:19.200 --> 01:31:29.580 Naomi Haslitt: And I can speak for both myself and my colleagues, our education team and we look forward to providing cert general counsel services or services to the district, we 579 01:31:30.180 --> 01:31:40.080 Naomi Haslitt: Anticipate serving the district's needs through a dedicated and core team of lawyers who are experienced in K 12 education issues in 580 01:31:40.710 --> 01:31:43.680 Naomi Haslitt: Areas that include some of education issues that I just mentioned. 581 01:31:44.310 --> 01:31:54.750 Naomi Haslitt: Public Law that can include, you know, public records meetings governance and election law Employment and Labor issues public contracting construction real estate land use environmental issues. 582 01:31:55.080 --> 01:32:06.240 Naomi Haslitt: Insurance data privacy and other technology issues among among a number of other areas in which our, our firm provides services and 583 01:32:06.870 --> 01:32:15.750 Naomi Haslitt: You recognizing that you know you will be all will be hitting the ground running. And that this transition will you know will be a significant one for the district. 584 01:32:16.230 --> 01:32:23.370 Naomi Haslitt: We have talked with the district so far about a transition plan that will allow us to get up to speed. Quickly on any ongoing matters. 585 01:32:23.790 --> 01:32:42.660 Naomi Haslitt: And also upcoming priorities and and also in the future to engage in regular feedback and strategy check ins, as we move forward and that will include you know some initial meetings to acquaint ourselves with with items also transitioning files on open inactive matters and 586 01:32:43.770 --> 01:32:52.560 Naomi Haslitt: Said, setting up meetings between our responsible attorneys and the district lead on projects so that we can discuss background next steps and start moving forward on items. 587 01:32:53.160 --> 01:33:04.020 Naomi Haslitt: Additionally, we're anticipating if periodic feedback meetings and ongoing status and strategy updates at regular intervals to discuss legal matters and continuing to 588 01:33:04.800 --> 01:33:10.710 Naomi Haslitt: Make sure that we're aligning ourselves to the priorities of the district and the way that you all would like us to operate as your legal counsel. 589 01:33:11.250 --> 01:33:16.410 Naomi Haslitt: Recognizing that you put a lot of trust in your legal counsel and that we want the relationship to be one that is 590 01:33:17.160 --> 01:33:28.260 Naomi Haslitt: Both that is really helping you all move forward in the goals that you're trying to achieve, you know, as you look into the future and recognizing the challenging environment in which we operate. 591 01:33:30.750 --> 01:33:39.390 Naomi Haslitt: So I don't. I wanted to keep it brief. I know you guys had a full agenda. So I will stop there and I'm happy to answer any questions that you may have. 592 01:33:41.370 --> 01:33:43.590 Regan Molatore: And are there questions from the board. 593 01:33:47.550 --> 01:33:53.460 Regan Molatore: All right, I'm seeing none, at the moment, and so do we have emotion, please. 594 01:33:55.980 --> 01:33:57.720 Chelsea King: Yeah, I'll make the motion. 595 01:33:59.580 --> 01:34:04.170 Chelsea King: You have to pull it back up. So if somebody hasn't so I can just the correct verbiage here. 596 01:34:05.760 --> 01:34:10.290 Ginger Fitch: I'll move to pass resolution 2020 dash oh eight. Is that sufficient 597 01:34:12.570 --> 01:34:13.410 Chelsea King: All second that 598 01:34:14.280 --> 01:34:18.480 Regan Molatore: Right. It's been moved and seconded. Any further discussion, Dylan, please. 599 01:34:18.930 --> 01:34:29.340 Dylan Hydes: Yes, this is for Dr. Ludwig, I'm in the discussion of the factors that your office considered entertaining though and ash. I didn't hear any discussion of price. 600 01:34:31.110 --> 01:34:40.560 Dylan Hydes: What is the rate of Miller Nash's attorneys, what is the, what is Miss haslett's hourly rate. And how did that compare to the other RFP is that were provided 601 01:34:42.090 --> 01:34:46.290 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Me, I thank you for the reminder we did look at rates. 602 01:34:47.490 --> 01:35:01.680 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): And they were comparable they are on these I would say slightly higher end of comparable but certainly well within what is typical of law firms that are representing school districts 603 01:35:02.820 --> 01:35:10.560 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): There's variability with some of the hourly rates depending on if you're working with directly with the attorney or maybe with 604 01:35:11.610 --> 01:35:19.500 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): If there's a a service that has several the attorneys and then they're giving a group rate. 605 01:35:20.670 --> 01:35:23.610 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Or even if an assistant is the one who's helping you. 606 01:35:24.630 --> 01:35:32.220 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Then the rate is different. So those are some of the details. We're going to be working out with the contract. And as we go forward. The transition plan. 607 01:35:33.120 --> 01:35:48.900 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): We also talked about as we grow larger as a district and situations are more complex and we now want proactive legal counsel and as is equally important as responsive legal counsel that this was 608 01:35:49.410 --> 01:35:59.940 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): A law firm that could provide that. And if that meant a slightly higher rate we felt it was an investment we needed as a district with 609 01:36:01.230 --> 01:36:13.140 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Just situations being far more complex than they typically have been so again it was in the ballpark of what we would say are comparable rates for legal services in the state that serve school districts 610 01:36:13.650 --> 01:36:19.950 Dylan Hydes: Can you give me a ballpark of what our district historically has spent a year on legal services. I missed the ballpark. 611 01:36:20.730 --> 01:36:24.360 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Yeah, I wish I had known that question was coming out, even though 612 01:36:25.650 --> 01:36:27.720 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): I don't even know where you all in the park so 613 01:36:29.070 --> 01:36:31.260 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Maybe Dr. Hughes would know that 614 01:36:31.590 --> 01:36:32.220 I do 615 01:36:33.270 --> 01:36:35.250 Son Le Hughes: So indoor range between 616 01:36:35.250 --> 01:36:38.160 Son Le Hughes: 45 to 57,000 per year. 617 01:36:40.740 --> 01:36:41.280 Dylan Hydes: Perfect. 618 01:36:41.940 --> 01:36:42.870 Regan Molatore: Me or know 619 01:36:43.200 --> 01:36:51.360 Regan Molatore: The interview process. There was a different fee scaling for public entities done. Okay. 620 01:36:51.900 --> 01:36:53.730 Regan Molatore: Yeah, then 621 01:36:53.820 --> 01:36:55.740 Regan Molatore: Their private right 622 01:36:56.670 --> 01:36:57.990 Dylan Hydes: Those are all my questions. Thank you. 623 01:37:00.600 --> 01:37:01.380 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Okay. 624 01:37:02.130 --> 01:37:03.330 So I feel like 625 01:37:04.530 --> 01:37:06.420 Regan Molatore: Oh, I'm sorry. Dr. He's what were you gonna say 626 01:37:06.690 --> 01:37:11.970 Son Le Hughes: I'm good. I say nice so out what it does show up so I can do. 627 01:37:13.500 --> 01:37:23.820 Regan Molatore: That yeah we got. We have a motion on the table that we need to call for a vote if there are no more questions and then we can move on. So I see no more questions. So Kelly, would you please call it for a vote. 628 01:37:24.810 --> 01:37:25.680 Kelly Douglas: Again, another time. 629 01:37:26.280 --> 01:37:28.740 Kelly Douglas: Yes 50% 630 01:37:29.460 --> 01:37:29.820 Christy Thompson: I 631 01:37:30.810 --> 01:37:32.370 Ginger Fitch: Didn't effects. I'm 632 01:37:33.150 --> 01:37:33.960 Kelly Douglas: Done. Hi. 633 01:37:34.890 --> 01:37:35.190 Hi. 634 01:37:36.270 --> 01:37:37.110 Kelly Douglas: And Chelsea King 635 01:37:37.830 --> 01:37:39.390 Kelly Douglas: I thank you. 636 01:37:39.750 --> 01:37:41.430 Son Le Hughes: Thank you so much for 637 01:37:42.840 --> 01:37:43.350 Naomi Haslitt: Listening. 638 01:37:44.070 --> 01:37:47.190 Son Le Hughes: Thank you so much for your time this evening with Russ. 639 01:37:47.370 --> 01:37:49.200 Naomi Haslitt: Thank you very much. You all have a good evening. 640 01:37:49.920 --> 01:37:59.310 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Naomi. Yeah, Naomi before you scoot just want to again thank the interview committee and thank you board for approving this decision. 641 01:37:59.760 --> 01:38:07.230 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): I would be remiss if I didn't acknowledge publicly the exceptional service that Peter mercereau has provided this district for decades. 642 01:38:07.620 --> 01:38:17.190 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): And you will get a chance to honor him that next month's board meeting, just like you did with the mayor's we will have a plaque for him and opportunity for you to publicly thank him. 643 01:38:18.120 --> 01:38:29.220 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Again, we just defer that to another meeting when we could. And again, there were there were kudos from all of the candidates his, his reputation as well known everyone felt honored 644 01:38:29.910 --> 01:38:35.790 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): To move move next in his footsteps and serving our district. He is so widely regarded across the state. 645 01:38:36.030 --> 01:38:45.090 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): And we've been in such good hands. And I'm just equally excited about the prospects now working with Miller Nash and feel that we're in very good hands again so 646 01:38:45.780 --> 01:38:53.700 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Thank you, Naomi for taking time to be here. We look forward to working with your team and we we certainly extend our gratitude to to Peter mercereau 647 01:38:55.110 --> 01:38:55.770 Naomi Haslitt: Thank you. 648 01:38:57.240 --> 01:38:58.020 Face. 649 01:39:00.030 --> 01:39:00.870 Regan Molatore: And then okay with 650 01:39:02.280 --> 01:39:07.740 Regan Molatore: Dr. Hughes, we can move on to the district auditor's report. 651 01:39:08.040 --> 01:39:22.320 Son Le Hughes: Okay, awesome. Thank you so much. So as you know, we get complex our comprehensive annual financial report on December 21 and the memo that I sent out to you. 652 01:39:23.400 --> 01:39:32.340 Son Le Hughes: Our guidelines. This is a State law requirement. Dr. School District must have Khafre annually and 653 01:39:33.480 --> 01:39:47.040 Son Le Hughes: This information already posted on our website as well as addicted to our to our agencies that at all. The financial institution counties and credit agency. So in here. 654 01:39:53.730 --> 01:39:54.660 Son Le Hughes: I prepared. 655 01:39:56.970 --> 01:40:10.830 Son Le Hughes: The hard copy for each of you because I would think. And we are, we will have an in person meeting but sin we on so many words and have enough time to mail this to your home address I email you this evening. 656 01:40:12.060 --> 01:40:12.780 Son Le Hughes: So this 657 01:40:13.830 --> 01:40:30.510 Son Le Hughes: Comprehensive annual financial report includes several section. The first one you will have the introduction introductory section and then lay out a paid for you. And then the finance section after DAS and the last status statistical section. 658 01:40:33.510 --> 01:40:50.880 Son Le Hughes: We invite him into Sabino arredondo to Toys R Us tonight, but because he has some ultra and situation happen he could not present. So he invites and destiny his partner Jeremy ginger Rick to join us. So Jeremy 659 01:40:53.160 --> 01:40:54.930 Son Le Hughes: I will turn it to you now. 660 01:41:03.450 --> 01:41:04.170 Son Le Hughes: Jeremy 661 01:41:04.260 --> 01:41:05.310 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Me, you're on mute. 662 01:41:08.820 --> 01:41:09.870 Jeremy Gingerich: Let's try that again. 663 01:41:12.300 --> 01:41:25.680 Jeremy Gingerich: I apologize that would be no could not make it tonight as suddenly said he had a urgent situation arise and so please forgive us for that it was unavoidable and 664 01:41:26.370 --> 01:41:38.220 Jeremy Gingerich: I hope that I will be an adequate fill in. I am Sabina partner in the firm. He and I perform or oversee all of the audits our firm does and I worked with him. 665 01:41:38.820 --> 01:41:47.640 Jeremy Gingerich: In the review of the financial statements for Westland Wilson bills. So I'm not coming at this totally green. I have some knowledge of what's going on. 666 01:41:49.200 --> 01:42:03.060 Jeremy Gingerich: I want to thank you all, especially a superintendent and Dr. Hughes for your help and assistance in getting the audit completed and out the door and polished up and sent to the places it needs to go. 667 01:42:04.170 --> 01:42:14.970 Jeremy Gingerich: So thank you for that. And some, you know, indicated that you guys are going to have your big agenda tonight and to be very brief. So I want to just start 668 01:42:15.810 --> 01:42:20.460 Jeremy Gingerich: By giving maybe a two minute overview of what the audit process is 669 01:42:21.150 --> 01:42:27.480 Jeremy Gingerich: Basically we get together with you. I think in early in July this year, if I remember correctly. 670 01:42:27.780 --> 01:42:36.750 Jeremy Gingerich: And that's the time we do some kind of get to know you activities or really get to read know you and learn if anything has changed from the prior year. 671 01:42:37.500 --> 01:42:48.090 Jeremy Gingerich: In terms of processes and things that you're doing within the district, we go back and use that information to develop an audit plan. And then we come out sometime 672 01:42:48.570 --> 01:42:58.860 Jeremy Gingerich: In the fall, I think it was October this year and we do what we call field work. That's what you might think of as the audit procedures where we show up and we're picking through the papers and 673 01:42:59.220 --> 01:43:09.780 Jeremy Gingerich: Asking all the questions, those kinds of things. Once we're done with that, we go back to our, our little offices and form an opinion and that's what 674 01:43:10.290 --> 01:43:27.930 Jeremy Gingerich: We put into our audit report and that is what the district is looking to hear from us tonight. And so suddenly do you think it would be or or whoever I should be addressing. Should I show the pages. I'm going to be referring to on the screen. Would that be helpful. 675 01:43:28.200 --> 01:43:32.130 Son Le Hughes: Is that are you talking about a poster boy. 676 01:43:32.430 --> 01:43:37.530 Jeremy Gingerich: I'm talking about the audit report itself with the with the four different audit audit opinions. 677 01:43:38.040 --> 01:43:38.670 Son Le Hughes: Khafre 678 01:43:38.760 --> 01:43:40.020 Jeremy Gingerich: Right. Yes. Yes. 679 01:43:40.110 --> 01:43:41.160 Son Le Hughes: I can share that 680 01:43:41.430 --> 01:43:43.500 Jeremy Gingerich: Okay, that'd be perfect. Thank you. 681 01:43:45.510 --> 01:43:45.840 Jeremy Gingerich: I mean, 682 01:43:47.010 --> 01:43:48.660 Jeremy Gingerich: I can see it. Okay. 683 01:43:50.760 --> 01:43:55.710 Jeremy Gingerich: So basically on pages 123 of the number of pages of the audit report. 684 01:43:57.180 --> 01:43:58.350 Jeremy Gingerich: He gives our 685 01:43:59.460 --> 01:44:00.600 Jeremy Gingerich: Our auditors. 686 01:44:01.800 --> 01:44:03.180 Jeremy Gingerich: Opinion. Yes. Here it is. 687 01:44:04.560 --> 01:44:13.560 Jeremy Gingerich: So we do we actually have three different opinions that we do as part of school district audit and this is the first opinion, this is the 688 01:44:14.190 --> 01:44:28.410 Jeremy Gingerich: Opinion on everything kind of in the Khafre and it's the one that is required is one of the ones required by state law, our opinion. I think certainly is on the bottom of the first page. 689 01:44:29.580 --> 01:44:32.370 Jeremy Gingerich: We have issued what's called an unmodified opinion. 690 01:44:33.660 --> 01:44:44.730 Jeremy Gingerich: And that is basically saying that we have not discovered anything during our audit procedures that rose to the level that we need to include it in the audit report itself. 691 01:44:46.290 --> 01:44:49.740 Jeremy Gingerich: In school district terms. It's a great day. So, good job. 692 01:44:51.600 --> 01:45:09.510 Jeremy Gingerich: The other opinions we offer have to do with state regulations and then with the federal funds that you receive and the state regulation report is on Page 103, I believe, yes. 693 01:45:10.860 --> 01:45:12.450 Jeremy Gingerich: And that state report. 694 01:45:13.920 --> 01:45:19.320 Jeremy Gingerich: As part of the audit requirement in addition to doing a financial statement audit. 695 01:45:20.790 --> 01:45:32.490 Jeremy Gingerich: This state asked us to look at specific laws and requirements of the state. And those were the ones that were highlighted by those bulleted items up a few pages. 696 01:45:32.790 --> 01:45:34.080 Son Le Hughes: One second, please. 697 01:45:35.340 --> 01:45:36.180 Son Le Hughes: I'm fighting it. 698 01:45:36.600 --> 01:45:42.930 Jeremy Gingerich: That's okay, it's it's spinning out of control. They're a little bit back maybe one more page, I think. 699 01:45:43.170 --> 01:45:44.850 Jeremy Gingerich: Okay, right there. 700 01:45:45.870 --> 01:45:52.440 Jeremy Gingerich: So those bulleted items are the items, the state asked us to look at and to report upon and so we have a 701 01:45:53.010 --> 01:46:08.340 Jeremy Gingerich: Report here and we had one item of note where accept expenditures exceeded appropriations in the space shuttle revenue fun and we know that just because there was a change in requirements. This past year to move 702 01:46:10.020 --> 01:46:12.630 Jeremy Gingerich: Student Body funds from 703 01:46:14.130 --> 01:46:24.390 Jeremy Gingerich: A trust in the agency funds. So in the past financial statements, you would have seen this reported in a separate trust an agency fund and now it's reported over as part of this special revenue funds. 704 01:46:25.680 --> 01:46:31.080 Jeremy Gingerich: So there's that report good report there. And then on pages. 705 01:46:34.740 --> 01:46:52.440 Jeremy Gingerich: These are the two reports that we use you as part of our audit of the federal funds and the first one here is just a report that we give based on governmental auditing standards. Some of you may have heard this referred to as the Yellow Book on it. 706 01:46:53.880 --> 01:46:56.850 Jeremy Gingerich: Government auditing standards are issued by the 707 01:46:58.650 --> 01:47:19.410 Jeremy Gingerich: OMB Office of Management and Budget and we follow those guidelines and issue a report here on internal control. We don't issue and opinion for this report is just a report that we looked at internal controls explains what a significant dish efficiency and a material weakness is and 708 01:47:20.610 --> 01:47:29.190 Jeremy Gingerich: Then has our notes that we did not find an item that was, I believe, it says that we don't have a material weaknesses, how it's worded 709 01:47:29.670 --> 01:47:46.620 Jeremy Gingerich: But again, ideas, it's a good report or great a kind of report on then moving on to the next report. This is an opinion report. This is our opinion on compliance with the federal guidelines that 710 01:47:47.280 --> 01:47:58.590 Jeremy Gingerich: Are attached to your federal grant dollars. And again, we have a clean opinion on this report or unmodified as we refer to it and 711 01:48:00.360 --> 01:48:10.800 Jeremy Gingerich: I think that's it. I have for the cafe. Just to go over our audit opinions I did see a chat come through about an audit question. I am not a super zoom presenter, but let's see if 712 01:48:12.900 --> 01:48:14.580 Jeremy Gingerich: So I think it's from Ginger. 713 01:48:14.580 --> 01:48:19.560 Regan Molatore: Fit. If you hold on one second. And I will call on her now do that work for us. 714 01:48:19.590 --> 01:48:21.390 Jeremy Gingerich: You know, a perfect. Thank you. 715 01:48:21.450 --> 01:48:22.410 Regan Molatore: I'm here to help you. 716 01:48:23.010 --> 01:48:27.060 Jeremy Gingerich: Excellent. I appreciate that. So the other report, I have 717 01:48:27.090 --> 01:48:27.930 Jeremy Gingerich: Is the 718 01:48:29.220 --> 01:48:34.590 Jeremy Gingerich: Report to the board and certainly if you have it. Great. If you don't have it had 719 01:48:36.090 --> 01:48:37.200 Jeremy Gingerich: Your didn't have it up. 720 01:48:37.740 --> 01:48:38.370 Okay. 721 01:48:45.450 --> 01:48:57.720 Jeremy Gingerich: So we are required to tell you as a board, since you're the ones that hire us every year certain things. So a lot of this report is just boilerplate language of things that are standard say we need to 722 01:48:59.760 --> 01:49:09.540 Jeremy Gingerich: I'm going to skip all that in the interest of time and go straight to the heart of the matter of the meat of the matter and that would be our page number three. 723 01:49:10.950 --> 01:49:14.370 Jeremy Gingerich: I think at the bottom. I know the next page, I believe. 724 01:49:15.270 --> 01:49:34.080 Jeremy Gingerich: Here. So we have two recommendations. This year, and one of them is an overall recommendation that we're making to all school districts, just to have some extra diligence surrounding the remote work environment. So that gives unique opportunities. 725 01:49:35.370 --> 01:49:55.020 Jeremy Gingerich: For both efficiencies and potentially risks we did not find any risks at your in your audit nor in any of our other school district audits, but it is it does allow for some changes internal controls with these things with that the board should be aware of or make you aware of that. 726 01:49:56.070 --> 01:50:04.350 Jeremy Gingerich: We believe that the continuing crisis here does have some some additional risks associated with it. 727 01:50:04.770 --> 01:50:16.800 Jeremy Gingerich: I was asked earlier by a school district today school board today. What, what, what should we be looking for. And I think it is just mostly we're recommending that the board be in conversation with your management. 728 01:50:17.640 --> 01:50:28.110 Jeremy Gingerich: That the risks are there and to check in once or twice a quarter on just say, Hey, you know, have you been, have things changed a lot because of the work environment changed a lot because 729 01:50:28.500 --> 01:50:37.590 Jeremy Gingerich: You know, people are coming back to the office or they're still working remote any change gives opportunity there. So it's just something to be aware of. 730 01:50:38.820 --> 01:50:49.080 Jeremy Gingerich: The second item is on federal grant fundings. And so there's a lot of very a variety of reports that federal funds have attached to them that they need to be. 731 01:50:49.740 --> 01:51:04.020 Jeremy Gingerich: Submitted at certain times and have certain formats. What we noticed is that there's a variety of people submitting or being involved in the claims reimbursement process and we're suggesting it would be helpful. 732 01:51:04.470 --> 01:51:17.910 Jeremy Gingerich: Because of the differences there to have somebody who gives a second review to each of those federal grant reimbursement request before they're sent in those are go primarily to O. D. 733 01:51:19.680 --> 01:51:36.810 Jeremy Gingerich: So some kind of overarching things they're nothing like I said you got a great day report. These are just suggestions and that's that's the meat of what I feel I need to tell you in my my shortest time, I can do it. So it's up to you. Now, how much more time you want to grill. He 734 01:51:39.000 --> 01:51:41.400 Regan Molatore: Excellent. Well, I know we have one question, at least so 735 01:51:41.400 --> 01:51:42.180 Yes. 736 01:51:46.920 --> 01:51:56.220 Ginger Fitch: And I may not recall from year to year, whether the audit includes this or not but does your audit include building level. 737 01:51:57.270 --> 01:51:59.610 Ginger Fitch: Um, finances. 738 01:52:00.150 --> 01:52:04.080 Jeremy Gingerich: I would. You mean like student body fund type items. 739 01:52:04.410 --> 01:52:14.490 Jeremy Gingerich: Yes, it does. And so we did do some student body fun work. I don't have any findings to report as a result of that, go ahead. I see. 740 01:52:15.000 --> 01:52:20.070 Regan Molatore: I was just going to one of the things. So gender last year. One of the recommendations that 741 01:52:20.400 --> 01:52:28.050 Regan Molatore: When Sabina presented to us. He asked he kind of said, hey, we just want to go through and have some sort of uniformity and streaming of the handling of 742 01:52:28.410 --> 01:52:35.190 Regan Molatore: Student Body funds. And so when I had my conversation with him. I did ask him specifically like hey did you find that 743 01:52:35.910 --> 01:52:52.710 Regan Molatore: You know, how was our work around improving that going, and he's like well you. It actually looks really good, except that we ended up closing down like our school shut down in March, and he said, SO OUR GROUPS AREN'T 744 01:52:53.880 --> 01:53:00.870 Regan Molatore: handling money in the way that they had in years past. And so his recommendation would be like you did some training around that. 745 01:53:01.200 --> 01:53:14.790 Regan Molatore: And probably by the time you get up and going, it would be a really good idea to have our training refresher, and he had said that he would share that with Dr. Heels so I don't know if that helps your at all. But that was something 746 01:53:14.940 --> 01:53:18.000 Ginger Fitch: Else. Thank you. That's what I was recalling and I guess. 747 01:53:18.330 --> 01:53:23.670 Ginger Fitch: Related Lee, you know money that's coming in related to athletics. 748 01:53:24.690 --> 01:53:25.710 Ginger Fitch: Or 749 01:53:27.360 --> 01:53:35.670 Ginger Fitch: And we're expanding and in conjunction with maybe booster clubs, is that within the scope of that on it. 750 01:53:37.740 --> 01:53:42.810 Son Le Hughes: Yes, that well, Jeremy. Jeremy, would you like to answer you want me to answer. 751 01:53:42.900 --> 01:53:49.110 Jeremy Gingerich: No, I can answer. So we do audit all the funds that are controlled by the school district. 752 01:53:50.190 --> 01:53:57.870 Jeremy Gingerich: Since I don't participate. I didn't participate in the auditing the funds here that'd be Dr. Hughes can speak to whether or not booster clubs are included. 753 01:53:58.710 --> 01:54:10.950 Jeremy Gingerich: Definitely, they are not this good. They generally handle their own money and FUNDS THAT COME INTO THE DISTRICT for athletics or sometimes paid directly from the booster club to the district. 754 01:54:11.580 --> 01:54:18.120 Jeremy Gingerich: Or maybe even bypass the district all together. And I'm sorry. I'll have to let Dr. Hughes speak to that. 755 01:54:18.810 --> 01:54:37.380 Son Le Hughes: So for non profit organization like roboticist booster club. They are not go through the deck trek soda for the student body account only a cow for the activity that within Student Association. 756 01:54:38.550 --> 01:54:42.030 Son Le Hughes: And earlier when Jeremy mentioned about 757 01:54:43.770 --> 01:55:04.770 Son Le Hughes: Before student body fun voice. How's that and have fun 700 das a trust and agency funds last year or the normally recommend that we should move student body fund from 700 trust agents, a fun into special revenue fun 200 so at you remember 758 01:55:05.910 --> 01:55:15.870 Son Le Hughes: The red bow meeting in June, I submit terrorists solution for to ask for members to allow us to move the fund. So we did move 759 01:55:17.280 --> 01:55:25.170 Son Le Hughes: Up the money. Well, we got the resolution pass from boss that allow us to grey account number in front 200 760 01:55:25.890 --> 01:55:36.540 Son Le Hughes: So then after that late June at actor on to enter the US, finally we get to that work and we move on the revenue and expenditure form. 761 01:55:37.470 --> 01:55:45.720 Son Le Hughes: One 700 to us and agency fund into special revenue and because a soul life during the last days of the year. 762 01:55:46.620 --> 01:55:56.820 Son Le Hughes: The appropriate the appropriation that that expenditure we spend more than the funding appropriation that we have that white term a report. 