WEBVTT 1 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:12.900 Regan Molatore: This sep tember work session or the west wind Wilson bill school board and it's kind of exciting that we get to have a work session. It's been a while. It feels like we've done a lot of work, but not in this 2 00:00:14.190 --> 00:00:18.390 Regan Molatore: Format. So with that, Kelly, would you please take role. 3 00:00:19.350 --> 00:00:20.040 Kelly Douglas: He time sin. 4 00:00:22.080 --> 00:00:22.410 Christy Thompson: Your 5 00:00:23.220 --> 00:00:23.580 Tenure 6 00:00:24.600 --> 00:00:24.900 Ginger Fitch: Here. 7 00:00:25.860 --> 00:00:26.520 Kelly Douglas: Jesse King 8 00:00:27.150 --> 00:00:29.070 Kelly Douglas: Here, Dylan heads. 9 00:00:29.430 --> 00:00:31.620 Kelly Douglas: Here, Greg and the time 10 00:00:32.490 --> 00:00:33.210 Regan Molatore: Here. 11 00:00:33.510 --> 00:00:40.410 Regan Molatore: Thank you. Thank you. And this is the time in our public meeting that we would typically 12 00:00:40.950 --> 00:00:49.170 Regan Molatore: Take communications and comments from our community members and I had received notice we are doing those comments. 13 00:00:49.590 --> 00:01:04.110 Regan Molatore: Via email being sent in a sense we are not all meeting together, but through the zoom format. And there's just we emailed in advance of our meeting to our Kelly Douglas and she informed us that we had no 14 00:01:04.650 --> 00:01:14.250 Regan Molatore: Comments, which were emailed to her today to be shared. During this meeting. So we will now move on to our general business and 15 00:01:15.240 --> 00:01:27.030 Regan Molatore: Since this is the work session and hopefully there's a smaller amount of us here and we can still use the raise your hand function, but I was also going to take a little bit of maybe the formality away so long as we're doing a good job of 16 00:01:27.570 --> 00:01:36.090 Regan Molatore: Not talking over each other will also just kind of give people liberties to have that more organic conversation today potentially 17 00:01:36.570 --> 00:01:41.070 Regan Molatore: And then if some reason we're crossing over each other. We'll go back to the raise your hand function. 18 00:01:41.850 --> 00:01:53.010 Regan Molatore: And we have two items on our agenda and the first that we will start off is just a board review of our policy BB a 19 00:01:53.460 --> 00:02:05.250 Regan Molatore: And we also have our legal counsel Peter mercereau with us, just to help us also in case we have questions and understandings about this policy potentially its purpose, how it 20 00:02:05.820 --> 00:02:21.120 Regan Molatore: You know, he's just here to help us and give us advice and guidance and should we need it as we engage in this discussion and policy. The I prepared for the board. I'm just kind of a memo about 21 00:02:22.290 --> 00:02:29.280 Regan Molatore: This, this particular policy BBA and I kind of framed the question of our inquiry around 22 00:02:30.120 --> 00:02:38.820 Regan Molatore: What is our boards operating procedure when speaking publicly and when answering inquiries from the news media. 23 00:02:39.360 --> 00:02:53.430 Regan Molatore: And the reason that we're just revisiting this is we actually haven't had the opportunity as a group to sit down and talk about like how do we collectively as a board want to address inquiries from news media. 24 00:02:54.000 --> 00:03:03.690 Regan Molatore: And and then let's come to a consensus about what our process would be when the media reach out reaches out to us and then to the extent our policy doesn't 25 00:03:05.310 --> 00:03:18.900 Regan Molatore: State as succinctly what our common understanding in process is as a result of this meeting, then change our policy so that it is clear and and I know we've just had an odd number. There's a new 26 00:03:20.400 --> 00:03:28.320 Regan Molatore: Reporter On behalf of our local media to sometimes they're the way which they approached us and get to know us kind of altars and changes. 27 00:03:31.350 --> 00:03:40.890 Regan Molatore: It just when they're new. They don't know what we do and so long story short, I think we've had a new reporter or local media source and his 28 00:03:41.700 --> 00:03:49.020 Regan Molatore: Process has been to reach out to each of us individually, and when he has a question or wondering about the work of the school district. 