763 01:55:57.360 --> 01:56:13.140 Son Le Hughes: For did auditor defied in is we have their level of appropriation at one point to a million more than it should be. Because at the late action with this in throughout the end of this couldn't hear. 764 01:56:14.670 --> 01:56:15.210 You 765 01:56:16.860 --> 01:56:17.340 Um, 766 01:56:18.810 --> 01:56:29.160 Ginger Fitch: And then on that last suggestion about having a second person review grant 767 01:56:30.510 --> 01:56:32.610 Jeremy Gingerich: Reimbursements reimbursements 768 01:56:33.750 --> 01:56:34.140 Son Le Hughes: Yeah. 769 01:56:34.680 --> 01:56:37.890 Ginger Fitch: Have you already determined an action plan for that doctor. Yes. 770 01:56:38.250 --> 01:56:52.800 Son Le Hughes: Yes, we did. So in the business office. We have one account and her function a grant account and and last year and actually is kappa determined internal control for us. 771 01:56:54.180 --> 01:56:56.520 Son Le Hughes: Last year, see was the one who 772 01:56:57.870 --> 01:57:05.130 Son Le Hughes: Record or the spending expenditure under crane and in say submit a report to the agency. 773 01:57:05.760 --> 01:57:23.730 Son Le Hughes: But the internal control that we place in House this year going forward is every single report DAS. See, get ready and ready to submit for reimbursement must go through me for a second review and say out before we do that, 774 01:57:29.610 --> 01:57:31.020 Jeremy Gingerich: Any other questions that 775 01:57:31.470 --> 01:57:32.040 Regan Molatore: You answer. 776 01:57:34.380 --> 01:57:44.760 Regan Molatore: All right, I am seeing no other questions. So I think that concludes this item on our agenda. So thank you so much for joining us this evening, especially on the short notice. We appreciate 777 01:57:44.850 --> 01:57:47.010 Jeremy Gingerich: It. Thank you for having me. Yeah. 778 01:57:47.070 --> 01:57:48.450 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Thank You Jeremy 779 01:57:48.750 --> 01:57:50.070 Jeremy Gingerich: Thank you, have a nice evening. 780 01:57:52.230 --> 01:57:52.740 Son Le Hughes: Thank you. 781 01:57:55.200 --> 01:58:14.430 Regan Molatore: Thank you. And then we have been at this for two hours now. So I'm going to quick five, we are going to take a quick five minute break and we will report back here at 806. How's that work, and we'll keep on going. Thank you, everyone. 782 01:59:03.180 --> 01:59:05.160 Chelsea King: Fastest five minutes of my life. 783 01:59:10.740 --> 01:59:13.230 Regan Molatore: Waiting for it. Thank you for making it a quick five 784 01:59:26.340 --> 01:59:30.690 Chelsea King: Now we know when our students complain about their passing periods, what they're talking about. Right. 785 01:59:32.670 --> 01:59:34.140 Chelsea King: No time to go the locker. 786 01:59:39.330 --> 01:59:45.030 Regan Molatore: Speaking to secrecy space pop back in and then we can keep keep chugging along and 787 01:59:47.910 --> 01:59:50.910 Ginger Fitch: While we're waiting for her. Can I give my disclosure. No. 788 01:59:52.110 --> 01:59:54.150 Regan Molatore: Nope. Let's yeah that's excellent. Thank you. 789 01:59:56.250 --> 02:00:07.770 Ginger Fitch: I'm an attorney who sometimes represents children. Our parents in our district and as resolved it should something come before the board that would materially benefit, one of my clients. 790 02:00:08.160 --> 02:00:15.180 Ginger Fitch: I would abstain from participating in the discussion or the decision making, without revealing the identity of my client. 791 02:00:20.100 --> 02:00:31.740 Regan Molatore: Um, thank you, Ginger, and I also have I'm just noticing like Dylan has asked me a question about my husband media partner Nash and yes in fact he did, but 792 02:00:32.250 --> 02:00:48.120 Regan Molatore: I didn't, I didn't decide to disclose it or anything, no financial connection to them and I have not for more than four years when he left that firm to be in general counsel for stuff. Um, 793 02:00:49.350 --> 02:00:50.580 Regan Molatore: Yes and no. Dylan. 794 02:00:51.960 --> 02:00:55.260 Regan Molatore: I'm okay with that we will 795 02:00:56.460 --> 02:00:57.870 Regan Molatore: Move on to 796 02:00:59.130 --> 02:01:12.870 Regan Molatore: Mr. McGOUGH and our department of operations. We have two different matters before us under this topic. And the first is Mr McGrath, and our annual Integrated Pest Management Report. 797 02:01:13.980 --> 02:01:14.100 Hi. 798 02:01:16.110 --> 02:01:27.060 Pat McGough: Good evening, everyone. This is very straightforward began that we are required every year to give the board and the public a report on our 799 02:01:27.810 --> 02:01:52.410 Pat McGough: Annual use of pesticides across the district on this year, of course, during the initial closing down of the district, we, we did perform a lot of work on the grounds and we made 17 different applications this year to get caught up. 800 02:01:53.460 --> 02:02:11.610 Pat McGough: Well, we made more applications than we did in the previous year. We actually cut the use of the product almost in half. So the balance is that we spend a little more time applying the product, but used less of the product altogether. 801 02:02:12.690 --> 02:02:31.830 Pat McGough: We, we use the total of 340 ounces of product on over the course of the almost the entire district with those 17 applications, the total cost that we spent this year was $4,407 and 79 cents. 802 02:02:32.880 --> 02:02:51.870 Pat McGough: And we only had because their will or not. A lot of people in the buildings we only had three requests to respond to stinging insects was paper Hornets. And so, though, that is the total sum of the product us this year. 803 02:02:53.220 --> 02:02:55.170 Pat McGough: And I'm happy to answer any questions. 804 02:03:00.360 --> 02:03:00.780 Regan Molatore: Dylan. 805 02:03:01.620 --> 02:03:10.680 Dylan Hydes: Yeah, I WANTED TO, IN YOUR memo to the board. You talk about that no pesticides are being used for aesthetic purposes, and I just kind of want to nail down what that means. 806 02:03:11.700 --> 02:03:22.950 Dylan Hydes: I recall from prior conversations that we are using pesticides in planter boxes and planter beds. Is that right, and if so, can talk about why we're doing that, if not for aesthetic purposes. 807 02:03:23.790 --> 02:03:24.240 Pat McGough: That is 808 02:03:26.700 --> 02:03:40.500 Pat McGough: All buildings all school buildings are designed with landscape planters water quality swales arm and those plantings are regulated and controlled. 809 02:03:41.130 --> 02:03:54.390 Pat McGough: And weeds will get in there and occasionally take over and choke out the original plantings. We will go in and target the weeds that are in those planters to remove those. 810 02:03:56.250 --> 02:03:59.100 Pat McGough: Undesirable plantings weeds. 811 02:04:00.120 --> 02:04:10.620 Pat McGough: And maintain both the water quality in there and keep the native plants that are desirable healthy 812 02:04:12.030 --> 02:04:22.890 Dylan Hydes: Okay, and from our prior conversations. It sounds like those plants can be moved by hand. And that in fact there is one school trillion where that's happening. 813 02:04:23.280 --> 02:04:32.310 Dylan Hydes: And then if parents want to reduce SS IDs that their schools they should contact their principles at those schools to discuss how to do that. Is that correct, 814 02:04:32.970 --> 02:04:42.030 Pat McGough: That's correct. We will work with them to try and help in any way that we can to support them if they're willing to sustain that over time. 815 02:04:42.630 --> 02:04:55.740 Pat McGough: And we've had many efforts start up. And then, of course, their children. Move on to the next school they get older and they go to middle school or from middle to high school. 816 02:04:57.090 --> 02:05:03.750 Pat McGough: That is the one community that has had some stability to those committees. Okay. 817 02:05:04.020 --> 02:05:14.520 Dylan Hydes: Can you talk a little bit about why if the amount of product we're using has gone down by half the cost of the labor to distribute those as increased by about 50% 818 02:05:15.480 --> 02:05:16.890 Dylan Hydes: This year with me. 819 02:05:16.980 --> 02:05:28.260 Pat McGough: In that normally we will treat the skinned in fields for baseball and softball. And those are large expanse areas that we 820 02:05:28.830 --> 02:05:41.940 Pat McGough: Frankly, broadcast across the whole infield and it goes quicker in this year's applications. There was much more of walking the entire site and doing more 821 02:05:42.690 --> 02:05:51.030 Pat McGough: Areas spread out across much more acreage than it was the previous year. We also have 822 02:05:51.720 --> 02:06:10.650 Pat McGough: A new environmental technician that is responsible for doing the signage and the record keeping and those costs were absorbed all in prior years and not reflected in these costs and now they're being reflected in these costs. Okay. 823 02:06:11.100 --> 02:06:15.870 Dylan Hydes: And last question. And I think we're about four years out from having fence card. 824 02:06:16.920 --> 02:06:21.780 Dylan Hydes: Installed throughout the district going over a fence fines. If we were to get fence card installed. 825 02:06:22.170 --> 02:06:34.140 Dylan Hydes: Four years from now, and we were to get volunteer committees in each of our schools to take care of what can be pulled by hand. Could we essentially be a pesticide free school district, and if not, how close would be being 826 02:06:35.850 --> 02:06:46.560 Pat McGough: It's a difficult question to answer. Could we be certainly we could just make the blanket statement, we won't use it anymore. But there are areas that 827 02:06:47.130 --> 02:06:59.610 Pat McGough: You almost cannot remove by mechanical methods such as curb lines are cracks asphalt cracks. Those are difficult. You can pull the weeds and it'll be back tomorrow. 828 02:07:00.360 --> 02:07:20.820 Pat McGough: At some point you will need to put some sort of herbicide application on there to control them. But the vast majority. Yes. When we we could get to the point where it would be very rare. It would be seldom used and then lower quantities. 829 02:07:21.510 --> 02:07:23.910 Dylan Hydes: All right. Thank you, Patrick. You bet. 830 02:07:27.570 --> 02:07:28.020 Regan Molatore: Jesse 831 02:07:31.020 --> 02:07:38.340 Chelsea King: HI PAT. I just wanted to offer just a couple comments and I've been on the board for six years. And this has been a topic that's been 832 02:07:38.640 --> 02:07:48.810 Chelsea King: One of interest to the public. And what I've observed is the district taking measures to be responsive and to dramatically reduce the application of Roundup. 833 02:07:49.170 --> 02:08:01.860 Chelsea King: And, and, you know, I'm a proponent of that and I've appreciated your efforts and certainly as somebody who doesn't use it on my own home I suffer the consequences of not using it and the amount of labor that I put into 834 02:08:02.460 --> 02:08:13.230 Chelsea King: pulling weeds and can understand the difficulty with some of those location. So I just want to appreciate the measures the district has taken encourage it to continue 835 02:08:13.740 --> 02:08:22.890 Chelsea King: And I'm also, you know, I've noticed that as we've reduced the application of things like Roundup. We've seen a lot more weeds on our school grounds. 836 02:08:23.220 --> 02:08:33.840 Chelsea King: And, you know, that doesn't always subtle well with community members, either. And so it's a delicate balance between, you know, reducing application and also keeping our grounds at a standard 837 02:08:34.200 --> 02:08:43.230 Chelsea King: And our fields at a standard that our community asks up and I know we have an obligation to our neighbors to keep those noxious weeds. 838 02:08:43.620 --> 02:08:52.890 Chelsea King: And down. And that's what being a good neighbor is about. So I'm just wanted to lend my voice to encourage the efforts and recognize the hardships with that as well. 839 02:08:54.120 --> 02:09:08.430 Pat McGough: Thank you. And just for information, one part I did forget. We just got our most recent shipment of fence guard. We have approximately another 2100 feet and will begin to installation within the next week. 840 02:09:13.650 --> 02:09:18.930 Regan Molatore: Alright, not seeing any further questions. Yeah, thank you very much for your time. 841 02:09:19.110 --> 02:09:21.540 Regan Molatore: Thank you for sharing this report with us. 842 02:09:23.130 --> 02:09:32.940 Regan Molatore: And next on our agenda, we have Mr. Remote Douglas with an update on our gender neutral restroom designed 843 02:09:34.200 --> 02:09:34.800 Regan Molatore: every mile 844 02:09:35.850 --> 02:09:46.440 Remo Douglas: Hi, good evening board. Hopefully you're able to see and hear me, and we are going to endeavor to make the slide show up here real quick. 845 02:09:48.240 --> 02:09:51.330 Remo Douglas: Hopefully we're seeing a project update slide. 846 02:09:52.710 --> 02:10:03.660 Remo Douglas: Excellent. I know the board's got a busy agenda, but we did commit back in November to coming back to this board meeting to talk about the additional 847 02:10:04.560 --> 02:10:16.860 Remo Douglas: Feedback opportunities and learning that we were going to go through over the last couple of months here around gender neutral restrooms expand from that small base of 848 02:10:18.090 --> 02:10:25.800 Remo Douglas: Focus groups and design committees and really broaden out to brought to larger groups of the community and students. 849 02:10:30.120 --> 02:10:30.660 There it goes. 850 02:10:31.740 --> 02:10:47.730 Remo Douglas: So as we noted to the board when we presented on November 9 we held a community listening session on November 17 and we left open the opportunity for public feedback online through December 4 851 02:10:49.200 --> 02:11:00.450 Remo Douglas: The kind of key headlines here as represented in your memo in the board packet are listed here on this slide from that process. Additionally, 852 02:11:00.900 --> 02:11:17.070 Remo Douglas: We had several opportunities for larger groups of students through health courses and other opportunities to get to discuss the notion of restrooms and get to hear a lot from them about what is important to them. 853 02:11:18.300 --> 02:11:21.450 Remo Douglas: Both high schools as well as middle schools. 854 02:11:23.430 --> 02:11:31.110 Remo Douglas: And that did include focus group, including the GSA groups from the high schools. 855 02:11:32.430 --> 02:11:42.150 Remo Douglas: And so together all of that effort over the last couple of months, we've heard a great deal about the feelings of 856 02:11:42.720 --> 02:11:56.460 Remo Douglas: A broad range of community members and students on gender neutral restrooms, and there are some key factors that are going to be used in planning restaurants for the district moving forward a couple of the key points is that 857 02:11:58.260 --> 02:12:04.410 Remo Douglas: folks want the restaurants to be comfortable without sacrificing safety and supervision. 858 02:12:05.820 --> 02:12:12.180 Remo Douglas: essentially asking the high bar of design to say we want both and we want lots of both 859 02:12:13.500 --> 02:12:21.840 Remo Douglas: And the challenge to the the teams that are working on this now is to implement that. And we believe we're finding ways to do so, and do so well. 860 02:12:23.190 --> 02:12:41.250 Remo Douglas: The notions of line of sight and supervision that all the documents will feel welcome, that there are options for both gender neutral and traditional gendered restrooms present in all facilities. 861 02:12:42.540 --> 02:12:49.110 Remo Douglas: And that they are located in ways that folks can make a choice, without having to do 862 02:12:51.000 --> 02:12:54.030 Remo Douglas: arduous amount of travel to get to a restroom. 863 02:12:55.620 --> 02:12:56.400 Remo Douglas: And that 864 02:12:57.450 --> 02:13:05.130 Remo Douglas: You know, just a single stall next to a set of restrooms not be the only general neutral option that's available. 865 02:13:05.820 --> 02:13:23.400 Remo Douglas: Additionally, back to the notions of safety and supervision, the idea that we would not use sets of these new gender neutral restrooms for those public areas where members of the public adults and students would be intermingling 866 02:13:24.510 --> 02:13:30.780 Remo Douglas: And that restrooms in such areas would have additional single occupants stalls. 867 02:13:32.100 --> 02:13:41.490 Remo Douglas: In order to allow students and adults to be able to use reps restrooms separately in a in a safe and comfortable manner. 868 02:13:43.170 --> 02:13:45.300 Remo Douglas: We make use of the terms. 869 02:13:46.470 --> 02:13:59.340 Remo Douglas: Complete restrooms or Starbucks style restrooms, there's, there's a variety of terms that have come about when we talk about a single restroom. 870 02:14:00.690 --> 02:14:11.820 Remo Douglas: And, you know, traditionally, we would have called a restaurant like that perhaps an ADA a separate Ada restroom, where it isn't accessible door toilet, sink. 871 02:14:12.960 --> 02:14:20.880 Remo Douglas: And that all functions for the restroom could take place within there and then the occupant could leave after hand washing 872 02:14:21.960 --> 02:14:28.140 Remo Douglas: And so when you see various references to those terms. That is what we're indicating there. 873 02:14:29.730 --> 02:14:39.600 Remo Douglas: With that allow the border, a moment to continue to peruse the list there and ask any questions. I know Dr Swanson and Dr downs are also present 874 02:14:41.220 --> 02:14:44.310 Remo Douglas: And we would be available to ask any questions you might have. 875 02:14:55.560 --> 02:14:56.130 Regan Molatore: Christy 876 02:15:00.570 --> 02:15:14.940 Christy Thompson: Thank you. I was gonna try to find the raise the hand, but it was easier just to raise my hand for real and primo. I'm wondering if you can put up because I think what you have on the screen is different than the memo you sent us, is that correct 877 02:15:17.040 --> 02:15:21.630 Remo Douglas: These are slides with an attempt to summarize 878 02:15:21.960 --> 02:15:26.670 Christy Thompson: The feedback. Mmm. Yes. Okay. Um, I was just thinking 879 02:15:28.080 --> 02:15:42.060 Christy Thompson: At the very end of the memo you sent to us when you talked about the next project plan steps. I just thought that might be helpful for our community to see the end of the memo because I thought, first of all, I feel like it gives evidence that 880 02:15:43.290 --> 02:15:50.460 Christy Thompson: That there was listening done from our district and some changes made according to some of the things that were shared there. 881 02:15:51.570 --> 02:16:04.680 Christy Thompson: And so anyway, I just thought that that would be helpful for our public to see and at the very end. Do you know what I'm talking about on pages kind of end the page two, and top of page three, yes. 882 02:16:04.800 --> 02:16:05.610 Remo Douglas: It's not look correct 883 02:16:06.120 --> 02:16:14.340 Christy Thompson: That is exactly I'm just, I'm, again, you talked about so they can see specifically 884 02:16:16.050 --> 02:16:26.910 Christy Thompson: About the Wilson. What was, what was happening in those places. So, um, I just think it's nice for for them to kind of see what was decided upon about the restrooms, that would happen at 885 02:16:28.380 --> 02:16:33.630 Christy Thompson: The new Performing Arts Center at Wilson bill high school as well as the stadium an AP Creek. 886 02:16:34.500 --> 02:16:41.310 Christy Thompson: And then the other thing that I wanted to just comment on it as I was reading for your memo and I kind of just went through and highlighted. 887 02:16:41.820 --> 02:16:53.730 Christy Thompson: And so I'm going to go back through the memo, a few places where I noted different populations kind of saying the same thing. So at the bottom of page one and 888 02:16:54.390 --> 02:17:02.700 Christy Thompson: Via. It looks like. These were the summaries that came from class to sessions and 121 spot responses from students 889 02:17:03.060 --> 02:17:09.720 Christy Thompson: And a couple of the bullet points under that said everyone needs to have a bathroom that gives some privacy and makes them feel comfortable 890 02:17:10.410 --> 02:17:21.570 Christy Thompson: Bullet point three said restrooms need to be placed so students can get to them between classes and bullet point four said don't put the only gender neutral option far away from our classrooms. 891 02:17:22.890 --> 02:17:25.410 Christy Thompson: And then if you move down under be 892 02:17:26.670 --> 02:17:31.620 Christy Thompson: And this was when you talk to the tiny for high school students, representing the GSA. 893 02:17:31.950 --> 02:17:40.200 Christy Thompson: And the gay. Straight Alliance and their comments bullet point one putting several single occupancy units complete restrooms are Starbucks bathrooms as 894 02:17:40.650 --> 02:17:53.760 Christy Thompson: You have it in places where they will be used by students and adults have preferable bullet point three. Be sure to space new restrooms to help all students be able to get to them between classes and 895 02:17:54.870 --> 02:17:58.140 Christy Thompson: Then down below. See where would middle school students. 896 02:17:59.430 --> 02:18:08.520 Christy Thompson: Talk about they like the added restrooms that have a single occupancy complete restroom near the concession. And then finally, under D. 897 02:18:09.720 --> 02:18:16.500 Christy Thompson: That last bullet point and this is when there were 148 participants at the community listening session on November 17 898 02:18:17.010 --> 02:18:23.940 Christy Thompson: And that final bullet point says it seems that putting in single occupancy or complete restrooms Starbucks restrooms would address the need 899 02:18:24.300 --> 02:18:30.840 Christy Thompson: And so I guess my point is, as I went through and kind of read through these comments from these different 900 02:18:31.260 --> 02:18:49.620 Christy Thompson: What I heard that they all shared in common. All of these different groups, whether it was our community listening session or a GSA club or our other students is the idea of these complete single stalls Starbucks whatever Ada restrooms spread throughout the building. 901 02:18:50.640 --> 02:18:54.690 Christy Thompson: And seems like something that everybody 902 02:18:55.410 --> 02:19:04.740 Christy Thompson: Felt like would be a good idea because one if we can spread them throughout the building students. We don't want to have a restroom that a student has to hike all the way across. 903 02:19:05.040 --> 02:19:14.610 Christy Thompson: I mean high schools are big and to, you know, in between that passing time try to get all the way across to the one bathroom that's offered to them and then back to a class and 904 02:19:15.210 --> 02:19:26.220 Christy Thompson: That was just a theme that I felt like I saw. And so I guess what I'm putting forth or. My question is, is this something that we can accommodate in our schools. Maybe versus putting 905 02:19:26.730 --> 02:19:41.850 Christy Thompson: One gender neutral bathroom in one area where students are going to have to hike to get to that, can we, and I know it's construction and you know all that. But, and I'm obviously not a construction engineer. 906 02:19:43.920 --> 02:20:00.720 Christy Thompson: But responding to all these comments can we put in these complete bathrooms that would give the students the privacy, they want and and also allow them more convenience. And anyway, I'm just going to throw that out there and see. I think you get my point. 907 02:20:01.890 --> 02:20:21.390 Remo Douglas: Yes, thank you. I understand the question. Um, yes, that that notion that one or more of those places does come up as a theme. It's interesting when when you get into the detail of the full conversations there. There's a number of factors. 908 02:20:22.410 --> 02:20:22.950 Remo Douglas: One. 909 02:20:24.090 --> 02:20:30.960 Remo Douglas: The inclusion of that type of stall one or two around particularly large sets of restrooms is very typical 910 02:20:32.100 --> 02:20:35.250 Remo Douglas: Historically, they might have been labeled as a staff restroom. 911 02:20:37.050 --> 02:20:44.010 Remo Douglas: In more recent projects. They've been labeled as a single occupant restroom and not have that staff moniker 912 02:20:45.480 --> 02:20:46.410 Remo Douglas: It is 913 02:20:47.910 --> 02:20:56.820 Remo Douglas: Not in compliance with fully in compliance with the law to simply add one of those to a restroom set and say that's the gender neutral. 914 02:20:57.900 --> 02:20:58.590 Remo Douglas: Solution. 915 02:21:00.120 --> 02:21:02.250 Remo Douglas: There, there is more to it than that. 916 02:21:03.270 --> 02:21:04.680 Remo Douglas: There's, there's also 917 02:21:05.940 --> 02:21:12.630 Remo Douglas: You know, the challenge, particularly when you're renovating an existing building where you have a footprint, where the restroom is currently 918 02:21:13.200 --> 02:21:27.120 Remo Douglas: And often there's not an allowance to expand much or or significantly beyond that square footage and so we need to find a way to be efficient in replacing the restroom stalls that are present. 919 02:21:29.130 --> 02:21:46.530 Remo Douglas: And additionally, you know, in talking, particularly with those student groups and with the GSA group, you know, just having a single stall. That's the one that not that other people maybe don't use wasn't seen as as particularly comfortable 920 02:21:48.090 --> 02:22:00.510 Remo Douglas: That having multiple stalls which multiple users, you know, different user groups might be able to use. That's really the, I think at the core of the themes in that conversation. 921 02:22:02.160 --> 02:22:08.250 Remo Douglas: Yes, a multitude of that quote unquote Starbucks style restroom. 922 02:22:09.270 --> 02:22:17.130 Remo Douglas: would accomplish that notion, but there are multiple means of doing so. And they would they indicated comfort with that as well. 923 02:22:18.720 --> 02:22:32.550 Remo Douglas: So in order to try to encapsulate all of those themes and those full discussions, you know, looking at, for instance, as we reference these next plans or next project plan steps. 924 02:22:33.600 --> 02:22:44.430 Remo Douglas: For would middle school, finding a restaurant set that is central to where the students are that is in an area that is highly trafficked both by students and staff. 925 02:22:45.390 --> 02:23:02.520 Remo Douglas: In terms of the supervision, allowing comfort for those students who referenced, you know, concerned about certain activities that might happen, the restroom and their preference that there be adults and other passers by nearby to be aware of what activity might happen they're 926 02:23:03.540 --> 02:23:13.380 Remo Douglas: Allowing that, you know, security and safety through all that passive supervision, as well as being close as possible to the majority of students. 927 02:23:14.730 --> 02:23:24.780 Remo Douglas: And, you know, providing opportunities for the most open space, both through direct entries, as well as lowered half height walls. 928 02:23:26.130 --> 02:23:28.710 Remo Douglas: To maximize that transparency. 929 02:23:29.880 --> 02:23:32.460 Remo Douglas: You know, these are all means that we can use to 930 02:23:33.900 --> 02:23:36.930 Remo Douglas: Improve that that safety that supervision. 931 02:23:38.010 --> 02:23:40.740 Remo Douglas: while allowing us to use that square footage we have 932 02:23:41.820 --> 02:23:49.260 Remo Douglas: We are obligated to have a certain number of restroom stalls in a facility and it's certainly preferred that they be distributed 933 02:23:50.520 --> 02:24:07.590 Remo Douglas: And so in an instance like the wood middle school project. If we were to go and transform that location to just the complete restroom style, we would go to sit from six fixtures to perhaps two or three 934 02:24:08.910 --> 02:24:13.350 Remo Douglas: And then we'd need to find somewhere to build the other restrooms someplace else. 935 02:24:14.370 --> 02:24:28.110 Remo Douglas: So it is a balance and a challenge to the design teams and, you know, the staff that I work with. And, you know, how do we balance all of these interests and it won't 936 02:24:29.160 --> 02:24:37.440 Remo Douglas: Be an absolutely uniform solution in every case, not every set of gender neutral restrooms will look exactly the same. 937 02:24:38.640 --> 02:24:43.110 Remo Douglas: Because we need to fit in with the existing utilities and space requirements that are there. 938 02:24:44.700 --> 02:24:55.110 Remo Douglas: And look, to ensure that we're meeting all of these different needs. I hope I spoke on for a moment there. Hopefully that was able to address the question. 939 02:24:56.460 --> 02:25:04.590 Christy Thompson: Yeah. And I mean, and I want to make sure you understand like I wasn't thinking just one Starbucks bathroom in a school, I was thinking 940 02:25:05.040 --> 02:25:11.820 Christy Thompson: You know you spread those those bathrooms throughout the school so that the students get the convenience that they were asking for 941 02:25:12.210 --> 02:25:18.600 Christy Thompson: And of having those spread throughout the building. So that was kind of more where I was going with that, not just thinking that we would 942 02:25:19.230 --> 02:25:27.750 Christy Thompson: Not implying that we should just have the one complete bathroom and. But having that spread out. So just want to make sure that that was clear. 