29 00:03:49.440 --> 00:04:03.570 Regan Molatore: And I think we've been internally processing that differently and as to, you know, when we can speak, where would choose to speak to the news media and whether or not it's funneled through the direction of 30 00:04:04.110 --> 00:04:12.480 Regan Molatore: Your board chair and your superintendent or do each individual member get to comment and just so we can have a meeting of the minds. 31 00:04:13.500 --> 00:04:17.280 Regan Molatore: That's why we're gonna briefly hopefully discuss this policy. 32 00:04:19.110 --> 00:04:24.660 Regan Molatore: So with that, did everyone get an opportunity to review the materials in the board book. 33 00:04:26.010 --> 00:04:29.220 Regan Molatore: They seem to make sense. Okay. 34 00:04:30.510 --> 00:04:50.190 Regan Molatore: All right, and then says, and just as we work through it and we had this question essentially of, you know, how do we as a board want to address answering increase from the news media and then our policy BBA provides us with some insight around 35 00:04:52.110 --> 00:05:00.990 Regan Molatore: Our authority to speak as a board member or on behalf of the Board as well as kind of in the last paragraph it 36 00:05:02.430 --> 00:05:10.920 Regan Molatore: It says when individual board members receive requests from the news media representatives for information about the official position of the board on specific issues. 37 00:05:11.190 --> 00:05:24.750 Regan Molatore: Membership or for the information seekers to the board chair or the superintendent, who shall be the spokesperson for the board, except as he or she or the board specifically delegates responsibility to others and 38 00:05:26.370 --> 00:05:26.940 Regan Molatore: I think 39 00:05:28.650 --> 00:05:34.080 Regan Molatore: This one I read it and after having talked with some of my fellow board members and 40 00:05:36.240 --> 00:05:52.860 Regan Molatore: Although it may on its surface seem straightforward and when we read it. It's sometimes you know not everyone reacts with the same way. So I. My question is for the group. What is your understanding of this policy and or how would you like to see us address inquiries from 41 00:05:54.180 --> 00:05:54.750 Regan Molatore: Media 42 00:05:58.560 --> 00:06:05.040 Ginger Fitch: Is it possible, are you are Mr. Nelson, to put it up so that we can look at it together. 43 00:06:09.210 --> 00:06:09.870 Regan Molatore: I don't have 44 00:06:11.820 --> 00:06:12.630 Kelly Douglas: Just one moment. 45 00:06:13.500 --> 00:06:14.880 Curtis Nelson: What's the, what's the code. 46 00:06:15.690 --> 00:06:19.650 Curtis Nelson: Ba ba ba ba ba. Okay, hold on just a moment. 47 00:06:21.780 --> 00:06:22.350 Ginger Fitch: So, 48 00:06:23.430 --> 00:06:28.950 Ginger Fitch: I what stands out for me. Are these words. 49 00:06:31.590 --> 00:06:38.460 Ginger Fitch: The official position of the board on specific issues. So let's say 50 00:06:39.600 --> 00:06:47.130 Ginger Fitch: That we know before the board will come a policy before January about 51 00:06:49.080 --> 00:06:55.440 Ginger Fitch: The new department of education rules on the federal flag. 52 00:07:00.630 --> 00:07:10.980 Ginger Fitch: That has not come before the board, yet there is no official board policy on the new department of education rules. 53 00:07:13.980 --> 00:07:30.870 Ginger Fitch: If the purpose of our policy is that when we've acted as a board and voted, regardless if we don't all agree if the vote husband taken and there is board action, then we all support that. 54 00:07:31.980 --> 00:07:45.570 Ginger Fitch: And that this policy would say then that we're not individualized in speaking about something, the board has acted on. But what if knowing this is coming in January. 55 00:07:47.280 --> 00:07:56.580 Ginger Fitch: Chelsea has some opinions on it. And if she wants to see what kind of response. She gets from from people on her Facebook page or 56 00:07:58.050 --> 00:08:02.370 Ginger Fitch: I want to have a conversation with my book club or 57 00:08:04.230 --> 00:08:12.810 Ginger Fitch: Or even in a more public forum in a public meeting talk about what I'm thinking about in terms of the new Department of Ed rule. 58 00:08:14.160 --> 00:08:19.830 Ginger Fitch: How is that in your mind. Different than, say, we voted to pass the bond. 59 00:08:21.690 --> 00:08:29.460 Ginger Fitch: And it's a done deal. So those are kind of how I would like to frame the discussion. What about that paragraph. 60 00:08:32.640 --> 00:08:35.580 Ginger Fitch: Are we concerned about and what does it apply to 61 00:08:43.980 --> 00:08:52.620 Regan Molatore: So well, others are thinking about how they'd want to respond to that. I can just share. So my understanding of potentially why 62 00:08:53.610 --> 00:09:02.550 Regan Molatore: That paragraph just exists now the official position wording and whether or not that's significant to us or not. 63 00:09:02.970 --> 00:09:14.970 Regan Molatore: Is something that we would need to discuss here tonight, but the idea. I think of the channeling of communications and not having, you know, five independent people out there. 64 00:09:15.630 --> 00:09:25.860 Regan Molatore: with the best of intentions, but essentially sharing five different messages can potentially be confusing for our community and 65 00:09:27.000 --> 00:09:38.850 Regan Molatore: So I think that's why there was this idea of potentially appointing specific individual individuals to be those key communicators. And so you don't have 66 00:09:40.050 --> 00:09:42.120 Regan Molatore: You know conflicting 67 00:09:43.140 --> 00:09:50.820 Regan Molatore: information being shared out there with your community about school actions. I know in the past. 68 00:09:52.320 --> 00:09:59.130 Regan Molatore: We, you know, and then there's that ability to appoint somebody other than the chair to talk and in the past when we've utilized that method. 69 00:09:59.580 --> 00:10:05.310 Regan Molatore: And I can recall specifically. There was a time where keep steel was board chair. 70 00:10:05.730 --> 00:10:20.670 Regan Molatore: And he there was something going on with regards to the Stafford Hamlet and he was actively kind of participating in in that particular process and and sharing information in his role as board chair and simultaneously. Then we began 71 00:10:21.780 --> 00:10:37.740 Regan Molatore: A appeal about the design approval for the proposed new sunset elementary school. And we also need somebody on behalf of the Board to go and speak to the Westland City Council about those plans and designs and at that point. 72 00:10:38.370 --> 00:10:54.600 Regan Molatore: The chair was like, look, I'm pretty engaged in what I'm already doing would somebody else like to please take on this role and at that point in time, then the board did choose to appoint a second person to be communicating on behalf of the Board. 73 00:10:55.860 --> 00:11:03.870 Regan Molatore: So that's just kind of like a little bit of history as to how these have come into play in the past and what the board has chosen to do but um 74 00:11:05.070 --> 00:11:25.320 Regan Molatore: With regards to your specific question gender around, you know the the way or like to give to that word official position. And to me, it becomes a little bit discretionary. And that makes it kind of hard. But maybe it's not discretionary in anybody else's mind. 75 00:11:31.140 --> 00:11:34.950 Chelsea King: I can pop in and Lynn something to the discussion. 76 00:11:37.590 --> 00:11:43.860 Chelsea King: Yeah, I'm thankful that we're talking about this because you know it's it's important, it's timely. It's not going away and 77 00:11:44.280 --> 00:11:49.200 Chelsea King: And so just having a clear understanding of how we make sense of this policy or changing the policy. 78 00:11:49.860 --> 00:12:01.080 Chelsea King: How I understand the policy to read us as it is right now is there's like two key sentences that I think touch on what the heart of what we're talking about. 79 00:12:01.800 --> 00:12:16.410 Chelsea King: And so in the third paragraph down, it states that a board member has the right to express personal opinions and then when expressing those opinions and public the board member must clearly identify the opinions as their own. 80 00:12:18.090 --> 00:12:28.740 Chelsea King: And so that tells me that, whether it be a Facebook post or a conversation with a reporter or book club meeting, although those have a lot of wine, so 81 00:12:29.160 --> 00:12:33.420 Chelsea King: A little more careful with those, but that basically 82 00:12:34.560 --> 00:12:42.210 Chelsea King: You can say whatever you want. You have an opinion. You can state it as long as you say that that's your own personal opinion. 