943 02:25:28.140 --> 02:25:43.920 Christy Thompson: And then I wondering you refer to a lot. Can you explain what that law it, you said that you didn't think it would be in compliance with the law and around this. Can you expand on what that lot is and what it says. 944 02:25:45.090 --> 02:25:50.700 Remo Douglas: Sure it, it may be helpful for for BB to stepping in Part I know she's 945 02:25:51.780 --> 02:25:55.470 Remo Douglas: Also very familiar with that guidance from the state. 946 02:25:56.670 --> 02:25:59.400 Remo Douglas: It does speak to the notion that 947 02:26:01.830 --> 02:26:11.970 Remo Douglas: A single occupant restroom of that type is not able to be a substitute for allowing the use of student use of all restrooms. 948 02:26:13.500 --> 02:26:25.800 Remo Douglas: In it, it seems to be a sort of a theme in that direction with with mentioning those as as sort of the solution to the topic on perhaps 949 02:26:26.910 --> 02:26:29.040 Remo Douglas: Dr. Simon could speak to it more completely 950 02:26:34.230 --> 02:26:42.750 Barb Soisson: Just to add on to that the Justice federal guidance that was given in 2016 that then 951 02:26:43.680 --> 02:27:03.180 Barb Soisson: Governor Brown made into law on 2017 says that you can't have, for example, one type of restroom for one group of students. So it's if you're going to have something with, you know, equity rules in place that what 952 02:27:04.410 --> 02:27:14.970 Barb Soisson: Remote was speaking to earlier, that certainly in some parts of the school and the parts where things will be used publicly and during the school day. 953 02:27:15.240 --> 02:27:22.290 Barb Soisson: It could be appropriate to have a complete restroom, or what gets referred to as a Starbucks restroom. 954 02:27:22.800 --> 02:27:34.590 Barb Soisson: But you couldn't have restrooms throughout the school where students go in and use them where there are stalls, but not have anything like that for a 955 02:27:34.920 --> 02:27:47.070 Barb Soisson: Certain group of students. So what he was saying earlier, is it wouldn't be a complete solution to have the only option be these single 956 02:27:47.580 --> 02:27:56.760 Barb Soisson: Occupancy complete restrooms, but you can use both. You just have to have to have something that is available for all groups of students. 957 02:27:56.970 --> 02:28:05.130 Barb Soisson: And that actually was something that came from the groups of students when they were talking about as well. It was, it was very helpful to see the common themes that you 958 02:28:05.850 --> 02:28:18.930 Barb Soisson: Pointed out director Thompson, we were you know pleased to see that as well. And there's also some things that we have to respect about the needs of each of each group of students and the total solution will be 959 02:28:19.710 --> 02:28:30.090 Barb Soisson: Some of both there will still be traditional restrooms in the schools, there will be gender neutral option and then there will be some of the complete restrooms. 960 02:28:31.260 --> 02:28:36.720 Barb Soisson: And that's what's in compliance with what Governor Brown has adopted in the state of Oregon. 961 02:28:38.070 --> 02:28:44.310 Christy Thompson: Okay, I guess I'm just still confused a little bit by what you just said. Um, 962 02:28:44.520 --> 02:28:47.550 Christy Thompson: So maybe you and I can connect later. 963 02:28:47.850 --> 02:28:50.160 Christy Thompson: And if I'm the only one having that confusion. 964 02:28:51.420 --> 02:28:56.640 Christy Thompson: Because I would love to just talk through the ballade make sure that I'm understanding and 965 02:28:58.260 --> 02:29:01.590 Barb Soisson: I'd be glad to do that. And I'd be glad. Yeah, we definitely want that to be 966 02:29:01.590 --> 02:29:02.910 Christy Thompson: The one to take more more time. 967 02:29:03.600 --> 02:29:13.380 Christy Thompson: And again, as I put out the idea. I just want to be clear that when I put out that idea for those singles style restrooms through out. It was really in response to seeing that theme throughout 968 02:29:13.650 --> 02:29:22.680 Christy Thompson: And also, figuring that that would be a restroom that any kid could use in the building, but for regard, you know, regardless, that that was kind of an 969 02:29:23.430 --> 02:29:34.200 Christy Thompson: all inclusive bathroom that anyone would be able to use and and then so I'll meet with you later on that. My other question is, and I had written in 970 02:29:35.730 --> 02:29:42.930 Christy Thompson: An email to you, remote and maybe you didn't get it. I directed it to both you and Dr. Ludwig just asking. 971 02:29:43.830 --> 02:29:52.380 Christy Thompson: If, when we came to this meeting and I know you guys have had a lot on your mind, if you could have a blueprint of what I know that we've seen. 972 02:29:52.980 --> 02:30:01.440 Christy Thompson: What a restroom might look like. And you know we originally saw one design, but then at the listening session, you've talked to more about a half wall design. 973 02:30:03.150 --> 02:30:14.730 Christy Thompson: And then I kind of pose the question, well, what if we did an a restroom, that, you know, didn't have a wall in front of it of separation at all with the hallway and was more like you know you would do. 974 02:30:15.570 --> 02:30:31.050 Christy Thompson: Sinks on one on the sides and stalls in the back. And so we would have some line of sight wouldn't be an issue and I sent a picture of that I believe a picture of the restrooms that they've installed in grant High School. 975 02:30:32.160 --> 02:30:33.720 Christy Thompson: Today. Did you get that email. 976 02:30:35.070 --> 02:30:36.180 Remo Douglas: And it, it 977 02:30:36.690 --> 02:30:37.800 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Speak to that remote 978 02:30:37.830 --> 02:30:39.150 Christy Thompson: Sorry. Absolutely. 979 02:30:40.560 --> 02:30:46.860 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Yeah. So I think part of and I'm glad that you're going to connect with Dr. Boyce, and because it sounds like there are 980 02:30:47.730 --> 02:30:57.780 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Additional questions that we can answer for you specifically because the this agenda item by the board chair to the board was really to give an update. 981 02:30:58.530 --> 02:31:06.960 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): On feedback that we had heard on the board and asked when you hear additional feedback from the community and from students 982 02:31:07.470 --> 02:31:17.190 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Please give that update to us and how it informs the guidance that you're going to us what we did not here was to give another design process. 983 02:31:17.610 --> 02:31:30.390 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Report that involves looking at pictures and looking at stall doors and spaces under doors and locks and design configurations, but that this report would would be around. 984 02:31:30.930 --> 02:31:44.730 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Guidance for what goes into the design process for gender neutral retro restrooms and that from here on board members are invited to then the design process meetings that will show pictures. 985 02:31:45.390 --> 02:31:55.500 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): So when we start to look at models of restrooms and the design layout at some of these projects mentioned here on the screen. 986 02:31:56.040 --> 02:32:04.620 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Board members could attend those meetings, if they were interested because it's not typical for every part of the design process of bond projects. 987 02:32:05.010 --> 02:32:14.700 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): To bring such details to the board at every meeting, but we did in this one case because we knew we were making some shifts to how we are designing restrooms in our schools. 988 02:32:15.030 --> 02:32:24.960 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): And that prompted the report in November it prompted community meetings this report was designed to really be a follow up on feedback from the community and not to bring 989 02:32:26.010 --> 02:32:39.000 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): More pictures. So I erred on the side of keeping it to the topic that we were requested, but certainly individual board members if they have interest could continue to look at some design pictures. 990 02:32:40.110 --> 02:32:48.030 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): And engage with remote or Dr. Boyce in or Dr downs on those secondary school projects I may have 991 02:32:48.180 --> 02:32:50.220 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Iron and yeah 992 02:32:50.670 --> 02:33:05.400 Christy Thompson: My apologies. That's why I sent the memo before, just to to kind of let you know that I that I had that question and I didn't know exactly what the purpose of this was, um, so anyway, I just, um, 993 02:33:06.150 --> 02:33:10.380 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Yeah, it's completely fine. And there's so much interest in that particular. I know that. 994 02:33:11.070 --> 02:33:28.290 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): That you have that interest. And so I think let's just plan for you to follow up with Dr Swanson and primo at some point and then any board member is always welcome to participate in community meetings where we do show designs of projects around our, our various bond projects. 995 02:33:28.920 --> 02:33:35.310 Christy Thompson: So yeah, so just so then there's no does this the design still hasn't been decided upon. 996 02:33:36.510 --> 02:33:37.620 Christy Thompson: For what it will look like. 997 02:33:38.190 --> 02:33:38.670 Christy Thompson: Is my 998 02:33:40.110 --> 02:33:48.330 Remo Douglas: Right, so the note to to address your, your bigger question there and and the one from an email it at times, board members. 999 02:33:49.800 --> 02:33:58.500 Remo Douglas: Kind of send, send a signal, but then want to formulate their question the meeting. So I wasn't certain if if you were looking for an email response on that. 1000 02:33:59.280 --> 02:34:10.920 Remo Douglas: But absolutely, that particular style that you mentioned is is I would viewed as one of the tools in the toolbox. Again, we're occasionally constrained by the nature of the space that we're renovating 1001 02:34:12.000 --> 02:34:21.270 Remo Douglas: How can we orient things, but we need to make sure that we're looking back to those priorities those key guidelines and saying we need to these are, this is the standard 1002 02:34:21.750 --> 02:34:39.450 Remo Douglas: And the particular design we come up with in that instance needs to reflect that. Okay, so that's absolutely one of our tools and I be more than happy to, to meet with you and Dr Swanson and go through each of those designs that are together, that'd be great. 1003 02:34:39.990 --> 02:34:48.570 Christy Thompson: Great. I will set that up. And again, I, my apologies, that I may have misunderstood the purpose of this this this presentation. So thank you for 1004 02:34:50.400 --> 02:34:52.470 Christy Thompson: bearing with me and letting me ask my questions. 1005 02:34:54.630 --> 02:35:09.720 Regan Molatore: Yeah. And then I would just add one thing as board members, we have to keep in mind is that we don't use SERP the public process of the design and so even though we sometimes get really interested in fascinated in details with any particular happening in the 1006 02:35:11.790 --> 02:35:24.990 Regan Molatore: Process, we make sure that the public is helping drive the design not not our, our board alone or an individual board member. So it's a sometimes it's a delicate balance but we just want to keep that 1007 02:35:26.130 --> 02:35:26.430 All 1008 02:35:27.690 --> 02:35:28.110 Regan Molatore: Jesse 1009 02:35:33.030 --> 02:35:40.590 Chelsea King: Hello, Mr. Douglas and Dr downs. Dr. Slice and thank you for the presentation and certainly this design. 1010 02:35:41.280 --> 02:35:51.120 Chelsea King: Process has been far more involved than usually typically what goes into public input our board input into a design of a space in a school building 1011 02:35:51.570 --> 02:35:59.910 Chelsea King: And so it's been a bit exceptional in the amount of attention that we've given to this and what I've observed through my participation is 1012 02:36:00.840 --> 02:36:09.180 Chelsea King: A lot of public outreach. A lot of public input and a lot of iterations of the design in your attempts to be responsive. 1013 02:36:09.690 --> 02:36:19.200 Chelsea King: To the public and since we've been having this conversation for some months. I don't really have questions, just a few points that I would like to contribute. 1014 02:36:19.890 --> 02:36:28.620 Chelsea King: And primarily that's just that, you know, it was a couple of decades ago that I first learned about the concept of gender identity. 1015 02:36:29.250 --> 02:36:40.290 Chelsea King: Being a social construct and things like gender identity being on a continuum and and I know that when I first learned about that. Two decades ago. It was not a new idea. And so 1016 02:36:40.830 --> 02:36:51.630 Chelsea King: You know, our understanding of gender identity is complex and it continues to grow and complexity and so I am thankful that the design of our public buildings is beginning to reflect 1017 02:36:52.140 --> 02:37:00.450 Chelsea King: The human understanding that we have around gender and the ways that humans interact with gender. So I appreciate that. That 1018 02:37:01.050 --> 02:37:07.410 Chelsea King: You know, I understand. There's laws and statutes and regulations and things of that nature. But then there's also just the human side. 1019 02:37:07.800 --> 02:37:20.910 Chelsea King: And that's the part that I'm appreciative of. And so I've seen you. Be very responsive to the community's concerns and adjusting and designs and really market unnoticeable ways 1020 02:37:21.240 --> 02:37:39.540 Chelsea King: And I just hope that we continue to be a true to the call to include enough access to these types of bathrooms that we meet the needs of the groups of students who require access for their basic biological functions. 1021 02:37:45.930 --> 02:37:50.850 Regan Molatore: All right, I'm not seeing any other questions or comments on this. 1022 02:37:53.100 --> 02:37:53.670 Regan Molatore: Okay. 1023 02:37:54.780 --> 02:38:11.580 Regan Molatore: Thank you. Thank you very much. Oh, thank you, burb as well. And Aaron for being available for this discussion, and we will move on in our agenda. Alright, and next on our agenda is um 1024 02:38:12.630 --> 02:38:22.350 Regan Molatore: Report from our superintendent's office and with regards to an update on the reopening schools and I just would like to add that 1025 02:38:22.890 --> 02:38:34.800 Regan Molatore: On our agenda. This does not show up as an action item and it does not mean that action you know won't be asked for or taken place. It's just that last Monday. 1026 02:38:35.130 --> 02:38:51.750 Regan Molatore: When Dr. Ludwig Chelsea and I sat down to generate our agenda and we there were just a lot of moving parts, still with regards to the governor's announcement on December 23. And so as we came to this meeting. We just didn't know what would necessarily 1027 02:38:53.460 --> 02:39:01.980 Regan Molatore: With what information would have gathered enough and sufficiently to know what sort of action would be required for the board. So I just wanted to note that's 1028 02:39:03.000 --> 02:39:06.990 Regan Molatore: On the agenda. And with that, then Dr Ludwick I'll turn it over to you. 1029 02:39:10.140 --> 02:39:13.080 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Great. Thank you, Chair monitor and I want to thank the Board. 1030 02:39:14.460 --> 02:39:29.910 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): As Chairman Latour said, you know, when we were thinking about what would be on the agenda for January. This was several weeks ago the furthest thing from our mind, but with the announcement in the middle of winter break and then this meeting coming up so soon. We've worked as 1031 02:39:31.110 --> 02:39:42.060 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Diligently and thoroughly as we could to be prepared for this conversation. Also in the timeline that with this meeting on the docket gave the board, an opportunity 1032 02:39:43.500 --> 02:39:53.250 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): To work within the information coming forward. So thank you again for placing this item on the agenda, even the last month that hadn't been conflict contemplated 1033 02:39:54.090 --> 02:40:01.290 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Also want to echo. For those of you who have signed in, and may not have heard at the beginning, board members did recognize their board reports. 1034 02:40:01.680 --> 02:40:16.590 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): All of the letters and emails and phone calls that have come into them. They have read every single one. They expressed and we all have expressed, we take them to heart. We know that they come with families experiences. 1035 02:40:17.610 --> 02:40:29.790 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): And families and teachers and staff deepest thoughts and so those were expressed by every single board member at the beginning of the meeting during their board reports. If you're just now logging in. 1036 02:40:30.900 --> 02:40:33.660 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): So I'm going to share my screen. I believe I have 1037 02:40:34.740 --> 02:40:36.090 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): No ability to do that. 1038 02:40:42.300 --> 02:40:48.480 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): It just felt, you know, we've had this theme of leaning forward as a district all year. And it's become 1039 02:40:49.020 --> 02:41:01.830 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): A year that we've had to live into it more than we even anticipated with events all year, and particularly this quote from late representative JOHN LEWIS has certainly become more meaningful theme. Each time we get together that 1040 02:41:03.090 --> 02:41:06.870 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): There's there's continues to be opportunity for us to go forward as one 1041 02:41:07.530 --> 02:41:23.400 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): And while we may have differing opinions and hopes cares and concerns how we move through it. We do have a choice about that and we have a choice to go through it together, which is always ends up with a stronger result at the end and a stronger community. 1042 02:41:25.440 --> 02:41:30.540 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): So we're here this evening. I'm here to present a proposed recommendation. 1043 02:41:32.520 --> 02:41:40.050 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): One towards shifting our instructional model based on new guidance that we did receive most recently from the state. 1044 02:41:41.010 --> 02:41:45.420 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): And I want to just remind community attendees, as well as our board. 1045 02:41:45.930 --> 02:41:54.240 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): That we are currently under instructional model. It's been called comprehensive distance learning in the spring. It was called distance learning. There are many revisions. 1046 02:41:54.510 --> 02:42:11.400 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): To it and improvements over the summer from the Oregon Department education guidance to school districts that should we all be needing to learn remotely still from home in the fall, how to do that better than when we had that emergency lockdown last spring, a year ago. 1047 02:42:12.780 --> 02:42:20.370 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): So the model that we are currently under is called comprehensive distance learning with students accessing instruction full time remotely from home. 1048 02:42:20.970 --> 02:42:25.860 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): We have had students on campus. There have been exceptions to the guidance, where we have been allowed to allow 1049 02:42:26.250 --> 02:42:36.570 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Certain small groups or individuals of students under very precise and strict protocols for what's called limited in person instruction we began that in late September early October. 1050 02:42:37.110 --> 02:42:50.400 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): So we have been working with small groups of students and individual students concurrently. We've also been allowed to have a school students on our campuses do what's called the CO curricular activity. 1051 02:42:52.110 --> 02:43:00.780 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Guidance. That is part of Oregon K 12 recreation and also allowed under the guidance from O D and Oregon Health Authority. Oh, ha. 1052 02:43:01.380 --> 02:43:13.020 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): And so our high school students while they haven't been interacting and competing and performances. They have been training and conditioning under those allowances. So this is what's currently happening in all of our schools. 1053 02:43:14.340 --> 02:43:21.870 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): And then people are probably very familiar. This was how we introduced our options for this year that families could select 1054 02:43:22.380 --> 02:43:27.630 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Either to be in the comprehensive distance learning and hybrid model for the year. 1055 02:43:28.050 --> 02:43:40.740 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Or if they preferred and wanted to stay remotely learning for the entire school year, we established and launched our new Westland Wilson bill K 12 online program. We have about 1500 students 1056 02:43:41.100 --> 02:43:50.010 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Who are enrolled in that program. They're still part of our district their gold in their home schools connected to the home schools that made a decision that regardless 1057 02:43:51.120 --> 02:43:57.570 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): You know what happened with the pandemic, or the virus, they wanted to stay in that program all year. And then the remainder of our students with us. 1058 02:43:58.290 --> 02:44:11.940 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): opted for comprehensive distance learning slash hybrid with the idea that eventually we would want to get students back on campus, but that we would have to do so in a way that follow the guidance from the state. 1059 02:44:12.390 --> 02:44:18.240 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): And we could do so in a way that was safe. And so we started, of course, the year here in comprehensive distance learning 1060 02:44:18.810 --> 02:44:31.950 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): And where we are now is that guidance has evolved and shifted and is now allowing for students to begin to move to a hybrid model based on the decision by their school district. 1061 02:44:34.920 --> 02:44:42.180 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Also want to remind those viewing as well as our board that when we opened in the fall, we had to do so, under what was called 1062 02:44:42.630 --> 02:44:53.610 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Operational blueprints. It meant that we had to demonstrate that we could follow that that we had in place safety protocols, both for comprehensive distance learning and for hybrid 1063 02:44:54.270 --> 02:45:03.030 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): And there were sections on that around making sure we had allowances for public health protocols around our facilities and operations response to outbreak. 1064 02:45:03.600 --> 02:45:11.940 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): And then those plans were presented to our local public health authority that did thorough reviews of them if they were not 1065 02:45:12.810 --> 02:45:16.830 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): They didn't meet the standards of the local health authority and what they believe should be there. 1066 02:45:17.280 --> 02:45:29.250 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Corrective action would have been asked of the district. But if they were reviewed and found to be complete, then they could go before the board and be submitted on our website and be on file at O. D. 1067 02:45:30.060 --> 02:45:43.710 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): All of our operational blueprints are reviewed and found to be complete for both CDO and hybrid. So we had those in place when we worked on those and got those in place when we open school in the fall. 1068 02:45:45.270 --> 02:45:50.880 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Where we are now is that Governor Brown did make a recent announcement, changing the guidance. 1069 02:45:51.330 --> 02:46:07.410 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Under which school districts could operate moving from what she has turned an emergency stance to less of an emergency stance in one we're giving more decision making. Back to local decision making groups. 1070 02:46:08.520 --> 02:46:19.290 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): That may be where we remain from here on. It could be that something occurs and the governor issues and other executive order. So I think we just need to be really clear that 1071 02:46:20.580 --> 02:46:36.810 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): We don't have a crystal ball and we don't know what continues to manifest with this outbreak when surges happen when we seem to be rising your high levels are low levels and we need to be prepared to respond accordingly either statewide level. 1072 02:46:37.860 --> 02:46:51.510 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Or even making decisions that are best for our district within our county regardless what might be happening. Maybe in another district on the eastern side of the state. We're on the coast, if you really think about our context. 1073 02:46:52.830 --> 02:47:03.660 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): In that guidance, the largest shift was that the governor decided the health metrics would be advisory instead of mandatory and local school boards could then make their own decisions. 1074 02:47:04.920 --> 02:47:16.530 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): She also directed the Oregon Department of Education to update the ready school safe learners guidance to reflect her executive announcement and then to also 1075 02:47:17.820 --> 02:47:35.100 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Provide any more requirements or updates accordingly in guidance that would come out in a few weeks. So, O D is working on that and it will be published on January 19 and we anticipate additional requirements in light of that announcement. 1076 02:47:36.750 --> 02:47:40.920 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): That will need to be reflected in our operational blueprints, in order to reopen 1077 02:47:45.660 --> 02:48:00.810 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): So when a local group gets ready to consider the factors are we prepared to reopen now in the hybrid model, there are some factors that I outlined in my memo that 1078 02:48:02.370 --> 02:48:07.590 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Are in front of the board to consider and we're factors in front of our staff and myself to consider. 1079 02:48:08.400 --> 02:48:17.700 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): And for those of you following in in my memo. You could see a written print out of that. I'm not going to read through the whole document, the board has that memo. 1080 02:48:18.150 --> 02:48:25.140 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): But it's also available for the public. If they want to click on that attachment in board book. But essentially, these were the categories. 1081 02:48:25.980 --> 02:48:34.050 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): So one of the factors to consider is the use of health metrics that are now advisory so it doesn't mean these health metrics have gone away. 1082 02:48:34.650 --> 02:48:41.580 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Or are no longer to be considered. They should still be considered and considered in an advisory fashion. 1083 02:48:42.450 --> 02:48:51.360 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): So the Oregon Health Authority in the ready school safe learners document has still kept the health metrics in that document. 1084 02:48:51.960 --> 02:49:02.700 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Despite Governor Brown's winter announcement because school districts can still refer to those metrics and those categories as they move forward under advisement. 1085 02:49:03.570 --> 02:49:13.650 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): They may be updated in Gen. On January 19 as you recall, the ones that we see now in that guidance look very different than what they look like an August, because they were revised. 1086 02:49:14.220 --> 02:49:23.190 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): In October, so there is an evolution of those metrics that continues to be revised, as we learn more about the virus. 1087 02:49:24.300 --> 02:49:32.610 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): And as our local and state health authorities consider what is happening with the virus and how to advise school districts 1088 02:49:34.650 --> 02:49:41.970 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): In conversation with our own local health authority as advisors medical advisors to school districts 1089 02:49:43.470 --> 02:49:57.030 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): There was acknowledgment that our county still remains at a, at a very high level at a category of severe risk level, but that that has been trending downwards since December. 1090 02:49:58.290 --> 02:50:05.910 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): If you recall, very high at the end of November around 460 per 100,000 we had been trending downward to about 1091 02:50:06.660 --> 02:50:13.260 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Low three hundreds but there's an anticipated spike again over the next two weeks because of the 1092 02:50:14.130 --> 02:50:24.720 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): winter holidays and how long it takes them to respond to congregant activity that occurred over winter holidays. So, there still is concerned by our local health authority. 1093 02:50:25.200 --> 02:50:35.970 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Around moving too fast, while we're in the month of January, a preference that school districts wait several weeks, continue to see the downward trend occur. 1094 02:50:36.390 --> 02:50:44.400 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): And also allow our local public health authority that has now been shifted into plans for vaccine distribution. 1095 02:50:44.910 --> 02:50:52.020 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): And implementation and hiring staff for that, that they're also going through their own internal shifts with staffing 1096 02:50:52.380 --> 02:51:00.330 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): And that several weeks out could give them the opportunity to be in a better position to support school districts. So when we think about 1097 02:51:01.140 --> 02:51:07.560 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): The health metrics and we think about our local health authorities, what kind of guidance and advisement. Do they still give us 1098 02:51:07.980 --> 02:51:16.020 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): About reopening in our current situation with our case rates. So we need to be thinking about that. Additionally, under health 1099 02:51:16.830 --> 02:51:25.470 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Under that we need to be thinking about when the case rates are higher the likelihood of transmission within a community is higher and the likelihood that 1100 02:51:26.070 --> 02:51:37.290 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Someone in the community would have it and step on our campus. And then we would have to respond with quarantining so you end up with a more destabilizing context than when the case rates are lower. 1101 02:51:39.240 --> 02:51:50.160 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): I'll go quicker through the rest of these. The first few are probably the most complex. The second one is around, we have to really consider, can we follow our operational blueprints with fidelity. 1102 02:51:51.180 --> 02:52:02.190 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Do we have the P P that we described that we would have in our operational blueprint, do we have those care rooms that chair mala tour said she observed in our primary schools have those been completed. 1103 02:52:03.300 --> 02:52:07.560 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Will we be able to meet those infection control or safety. 1104 02:52:08.250 --> 02:52:18.390 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): protocols that are outlined in our blueprints. So we always want to think about that. And then, of course, we want to make sure those universal precautions that I think most of us are now feel very familiar with. 1105 02:52:18.810 --> 02:52:31.950 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Are understood by our community and our staff is trained with those. And those are the universal wearing a face coverings or face masks social distance cohort sizes frequent hand washing ventilation. 1106 02:52:32.520 --> 02:52:49.320 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Screening for symptoms quarantining and contact racing. These all become familiar terms to us now, and especially staying home when you're not feeling well, or if there has been possible or definitive exposure to the virus. So we really need to make sure that not only we have 1107 02:52:50.490 --> 02:52:57.960 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Our operational blueprints in place and ready to follow those, but that our community understands that they're a part of helping make those happen. 1108 02:52:58.470 --> 02:53:09.720 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): That what our community engages in outside of the school day can either help us keeping schools open or can make it more challenging. And so we really need to all be working on it together. 1109 02:53:12.420 --> 02:53:15.060 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): The legal liability consideration in front of the board. 1110 02:53:16.800 --> 02:53:25.260 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Is one, we do have to consider. So we were very pleased when our state legislators who were great advocates for this. 1111 02:53:26.880 --> 02:53:33.270 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Under House bill for 402 did grant school districts, a level of immunity. 1112 02:53:34.470 --> 02:53:42.210 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): For code related situations that could occur on district campuses or activities related to the district provided 1113 02:53:42.600 --> 02:53:51.660 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): That the districts were following the operational blueprints and not being reckless or negligent or purposefully disregarding 1114 02:53:52.380 --> 02:54:05.310 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): A safety protocols that have been outlined in the ready school safe learners document and that were listed in their operational blueprint. In other words, if we work as hard as we can and we do our best. And we follow that guidance. 1115 02:54:06.150 --> 02:54:10.440 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Then we have a level of assurance around any potential liability. 1116 02:54:11.790 --> 02:54:24.900 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): What's concerning in the shift here or a factor that we need to work through and that the state is looking at is some of the language written into that legislation around how an emergency order might be defined 1117 02:54:25.410 --> 02:54:36.060 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Is that right now if we open outside of the metrics that are listed in the up in the ready school safe learners, even though their advisory 1118 02:54:37.020 --> 02:54:50.550 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): If we open, we would not be covered by that liability in house bill 4402 as the language States currently. So that's a factor for the school board to consider is 1119 02:54:51.240 --> 02:55:04.200 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Unless those health metrics change on January 19 the current health metrics have an opening only when we're at 100 per 100,000 at the case rate. 1120 02:55:06.360 --> 02:55:14.790 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): And then, of course, an equity lens, making sure that we really are thinking about the implications of our actions and decisions for all students. 1121 02:55:15.030 --> 02:55:22.290 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): And we use this equity lens for a lot of decisions around curriculum. We just talked about gender neutral restrooms. So there's a number of 1122 02:55:22.620 --> 02:55:35.430 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Areas that we we bring our equity lens to our decisions and our work and this one is no different to be thinking about the implications of this or various groups and does it align with our district mission and goal number one. 1123 02:55:36.960 --> 02:55:46.110 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Of course, there's a new factor. Now about vaccines. The board needs to think about what we're hearing about vaccinations where educators are as a priority. 1124 02:55:46.830 --> 02:55:55.710 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): What right now. I think we're still in group one be but there is talk about advocating for educators to be moved into group one, a 1125 02:55:56.100 --> 02:56:04.080 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): There's also the rate of this distribution. The organization around it. And this is a place where we could see some collective work. 1126 02:56:04.560 --> 02:56:16.020 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): I think everyone would agree that being able to have vaccinations is a good thing, wherever we are on the position of reopening I think we can all agree that we could work together around advocating 1127 02:56:16.350 --> 02:56:24.690 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): For a swifter distribution of vaccines for more funding and for ways that school districts can partner with their local health authority. 1128 02:56:26.040 --> 02:56:32.640 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): To accelerate the, the distribution of vaccines are school nurses could be 1129 02:56:33.810 --> 02:56:39.330 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Giving vaccinations and so there's ways that we can help to to accelerate that 1130 02:56:42.270 --> 02:56:50.970 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): And then preparations for reopening several board members talked about visits to school buildings that they'd already been to and impressed with the work that our staff has done. 1131 02:56:51.420 --> 02:56:59.250 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): teachers and staff and principals have worked together to really rethink the configurations of buildings, but what does it mean to reopen 1132 02:57:00.240 --> 02:57:11.070 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): A large organization complex organization with a lot of moving parts, often can't just move on a dime. And so it takes time to shift from one instructional model to the other. 1133 02:57:11.580 --> 02:57:21.330 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): And people change their minds when they're ready. They might be ready for one model, but then not quite ready. A few weeks later. And so we've sent out surveys and we need to consider. 1134 02:57:21.870 --> 02:57:33.840 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Where is our community in this process. And if we open and we have many more families, preferring to extend into CDO. What does that do to our class sizes or classrooms. 1135 02:57:34.890 --> 02:57:41.430 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): And where are we ready for that reality of it is it different than what we anticipated back in August or September, it would be 1136 02:57:43.080 --> 02:57:48.750 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): There's also just plans that you can't do ahead of time that only when you have your definitive timeline. 1137 02:57:49.110 --> 02:57:58.170 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Are you ready to move on it. And that has a lot to do with hiring of staff and training of staff, you do the training too early, you almost have to do a refresher. When you get closer to the opening 1138 02:57:59.010 --> 02:58:05.490 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): If you hire back too soon. You've got people on the payroll that really are sitting and not working into their job description. 1139 02:58:05.730 --> 02:58:15.840 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): And wondering what they should be doing. So you kind of have to time it in a way that you can hire and train very close to your opening so that's that's the place where in we can do some of that now. 1140 02:58:16.230 --> 02:58:30.330 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): But again, we would we would continue to kind of see where the timeline is for some of that even later hiring so hiring back staff who weren't needed for CDs, but who are needed for hybrid. And that's a lot of staff would need to be on campus. 1141 02:58:31.980 --> 02:58:35.790 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): And then I think I've spoken to the training component and the survey. 1142 02:58:36.750 --> 02:58:47.850 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): And then re asking families again about their bus and transportation needs. It could be different now than it was maybe an August or September and making sure we get our routes in place. 1143 02:58:48.300 --> 02:59:05.760 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): And then also adjusting meal plan again. Now we need our staff to be serving on campus and not just remotely and door delivery. So these things do take some time and we have to consider how much time does it take for an organization, our size to now adjust to a different operating model. 1144 02:59:07.740 --> 02:59:09.600 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): So these are factors to consider. 1145 02:59:10.680 --> 02:59:25.080 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): That that just take time. Have a lot of moving parts and require us to gather information and I appreciate the board being curious being diligent reading articles that I sent you having a lot of conversations 1146 02:59:28.920 --> 02:59:30.990 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): So where we have come to 1147 02:59:32.070 --> 02:59:40.320 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Is a recommendation based on conversations with our local public health authority guidance within the ready school safe learners. 1148 02:59:41.700 --> 02:59:54.120 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): That if we are ready to shift and we are able to now how would we reopen and which school which schools, would we be open. First, and how would we do it in a careful and thoughtful way. 1149 02:59:54.660 --> 03:00:02.910 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): So our proposed recommendation district leader myself superintendent to the board is that we do plan for reopening 1150 03:00:03.510 --> 03:00:19.650 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): First with our elementary schools and all the advice and recommendation that we continue to get from Oregon Health Authority from other studies like global harbor Global Health Institute from our own local public health authority, who will be our 1151 03:00:21.000 --> 03:00:29.970 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Deepest partners in the work when we need support and advice recommend that we start with our schools with our youngest learners and then we see 1152 03:00:30.630 --> 03:00:46.200 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): How we are successfully moving through our operational blueprints, which now are theoretical and we have to now put them into practice. Are we able to limit transmission how successful are we before we scale to our larger schools with more students in them. 1153 03:00:47.460 --> 03:00:52.620 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Also, there's a lot of science around younger students exhibiting 1154 03:00:54.270 --> 03:01:02.670 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Fewer symptoms and less transmission. So, schools, you probably heard around the nation and other countries that have opened have started with their primary schools. 1155 03:01:03.390 --> 03:01:14.220 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): So this is a proposed timeline. We have always suggested, even back in August when we were thinking about this day coming a staggered rollout. 1156 03:01:14.700 --> 03:01:25.800 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Starting with one grade band giving that youngest group, the most time and the most staff attention for to go really well and then adding grade bands. 1157 03:01:27.000 --> 03:01:28.410 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Each week after that. 1158 03:01:30.240 --> 03:01:37.710 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): We would still have music P in library state a synchronous because we need some of those spaces in our schools. 1159 03:01:39.690 --> 03:01:50.820 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): And these also are some of the activities that have right now the most movement and perhaps even the most likelihood for masks to slip. When we think about P and movement around 1160 03:01:52.020 --> 03:01:58.050 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): And so P music and library would would stay asynchronous. We've got a robust 1161 03:01:59.460 --> 03:02:09.870 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Library ordering system going on now for CDs, we would imagine we would plan for just keeping that in place. So there's still be access to library books, what would happen in the system that we're doing right now. 1162 03:02:12.300 --> 03:02:21.180 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Okay, I'll give you just a moment, again, to look at that again this is in my memo so folks at home if I'm going too fast, this, this is outlined in the memo. 1163 03:02:23.940 --> 03:02:28.860 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): So why the February eight, start date for several factors. One 1164 03:02:29.550 --> 03:02:46.140 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): It allows for our case rate in our county to continue in that downward trend following the winter holidays, because when we start, we want to start with as much stability as we can. And so we're anticipating that when we're in that downward trend, it ensures that 1165 03:02:47.580 --> 03:03:03.090 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): We've heard from our local public health authority that with the shifts happening in their department. They are better positioned if we would wait several weeks and open in February, allowing them to then better help us with case I investigation in case management. 1166 03:03:05.130 --> 03:03:11.400 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): It allows us to also have some time to adjust to any requirements that come out in the January 19 update 1167 03:03:12.240 --> 03:03:23.550 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): We don't know what those will be some could be taken care of in a day. Some may already be taken care of in our district, but there could be others that require just some change that could take some time. 1168 03:03:24.720 --> 03:03:40.950 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): And we have always assured our teachers that when it comes time to start at least a minimum of a two week transition period would be given to them. And this certainly does allow for that it's it's longer than a two week but I just wanted to acknowledge that we haven't 1169 03:03:42.120 --> 03:03:44.100 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Reduce that at all or accelerated it 1170 03:03:49.350 --> 03:03:58.950 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): I know this font is small. Again, it's in the memo along with this recommendation. What does that mean for middle and high schools. At this time we are not presenting a timeline for the board with dates. 1171 03:03:59.490 --> 03:04:07.260 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Because per the recommendations that we're getting is to start with your primary schools and see how those are successfully going and then 1172 03:04:07.650 --> 03:04:23.550 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Dates for the the secondary schools could always be added and community catered to the community later. So we are holding on that at the same time we do hear from families who say anything you can do to increase student INTERACTION AND CONNECTION. 1173 03:04:24.840 --> 03:04:32.100 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Care from the teacher communication continue doing that my children really look forward to those 1174 03:04:33.030 --> 03:04:46.980 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Classes zoom meetings or when the teacher is able to talk with them or when the breakout rooms are more frequent and so we we hear that we're paying attention to it and will continue to increase that interaction connection as much as we can, while we're in CBL 1175 03:04:49.440 --> 03:04:59.220 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): There still is the allowance for families who don't feel comfortable when we shift to hybrid to stay for an extended period of time and conference of distance learning and they've been able to indicate that in the survey. 1176 03:04:59.820 --> 03:05:11.310 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): And we do expect that our families who chose. Remember that picture that model I showed the very beginning we chose at the very beginning of the year, their intention to stay for the whole year in the K 12 online program that they would continue to do that. 1177 03:05:12.720 --> 03:05:14.820 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): We will continue to 1178 03:05:16.530 --> 03:05:21.240 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Have limited in person instruction which I described earlier. And we're going to keep expanding that 1179 03:05:22.260 --> 03:05:28.740 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): And especially in our middle and high schools. If we have since we aren't proposing a start there yet. That's a place will will 1180 03:05:29.220 --> 03:05:37.080 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Really make a priority to continue and expand and then just a reminder to the board and also to the community. When we do open a grade level band. 1181 03:05:37.530 --> 03:05:45.690 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): For hybrid then limited in person instruction discontinuous so limit in person instruction is only in place when you're having 1182 03:05:46.200 --> 03:05:58.350 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): When you're in CDs. It's a provision that comes through with CDs in the guidance. It's really kind of a non issue when you're when you're back into hybrid because the students are on campus. 1183 03:05:59.430 --> 03:06:11.250 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): And since we haven't and CO curricular activities since late September with those are continuing our students are on campus outside right now in their training and conditioning and we're going to continue to follow that guidance very carefully. 1184 03:06:11.700 --> 03:06:17.820 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): That's outlined in both the Oregon's K 12 recreation guidance as well as the ready school safe learners guidance. 1185 03:06:18.720 --> 03:06:29.670 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): And we're listening and following carefully also the guidance that's coming from OSA around approved activities and timelines for athletes and coaches. 1186 03:06:30.480 --> 03:06:40.320 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): And spectators, we know when we hear our secondary students telling us that they're missing those social interactions, whether they're in class or some of those activities. 1187 03:06:40.800 --> 03:06:53.400 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): That typically happen on campus. And so we are going to look at expanding our co curricular activities. Right now they are athletics and music and arts and drama. You heard our high school student talk about the sold out group. 1188 03:06:54.420 --> 03:07:04.830 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): That's been singing and meeting. We've got robotics, but we're going to expand even beyond that and think about how we could bring some small groups of students in now for some of those smaller clubs. 1189 03:07:05.640 --> 03:07:21.030 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Maybe some community service that could be scheduled and structured and maybe a few social activities that could be organized. Again, we will use the structure of the limited person instruction to work with that. But we do want to expand those opportunities. 1190 03:07:22.110 --> 03:07:23.970 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): For our students to be on campus. 1191 03:07:30.630 --> 03:07:38.610 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): And lastly, I would just say, as you go into discussion and questions. I think we've all learned this year that we need to have a high degree. 1192 03:07:39.150 --> 03:07:50.790 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Of understanding that change happens that change will happen, how to stay flexible and that even these plans that we're presenting tonight are based on the guidance and what we know at this time. 1193 03:07:51.630 --> 03:08:00.210 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): And we just need to stay attentive listening to what's happening in our county listening to any of their executive orders that might come from our governor 1194 03:08:00.750 --> 03:08:17.490 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): And the other mandates that could come from a state level that we would need to respond to while we have quite a bit of local control. We're part of state groups and we do need to follow the guidance and any executive orders that our governor gives and guidance from O D and Oh ha 1195 03:08:19.350 --> 03:08:25.020 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): And what I would just say here. Lastly, is I would be remiss if I didn't come back to that. 1196 03:08:26.160 --> 03:08:31.050 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): That reality that's out there around vaccinations and just again mentioning that 1197 03:08:31.860 --> 03:08:47.820 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Right now there is no timeline. We haven't heard any definitive dates around when educators would begin to get vaccinated. There are some stories of some small communities, cities, towns that have received some and been able to give a few 1198 03:08:49.110 --> 03:08:54.570 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): But for us here in the Portland metro area, the Willamette Valley. We haven't heard definitive dates. 1199 03:08:55.020 --> 03:09:07.020 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): And so I think it's important that should that change. And there's incredible advocacy going on now at the state level and a lot of legislators are getting involved in accelerating that for educators 1200 03:09:07.380 --> 03:09:23.850 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): That that could become a factor at some point and this board and the superintendent may come back to you as a community and say, we've heard more we've learned more and it has to do with the vaccines and now we we might want to change some of our thinking. 1201 03:09:25.260 --> 03:09:33.660 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): So I'm just going to end with one of my favorite people Maya Angelou says you always do the best you can, until you know better. 