83 00:12:43.320 --> 00:12:51.210 Chelsea King: And then at the last part of the policy that I think points to our discussion is the the final paragraph that states. 84 00:12:53.040 --> 00:13:01.830 Chelsea King: That when we receive the request from media representative like pampling for information about an official position of the board. 85 00:13:02.250 --> 00:13:10.920 Chelsea King: Which would to me, tell me that that's after a board discussion has occurred, potentially after board action has or has not happened. 86 00:13:11.670 --> 00:13:27.150 Chelsea King: That we shall then refer the media to the board chair for the official spokesperson role. And so that's how I understand it seems to me to be pretty clear that that's what the policy states. I don't know if I'm reading it. 87 00:13:28.620 --> 00:13:40.380 Chelsea King: If there's more subjectivity than I'm, what I'm seeing. Or if what we're discussing here today is changing the policy, but just wanted to share that that's that's how I read it. And for me, it makes sense and 88 00:13:42.000 --> 00:13:57.690 Chelsea King: While I see that it could cause challenges, like you said, Chair mala tour if if all five board members are saying something different. And you know that the potentially you know that could create some discord or lack of clarity. 89 00:14:00.360 --> 00:14:03.030 Chelsea King: The chances of that happening are not super likely 90 00:14:04.890 --> 00:14:07.080 Chelsea King: And to the extent of which, when we speak 91 00:14:07.620 --> 00:14:19.680 Chelsea King: As a board member we say I am expressing my individual opinion, not the opinion of the board and you need to write that in words. If you're going to quote me in the pamphlet, or I need to write those in words, if I'm 92 00:14:19.950 --> 00:14:27.120 Chelsea King: Making a social media post and that that would be in accordance with this policy that's my take. 93 00:14:39.960 --> 00:14:41.580 Regan Molatore: Or something like that. 94 00:14:42.390 --> 00:14:46.920 Dylan Hydes: Yeah, I'm glad we're talking about this because I have some 95 00:14:48.240 --> 00:14:58.140 Dylan Hydes: Confusion to about like what happens if I were to run for reelection in the spring and the spokesman the tidings reach out to me for an interview. 96 00:14:58.680 --> 00:15:11.430 Dylan Hydes: They're inevitably going to be asking me about district issues and I can't very well refer them to the board chair or Andrew to talk about those things. And it's a kind of a piece on me. And then what about 97 00:15:12.930 --> 00:15:18.990 Dylan Hydes: If we're at a public forum and they get a question from a constituent about our position on an issue and the media is there. 98 00:15:20.460 --> 00:15:25.890 Dylan Hydes: Or what if there's a big issue in front of board and the boat goes for one and I'm the one vote. 99 00:15:26.370 --> 00:15:41.670 Dylan Hydes: And people in the media reaches out to me wants to know why I cast the one vote against the issue again. That would seem inappropriate to refer to the board chair and so I guess, is everything okay, including talking to the media. So on this be preface our statements with 100 00:15:42.900 --> 00:15:47.340 Dylan Hydes: You know I speak only for myself and not the board or are there additional constraints on it. 101 00:15:51.360 --> 00:15:58.950 Chelsea King: And I think, oh, I didn't realize I think one thing that I just would add to that conversation because as I was thinking this through. I did dawn on me that 102 00:15:59.190 --> 00:16:10.950 Chelsea King: That in the situation like what director hide is referring to post decision there would be recording or minutes of some sort that we could always point to like if we were the dissenting voice. 103 00:16:11.670 --> 00:16:13.680 Chelsea King: To say, because we are supposed to, kind of, like, 104 00:16:14.610 --> 00:16:19.860 Chelsea King: We're not supposed to go against the board decision per board operating agreements if we as a board. 105 00:16:20.040 --> 00:16:31.620 Chelsea King: Make a move than our board offer operating agreement state that we wouldn't then go to the press and say, well, I would have done it differently because XYZ, but we can always point them back to the meeting. They can see everything we said 106 00:16:32.100 --> 00:16:37.500 Chelsea King: But certainly during other times like public forums or campaign, you know, you have a seat. 107 00:16:38.370 --> 00:16:49.200 Chelsea King: On the school board and you're campaigning for re election or something like that there would be times that you would be speaking on your personal opinion and for it to be prohibited by policy doesn't make any sense. 108 00:16:50.310 --> 00:16:50.460 Chelsea King: Well, 109 00:16:50.490 --> 00:16:58.620 Regan Molatore: And that's one of those, like, I mean it's kind of for every rule. There's an exception and and we may not be able to get into the weeds with it. But even, you know, in that came that 110 00:16:59.340 --> 00:17:09.930 Regan Molatore: Even as I was drafting up from this memo for tonight. I was thinking that exact example in my head. And for me it was like, Well, technically, I'm not in that role of school board member. I'm in candidate. 111 00:17:10.530 --> 00:17:18.030 Regan Molatore: For school board and, you know, and you're speaking about what you will do on behalf of the school board reelected. But yeah, it is. 112 00:17:19.050 --> 00:17:22.890 Regan Molatore: It gets it gets a little bit difficult. And I was wondering if 113 00:17:24.060 --> 00:17:30.480 Regan Molatore: Either if maybe I don't know if you had any insight or any thoughts or in dealing with school boards you like what our 114 00:17:31.620 --> 00:17:35.520 Regan Molatore: potential pitfalls that we need to look out for, or 115 00:17:36.930 --> 00:17:40.290 Ginger Fitch: And we know from Christie first, I'd rather she knows. Yeah. 116 00:17:40.470 --> 00:17:42.990 Ginger Fitch: Sorry below our attorney. Yeah. 117 00:17:48.210 --> 00:17:52.200 Christy Thompson: Oh, thanks. Ginger, um, I had my hand raised. And then I took it down. 118 00:17:53.760 --> 00:18:01.500 Christy Thompson: Just because I'm kind of processing everything that everybody else is saying and kind of my own opinion and my own personal opinion would be 119 00:18:01.860 --> 00:18:22.620 Christy Thompson: I like that we refer to the board chair and that we present to the to the public with one voice and I think where it gets sticky is when the media reaches out to us, even if it's before a decision. The only reason they're reaching out to us is because we are a board member 120 00:18:23.700 --> 00:18:24.780 Christy Thompson: And so 121 00:18:25.890 --> 00:18:30.900 Christy Thompson: If I wasn't on the board, they would not be contacting me for my personal opinion. 122 00:18:32.250 --> 00:18:39.810 Christy Thompson: So I think that's where and I'm not talking. I'm just talking about when the media that's kind of where I'm focused when the media contacts us 123 00:18:41.550 --> 00:18:43.920 Christy Thompson: And it goes in the newspaper. 124 00:18:45.540 --> 00:18:52.590 Christy Thompson: And the spokesman. And so that's my personal opinion. I like the fact that we let the board chair speak. 125 00:18:54.300 --> 00:18:55.590 Christy Thompson: For our 126 00:18:56.610 --> 00:19:01.770 Christy Thompson: And I think to sometimes the board chair just, you know, depending on the year and how 127 00:19:03.870 --> 00:19:04.920 Christy Thompson: How much 128 00:19:05.970 --> 00:19:08.160 Christy Thompson: Expert tonight expertise but I'm 129 00:19:09.210 --> 00:19:17.700 Christy Thompson: Like for me, I've only been on a you know in this last year. Now, I've been on the board for a full year but I may not have had all of the information that I always felt like Reagan had 130 00:19:18.120 --> 00:19:28.680 Christy Thompson: And so for me, it was kind of a comfort to know that someone who was, you know, working personally with Dr. Ludwig and a little bit more lay of the land and bet on the board for a longer head. 131 00:19:29.100 --> 00:19:41.010 Christy Thompson: Was the one that was responding. Now I know ginger that's different, you know, you took over as board chair, your very first year. So, and you were the one making the statement. So, you know, for you. Maybe you completely felt comfortable 132 00:19:42.060 --> 00:19:49.170 Christy Thompson: But I just go back to the fact that the only reason that the spokesperson is reaching out to us is because we're on the school board. 