1202 03:09:34.230 --> 03:09:45.450 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): And then when you Know Better Do Better and that has been the advice we followed all year. What do we know now how do we do the best we can with what we know now and then, when we've learned new information. 1203 03:09:45.840 --> 03:09:52.590 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): How do we now change and do the best we can with that information we have some new information now in front of us, we're adjusting 1204 03:09:53.280 --> 03:10:01.860 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): And we need to remember that new information could come next week and in a couple weeks. That could ask us to change our thinking again. 1205 03:10:02.280 --> 03:10:18.510 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Always with the premise that we want to do what's best for our kids for our staff for our teachers to know better, and to do better. So at this point I'm going to stop sharing my presentation and turn it back over to chair mala tour. 1206 03:10:20.100 --> 03:10:24.180 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): For discussion time among the board and any questions to staff. 1207 03:10:24.600 --> 03:10:28.380 Regan Molatore: And you vibrate. Thank you, Dr. Ludwig and 1208 03:10:29.580 --> 03:10:35.520 Regan Molatore: Before we dive into this touch on some I thank you for your time and Karen attention that you have poured into this 1209 03:10:36.960 --> 03:10:46.890 Regan Molatore: In a very short period of time. So I don't. I know that this has been keeping you up and THAT YOU'VE BEEN WORKING TREMENDOUSLY HARD. 1210 03:10:47.700 --> 03:11:04.410 Regan Molatore: To start to put a plan into action. So thank you for those efforts. And I know our board has lots of questions and you've been there a proposal of action before the board before we engage in those questions, I will typically ask is, does anybody have a motion. 1211 03:11:11.700 --> 03:11:20.310 Chelsea King: I move that we adopt the proposed recommendation for reopening schools using the hybrid model, as proposed by superintendent Ludwig 1212 03:11:22.290 --> 03:11:23.070 Regan Molatore: Is there a second 1213 03:11:23.760 --> 03:11:24.270 Christy Thompson: I'll second. 1214 03:11:26.040 --> 03:11:34.380 Regan Molatore: As a matter of process when there's been a motion and a second. That's when we open the discussion and the questions and then during 1215 03:11:35.400 --> 03:11:44.460 Regan Molatore: This time, then we can debate it and at the end of kind of that discussion, I will call it for a vote and pending the outcome of that vote, then we can 1216 03:11:45.420 --> 03:11:54.750 Regan Molatore: Make our next moves. Um, one thing just group as we're working through this, if at some point I do start to hear us not adding new content to the discussion. 1217 03:11:55.050 --> 03:12:10.380 Regan Molatore: I will just kind of give us a little bit of a warning that maybe we're we're nearing end and then I definitely will make sure everyone has one less opportunity to be heard. So with that, and would like to begin with some questions wanderings ginger. 1218 03:12:10.800 --> 03:12:26.250 Ginger Fitch: I my big wondering is, is this a board decision is this within our authority is it legally advisable that the board make this decision. 1219 03:12:26.910 --> 03:12:45.360 Ginger Fitch: Under our current circumstances have we saw legal counsel on that issue, and have we received any written legal advice regarding my ability the district's behalf. 1220 03:12:46.770 --> 03:12:50.220 Ginger Fitch: If we were to take official ox. 1221 03:12:53.640 --> 03:13:01.410 Regan Molatore: And Dr. Ludwig. Maybe to you can refresh our recollections I know that at some point when we had 1222 03:13:02.430 --> 03:13:15.600 Regan Molatore: Proved our operational blueprints. And at that point, you know, we were just waiting on health metrics before we could reopen and I know that it wouldn't need to come back to the board. 1223 03:13:16.110 --> 03:13:30.390 Regan Molatore: And to approve that reopening. And so, um, what is it I guess that now has maybe changed so that this decision is seated before our board. 1224 03:13:31.440 --> 03:13:33.660 Regan Molatore: versus your office. 1225 03:13:37.590 --> 03:14:01.020 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): So I think, I don't want to answer generally for every board in the state. There may be some provisions, where some boards have given sole discretion to the superintendent to open or close schools in a manner like this. And I think first of all the caveat should be 1226 03:14:02.040 --> 03:14:10.500 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): I've never let in a pandemic before and I think it's been a long time, if ever, that many of our districts have. So, some of this is new territory. 1227 03:14:11.550 --> 03:14:14.790 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): But what I read in 1228 03:14:16.050 --> 03:14:29.970 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Advice from O D is that school district boards have the authority to close district facilities and so when when the governor made an executive emergency decision that was the governor 1229 03:14:31.200 --> 03:14:41.700 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Don't want to use where you surfing, but taking control as the state superintendent. So remember the governor has the role of the State Superintendent of Education, making that decision for All school districts 1230 03:14:42.420 --> 03:14:51.810 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Now it comes back to the board to make decisions are you going to open or close your schools, these are these are significant than curriculum decisions. 1231 03:14:53.010 --> 03:14:55.740 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Or one school has a 1232 03:14:57.540 --> 03:15:12.600 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): power outage and temporarily we close it. I think those are decisions you would expect a superintendent to make this is significant around all 16 schools in our district and how they're operating. So just like you approve the decision. 1233 03:15:14.250 --> 03:15:24.900 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): In the fall for comprehensive distance learning. You now are that group that would approve the decision to shift to hybrid or to stay in comprehensive distance learning 1234 03:15:25.830 --> 03:15:38.130 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): So unless you had delegated that all along to the superintendent to make those decisions which you hadn't and I probably would have cautioned you from doing that because 1235 03:15:39.270 --> 03:15:43.890 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): This is an important one, and one that I would expect a board to weigh in on 1236 03:15:44.910 --> 03:15:52.980 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): In terms of legal counsel, we have received legal counsel on the liability question and that I addressed in my memo. 1237 03:15:54.210 --> 03:16:02.250 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): That legal counsel right now is advising us that should we be open outside of the current health metrics. 1238 03:16:02.880 --> 03:16:12.510 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): As outlined in the ready school safe learners that we would not have immunity coverage as described in house bill 4402 1239 03:16:13.440 --> 03:16:30.750 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): So that is a risk that the board would be taking as an organization, if we open under the current metrics which we do not meet because the current metric state, we can open when we are at 100 per 100,000 and we are higher than that level. 1240 03:16:40.530 --> 03:16:42.510 Regan Molatore: Ginger, did you have anything further on that. 1241 03:16:44.550 --> 03:16:49.890 Ginger Fitch: I just would like my fellow board members to consider your personal 1242 03:16:57.600 --> 03:17:06.780 Ginger Fitch: Capacity to be sued if you are making a decision outside of the metrics. 1243 03:17:08.130 --> 03:17:13.020 Ginger Fitch: And whether or not that suit would be successful. 1244 03:17:14.790 --> 03:17:36.840 Ginger Fitch: If there is not coverage from a carrier to provided a fence for you, you are personally taking on that decision and I wouldn't know that on my own, but I did speak with Jim green, the Executive Director of the 1245 03:17:38.250 --> 03:17:55.320 Ginger Fitch: Oregon school board Association on that issue that was a conversation he had with me. And I don't know, to the extent that we've received any guidance, one way or another, from our own legal counsel, a school board. 1246 03:17:59.730 --> 03:18:06.000 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): I had not receive that question from any school board member to ask legal counsel prior to this meeting. 1247 03:18:08.430 --> 03:18:24.330 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): You know, certainly if this question from a board member and others arise this evening that become an impediment or barrier or to arriving at a decision this evening. 1248 03:18:25.200 --> 03:18:35.250 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): This could be an evening where you consider the recommendation and then pending at least 2448 hours for me to research. 1249 03:18:35.760 --> 03:18:40.950 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): The questions that maybe arise this evening that I hadn't anticipated or weren't sent to me earlier than the meeting. 1250 03:18:41.430 --> 03:18:52.470 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Then I'd be able to get that information back to you, you would just call for a special session in another day or two if you felt that was a timeline that you needed. And if you felt you needed 1251 03:18:53.790 --> 03:18:58.980 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): That specific information in order to make an informed decision about the proposed timeline. 1252 03:19:01.350 --> 03:19:11.310 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): This is, this is an important decision and I can appreciate all the thought that you're putting into it and what you need to make this informed decision. 1253 03:19:17.790 --> 03:19:19.140 Regan Molatore: Other questions. 1254 03:19:22.560 --> 03:19:25.710 Dylan Hydes: Yeah, I first want to thank Dr. Ludwig 1255 03:19:26.940 --> 03:19:36.810 Dylan Hydes: Top. This is a time when a lot of school districts are refusing to take any action right most of big districts Hillsborough Beaverton portlanders setting no dates so 1256 03:19:37.140 --> 03:19:49.260 Dylan Hydes: I do want to commend you for leading and putting in place a timeline for people to start returning to school. So thank you for that. I am concerned, though I have concerns with this specific timeline. 1257 03:19:50.700 --> 03:19:51.660 Dylan Hydes: Specifically, 1258 03:19:52.740 --> 03:20:02.640 Dylan Hydes: item I want to see kids in schools faster than what this timeline proposes, I don't. I haven't heard the explanation as to why these gaps. 1259 03:20:03.180 --> 03:20:14.730 Dylan Hydes: Are necessary, you know, kindergarten one week first grade, the next second grade. That just seems too long. And what I'm hearing is. I mean, the best explanation I can think of that I'm hearing is that 1260 03:20:15.330 --> 03:20:23.670 Dylan Hydes: We need to wait and see if what we're going to do is going to work as if we're the first school district in the world to try to send kids back during coven 1261 03:20:24.210 --> 03:20:33.600 Dylan Hydes: And what we're seeing is that this can be done effectively. I didn't hear a lot of discussions from you, Dr. Ludwig of what's best for the kids. 1262 03:20:34.920 --> 03:20:41.610 Dylan Hydes: We know being in person is best for the kids. Is that the only factor. Of course not. That's a really important factor that I think we should be looking into 1263 03:20:43.080 --> 03:20:48.450 Dylan Hydes: And then the all be the all important question is, can we do this safely and 1264 03:20:49.560 --> 03:20:58.530 Dylan Hydes: I think the latest science says that we can do it safely and I want to highlight a couple of reports that come out recently that I have come across my own research. 1265 03:20:59.190 --> 03:21:02.760 Dylan Hydes: One is Tulane University published a study last Monday. 1266 03:21:03.240 --> 03:21:10.830 Dylan Hydes: Finding that in communities where the hospitalization rate. And by the way, they say that rate is much more reliable than test rates are positivity rates. 1267 03:21:11.130 --> 03:21:15.390 Dylan Hydes: Because there's so many factors that influence who's getting tested how many tests. There are, that sort of thing. 1268 03:21:15.750 --> 03:21:20.250 Dylan Hydes: But hospitalization rates is pretty definitive we know you're sick, you're going to go to the hospital. 1269 03:21:20.760 --> 03:21:28.620 Dylan Hydes: And with a two lane study said is that when your hospitalization raise between 36 to 44 or less per hundred thousand individuals. 1270 03:21:29.010 --> 03:21:36.270 Dylan Hydes: reopening of schools has no impact on the rate of Community transmission, other than it may actually reduce community transmission because 1271 03:21:36.540 --> 03:21:45.540 Dylan Hydes: Kids are in a controlled environment with P P social distancing masking washing hands, whereas when they're not in those types of environments. They can be spreading those things. 1272 03:21:46.380 --> 03:21:55.260 Dylan Hydes: Clackamas county where our peak has been 25 individuals per hundred thousand people. So we are well below the raid considered safe by two lanes study 1273 03:21:56.550 --> 03:22:09.480 Dylan Hydes: Second last Friday in pediatrics, the public the journal Pediatrics Duke University did a study of 35 school districts in North Carolina, including 90,000 students 1274 03:22:10.920 --> 03:22:19.980 Dylan Hydes: In that in those 35 districts over an entire quarter nine weeks they had 32 cases of transmissions of coded and that's what the aggressive 1275 03:22:21.150 --> 03:22:27.450 Dylan Hydes: Contact racing. So the average to less than one case of code being transmitted per school district. 1276 03:22:29.130 --> 03:22:38.970 Dylan Hydes: And the research is noted that the mitigation efforts that they put in place is what allowed them to be so successful in their mitigation efforts come very close to what we're proposing in our district. 1277 03:22:40.290 --> 03:22:58.620 Dylan Hydes: Third in Marin County County, California. They have approximately 16,500 students showing up to school per day and they've had about 640,000 student days. And in that time they have detected six cases of code being transmitted in those schools all six cases were adults to adults. 1278 03:23:00.870 --> 03:23:09.780 Dylan Hydes: The studies that people sometimes say, Well, the study. The science is mixed on this, because what we're finding is that sometimes schools go back and does increase community transmission 1279 03:23:10.020 --> 03:23:18.120 Dylan Hydes: What I'm finding is that studies that find that are including schools that are not implementing their protocols with fidelity. 1280 03:23:18.570 --> 03:23:26.610 Dylan Hydes: So we can do this with fidelity, which I have every reason to believe that we can, we probably can do it safely. And so I'm concerned that we're not doing it fast enough. 1281 03:23:27.840 --> 03:23:32.640 Dylan Hydes: The starting in February 8 instead of February 1 I don't want that seems a bit 1282 03:23:33.330 --> 03:23:44.550 Dylan Hydes: Arbitrary what is seven days, you know, if the case rates 5% lower is there science that says that's going to make a substantial difference in schools being open safely I I don't know of any science that says that 1283 03:23:46.380 --> 03:23:55.890 Dylan Hydes: There was a mention of meeting meeting time to adjust to the January 19 metrics that are coming out from the governor. Well, everybody that I've talked to you expects those metrics are going to be very minor 1284 03:23:56.490 --> 03:24:02.190 Dylan Hydes: Or those changes will be minor and to the extent that there are changes in the metrics, they're probably going to be adjusted downwards and 1285 03:24:03.360 --> 03:24:07.140 Dylan Hydes: And then lastly I'm concerned that we have no timeline for grades six through 12 1286 03:24:07.740 --> 03:24:15.360 Dylan Hydes: And we cannot, as Dr. Ludwig stated in your presentation. We can't even begin planning some of this stuff until we have a date. 1287 03:24:15.780 --> 03:24:27.360 Dylan Hydes: So let's get a date set, even if it's not as soon as I want it. Let's get a date selected. Now, I'd rather be in a position of having to explain to the community why we're changing a date, rather than having to explain why we have no data at all. 1288 03:24:29.340 --> 03:24:40.410 Dylan Hydes: So, and there's a lot of fear out there and it's easy for fear to paralyze us into inaction and we're here to lead. 1289 03:24:41.160 --> 03:24:48.720 Dylan Hydes: And so what I would like to see tonight is a much quicker timeline kindergarten starts February 1 then a gradual 1290 03:24:49.500 --> 03:24:58.830 Dylan Hydes: Implementation everybody else and by March 1 of 2021 every student has the option of going to in person hybrid learning and so 1291 03:24:59.790 --> 03:25:04.110 Dylan Hydes: I we support a much faster timeline than what's being proposed here, one that includes all grades. 1292 03:25:04.920 --> 03:25:15.060 Dylan Hydes: If the board isn't going to support that timeline. I will support the one that was introduced by the superintend tonight, but only at only because I couldn't get a faster timeline. And so I think we should be discussing 1293 03:25:16.560 --> 03:25:18.960 Dylan Hydes: Something that's shorter, and that includes all grades. 1294 03:25:20.130 --> 03:25:20.520 Dylan Hydes: Thank you. 1295 03:25:28.050 --> 03:25:28.380 Regan Molatore: Doctor 1296 03:25:29.130 --> 03:25:34.920 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): I don't know if there were questions in there for me or just an opening statement, I would say that 1297 03:25:36.030 --> 03:25:42.840 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): We don't have aggressive contact tracing right now and we've heard that consistently from our local public health authority that 1298 03:25:43.860 --> 03:25:51.150 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): That that's not an area that they are at the standard that they'd like to be and they need more weeks to be able to do that so 1299 03:25:52.230 --> 03:25:55.650 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): While we have a lot of those components in place and we feel confident about 1300 03:25:56.340 --> 03:26:04.800 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): We either need to shift and have more contact tracing occur at our level and off of Clackamas county public health or a way to partner with that. 1301 03:26:05.250 --> 03:26:18.090 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Because right now at their best or about at 48% now they've said they they anticipate that to improve in several weeks, we want to make sure that they're at a place where they they really get to that. And so that's why we're not 1302 03:26:18.630 --> 03:26:29.910 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Suggesting an opening next week you know we were here. We're hearing that our local public health authority is saying we we feel more confident supporting school districts. If you can wait for a February opening 1303 03:26:31.560 --> 03:26:41.040 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): I would just add that some of the staffing planning that we do to open primary takes care of some of that staffing planning that wouldn't they need to be replicated for secondary 1304 03:26:41.520 --> 03:26:50.940 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): So we don't need as much time. So, for example, that bank of permanent substitute teachers that we would hire and put on our payroll that I've mentioned in the memo. 1305 03:26:52.080 --> 03:26:55.620 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Is something we would do. Now on this end. And they would be in place. 1306 03:26:56.820 --> 03:27:01.020 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): And wouldn't need to then go through the posting and the hiring for secondary 1307 03:27:02.100 --> 03:27:13.920 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): With as much depth we are hiring health assistance for every single school. We have nine primary schools. We've already hired for we're looking for an interviewing for the remaining five for our primary schools. 1308 03:27:15.030 --> 03:27:22.350 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): That's half the district and we may find that even in those interviews we can hire for the secondary and have those in place. 1309 03:27:22.860 --> 03:27:30.900 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): So there's much more planning that goes to opening the first set of schools that then when you open the next there's some of that. 1310 03:27:31.860 --> 03:27:43.170 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Planning that's already been in place that health assistance. We also have more pair educators at our primary schools and at our secondary. So that's where more of the hiring is happening, we've posted 1311 03:27:43.620 --> 03:27:53.490 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): And we are in the process of doing that and determining the need, as we learn also from the survey, who's coming back and whether we need as many peer educators as we had thought 1312 03:27:53.910 --> 03:28:12.300 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): And when do we need more we can do some staggered hiring, of course, along the way. So there are plans. There's time and plans that go longer into opening the primary schools that don't need as much time for the secondary schools. So that's just two factors that I just wanted to add 1313 03:28:13.980 --> 03:28:16.920 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Into what I heard in some of your comments. 1314 03:28:19.260 --> 03:28:35.220 Regan Molatore: Well, and then just a little bit piggyback on what Dylan had asked. He said, You know, he had kind of a he would like some more understanding around the spacing of the rollout, as you've suggested it and you know 1315 03:28:36.240 --> 03:28:44.970 Regan Molatore: Can you just share with us what your thinking is around starting with kindergarten and then giving it a week, I think, and then 1316 03:28:46.260 --> 03:28:46.680 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Sure. 1317 03:28:47.130 --> 03:28:52.440 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Where we've heard from school districts that have started and certainly we're learning a lot from them. 1318 03:28:52.740 --> 03:28:59.430 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Is that they've started with a slow rollout. So what we're learning from them is that is an effective way to do it. 1319 03:28:59.790 --> 03:29:06.690 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): But that not to rush that rollout because they've already gone before us, but that does still use that slow methodical rollout. 1320 03:29:07.170 --> 03:29:10.530 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Our youngest learners are kindergarteners haven't been in our schools yet. 1321 03:29:11.010 --> 03:29:20.850 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): These are children who haven't had a tour of their school they maybe have not met the office staff, they don't know where place is are in the building. And while it will be restricted. 1322 03:29:21.150 --> 03:29:29.220 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): There's an element of giving them the most adjustment. Remember in one week in our rotational model. They're only coming twice in that week. 1323 03:29:30.000 --> 03:29:39.270 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Because they're coming every other day, and one group would come, three times, but so that's twice before all of a sudden another group is in the building. 1324 03:29:39.690 --> 03:29:46.080 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): And they're being attended to and oriented while that first group is still remembering and acclimating 1325 03:29:46.980 --> 03:29:50.070 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): And demonstrating that they can stay within those protocols. 1326 03:29:50.640 --> 03:29:58.410 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): And we want our youngest learners to feel as attended to. We want to focus on them because we anticipate and this is what we've heard from other school districts 1327 03:29:58.860 --> 03:30:09.660 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): That it was well worth that time and attention, especially first to grade level. Some of our first graders will have been in the building for the first time they didn't attend our school district for kindergarten. 1328 03:30:10.860 --> 03:30:25.800 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): And even then, they were in for a few months. And so giving those two grade levels that time with as much adult support to make sure that our plans feel as prepared as we know they are 1329 03:30:27.210 --> 03:30:34.020 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): And then if you look at the timeline, second and third is not one whole week for second it's it's both of those grades. 1330 03:30:34.350 --> 03:30:43.920 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): In one week. And then fourth and fifth in one week. So we anticipate with our older students that we could go a little quicker within a week each 1331 03:30:44.520 --> 03:30:52.380 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): This is the timeline that I'm proposing to you because it's the what the sooner that I feel most comfortable as your superintendent with opening 1332 03:30:56.190 --> 03:30:59.430 Regan Molatore: Christy, I see you found the raise your hand function. 1333 03:31:02.730 --> 03:31:04.590 Christy Thompson: Thank you. I did, yes. 1334 03:31:05.820 --> 03:31:09.270 Christy Thompson: And so I did have a question, Dr. Ludwig, and I'm 1335 03:31:10.560 --> 03:31:21.780 Christy Thompson: Just about. I remember when we were speaking about splitting back in November, when they were when we were talking about metrics and it was right after Governor Brown had changed metrics. 1336 03:31:22.200 --> 03:31:33.360 Christy Thompson: And you would kind of and correct me if I'm wrong at that time given it you felt like it would be about a two week you know once we met metrics you felt like it was kind of a two week rollout. 1337 03:31:35.070 --> 03:31:43.740 Christy Thompson: Between when those, you know, when we met the metrics and when you thought might be. And obviously, give or take. I mean, I understand that things change. And we don't know anything. For sure. 1338 03:31:44.130 --> 03:31:52.260 Christy Thompson: But, um, so I guess my question on that is knowing that on January 19 that is when our metrics get updated. 1339 03:31:52.620 --> 03:32:01.380 Christy Thompson: If we move forward, let's say, two weeks from that day, given that two week time like you had given that would move up combat. 1340 03:32:01.890 --> 03:32:14.460 Christy Thompson: I guess I'm going off that two week then to me that's maybe we could get. We could start on it. Like, do a February 2 start date versus a February 8 start date. So I guess my curiosity or my wondering is, 1341 03:32:15.420 --> 03:32:32.370 Christy Thompson: What changed as far as that, you know, are there other factors that you factored in. Now that caused you to say, No, I don't think it should be two weeks it. Now I want to make it three weeks. So just I want to understand kind of where that change happens 1342 03:32:36.720 --> 03:32:43.200 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Yeah, I think the largest factor for me is the the readiness and preparedness for our of our local public health authority. 1343 03:32:43.680 --> 03:32:50.400 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Which was not a factor back in October, November, because we we weren't learning about vaccinations. 1344 03:32:51.180 --> 03:33:02.730 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Now there are vaccination plans, our local public health authority is busy investing in that rollout and distribution process, they're shifting staff, they're hiring new staff their training staff. 1345 03:33:03.270 --> 03:33:11.940 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): And when we do this, we do it in partnership and working with our local health authority, you'll see constantly throughout the ready school safe learners document. 