133 00:19:58.770 --> 00:20:05.730 Chelsea King: Yeah, and and in that sense I think just any desire that a meeting a journalist might have to 134 00:20:06.210 --> 00:20:16.290 Chelsea King: sensationalize a story or something like that, you know, it does to have while I like the flexibility and I wouldn't want I there's something in me that resists 135 00:20:16.680 --> 00:20:25.980 Chelsea King: Putting too many rules and regulations are all the ways that digital board member speak. There's also a benefit and, you know, reducing 136 00:20:27.360 --> 00:20:31.380 Chelsea King: The potential for controversy or sensational ization with, you know, in pampling 137 00:20:32.790 --> 00:20:40.650 Christy Thompson: I agree. I think in some ways, it sort of protects us as a functioning board and in some ways. 138 00:20:41.760 --> 00:20:58.650 Ginger Fitch: On the other hand, we're they're reaching out to us because we are elected officials as individuals and we were elected on the board, but as individuals with individuals have opinions, so 139 00:21:01.050 --> 00:21:12.960 Ginger Fitch: I'm not inclined to believe that the media sensationalized but they're looking for information from people who are elected to make decisions by the Community. 140 00:21:16.110 --> 00:21:26.670 Chelsea King: I agree director Fitch. And that was another reason why in my thinking about this and it made sense to not put a lot of restrictions on individual board members because I think the public 141 00:21:27.060 --> 00:21:36.630 Chelsea King: If they're engaged. If they're informed, they're reading news stories they may want to know the ways that different individual board member stand as we're accountable to them. 142 00:21:52.800 --> 00:21:57.900 Regan Molatore: Peter, I'll come back to you and I just know you have experience in 143 00:21:59.460 --> 00:22:05.910 Regan Molatore: helping and assisting a different school boards function and function well and I didn't know if you had 144 00:22:07.830 --> 00:22:10.740 Regan Molatore: Any input or things that we should consider and way. 145 00:22:12.690 --> 00:22:23.160 Peter Mersereau: Well, just, just a couple of thoughts has several of you have expressed it is clear in this policy and in the related documents that 146 00:22:24.720 --> 00:22:34.740 Peter Mersereau: Every board member has the right to express a personal opinion, you start needing a premise and in that respect. It's no different than sending a letter to the editor. 147 00:22:35.850 --> 00:22:39.060 Peter Mersereau: As a board member or you need to clear the year 148 00:22:39.300 --> 00:22:42.660 Peter Mersereau: expressing a personal opinion and not acting on behalf of the 149 00:22:42.660 --> 00:22:46.710 Peter Mersereau: Board or speaking on behalf of the Board that happens frequently 150 00:22:47.970 --> 00:22:59.520 Peter Mersereau: But I think in reviewing these related documents and by those. I mean, the policy itself. The code of conduct and the agreement. 151 00:23:00.990 --> 00:23:03.330 Peter Mersereau: School Board operating protocol. 152 00:23:04.620 --> 00:23:11.640 Peter Mersereau: That the theme that winds its way through all of these is best expressed in the first sentence in this policy. 153 00:23:12.690 --> 00:23:16.050 Peter Mersereau: And that is that the goal from a process standpoint. 154 00:23:17.070 --> 00:23:21.990 Peter Mersereau: I think is that when there is a specific issue before the board. 155 00:23:23.100 --> 00:23:30.090 Peter Mersereau: And before the vote takes place, and as the discussion around that issue is arming 156 00:23:31.290 --> 00:23:38.790 Peter Mersereau: The goal is to have the discussion in an open session when all of you are together and before the vote. 157 00:23:39.930 --> 00:23:50.130 Peter Mersereau: So, listening to your comments. I see a distinction between a media request that has a given board member to express an opinion. 158 00:23:50.790 --> 00:24:01.050 Peter Mersereau: On a matter that is pending before the board or as ginger pointed out, reasonably certain to be before the board like let's say this, he 159 00:24:01.740 --> 00:24:15.960 Peter Mersereau: Hate symbol policy that you read about and one that is completely random, but maybe the media asks Dylan for his opinion on a metrical financing proposal that is not before the board. 