1346 03:33:12.360 --> 03:33:25.590 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Work with your local public health authority. They are your partners through this around at risk advisory around case investigation contact facing and case management and mitigation. 1347 03:33:26.100 --> 03:33:47.100 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): So if I'm hearing from our local public health authority. We need more time. Now that we know vaccinations are arriving and we're adjusting staff. We would feel more confident, if you would wait a few more weeks that gets factored into my thinking that wasn't part of it in the fall. 1348 03:33:48.570 --> 03:33:50.430 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): So that's, that's the difference. I would add 1349 03:33:56.040 --> 03:33:57.450 Regan Molatore: Christy, you're on mute. 1350 03:34:00.810 --> 03:34:09.060 Christy Thompson: Okay, sorry. It wasn't letting me unmute. Thank you. I appreciate you explaining that difference. So then my next question is, has the health authority. 1351 03:34:09.360 --> 03:34:16.290 Christy Thompson: Did they say February 8 did they give us a date. I mean, you said that they want a few more weeks but 1352 03:34:16.800 --> 03:34:31.320 Christy Thompson: I'm originally I thought maybe when you and I talked there had been a mention of a February 1 state when they felt like, okay, the schools can hold off opening until February we feel like that would be a good start time and maybe I misunderstood that date. 1353 03:34:33.510 --> 03:34:51.480 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): So the local public health authority will not tell us school districts, when to open or when to close, that's not their role. That's our role they will advise on risk they will let us know their ability to help partner around contact tracing 1354 03:34:52.560 --> 03:34:55.260 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Case investigation and case management. 1355 03:34:56.760 --> 03:35:01.140 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): So that's their advice and and because of their ability to 1356 03:35:02.490 --> 03:35:15.270 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Where they feel they stand around those roles their advice to us has been to wait not open immediately and to give them some time to complete their staff hiring. 1357 03:35:17.100 --> 03:35:21.060 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): And they feel more confident when they get into February. 1358 03:35:23.040 --> 03:35:33.840 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): So they will not be a group that will say open on a specific date. So they were they, they were not the group that said we want everybody to open on February 8 if that's what you were asking 1359 03:35:34.350 --> 03:35:36.120 Christy Thompson: Everybody first is what I was 1360 03:35:36.360 --> 03:35:44.160 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Or first. Yeah, okay. They, they, that's not their role is. That's our role is to put dates together and a timeline. 1361 03:35:50.430 --> 03:35:50.880 Regan Molatore: Chelsea. 1362 03:35:53.670 --> 03:36:01.830 Chelsea King: Director Thompson, where you, where you done you were pausing yeah okay i for the life of me cannot find the raise your hand function I normally am good at that. 1363 03:36:04.410 --> 03:36:04.710 Chelsea King: I 1364 03:36:05.760 --> 03:36:14.370 Chelsea King: I'd like to just take a moment and just speak to why I'm going to vote in favor of this proposed recommendation. 1365 03:36:15.000 --> 03:36:20.850 Chelsea King: And the first thing I'd like to say is that that ready schools safe learner plan that that we've been 1366 03:36:21.210 --> 03:36:31.110 Chelsea King: I think we've looked at twice formally as school board. I believe in it. I see a lot of measures have been taken being taken for the safety of our teachers. 1367 03:36:31.890 --> 03:36:45.540 Chelsea King: I see extensive mitigation efforts in place. I have fellow board members who have toured the schools and observed it and i i believe in that plan and 1368 03:36:46.980 --> 03:36:58.200 Chelsea King: I think also that slightly delayed start gives us time to pivot should O D on the 19th state that there's some significant 1369 03:36:58.950 --> 03:37:06.600 Chelsea King: Alteration that they're going to now require schools to put into that plan because I believe in the integrity of that plan. 1370 03:37:07.320 --> 03:37:16.020 Chelsea King: And the extensive efforts that are going to put into protecting our teachers and our staff and our students. And you know, I think it's 1371 03:37:16.380 --> 03:37:29.280 Chelsea King: Worth being gracious on an additional week to allow continued integrity and being responsive to what's put forward and that ready school safe learners plan. I'm also going to support this because 1372 03:37:30.570 --> 03:37:39.750 Chelsea King: It's our children and our families, some of them are doing well. Some of them, they're loving the online option they want to stick with it. 1373 03:37:40.140 --> 03:37:47.970 Chelsea King: Some of them are doing fine and CBL but overwhelmingly what I'm hearing is that that the students are suffering. 1374 03:37:48.600 --> 03:38:05.490 Chelsea King: They need that in person interaction with their peers and with their teachers and and i want to provide that opportunity in the safest manner possible to get our young people back into their communities. 1375 03:38:07.200 --> 03:38:23.190 Chelsea King: And another reason why I feel comfortable supporting this is the Harvard Global Health Institute. It's a very beautiful source of information. I know there's a lot of studies and things that can be cited, but that's a good source and the, I think it's called 1376 03:38:24.210 --> 03:38:33.000 Chelsea King: Welcome to it here and I can give you the title. If you haven't seen it, but brown Harvard talks, you know, a bunch of organizations have worked together. 1377 03:38:33.390 --> 03:38:44.070 Chelsea King: Oh, it's cold schools and the path to zero, so it's it's a worthwhile read it's backed by, you know, our nation's biggest and brightest and 1378 03:38:45.150 --> 03:38:53.190 Chelsea King: experts in this field and what they're telling us is that we can do this safely and that we need to do it on behalf of our students. 1379 03:38:53.820 --> 03:39:04.560 Chelsea King: I will say that early on I was very early proponent of closing the schools. I thought we did not know what was going on in the community and I wanted those schools closed. 1380 03:39:05.280 --> 03:39:11.040 Chelsea King: But we know now, a lot more than we did back in March when I advocated for closing schools. 1381 03:39:11.640 --> 03:39:19.740 Chelsea King: You know this schools and the path to zero but out by the Harvard Global Health Institute articulated very well what we know now. 1382 03:39:20.220 --> 03:39:28.680 Chelsea King: And what they're saying is that we have evidence that we can safely reopen our schools and prevent 1383 03:39:29.640 --> 03:39:36.810 Chelsea King: You know the prevent spread from happening within our schools. And we do that through all these protocols that we've been following 1384 03:39:37.770 --> 03:39:51.510 Chelsea King: You know, culturally, hopefully we've been following like you know the face coverings and that frequent handwashing and you know the social distancing and all the measures. I don't need to read. Read to those things you're well aware of them. 1385 03:39:52.770 --> 03:40:00.150 Chelsea King: And also I think I'm reassured just by what the evidence is saying that that transmission is not happening in the schools. 1386 03:40:01.200 --> 03:40:19.680 Chelsea King: Community transmission is a bigger factor than retransmission within our schools or schools are demonstrated to be safe places and places where our young people need to be finally I will maybe not. Finally, but last I met the last three quarters and what I'm going to say 1387 03:40:20.820 --> 03:40:26.100 Chelsea King: I, I trust the recommendation that Dr. Ludwig is making 1388 03:40:27.300 --> 03:40:34.200 Chelsea King: Because I know how many conversation. She's had with how many different stakeholders. 1389 03:40:34.950 --> 03:40:46.710 Chelsea King: County Public health officials other superintendents and the district families and our districts are associations. She's been a teacher in our schools. She's been a principal in our schools. 1390 03:40:47.580 --> 03:41:05.670 Chelsea King: I can't think of a better person to synthesize the information coming from various stakeholders and make a proposal and so I don't see anything here that I would dispute that I would exercise my my own opinion over the top of 1391 03:41:08.190 --> 03:41:15.630 Chelsea King: I also, you know, I have three kids and schools and see dl and they're eager to be with their students and with their activities. 1392 03:41:16.200 --> 03:41:23.670 Chelsea King: They're all middle schoolers and high schoolers. So I relate to wanting that date for that level. And I also 1393 03:41:24.240 --> 03:41:30.210 Chelsea King: Know that would, that will watch our mitigation efforts as we slowly roll up those younger kiddos. 1394 03:41:31.020 --> 03:41:48.120 Chelsea King: Who are what's recommended that we start with them and I trust that based on the information that comes to us and we could come up with a plan for those older students as well as we demonstrate that we are able, as a community to do this collaboratively and to do it safely. 1395 03:41:49.200 --> 03:41:56.910 Chelsea King: And I also think, you know, one thing that's really Stark. For me, it's just that schools are going to look different, you know, it's not going to be the same. And so we're asking to go back and 1396 03:41:57.210 --> 03:42:03.390 Chelsea King: I really honor. What we're asking of our teachers. And you know what we're asking them to do and 1397 03:42:03.780 --> 03:42:14.760 Chelsea King: I think of all those kindergarteners coming in and you know our teachers working with the little, little ones and some of whom it's the first time for them to step foot in a school building 1398 03:42:15.180 --> 03:42:26.190 Chelsea King: And I want them in there. And I wonder, teachers feel supported and welcoming them just as much as that senior I ran into it, Fred Meyer. 1399 03:42:27.300 --> 03:42:30.240 Chelsea King: And he was wearing a Wilson will mask and I asked them. 1400 03:42:30.780 --> 03:42:36.540 Chelsea King: How a CPL going and, you know, what did you think about distance learning and was. Did he want to go back to school and he said 1401 03:42:36.780 --> 03:42:44.730 Chelsea King: Well, I just moved to the district and I'll be graduating from Wilson for high school. So I'm hoping to step foot into the school before you know the year is over. 1402 03:42:45.060 --> 03:42:52.380 Chelsea King: And so everything from that senior down to those little, little ones. I want to see them get back in those buildings, and I believe we can do it safely. 1403 03:42:53.070 --> 03:43:06.960 Chelsea King: And then I think I am on finally this is these are finally points I asked that this really incredible advocacy be turned to prioritizing our educators to be in the first group. 1404 03:43:07.620 --> 03:43:22.980 Chelsea King: To be vaccinated. And I also trust that we as a board and that our community will also be flexible with us as we continue to pivot based on information that changes, you know, weekly, and 1405 03:43:23.670 --> 03:43:34.050 Chelsea King: Monthly that will continue to be responsive to to to new information. So that's why I'll be voting and support to propose recommendation or the proposed timeline. 1406 03:43:37.740 --> 03:43:39.660 Regan Molatore: Thank you Chelsea ginger. 1407 03:43:40.740 --> 03:43:42.360 Ginger Fitch: As thought question stage. 1408 03:43:42.900 --> 03:43:45.630 Ginger Fitch: Yep, perfect. Um, 1409 03:43:47.160 --> 03:43:48.480 Ginger Fitch: There were some 1410 03:43:50.640 --> 03:44:01.320 Ginger Fitch: Okay, first of all, I'm thinking particularly of the Sato and allows a rainy families questions. Dr. Ludwig in their emails to us. 1411 03:44:01.830 --> 03:44:16.410 Ginger Fitch: About ventilation in our buildings and whether that's been addressed as well as other things like how we thought about playground equipment and I know the director monitor 1412 03:44:18.030 --> 03:44:19.470 Ginger Fitch: Talked about turning off. 1413 03:44:20.970 --> 03:44:30.450 Ginger Fitch: Drinking pounds or other things like that. So I'm aware from my own tour of Lowery how important that was that maybe you could address those. I think 1414 03:44:30.930 --> 03:44:44.550 Ginger Fitch: All the questions that I saw asked in those emails, in particular, you have answers for but if you could address ventilation and H back and like playground equipment and recess, that might be helpful for primary 1415 03:44:46.080 --> 03:44:58.020 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Sure and I will get that started, but I'm going to invite pat McGough, and Dr. Jennifer Spencer items if they are are attending right now I see them as panelists. If they want to turn their cameras on and if they're able to 1416 03:44:58.650 --> 03:45:08.700 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): First of all, ventilation came up early in our conversations, even in August. It was a factor that we looked into, and our district spent considerable resource. 1417 03:45:10.350 --> 03:45:17.820 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Around filters. There's different merge levels and patent McGough can speak to the technicalities we addressed. 1418 03:45:18.690 --> 03:45:28.020 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): The, the appropriate Merv level and in some of our buildings have even better, more levels across all of our buildings. So we meet that standard 1419 03:45:28.650 --> 03:45:42.150 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): And then also in terms of playground that guidance continues to evolve as we learn more about transmission rate on surfaces and what we learned. You know what, what we were dealing with early on was 1420 03:45:42.690 --> 03:45:51.060 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): How long you know does a virus stay on a surface and what we're learning now is it's not as long we also have purchased more of what we call 1421 03:45:52.530 --> 03:46:12.270 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): These dispersants of clean and they're like fathers and where we had maybe only two in our district, we now have one per school and that allows us to cleared to sanitize a classroom, a school, a school bus, if need be, or some areas of play that we deem is 1422 03:46:13.980 --> 03:46:23.250 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Is important to clean. There's also just natural sanitisation that happens over time that we know in a 24 hour period. 1423 03:46:23.550 --> 03:46:34.860 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Do some surfaces naturally just self sanitize because something hasn't been touched overnight or over a period of time. So as we learn more, we're finding that we can be more strategic 1424 03:46:35.310 --> 03:46:46.350 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): And better equipped to know where do we put our efforts to sanitize and with that I'll turn it over to Pat McGough, if you want to know exactly about those more filters in the ventilation, he's got that technical information. 1425 03:46:48.030 --> 03:46:57.000 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): And then Dr. Spencer, I'm just stand by because it sounds like we might get some of these technical questions and you've really been a key person in helping us with our operational blueprints. 1426 03:46:57.270 --> 03:47:08.790 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): And our key person with Clackamas County Public Health. Dr. Spencer is also oversees all of our nurses and our nursing department. So there could be some questions you have there as well. And I appreciate them. 1427 03:47:09.150 --> 03:47:15.480 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Being on the panel tonight. So Pat. Anything you want to say about the filters that could be more specific, I share 1428 03:47:15.990 --> 03:47:31.860 Pat McGough: The, the standard that every buddy is trying to reach his birth 13 rating. We've been able to achieve that in virtually every space, with the exception of those classrooms that use unit ventilators 1429 03:47:32.490 --> 03:47:42.150 Pat McGough: Arm and I'll get to those in a moment, but that is that we only have those in two buildings every other building has merged 13 rating. 1430 03:47:42.930 --> 03:48:00.000 Pat McGough: What that does is it traps down to the micron level smaller micro or smaller particles than the virus diameter, essentially. So birth 13 filters will filter out 1431 03:48:00.840 --> 03:48:15.300 Pat McGough: The coven 19 virus. The second question we typically get is the amount of outside air that's being brought into the buildings we have maximized that during the initial be 1432 03:48:16.230 --> 03:48:31.410 Pat McGough: Started the pandemic. We were bringing in 100% outside air as temperatures get colder, though you can't bring in all hundred percent outside air, you will freeze the pipes and you'll have no heat 1433 03:48:32.430 --> 03:48:40.200 Pat McGough: We are modulating that daily based on the outside temperature typically right now it's running at 50% 1434 03:48:41.040 --> 03:48:52.560 Pat McGough: But the biggest key is the number of air changes in each room per hour. The standard that you are trying to reach is a minimum of four air changes per hour. 1435 03:48:53.040 --> 03:49:01.230 Pat McGough: We are reaching that in every classroom. Currently, so I hope that addresses. Most of the concerns. 1436 03:49:02.130 --> 03:49:20.880 Pat McGough: On the unit ventilators those filters those units will only take up to emerge eight rating on we are looking at bringing in half of filters into those rooms as well to compensate for the lack of ability to put in 1437 03:49:22.050 --> 03:49:34.470 Pat McGough: Filters. So when students return, we will be able to say with confidence. We have filtration in every room that will filter out the virus. 1438 03:49:36.480 --> 03:49:48.960 Ginger Fitch: Can you speak to cleaning protocols for the restrooms and also the patterns of use for the restroom that you've worked out in the school buildings and also then playground equipment. 1439 03:49:49.950 --> 03:50:01.230 Pat McGough: We can arm so restroom cleaning will happen every hour, and we are working with every individual building staff to 1440 03:50:02.070 --> 03:50:14.550 Pat McGough: Ask them to do their very best to give us the last 15 minutes of every hour for us to go in and sanitize each and every restroom in the building. 1441 03:50:15.300 --> 03:50:27.630 Pat McGough: We will do that with our electrostatic protects us on guns that we have. It can be done fairly quickly, even a large bathroom will only take three or four minutes. 1442 03:50:29.070 --> 03:50:36.570 Pat McGough: So that is we have pretty high confidence that if we can get in there, it will be 1443 03:50:37.710 --> 03:50:48.900 Pat McGough: almost invisible to the user groups playground equipment that standard has evolved over time as well. When the pandemic began 1444 03:50:49.590 --> 03:51:12.870 Pat McGough: Arm the recommendation was to go out and sanitize outdoor play equipment subsequently with studies over time they have found that actually the sunlight will kill the virus very quickly on outdoor surfaces. And so, that's no longer a requirement on that it be sanitized between uses 1445 03:51:21.330 --> 03:51:28.650 Ginger Fitch: And in terms of there were questions from the public about how lunches were going to work and 1446 03:51:31.560 --> 03:51:36.210 Ginger Fitch: Movement and buses. Do you have answers to some of those 1447 03:51:37.140 --> 03:51:38.760 Ginger Fitch: I can so 1448 03:51:39.210 --> 03:51:48.600 Pat McGough: I can give you a standard description of lunch. Lunch will occur in the classrooms and it will be delivered to the classroom. 1449 03:51:49.260 --> 03:52:00.720 Pat McGough: It will look very much like the current model that we are delivering to homes, but in each one of those boxes. There is one item that needs to be heated at least 1450 03:52:01.680 --> 03:52:11.850 Pat McGough: We are going to heat that in our kitchens and deliver it, it kind of in a two step delivery model will set them on tables to the side here is the 1451 03:52:12.570 --> 03:52:25.380 Pat McGough: Portion that remains in the box. And here are your hot items in perhaps a serving boat or in a tray and it will be delivered to every classroom did every student that request one 1452 03:52:28.710 --> 03:52:39.180 Ginger Fitch: And in terms of rolling I'm. Thank you, Chair for your patience. So in terms of rolling out classroom or grade level by grade level. 1453 03:52:39.960 --> 03:52:51.870 Ginger Fitch: My understanding, and my tour of Lowery was there are a number of logistical things that you have on paper. You think you're going to work. But there are some uncertainty about 1454 03:52:53.100 --> 03:52:57.180 Ginger Fitch: Student flow parent flow vehicle flow. 1455 03:52:58.380 --> 03:53:06.630 Ginger Fitch: And also how screenings going to work that require some pause in between. 1456 03:53:07.980 --> 03:53:20.700 Ginger Fitch: Grades in order to make sure that each building that is functioning the way that you have set the precautions in. Am I accurate and understanding why there would be a delay between great 1457 03:53:22.170 --> 03:53:25.410 Jennifer Spencer-Iiams: If I can jump in here alongside my colleague 1458 03:53:26.490 --> 03:53:32.910 Jennifer Spencer-Iiams: Pat and I have had the pleasure of joining principles Dr prior 1459 03:53:34.590 --> 03:53:38.610 Jennifer Spencer-Iiams: downs have set up and never walk through because it's one thing 1460 03:53:39.120 --> 03:53:48.510 Jennifer Spencer-Iiams: And I appreciate as a board you spent the time to listen. Two hours of information about these ideas on paper of what will screening look like 1461 03:53:48.780 --> 03:53:57.990 Jennifer Spencer-Iiams: What will the filtration look like, what will the cleaning look like. And that was all a little bit in the abstract. In the summer when you were learning about those plans. 1462 03:53:58.290 --> 03:54:04.230 Jennifer Spencer-Iiams: And then what we've been doing this fall is moving that more from abstract to concrete. 1463 03:54:04.590 --> 03:54:16.080 Jennifer Spencer-Iiams: And going through and actually walking through what will this look like and doing it multiple times and making revisions, as we go. But it's still a little bit in the abstract, because we haven't had children in there yet. 1464 03:54:16.680 --> 03:54:31.410 Jennifer Spencer-Iiams: Living into it. So by easing and grade level at a time or two grade levels at a time or in some of these the timeline. That's proposed it allows us to learn and adjust because as 1465 03:54:32.490 --> 03:54:40.500 Jennifer Spencer-Iiams: Director King was talking about it is this confidence in these protocols that is most important in in thinking about 1466 03:54:41.250 --> 03:54:58.200 Jennifer Spencer-Iiams: Any kind of reopening right now in a safe ways how, how well can we really implement all of these protocols. So, that is exactly why we would want to do that step by step to learn and reflect, even though we've done a ton of planning and continue to do that planning as we go. 1467 03:55:00.510 --> 03:55:09.030 Ginger Fitch: I have a couple of other questions. One, Dr. Ludwig D. Did you receive when you spoke to the county 1468 03:55:10.620 --> 03:55:28.530 Ginger Fitch: Health Department as zip code specific data so that you would know. So I just looked at their website and it's not even updated for current information I would note that we're still in the extreme risk with no data for the since December. 1469 03:55:30.360 --> 03:55:40.470 Ginger Fitch: And for the reopening plans for school. It says that they're coordinating with 170 different schools. And so in that light. I'm asking whether you got 1470 03:55:41.760 --> 03:55:52.410 Ginger Fitch: If you had the opportunity to get advice for our community for our two zip codes or if we have more. I don't know. But were you able to get that and then 1471 03:55:54.960 --> 03:55:59.400 Ginger Fitch: Want to talk a little, I want you also to address, if you would. The 1472 03:56:00.480 --> 03:56:03.630 Ginger Fitch: From Miss night and 1473 03:56:04.980 --> 03:56:11.760 Ginger Fitch: Others. We got information about the disproportionate impact of those who might 1474 03:56:14.070 --> 03:56:18.150 Ginger Fitch: Contract and die or need to be hospitalized. 1475 03:56:19.890 --> 03:56:28.950 Ginger Fitch: Because of covert a disproportionate impact on persons of color and what you are doing with that as a district. 1476 03:56:29.970 --> 03:56:41.550 Ginger Fitch: In terms of if you have staff members who might fall into a category, who are disproportionately impacted by hospitalization or serious complications. If you considered that 1477 03:56:42.150 --> 03:56:56.490 Ginger Fitch: When you might get a request for not going in person and also how you consider that impact of students who might not even have the choice to come back and because of those risks or hybrid 1478 03:57:01.350 --> 03:57:07.530 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): And so the first question was about zip codes. I did not get that information from Clackamas county public health. 1479 03:57:09.240 --> 03:57:23.670 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): And did not anticipate needing it specifically for this evening. Again, if that's something that this board feels that they would need to make a decision. I would need some time to get that and to see if Clackamas County Public Health could 1480 03:57:24.870 --> 03:57:29.790 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Filter that data for you. So I, I do not have that for this evening. 1481 03:57:31.440 --> 03:57:37.590 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Do not have that data for our two cities we do here consistently that 1482 03:57:39.090 --> 03:57:52.560 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): People are transient. They live in one area and they work predominantly in a neighboring County. And so there is intersection. That does happen between our county and other counties. 1483 03:57:53.730 --> 03:57:58.770 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): With just work life recreation life where people might shop and so 1484 03:58:00.120 --> 03:58:08.880 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Our data may may be for our two cities, but the influence of Community spread does occur outside our two zip codes. 1485 03:58:09.540 --> 03:58:22.800 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): And there's also just some caution I think around the state of what could happen with zip code data that could characterize some areas as being more prevalent than others and what 1486 03:58:24.540 --> 03:58:34.890 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): could then be a narrative around that. So I've heard in both instances, if it's helpful. We could provide it, but also caution around 1487 03:58:36.450 --> 03:58:38.280 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): narratives that could be created. 1488 03:58:40.260 --> 03:58:50.970 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): In with well intentions on one end of providing service, but on the other end around now characterizing danger zones are hot spots for the for the virus. 1489 03:58:52.980 --> 03:58:57.090 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): In terms of disproportionate, you know, one of the we're very mindful. 1490 03:58:58.200 --> 03:59:09.480 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): In the spring and grow and concern. It was why we decided as a district while we did not have our own online program to make that available to every family. 1491 03:59:09.930 --> 03:59:24.240 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Who wanted and needed that we did not put a cap on the number of families who opted for our online program, the ability to stay home if they felt that any risk to the virus would impact them for any reason, and 1492 03:59:25.320 --> 03:59:26.310 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): The only 1493 03:59:27.360 --> 03:59:34.920 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): The limit we put on that program was a time limit at some point we needed to move forward with staffing and so we put a date time limit. 1494 03:59:35.430 --> 03:59:43.290 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): We also at that point before it was a requirement from the state as a district offered to our families. If at any time we open for hybrid 1495 03:59:43.620 --> 03:59:53.700 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): And your family does not feel it's an option for you at that time. You could remain and CDO now it's a requirement by the state. But back when we offer that as a district. 1496 03:59:55.020 --> 04:00:04.470 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): It was either a recommendation or just something to consider. And so we've been mindful of making available to our families choice. 1497 04:00:06.150 --> 04:00:22.410 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): As we also were opening in the beginning of the year we made that choice available to staff who felt in August. They needed an option outside of coming on campus to eventually teach and they were the staff who are prioritized for teaching in our online program. 1498 04:00:23.670 --> 04:00:34.020 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): I think we need to remember that that was an odd guest and things change for families. People get an illness that they didn't expect or now they're caring for their parents, their elderly parents 1499 04:00:35.130 --> 04:00:48.540 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Or something has happened to a child that requires medical attention. That was not the situation August, so staff have informed us. We have had staff and foremost since August 1500 04:00:48.840 --> 04:01:06.540 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): About evolving or changing situations for them and and now maybe some new concerns while they thought they could do hybrid that may be. Now, they couldn't maybe now someone's pregnant or some illnesses happened in the family. And so we will need to respond and 1501 04:01:07.680 --> 04:01:11.550 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Attend to those types of requests that may emerge from our staff. 1502 04:01:15.480 --> 04:01:22.980 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): I'd like to also invite if there are a lot of questions around primary schools. We do have Dr. David prior assistant superintendent. 1503 04:01:23.340 --> 04:01:31.860 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Who has done a lot of those walk through that we've been talking about. And I'll just invite him to turn on his camera and if you do have questions specific to primary schools. 1504 04:01:32.160 --> 04:01:46.770 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): He is available. So thank you, Dr. Prior and gifts. Also, our listeners, an opportunity to put a face with a name because I know you've been in contact with a lot of our primary school families and working hard with our teacher teams and principles at that level. 1505 04:01:49.980 --> 04:01:50.310 Regan Molatore: Hello. 1506 04:01:52.230 --> 04:02:02.880 Dylan Hydes: Um, so the current motion on the floor is to create a February, March 3 timeline to return K through five students only 1507 04:02:04.980 --> 04:02:09.930 Dylan Hydes: I'm wondering if there's an appetite for a different emotion that moves this 1508 04:02:10.890 --> 04:02:20.340 Dylan Hydes: Back to School up by a week. So February starting February 1 instead of February 8 and then having all students back by March 1 and 1509 04:02:20.910 --> 04:02:27.570 Dylan Hydes: This this plan would meet the Clackamas county health departments recommendations that we wait until February to reopen 1510 04:02:28.110 --> 04:02:44.760 Dylan Hydes: It would give the district two weeks to respond to the January 19 requirements that looks better going to be coming, which we think will be minor and it would give secondary schools almost two months to prepare for reopening and so as a board. Is there any appetite for that or 1511 04:02:46.680 --> 04:02:53.580 Dylan Hydes: Is that too aggressive for three hours to get to and we focus on the current motion. So just a question my fellow board members and 1512 04:02:55.380 --> 04:03:03.060 Regan Molatore: Then I just had a clarify because you said something about two months to secondary school so I just came just 1513 04:03:03.960 --> 04:03:05.370 Dylan Hydes: Yeah, so if we opened on one 1514 04:03:05.370 --> 04:03:06.390 Regan Molatore: Thing about that. 1515 04:03:06.450 --> 04:03:18.960 Dylan Hydes: Yeah, yeah. So presumably if we gave the district or February 1 to march 1 timeline, they would start secondary schools grades six through 12 on Monday, March 1 that would be almost two months from tonight's the 1516 04:03:22.650 --> 04:03:23.910 Regan Molatore: Ginger to do something. 1517 04:03:25.410 --> 04:03:28.560 Ginger Fitch: You know, I think that 1518 04:03:30.510 --> 04:03:52.590 Ginger Fitch: Director king is right, we should be advocating get teachers advocated mean vaccinated tomorrow that that's wise use of our resources, which is our educators and that that kind of thing, given the abysmal rollout in our state and our county 1519 04:03:53.760 --> 04:03:58.170 Ginger Fitch: Would be something we would need some time to do and to get done. 1520 04:03:59.220 --> 04:04:04.260 Ginger Fitch: And while I would be glad to consider. 1521 04:04:05.490 --> 04:04:21.840 Ginger Fitch: Speeding up timeframe. If that was happening if we had some dates on the horizon for educators, but we don't. And so I'm not inclined to want to speed things up till we have some answers. And we start to see that our educators are going to be vaccinated 1522 04:04:24.330 --> 04:04:26.100 Dylan Hydes: I mean what I say to that is 1523 04:04:28.500 --> 04:04:37.980 Dylan Hydes: I have loved ones who are essential workers, right, doctors, nurses, firefighters police officers people that work in food production and grocery stores. They've been working for 10 months. 1524 04:04:39.210 --> 04:04:46.200 Dylan Hydes: Not because they're zero risk, but because what they do is so important. And I think teachers are in that category. They are essential workers. 1525 04:04:47.430 --> 04:04:47.850 Dylan Hydes: And 1526 04:04:49.110 --> 04:04:58.590 Dylan Hydes: When I combine that with the fact that the science is telling us this can be done safely. This can be done at zero, or even lower risk than not going back. 1527 04:05:00.420 --> 04:05:01.740 Dylan Hydes: Waiting for a vaccine. 1528 04:05:03.030 --> 04:05:10.620 Dylan Hydes: Is a very good chance we will be back at school, till the fall and we stay has rightfully prioritize teachers to go after 1529 04:05:11.340 --> 04:05:17.670 Dylan Hydes: Nurses and doctors and healthcare and healthcare workers, but that's still the role, it's been so slow from the national and state government that 1530 04:05:18.120 --> 04:05:35.370 Dylan Hydes: To say we need to vaccines. First, I think one is not supported by science and, secondly, it's a very high likelihood that we're conceding that we're not going to open up this school year. And so I would just be very careful to caution, this board, not to tire decision to vaccinations. 1531 04:05:39.600 --> 04:05:40.020 Regan Molatore: Christy 1532 04:05:42.870 --> 04:05:56.190 Christy Thompson: Thank you. Um, I was just waiting. And thank you for all of your questions. Ginger, I appreciate those thoughtful questions that you were asking just about just kind of the practical stuff about bathrooms and lunches. 1533 04:05:57.210 --> 04:06:08.430 Christy Thompson: And and that sort of thing. So I appreciate those questions being asked and I would tend to also support from director heights and say I 1534 04:06:09.090 --> 04:06:25.140 Christy Thompson: Was kind of my questioning involved thinking about that. Two weeks from January 19 which would give us a February 1 it would give us those two weeks to deal with those new metrics and I think as a former high school teacher. 1535 04:06:26.220 --> 04:06:31.890 Christy Thompson: My heart is for our high school kids that are secondary kids and I know I want them back in school. 1536 04:06:33.030 --> 04:06:47.400 Christy Thompson: And I have, you know, many of the letters that we read, and many of the public comments were made that were made also came, many of them came from our students talking about their desire to be back in school and so 1537 04:06:48.750 --> 04:06:59.280 Christy Thompson: Whether or not we vote, you know, regardless of which one we vote on and I would be supportive of a little quicker. The one that Dr. Height suggested. And my hope is that 1538 04:06:59.880 --> 04:07:11.820 Christy Thompson: If that's not what we do that we do get a timeline in place and so that those students have a date to look forward to when they're going to be back in the classroom and and 1539 04:07:12.600 --> 04:07:21.120 Christy Thompson: The other thing I would say is that I have been personally advocating for those vaccinations, as I mentioned, I'm writing an email back in December. 1540 04:07:22.140 --> 04:07:23.820 Christy Thompson: You know, soon after hearing 1541 04:07:25.140 --> 04:07:40.230 Christy Thompson: Being at that public webinar. And then again, you know, talking with the county chair today just to say, okay, do you have any interest in the in additional information is do you have any extra power in your hands that you can do to get those vaccinations. 1542 04:07:41.640 --> 04:07:59.790 Christy Thompson: Into our schools. So that's what I'm going to say about that. The other thing that I just want to bring up is that sometimes I feel like an Oregon. We forget that 70% of our districts across the United States are in school and they've been doing this and 1543 04:08:00.960 --> 04:08:08.970 Christy Thompson: And I think, you know, we can be in our Oregon bubble where we we haven't been in school. And so we haven't seen that. But I have the utmost confidence. 1544 04:08:10.230 --> 04:08:31.620 Christy Thompson: In this district and in our district staff and in our the staff that's in all of our schools and I have so much respect for the their ability to do this well and to keep kids safe and to roll it out. And I think of Dr. Spencer items. I know you have spent countless hours. 1545 04:08:33.000 --> 04:08:42.180 Christy Thompson: Going over and patent guff going over and making sure that we have got all the safety measures in place and I think about 1546 04:08:42.780 --> 04:08:49.710 Christy Thompson: share my knowledge are talking about when she walked through the schools and what she saw I think about what we were able to do with graduations last year. 1547 04:08:50.130 --> 04:09:01.230 Christy Thompson: You know, we didn't know what that we were all kind of fearful of this graduation, that the graduation is we knew it, that big everybody's you know all together state. 1548 04:09:02.130 --> 04:09:08.700 Christy Thompson: Oh my gosh, it's going to be different than what we've done before. And I can tell you it was a blessing. Like, it was amazing. 1549 04:09:09.150 --> 04:09:15.120 Christy Thompson: What our district was able to do and pull off. And so the point in bringing that up is that 1550 04:09:15.780 --> 04:09:24.450 Christy Thompson: I think we can do that again. And I think sometimes we're in this point of fear of the unknown I I suffer from fear of the unknown all the time. 1551 04:09:24.870 --> 04:09:34.890 Christy Thompson: Fear of gosh, can I really do this. Can we step out and and and because I know it's going to be a lot of work to roll it out, and I know it's going to be a lot of work. 1552 04:09:35.190 --> 04:09:46.950 Christy Thompson: And organization to do this safely and do this well. But I look to the rest of the country that is doing it safely well and well and then I look to our administrators and our district staff and our 1553 04:09:48.270 --> 04:10:01.530 Christy Thompson: school staff and I know that they can do it just as well, if not better and and i also think about the studies that continue to show and that the transmission is not that the 1554 04:10:02.640 --> 04:10:11.460 Christy Thompson: Director heights brought some up soda director King, and I don't need to reiterate, but that the studies continue to show that the transmission rates. 1555 04:10:12.930 --> 04:10:22.410 Christy Thompson: Tend to be stable even in those schools. And so for all of those reasons I'm supportive and a faster timeline, but I would also be 1556 04:10:24.000 --> 04:10:30.480 Christy Thompson: You know road if the rest of the board is not agreeable to that I'm favorable to the timeline. It's also on the table. 1557 04:10:35.640 --> 04:10:44.700 Regan Molatore: Thank you. Christy. I'm always kind of weigh in as to where I am and what my thinking is at this point in time and make it 1558 04:10:46.530 --> 04:10:54.990 Regan Molatore: Hurt Dylan's question before the board but i'm i'm in favor of supporting 1559 04:10:56.400 --> 04:11:00.720 Regan Molatore: The opening of our primary schools as was outlined. 1560 04:11:00.750 --> 04:11:02.250 Regan Molatore: In the 1561 04:11:03.660 --> 04:11:12.000 Regan Molatore: As in the motion before the board right now and as outlined by Dr. Ludwig, and I don't come to this decision lightly. 1562 04:11:12.510 --> 04:11:24.900 Regan Molatore: And it's only after reading and listening to all the comments from our community after hearing the presentation this evening after keeping abreast of the science. 1563 04:11:25.860 --> 04:11:37.800 Regan Molatore: Behind the transmission of code, since we've closed our schools to in person learning last March, and after many sleepless nights and a constant knot in my stomach. 1564 04:11:39.090 --> 04:11:39.750 Regan Molatore: That 1565 04:11:40.980 --> 04:11:42.510 Regan Molatore: I reached this decision. 1566 04:11:42.930 --> 04:12:01.170 Regan Molatore: And it's not one that I ever thought that I'd be in the position to make as a school board member when I put myself in position to have this role, and I'm not ignorant to the weight of the decision and I will carry it and its consequences with me or ever 1567 04:12:02.490 --> 04:12:14.580 Regan Molatore: The educators in our district are living through an extraordinary challenge and in how they deliver education to our students. They've gone above and beyond. 1568 04:12:15.240 --> 04:12:24.240 Regan Molatore: Trying to reach and educate our students during this time. And I'm very grateful and cannot stress my appreciation enough 1569 04:12:24.810 --> 04:12:40.860 Regan Molatore: For their efforts. I feel our educators have done an outstanding job and they've earned our respect and our support and we need to let them know that we see them and appreciate their efforts and at the same time. 1570 04:12:42.810 --> 04:12:45.420 Regan Molatore: The recommendations, you know, and the the 1571 04:12:47.490 --> 04:12:59.460 Regan Molatore: The recommendation behind returning our students and for in person, learning, you know, emphasizes that we're doing this because it's important for their well being, to be back in 1572 04:12:59.700 --> 04:13:10.080 Regan Molatore: In school together in person. Education is needed to help their mental socio emotional and physical well being. 1573 04:13:11.220 --> 04:13:14.220 Regan Molatore: So then we as a border kind of left balancing 1574 04:13:15.450 --> 04:13:26.100 Regan Molatore: Students needs to be back in school. And this idea of getting them there along with our staff safely and I think 1575 04:13:27.120 --> 04:13:44.880 Regan Molatore: I really do think and believe all stakeholders if given a choice would like to be in school with our students, but for this pandemic. That's where we would all be and it's just you know the difference of opinion, as I think I said my board report, it comes down to. 1576 04:13:46.020 --> 04:13:48.330 Regan Molatore: When is the best time for that return and 1577 04:13:49.440 --> 04:13:54.690 Regan Molatore: The best time is when we can do it safely. And I think everyone's impression of what is safe. 1578 04:13:55.890 --> 04:14:10.290 Regan Molatore: Is a little different, their personal belief and my decision focuses on my belief that we can safely return primary students and staff to impose in person learning under the proposed plan. 1579 04:14:11.250 --> 04:14:21.900 Regan Molatore: I firmly believe that we have a scientifically clean based roadmap for how our students are for how our schools can safely reopen and stay open and 1580 04:14:23.280 --> 04:14:25.440 Regan Molatore: I believe that they're going to be able to 1581 04:14:28.110 --> 04:14:37.950 Regan Molatore: do so in a way to reduce covert transmission in our children and adults to very low to zero levels. 1582 04:14:38.550 --> 04:14:55.620 Regan Molatore: I've relied on the information contained in the article which Chelsea has already mentioned was the schools and the path to zero and that article was located on the global epidemics.org website and this article and its guidance. 1583 04:14:56.640 --> 04:15:06.480 Regan Molatore: translates the latest evidence and declare recommendations from a multidisciplinary group of experts on how schools and districts can reduce in school. 1584 04:15:06.900 --> 04:15:16.050 Regan Molatore: Ovid risks for both children and adults to near zero. And when I read this article and I reviewed its guidance and then I compared it 1585 04:15:16.500 --> 04:15:34.890 Regan Molatore: And it's recommendations to our existing operational blueprint for reopening there is alignment between what this particular article says we could do to be on the path to zero and and the plan. We actually have in place and our plan. 1586 04:15:36.720 --> 04:15:49.620 Regan Molatore: exemplifies the high quality infection control processes which are needed to control the transmission within the school setting up. In addition I couple 1587 04:15:50.460 --> 04:16:12.450 Regan Molatore: Both this guidance and our operational blueprint with what I saw when I toured booms very primary and I was able to visibly see the guidance and our operational blueprint and in a plan of action a physical like there were physical evidence of that when I took the school, the tour. 1588 04:16:13.470 --> 04:16:31.080 Regan Molatore: For me, that made them guidance and our plans, more than just words. I could, I could just see that physical and product and the intentionality of our districts efforts to mitigate and control spread of infection. 1589 04:16:33.060 --> 04:16:36.960 Regan Molatore: In addition, Clackamas County Health Authority. Ah. 1590 04:16:39.390 --> 04:16:50.520 Regan Molatore: I wish our state in our local health authority and had what it needed to be able to best effectuate its job. And I think it's doing 1591 04:16:50.970 --> 04:17:04.890 Regan Molatore: The best it possibly can. As we all are under these circumstances, and I did. He'd, you know, we, as a board this decision has been been given to us now. And with this. 1592 04:17:07.200 --> 04:17:20.520 Regan Molatore: caveat that we are to, you know, seek the advice and working conjunction with our local health authorities, um, you know, we have done that. Dr. Ludwig and her staff I've reached out to our local health authority on you know they don't 1593 04:17:22.500 --> 04:17:38.190 Regan Molatore: advise against us reopening our schools in February. They did advise you know did discourage us trying to do it. Prior to February. And I think we've heated that advice. 1594 04:17:38.700 --> 04:17:47.370 Regan Molatore: And and they also encourage that. Should we choose to open that we began with primary levels before going into the higher grades. 1595 04:17:47.730 --> 04:18:04.140 Regan Molatore: This plan is in alignment with that advice. It doesn't bother us from ultimately moving towards those higher grades just says not to start there. And so we're not going to start you know this plan doesn't start there and the staggered rollout of in person learning also supports. 1596 04:18:05.280 --> 04:18:15.240 Regan Molatore: Capacity Building in in our, in our from a grade level to grade level, you know, from a primary building to ultimately be our middle schools and our high school levels. 1597 04:18:15.660 --> 04:18:31.710 Regan Molatore: And for me this is why I am not supporting the push tonight to have a earlier rollout. The week difference to me is not significant enough to DB plan and I 1598 04:18:35.640 --> 04:18:46.290 Regan Molatore: I believe that, you know, we can roll out to our middle and high schools. Um, but that being said, I'm just, I'm not going to make that decision this evening. 1599 04:18:48.120 --> 04:19:00.540 Regan Molatore: My, my reasoning is varied, but it does include that that path to zero guidance that I'd mentioned earlier, and along with the advice of our health authority says to start with primary 1600 04:19:01.710 --> 04:19:05.970 Regan Molatore: The science at this age group also demonstrates that there's less risk of transmission 1601 04:19:06.900 --> 04:19:20.910 Regan Molatore: It suggests that by starting here we can build capacity in our system to ensure that we can maintain infection control protocols, which I think is critical. I mean, it does us no good to push forward as fast as we can. 1602 04:19:21.900 --> 04:19:38.640 Regan Molatore: You're not good at controlling and maintaining or infection protocols. So if our goal is to get all of our students and staff back in schools that I feel that rushing rollout actually has the potential to harm our process rather than help it so 1603 04:19:39.630 --> 04:19:53.310 Regan Molatore: At this time, I don't mind just allowing a small amount of additional time so that we can minimize kind of anxiety within our entire system about returning to in person learning 1604 04:19:53.760 --> 04:20:02.970 Regan Molatore: And taking some time to build that trust and confidence within our system that we can in fact do this safely. So, um, 1605 04:20:04.650 --> 04:20:07.680 Regan Molatore: I think my, my last and final thoughts to on the matter is that 1606 04:20:08.850 --> 04:20:14.940 Regan Molatore: As we work to reopen our schools and I definitely think we are on the path to to getting there and 1607 04:20:15.360 --> 04:20:26.340 Regan Molatore: It's just we're going to need the help of our community community right alongside with us, you know, this is a process where we as a community need to prioritize the safety of our students, staff and our educators 1608 04:20:26.850 --> 04:20:42.480 Regan Molatore: And we need in both our words and our actions to build a culture that supports the masking the hand washing your bathroom hygiene. Yeah, the screeners social distancing in the hallways classrooms and shared spaces. 1609 04:20:42.810 --> 04:20:56.490 Regan Molatore: But not only do we need to be able to do that, like in our schools. We also need to just be actively engaged as a community to do that when we're outside of our schools. So I firmly believe it's going to take all of us to get there. 1610 04:20:57.630 --> 04:21:06.420 Regan Molatore: And we're all going to work together and in concert, but that we are able to learning in buildings in person safely. 1611 04:21:12.810 --> 04:21:14.460 Regan Molatore: Dylan. Okay. 1612 04:21:14.670 --> 04:21:19.980 Dylan Hydes: Um, so I don't hear three boats for a faster timeline. 1613 04:21:21.330 --> 04:21:28.530 Dylan Hydes: I think it should be faster and i i think she more front loaded to, I think, waiting for weeks between starting kindergarten and starting fourth grade. 1614 04:21:29.790 --> 04:21:35.820 Dylan Hydes: doesn't make a lot of sense to me. If we can do a kindergarten one week to go through fourth grade, I would think within two weeks, maybe one week but 1615 04:21:36.270 --> 04:21:45.570 Dylan Hydes: Again I here with the board is saying it takes three votes to do that. I don't hear three votes tonight. So what I'm going to instead do is I'm going to offer an amendment to the current motion. 1616 04:21:46.980 --> 04:21:54.030 Dylan Hydes: I'm going to move that we amended motion to include grades six through 12 to start on Monday, March 8 1617 04:21:55.350 --> 04:22:02.100 Dylan Hydes: In this. These are the reasons why I would want to do that. One is that would give us more than two months to see a reduction in that holiday. 1618 04:22:03.390 --> 04:22:06.660 Dylan Hydes: Blow up of coven that we're told, it may be here. 1619 04:22:08.100 --> 04:22:17.460 Dylan Hydes: It would give us third more than 30 days of information from primary that we can look back on and see what lessons to be learned that we could implement into secondary three 1620 04:22:18.270 --> 04:22:27.450 Dylan Hydes: As Christie. I think mentioned is really important, is it gives high school students and middle school students, something to look forward to that so important, I think, for their mental well being. 1621 04:22:28.530 --> 04:22:34.170 Dylan Hydes: Fourth, it, it's well past the February start day recommended by the Clackamas County Health Department 1622 04:22:34.680 --> 04:22:43.650 Dylan Hydes: Fifth, it also honors the Clackamas county health department's prioritization that we allow primary to go first and secondary to go second. 1623 04:22:44.280 --> 04:22:55.860 Dylan Hydes: And six. It allows the tissue to start planning now you heard Dr. Ludwig say in her presentation that there are some steps of planning that they can't even begin until a date is selected. So having a start date. 1624 04:22:56.730 --> 04:23:06.420 Dylan Hydes: Allows addition to all the plan that it needs to do. So for those reasons, my amendment is to amend the motion to start grades six through 12 on Monday, March eight, 1625 04:23:11.310 --> 04:23:15.000 Regan Molatore: There's been a motion to amend. Is there a second 1626 04:23:18.000 --> 04:23:18.660 Christy Thompson: I'll second that. 1627 04:23:23.010 --> 04:23:29.490 Regan Molatore: Emotion. Second, and so we can move on to discussion of the amendment. 1628 04:23:37.410 --> 04:23:40.470 Regan Molatore: Barring nothing. Any further discussion. 1629 04:23:42.180 --> 04:23:42.720 Regan Molatore: Okay. 1630 04:23:43.860 --> 04:23:45.300 Ginger Fitch: Just give me a minute, I'm looking 1631 04:23:45.330 --> 04:23:46.950 Regan Molatore: Out, sure. You bet. 1632 04:23:48.030 --> 04:23:53.700 Chelsea King: I could see Ginger was going for something. So I was kind of pausing but y'all jump in, um, 1633 04:23:55.320 --> 04:24:05.910 Chelsea King: Yeah, director hides I feel the pool on getting those secondary school kiddos and the school I'm living with three of them. 1634 04:24:11.280 --> 04:24:15.420 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): So I don't know if this is where you would want to ask the superintendent for 1635 04:24:15.510 --> 04:24:16.320 Chelsea King: Well, I know. 1636 04:24:16.650 --> 04:24:23.790 Chelsea King: I have somebody. Okay, I just had to recover four minutes. I can't cry on zoom with hundreds of people. So it's hard to like swallow that 1637 04:24:25.830 --> 04:24:35.130 Chelsea King: And I'm going to vote no on this motion, not because I don't also want those students in school. 1638 04:24:36.240 --> 04:24:53.970 Chelsea King: But instead what I would prefer to do is to just make an ask of the superintendent to come up with a plan, rather than for us to choose the date. And I do that because I trust her process and how we arrived at this plan. 1639 04:24:55.260 --> 04:25:04.200 Chelsea King: And so, you know, we have another meeting in two weeks. Would it be okay to just charge the superintendent with the plan to be presented, then 1640 04:25:06.570 --> 04:25:06.990 Chelsea King: So, 1641 04:25:08.190 --> 04:25:09.660 Chelsea King: The emotion is about 1642 04:25:11.130 --> 04:25:23.850 Chelsea King: You know that that call for the students to get back into the classroom and that's what I'm feeling and. But I also want to move in a fashion that ensures the outcome. 1643 04:25:24.390 --> 04:25:41.580 Chelsea King: That we want. And I think thoughtful deliberate slightly more cautious move is going to be more likely to reach the outcome that we want. So that's why I'll vote no. 1644 04:25:47.970 --> 04:25:53.430 Regan Molatore: I'm just gonna get out Chelsea, because she said it exactly what I'm thinking. Ginger. 1645 04:25:55.110 --> 04:26:06.840 Ginger Fitch: So I think people need to be careful what they asked for, because I don't think they're going to get what they think they're going to get and and I'm saying that to a lot of the public comments. We've gotten so 1646 04:26:08.220 --> 04:26:19.440 Ginger Fitch: I even recall from my tour of Lowery, which is again not metal and secondary but this understanding that maybe kids who were in limited in person. We're going to get 1647 04:26:19.710 --> 04:26:34.560 Ginger Fitch: Four or five days at the school because there'd be some combination of the hybrid and then the limited in person instruction. Well, that's just not true either. So I think there's some misconceptions about 1648 04:26:35.580 --> 04:26:50.640 Ginger Fitch: Your student getting more time with their teachers and I particularly paid attention to Mr Skinner, Mr boons and Mr Fowler's emails that I received and they had different views. 