160 00:24:16.800 --> 00:24:27.450 Peter Mersereau: Is not a school district issue, but is an item of interest with the media, simply because it's out there in the public and the media might want to know, well, what does a school board member. Think about this. 161 00:24:28.650 --> 00:24:32.190 Peter Mersereau: This policy doesn't prevent any comment on that sort of thing at all. 162 00:24:33.900 --> 00:24:34.560 Peter Mersereau: And again, 163 00:24:36.240 --> 00:24:38.940 Peter Mersereau: It is really only as I read these together. 164 00:24:40.200 --> 00:24:53.940 Peter Mersereau: The problem of committing to a public position before the discussion as a board collectively, because once you get into that discussion, and you've already spoken in the public and staked out a position. 165 00:24:55.110 --> 00:25:04.500 Peter Mersereau: That collectiveness and collegiality from a legislative standpoint, arguably is impacted as opposed to reserving that discussion. 166 00:25:05.850 --> 00:25:06.960 Peter Mersereau: For the open meetings. 167 00:25:09.780 --> 00:25:13.170 Peter Mersereau: So those are just a couple of thoughts, listening to your, to your input. 168 00:25:19.200 --> 00:25:20.220 Chelsea King: It seems that 169 00:25:23.370 --> 00:25:26.970 Chelsea King: I'm starting to just think about ways we can maybe move move forward. 170 00:25:28.920 --> 00:25:29.580 Chelsea King: Is that 171 00:25:31.680 --> 00:25:43.140 Chelsea King: You know, the policy, as I understand it tells us what are essentially what our legal rights are and then my experience recollection of policy reviews and the district in the past. 172 00:25:43.920 --> 00:25:56.760 Chelsea King: we've tended to whittle down policies to to rely largely just on legal or regulatory or statutory issues, whereas our board operating agreement is more the culture of our board. 173 00:25:57.720 --> 00:26:12.630 Chelsea King: And so, you know, it could be that what we what we're being asked to do here is to articulate some more expectations, such as what Mr mercereau just said that when they when we know that something is going to be an agenda item, you know, 174 00:26:13.740 --> 00:26:22.980 Chelsea King: We know it's coming up on our calendar as much as we're able to know that that we would defer comment as it being a pending issue. But when you know 175 00:26:26.160 --> 00:26:26.490 Ginger Fitch: So, 176 00:26:28.230 --> 00:26:30.270 Ginger Fitch: Why, why, and and 177 00:26:32.700 --> 00:26:39.360 Ginger Fitch: Why is that more beneficial to the district than not. 178 00:26:41.550 --> 00:26:44.430 Ginger Fitch: Why is 179 00:26:46.080 --> 00:26:59.490 Ginger Fitch: It necessary to make good decisions for individual Board Members not to express a view an individual view on a pending issue. 180 00:27:01.650 --> 00:27:15.600 Ginger Fitch: How is it that the district is benefited by limiting discussion and opinions of individuals before the public discussion and decision of the board. 181 00:27:17.100 --> 00:27:29.640 Chelsea King: Yeah, I hear that question. That's a great question. I would defer to Peter mercereau since he's the one who made the comment and that that lends itself to the legislative process your rationale behind that statement. 182 00:27:30.780 --> 00:27:33.090 Peter Mersereau: Well, this was just my thought. 183 00:27:33.330 --> 00:27:34.530 Peter Mersereau: Yeah, there are no bright lines. 184 00:27:34.530 --> 00:27:45.570 Peter Mersereau: Here ginger. I mean, you know, you raise some very good questions. And I guess all of us just based on our experience in legislation, literally. 185 00:27:46.380 --> 00:27:56.370 Peter Mersereau: And to me the value of having five board members, sit down and an open meeting and their legislative capacity is that they respond to each other's input. 186 00:27:58.170 --> 00:27:58.980 Peter Mersereau: And then they vote. 187 00:28:00.420 --> 00:28:15.000 Peter Mersereau: And again, if more individual Board Members have already expressed an opinion on that, that is out there has been reacted to might be controversial. 188 00:28:17.250 --> 00:28:30.480 Peter Mersereau: There's a, I would think there might be some tendency that board member to be wedded to that public statement without being flexible enough to change, which is part of the dynamics of a group discussion in the legislative capacity. 