1649 04:26:51.690 --> 04:27:03.810 Ginger Fitch: But all of them teachers who have taught my kids at middle or high school and my respect and I know to be committed educators in our district and 1650 04:27:05.010 --> 04:27:11.580 Ginger Fitch: I also want to hear from Dr. Ludwig that she is planning for 1651 04:27:13.320 --> 04:27:23.220 Ginger Fitch: Middle and High School around their terms in high school, their AP learning in high school and 1652 04:27:27.300 --> 04:27:42.720 Ginger Fitch: This idea that people have that there's there's a logical disconnect between the facts and the conclusion that because students are struggling and experience mental health during the pandemic that it's somehow because they're not in person learning 1653 04:27:43.260 --> 04:27:56.280 Ginger Fitch: It doesn't mean that in person learning will be the cure for that it may just be that one a pandemic and that's really stressful for everybody, including the mental health of our students. I have not yet when that 1654 04:27:57.180 --> 04:28:08.910 Ginger Fitch: There's a direct connection between not being in school and the mental health versus that it's a pandemic and we're having a mental health, nor that getting in person is going to cure that problem for our students. 1655 04:28:11.340 --> 04:28:15.690 Ginger Fitch: I think we need to take collective action to do the three things that Dr. Ludwig 1656 04:28:16.110 --> 04:28:33.000 Ginger Fitch: Asked for in our memo and by collective i mean i want our community. I want our educators, I want the board to be pounding on the doors of our legislature to filling their phone banks to getting vaccinations and to getting rapid testings in our school to figuring out 1657 04:28:35.880 --> 04:28:42.030 Ginger Fitch: You know how to do contract chasing things that we don't even have a plan for. I don't think from our county mental health. 1658 04:28:42.300 --> 04:28:49.050 Ginger Fitch: And also want us to find ways immediately like tomorrow, what are we going to do with people identified by 1659 04:28:49.470 --> 04:29:00.480 Ginger Fitch: Our teachers who need help and I'm talking middle and high school here who in our middle and high school students are not connecting and let's get money that's coming in, I think, very soon. 1660 04:29:01.200 --> 04:29:12.870 Ginger Fitch: From the federal government to get teachers or educators to make outreach to those individual students that are identified and are and a lot of the emails that we're getting and also from 1661 04:29:13.200 --> 04:29:28.020 Ginger Fitch: Our teachers. We need to do that separately, but I'd like a plan also from Dr. Ludwig about the timing of Middle and high, particularly because I think they have different needs and and that their 1662 04:29:29.670 --> 04:29:33.780 Ginger Fitch: Connection to teachers during Zoom is is 1663 04:29:35.250 --> 04:29:40.140 Ginger Fitch: Maybe better than we think it's going to be when they do go back to hybrid 1664 04:29:45.960 --> 04:29:47.430 Regan Molatore: Okay, so 1665 04:29:49.050 --> 04:29:56.280 Regan Molatore: Where we are as we have an amendment and we have in a second. And we've had discussion so 1666 04:29:57.720 --> 04:30:00.870 Regan Molatore: Let's call the amendment for a vote, please. Kelly. 1667 04:30:06.960 --> 04:30:07.350 Regan Molatore: No. 1668 04:30:08.730 --> 04:30:09.450 Kelly Douglas: Dylan. Hi. 1669 04:30:09.990 --> 04:30:10.380 Hi. 1670 04:30:11.520 --> 04:30:12.750 Kelly Douglas: Christy Thompson. 1671 04:30:12.990 --> 04:30:13.380 I 1672 04:30:14.430 --> 04:30:15.060 Kelly Douglas: See King 1673 04:30:16.500 --> 04:30:17.070 Chelsea King: Know, 1674 04:30:17.790 --> 04:30:18.780 Kelly Douglas: Ginger fetch. 1675 04:30:19.020 --> 04:30:19.410 No. 1676 04:30:20.700 --> 04:30:20.970 Okay. 1677 04:30:22.050 --> 04:30:40.710 Regan Molatore: So, um, I think our discussion was helpful. And so when we conclude the motion before the board, then we may revisit a few things here. So is there any further discussion on the motion before the Board, which is in support of the plan which Dr lead would brought before us today. Yes. Done. 1678 04:30:42.600 --> 04:30:47.220 Dylan Hydes: I will be supporting I will be supporting the motion because it's the only thing for me to vote on tonight. 1679 04:30:48.180 --> 04:30:57.660 Dylan Hydes: But what I want to the message I want to share with Dr. Ludwig is that we've been planning for this for 10 months and we we can do if we wanted to, we can literally plan for this for the rest of our lives. 1680 04:30:58.410 --> 04:31:10.230 Dylan Hydes: It's, it's that complicated. But at some point, we just have to pull the trigger and trust the trust in our people and trust in our judgment and as Christie talked about trusting the amazing people. We have to do this. 1681 04:31:10.740 --> 04:31:16.770 Dylan Hydes: as well or better than the people that are already doing this and making it work. And so we have a meeting in two weeks, I 1682 04:31:17.490 --> 04:31:30.090 Dylan Hydes: I'm not clear why we didn't have a date today for six through 12 but my request is not a board request but Dylan's request is that in two weeks, we have a date that we can vote on and hopefully that date is March eighth or sooner. 1683 04:31:30.990 --> 04:31:38.850 Dylan Hydes: I'm somewhat confused as to why we have to go in this order primary and secondary because the point that somebody raises that I think the ginger that 1684 04:31:39.270 --> 04:31:48.630 Dylan Hydes: Secondary is so different than primary so even a primary is 100% safe and no one had say that doesn't necessarily mean that secondary is going to be perfect. So 1685 04:31:49.560 --> 04:31:56.340 Dylan Hydes: I just want to see some action and some dates said. And from my perspective, the, the sooner the better. So that's all. Thank you. 1686 04:31:59.400 --> 04:32:11.850 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): If I could just respond. I want to just acknowledge the comment of we've had 10 months and I think you've heard examples tonight of what we have been doing in that 10 months and because we're prepared. We have a timeline. 1687 04:32:12.930 --> 04:32:17.070 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): And that's what I brought forward to the board because 1688 04:32:19.410 --> 04:32:30.390 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): So that's, that's the timeline that I'm presenting to the board, given the work that we've been done, given the preparations, given our partnership with the local public health authority. 1689 04:32:31.620 --> 04:32:40.440 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): In my professional judgment. This would be the soonest that I would recommend we open with a staggered start learning from other districts in our state who have opened 1690 04:32:41.160 --> 04:32:51.330 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): They. Some of them have opened just with their primary still and have not breakfast brought back or maybe primary and middle and not back brought back High School. 1691 04:32:52.440 --> 04:33:13.320 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): larger group of students, there's different cohort movements with during the day that just add for more complexities and watching their case rates or destabilization stabilization rates have paused. So I do consult with other superintendents, who have been a little ahead of us. 1692 04:33:14.760 --> 04:33:23.400 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): And that's been the reason for tonight because this meeting was on the docket. I feel this is where we are unable to present a timeline. 1693 04:33:23.970 --> 04:33:34.920 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): And that we could be prepared in two weeks for another timeline. It would also get us past the January 19 mark and see if there's anything in there around 1694 04:33:36.120 --> 04:33:42.330 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Cohort changes there is a possibility around some of the metrics, some of the requirements with cohorts. 1695 04:33:42.900 --> 04:34:00.870 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Could be adjusted in that January 19 which affects our secondary schools, more so than our primary schools. So there is some thinking by some districts have not rolling out timeline for secondary schools until after we learn more about the changes in the January 19 update 1696 04:34:07.770 --> 04:34:09.120 Regan Molatore: Thank you, Dr. Ludwig 1697 04:34:10.800 --> 04:34:14.220 Regan Molatore: And with that, I'm gonna call up for vote, please. 1698 04:34:16.380 --> 04:34:17.310 Kelly Douglas: Reagan military 1699 04:34:18.600 --> 04:34:19.230 Regan Molatore: Yes. 1700 04:34:20.040 --> 04:34:21.630 Kelly Douglas: Dylan hides. Hey, 1701 04:34:22.980 --> 04:34:23.970 Kelly Douglas: Christy Thompson. 1702 04:34:24.540 --> 04:34:26.760 Kelly Douglas: By Chelsea King 1703 04:34:27.240 --> 04:34:29.430 Kelly Douglas: I ginger Fitch. 1704 04:34:31.350 --> 04:34:31.740 Thank you. 1705 04:34:35.100 --> 04:34:47.280 Regan Molatore: All right, board. Well, it's been a very long evening with a work before us and we have come to a decision at least with regards to a timeline for returning 1706 04:34:48.300 --> 04:34:57.990 Regan Molatore: Our K through fifth graders to in person learning. And I think there is consensus amongst us that we are interested and also knowing 1707 04:34:59.070 --> 04:35:09.660 Regan Molatore: What a plan might look like in a timeline for it as we roll out beyond our primary school. What might that look like for both our middle and high schoolers. 1708 04:35:10.380 --> 04:35:21.750 Regan Molatore: But I think ultimately we decided that isn't something where it says you're going to make this evening, but something that we look forward to having information on in the near future but I current 1709 04:35:23.070 --> 04:35:23.940 Regan Molatore: Dr Ludwick 1710 04:35:24.870 --> 04:35:27.900 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): I think I would just need clarity is their 1711 04:35:29.610 --> 04:35:45.600 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Direction from a majority of the board for their superintendent to bring a timeline to the work session or to the next board meeting or to call us a public session. And maybe that's something we can decide later. 1712 04:35:47.430 --> 04:35:55.890 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): As you query the board chairman with tour, but I just didn't know it sounded like maybe with some interest of that, but I just would want that clarity, at some point. 1713 04:35:58.530 --> 04:35:59.520 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Did not timeline. 1714 04:35:59.610 --> 04:36:02.070 Regan Molatore: The timeline is it yeah I know that was like 1715 04:36:02.370 --> 04:36:12.240 Regan Molatore: A date to set a date, please. Um, I, I don't know. I don't know. I've been working on board feedback on what what sort of turnaround on 1716 04:36:14.730 --> 04:36:16.260 Regan Molatore: Chelsea you you're 1717 04:36:16.830 --> 04:36:29.490 Chelsea King: Muted So tonight I need to say something. Hmm. Um, well, I think my original thinking was, gosh, we meet in two weeks, we could find out then. But that doesn't give an opportunity to begin some 1718 04:36:29.880 --> 04:36:44.190 Chelsea King: Of the rollout of the plan that's in place right now to inform the second stage of the plan, which is the secondary students. And so I'm just sort of thinking out loud here that 1719 04:36:45.420 --> 04:36:53.790 Chelsea King: In the spirit of moving from an informed position, it would make sense to 1720 04:36:55.440 --> 04:37:11.310 Chelsea King: I mean, there's this. There's the Dylan in me that wants to push hard to have it happen fast like there. That is a side of me and also there's like the the Kathy Ludwig side of me that wants to be, you know, careful and thoughtful and, you know, measured and so 1721 04:37:12.810 --> 04:37:21.390 Chelsea King: I would be willing to extend this is me speaking for myself. Of course, it's all I can ever do. I'd be willing to extend to you. 1722 04:37:22.290 --> 04:37:35.040 Chelsea King: The time that you need to come up with a plan that you felt was, you know, viable and had integrity with the rest of the system. I don't need to put a due date in two weeks to force something 1723 04:37:36.690 --> 04:37:38.160 Chelsea King: So those are my thoughts. 1724 04:37:55.170 --> 04:37:58.350 Regan Molatore: I'm with you. So honestly, I'm kind of 1725 04:38:02.670 --> 04:38:06.240 Regan Molatore: Anybody else want to weigh in on what they would like to see happen, Christine. 1726 04:38:10.800 --> 04:38:18.660 Christy Thompson: Thanks. Sorry, I finally did it the right way and raise my hand over there. But, um, you know, what I would tend to say, I would love to hear a date. 1727 04:38:19.680 --> 04:38:35.760 Christy Thompson: When we meet again on the 25th. And as I get out my old school calendar and I roll from the 25th of March eight, that's still a six week timeline and it's also has, you know, time Pat is also a week past when we get the new metrics and 1728 04:38:36.960 --> 04:38:46.530 Christy Thompson: So those are some things are some reasons why I think it gives us a decent amount of time to still roll out. The other thing that has really been pulling 1729 04:38:47.580 --> 04:38:51.630 Christy Thompson: That I think about as I specially our high school seniors and 1730 04:38:53.220 --> 04:38:58.260 Christy Thompson: I remember what my senior year was like, and I know we all remember what our senior years are like, and that's one thing. 1731 04:38:59.490 --> 04:39:01.380 Christy Thompson: As I have friends over. 1732 04:39:06.870 --> 04:39:17.730 Christy Thompson: I want them to have as much of the senior years we can give them and sometimes I think I'm just and I want to give them hope of getting if we can so 1733 04:39:18.300 --> 04:39:28.260 Christy Thompson: Yes, I'm at lines and especially thinking about our high school seniors. I would love to have a date on the 20th that or at least discuss that date on the 25th. 1734 04:39:33.630 --> 04:39:41.040 Regan Molatore: I just wrestled with like that. Like, that doesn't mean part of the idea of the rollout with, you know, K through five, the 1735 04:39:41.310 --> 04:39:56.640 Regan Molatore: The theory behind it and then race we get from our health authorities is this idea of capacity building and knowing that what you're doing and the protocols, you have in place are effective and not just me get that feedback on Man Perfect to be 1736 04:39:58.200 --> 04:39:59.340 Regan Molatore: A fit so 1737 04:40:00.900 --> 04:40:03.780 Regan Molatore: Arbitrary in light of the decision making. See 1738 04:40:05.250 --> 04:40:14.760 Christy Thompson: And I totally see your point. But then my wondering is, so can we that date. And then as we roll out our elementary 1739 04:40:15.450 --> 04:40:23.790 Christy Thompson: When we if there are something we can always back up. I mean, you know, I think everybody's used to 1740 04:40:24.090 --> 04:40:32.190 Christy Thompson: Pivot we got to do something different. We have to I teach at bay club. And now, right now I'm teaching classes outdoors underneath the tent. 1741 04:40:32.520 --> 04:40:40.110 Christy Thompson: And every week. I'm teaching in a different place somewhere. And so I feel like our community is used to that sort of thing. And 1742 04:40:41.100 --> 04:40:48.330 Christy Thompson: And so I guess I don't see a problem with we set a march 8 date with hey that's our goal. That's what we would love to have them back. 1743 04:40:48.690 --> 04:40:53.700 Christy Thompson: And then as we roll out the elementary if for some reason we gain information. 1744 04:40:54.300 --> 04:41:07.440 Christy Thompson: That you know i that makes us have to change. I would think people would understand why we would need to change. So that's just my kind of reasoning understanding where you're coming from, as well, but just saying that's kind of my thoughts behind it. 1745 04:41:09.330 --> 04:41:09.810 Regan Molatore: Chelsea. 1746 04:41:10.110 --> 04:41:13.920 Chelsea King: Yeah, so I'll just say one more thing and then be quiet. In case. Other people want to weigh in on this. 1747 04:41:14.550 --> 04:41:25.710 Chelsea King: One. The question before us is not what the date is with the secondary return to school. And the question before us is, when would we like Dr Ludwick to give us a plan about a secondary rollout. 1748 04:41:26.040 --> 04:41:32.100 Chelsea King: And, you know, the question is, you know, is the next time we meet and work session, the time or not. 1749 04:41:33.120 --> 04:41:40.290 Chelsea King: One thing I learned about myself as at 11 o'clock at night after hours of being on Zoom is not my prime decision making. 1750 04:41:41.280 --> 04:41:50.340 Chelsea King: Capacity and so I would invite that on the work session, we talk about this again this topic of secondary return 1751 04:41:50.700 --> 04:42:03.870 Chelsea King: And give Dr. Ludwig some space to consider is it feasible to propose a date or not she's heard us she knows what we think and just say come to us with some information about what this might look like. 1752 04:42:04.950 --> 04:42:06.450 Chelsea King: Leave it a little open 1753 04:42:08.280 --> 04:42:12.450 Chelsea King: But, but returned to the topic in two weeks when it's on 11 o'clock at night. 1754 04:42:16.710 --> 04:42:19.320 Regan Molatore: All right. Thank you Chelsea ginger. Do you want to add anything 1755 04:42:25.200 --> 04:42:40.650 Regan Molatore: So ginger for forgiving our superintendent direction. We have to to as a see people who would like a date at our work session as direction. And we have two people who would like to say 1756 04:42:41.310 --> 04:42:50.160 Regan Molatore: Why don't you come and have a conversation with us about when you can get a plan in place at the work session which direction do you lean 1757 04:42:51.120 --> 04:43:02.250 Ginger Fitch: I think hope is a dangerous thing. And I would rather not, and still hoping our students until we have a lot more firm idea about implementation of that plan. 1758 04:43:05.580 --> 04:43:05.880 Okay. 1759 04:43:07.200 --> 04:43:08.490 Regan Molatore: So then 1760 04:43:09.510 --> 04:43:10.740 Regan Molatore: For going forward. 1761 04:43:12.090 --> 04:43:17.040 Regan Molatore: I think what we will do is, we definitely will have a topic of discussion and learning around 1762 04:43:17.940 --> 04:43:38.940 Regan Molatore: Maybe what a plan at could look like are the factors influencing a plan, maybe, or some work around and rolling this out from our primary and up into our middle and Hi, but that it will be probably most likely just a work session where we're talking about and working through those issues. 1763 04:43:39.150 --> 04:43:45.600 Dylan Hydes: So, so we're not giving grades six through 12 a date and we're not even giving them a date to have a date. 1764 04:43:47.670 --> 04:43:54.720 Dylan Hydes: I mean, I don't know. I'm border and some public comments. People want something and we're giving we're giving half of our dish or student tonight. Nothing. 1765 04:43:56.940 --> 04:44:00.870 Dylan Hydes: But again, I'm only 20% of the board. So I will respect. 1766 04:44:02.010 --> 04:44:04.740 Regan Molatore: You can also hang us all out to dry right now. Thank you. 1767 04:44:05.790 --> 04:44:20.580 Regan Molatore: We'd all like to be you. We could all like take to take that route where we get held it or we can make the hard choices. It's not easy. And we're all working together and we just have to be patient and I'm probably not being patient right now and I apologize. 1768 04:44:21.390 --> 04:44:24.630 Dylan Hydes: For I think our communities in patient and maybe we should be a little less patient 1769 04:44:28.500 --> 04:44:30.390 Regan Molatore: I will definitely take that under advisement. 1770 04:44:31.050 --> 04:44:34.830 Ginger Fitch: Well, we don't have the survey done. We don't have 1771 04:44:36.780 --> 04:44:44.550 Ginger Fitch: I don't know. I think the superintendent needs the information that still coming that's coming on the 19th is coming in from the survey. 1772 04:44:45.840 --> 04:44:48.510 Dylan Hydes: And we'll have all that in two weeks. It's all going to be in 1773 04:44:49.680 --> 04:44:50.850 Regan Molatore: So that's the Ludwig 1774 04:44:51.660 --> 04:45:00.930 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Well I, I just want to say I i I'm fine with frustration being directed at me. I want to be really clear and not be directed at any of our staff. 1775 04:45:02.190 --> 04:45:06.300 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): As if there's any lag on any of their part or 1776 04:45:07.740 --> 04:45:14.280 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Not being able to come up with something I just needed. I just need to know if what I was if I was going to prepare for something in two weeks. 1777 04:45:14.610 --> 04:45:33.720 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): And if you had said yes please bring bring some timeline, I would do that, it would be, I think, Chelsea mentioned that I usually come up with something more cautious and careful, it would be in that vein, and it would have in it factored, the ability to watch and see how our primary schools. 1778 04:45:34.800 --> 04:45:41.340 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Roll out because that is what I have heard from other superintendents in the state that have started 1779 04:45:42.480 --> 04:45:49.770 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): There are there are districts that have started before us, that are very small. And I think the ability to 1780 04:45:50.250 --> 04:45:58.710 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): build capacity is quicker when you're smaller, it's like the size of your ship that you're able to kind of turn and you have to be really careful with 1781 04:45:59.610 --> 04:46:08.760 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): How many people you're involving and where you're scaling and how many schools you're trying to monitor. If you only have three schools in your district. You're just tracking what's happening in three schools. 1782 04:46:09.060 --> 04:46:26.100 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Very different than 16 schools, very different than a very large school district like Portland public school. So every superintendent has to also way. You know how many staff and moving parts. Are they dealing with when the organization is as large as it is. 1783 04:46:27.450 --> 04:46:36.990 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): And so if you asked me to come with at least a starting timeline. I can do that. The timeline will factor in that I'm presenting a timeline. 1784 04:46:37.530 --> 04:46:54.180 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): On January 25 with what we know at that time, just like what we know at this time I presented a timeline. The factors that we have in place, I would be bringing a timeline, based on what we know at the time by January 25 and factoring in 1785 04:46:55.200 --> 04:47:02.130 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Perhaps the slower, more careful cautious timeline. Then, but then you can react to it. Just like you have this evening. 1786 04:47:02.760 --> 04:47:13.860 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): And you're able to do that as a board you can take a look at it. You can ask why we picked those dates you could make a motion to accelerate it like you have tonight. You could make a motion to go slower. 1787 04:47:15.120 --> 04:47:22.980 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): But I could come to that meeting with days. I just want to be clear that when I asked for that clarification. I was not indicating a reluctance to do that. 1788 04:47:23.400 --> 04:47:32.220 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): And I want to be real clear is no reluctance on the staffs part we we work and serve the board in terms of the information that you would like at a meeting. 1789 04:47:36.240 --> 04:47:46.170 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): So I am able to do that. And the timeline would factor in what we know. We don't know yet. And what we haven't learned yet from our schools who wouldn't have begun rolling out by then. 1790 04:47:51.990 --> 04:47:53.130 Regan Molatore: Chelsea last comment. 1791 04:47:53.340 --> 04:47:58.740 Chelsea King: Regular we, you and I were both kind of doing the muting dance. Yeah, I think just um 1792 04:48:00.030 --> 04:48:07.830 Chelsea King: I think you want clarity and also you have a high tolerance for ambiguity and demonstrated by your leadership there a pandemic. 1793 04:48:08.130 --> 04:48:16.980 Chelsea King: And I think if you brought a timeline that would be well received and if, in my opinion, if you decide that it's premature to propose a timeline. 1794 04:48:17.220 --> 04:48:23.850 Chelsea King: I guess I'm just extend me a little bit of opportunity to do some thinking and have some conversations and explore, you know, what are what's 1795 04:48:24.630 --> 04:48:35.220 Chelsea King: Maintains integrity with our system in two weeks. But let's return to the discussion. Do we have a timeline or not, why or why not what new information do we have 1796 04:48:40.560 --> 04:48:47.010 Dylan Hydes: Reagan, I want to say one more thing about the decorum on the board, you know, as board policy. We're not allowed to 1797 04:48:47.460 --> 04:48:50.910 Dylan Hydes: Wander state law. We can't meet beforehand. We don't know what each other things. 1798 04:48:51.450 --> 04:49:02.940 Dylan Hydes: After tonight. I can never discuss this again and my disagreement, because our board policy is that I will support the board decision and I'm going to honor that policy. So this is literally my only opportunity. 1799 04:49:03.240 --> 04:49:12.720 Dylan Hydes: to voice my extreme displeasure with the vote to happen tonight, and I think I've done that in a respectful way at least have attempted to and so I'm sorry if you will feel like I hung them out to dry. 1800 04:49:13.170 --> 04:49:26.640 Dylan Hydes: But it's important. I mean, to discuss this. And when we have disagreements to voice it. This is the only time that I'm ever going to be able to do that. And as soon as you gamble that you're never going to hear from me again on this issue disagreeing with you. Yeah, my word on that. 1801 04:49:33.420 --> 04:49:36.120 Regan Molatore: Very, very good points. Thank you. Dylan, very much. 1802 04:49:37.500 --> 04:49:41.520 Regan Molatore: That I'm call this meeting this evening, and we will all 1803 04:49:42.540 --> 04:49:55.980 Regan Molatore: Gear up to do this again at our work session on the 25th and we will prepare to meet in person and it will not be with members of the public joining us, they will be able to join us via 1804 04:49:57.240 --> 04:50:00.780 Regan Molatore: A link or some other method. Yes. Dr. Ludwig 1805 04:50:01.680 --> 04:50:09.810 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): I just wanted to also remind people who are viewing that we also limit the number of staff who can be in that room. So it's not just attendees, but 1806 04:50:10.110 --> 04:50:17.340 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): We work with the minimum number of people who can't even be panelists to be in the room. So most of our staff, even those presenting 1807 04:50:17.760 --> 04:50:24.360 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Do so remotely because we count the number of people in that boardroom. And that does have to include technical crew with the cameras. 1808 04:50:24.840 --> 04:50:31.410 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): And so I just want to make it very clear that it's not just attendees of the public that we're excluding but we also 1809 04:50:31.860 --> 04:50:45.450 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Actually just can't even allow our own staff are also presenters to often be in the room with us so we prioritize the board, the superintendent, the director of communication even Kelly. 1810 04:50:46.680 --> 04:50:54.780 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Present. You know, is there remotely. She's not in the room. So it's a very small number to honor the six feet. The social distancing 1811 04:50:56.400 --> 04:51:05.250 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): And and the space in that small room so I just wanted to make that clear to those who are still viewing and wondering if there's only exclusion of 1812 04:51:06.780 --> 04:51:09.390 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Observers that it's not just that. 1813 04:51:10.920 --> 04:51:20.340 Regan Molatore: And the only exclusion is due to yeah it's just trying to abide by gathering requirements currently in place. All right, but that doesn't mean that. Thank you all. 1814 04:51:22.950 --> 04:51:23.970 Chelsea King: Goodbye, everybody. 1815 04:51:25.260 --> 04:51:26.100 Kathy Ludwig (she/her): Thank you everyone. 1816 04:51:26.550 --> 04:51:27.210 Dylan Hydes: Goodbye aboard.