189 00:28:32.070 --> 00:28:42.990 Peter Mersereau: I may not be articulating this very well, but I really think that's kind of the, the impetus behind these policies that try to condense that experience to the open meetings. 190 00:28:48.180 --> 00:29:00.870 Chelsea King: I love how nuanced, it gets like trying to remove one's ego from the open discussion right because I can see how that that could play out that if I had very publicly made a comment. 191 00:29:02.100 --> 00:29:14.130 Chelsea King: While I would like to think that that would not interfere with my ability to receive new information based on the opinions of my, my colleagues, you know, I could see how perhaps it would. But here, we're trying to put policy over 192 00:29:15.630 --> 00:29:19.860 Chelsea King: You know over something like the role of ego and decision making. 193 00:29:21.780 --> 00:29:24.090 Chelsea King: But maybe that's policies designed 194 00:29:25.830 --> 00:29:32.160 Regan Molatore: As a was gonna say, I think that's why it's nice to have a clear clarity amongst us all as to how we want to process it because 195 00:29:33.150 --> 00:29:40.260 Regan Molatore: There's also I you know where I sit here today on this board. I'm, I'm kind of conflicted between two things because 196 00:29:40.680 --> 00:29:49.140 Regan Molatore: I'm here and I'm definitely active actively working in this role and will continue to do so. But I also know that this is the last year. I'm going to perform this function. 197 00:29:49.830 --> 00:30:04.590 Regan Molatore: And while I have tremendous trust and knowledge and faith in my current fellow board members that they are really trying to do the best possible thing you just don't know. You know what will happen with 198 00:30:04.680 --> 00:30:08.430 Regan Molatore: Other in future boards and so to the extent that 199 00:30:09.180 --> 00:30:12.000 Regan Molatore: We can create a process that 200 00:30:13.050 --> 00:30:31.410 Regan Molatore: You know, hold us all accountable to the same thing. It's always better. And it's always easy to be like, Well, you know, maybe we don't need to be as prescribed. Now, but it doesn't always address the scenario when not everyone is collaborative and cooperative 201 00:30:36.840 --> 00:30:52.470 Ginger Fitch: So again, let's say that while I was campaign look okay let's not even say that, let's say that the decision, instead of needing to be made in January about the hate speech policy is going to need to be made in July. 202 00:30:53.670 --> 00:31:03.960 Ginger Fitch: And so during this campaign season new board members are coming on and they say, I'm going to vote against that that becomes their platform right 203 00:31:07.380 --> 00:31:08.340 Ginger Fitch: How 204 00:31:10.200 --> 00:31:15.540 Ginger Fitch: How would that be okay but an existing board member 205 00:31:16.590 --> 00:31:29.070 Ginger Fitch: Shouldn't be able to. And again, that's falls in the reasonably certain pending you know something coming before the board, but that somehow an existing board member couldn't say, hey, 206 00:31:30.060 --> 00:31:39.870 Ginger Fitch: I'm opposed to hate speech. I know what it does, it to our students in the learning environment when it comes for a boat. I'm going to support that policy. 207 00:31:41.430 --> 00:31:42.240 Ginger Fitch: Again, 208 00:31:43.500 --> 00:31:45.090 Ginger Fitch: I'm troubled 209 00:31:47.280 --> 00:31:50.730 Ginger Fitch: By how those scenarios play out in my mind. 210 00:31:53.670 --> 00:32:03.210 Chelsea King: I agree. Ginger. I mean, I'm, I, I'm comfortable, leaving the policy exactly as it is because I would lean more toward 211 00:32:04.890 --> 00:32:15.360 Chelsea King: Allowing and not overprescribing and how an individual board member can speak to the public and 212 00:32:16.800 --> 00:32:25.890 Chelsea King: You know, I think it loops back around to the importance of our retreat our board operating agreement ways that we onboard ways that we recruit 213 00:32:26.670 --> 00:32:36.120 Chelsea King: You know, people who might be good candidates for board members and encourage them to be on Long Range Planning Committee and Budget Committee, you know, it speaks to a lot of other processes that we could put into place. 214 00:32:37.320 --> 00:32:41.700 Chelsea King: To create a culture and atmosphere that we'd like to nurture. 215 00:32:47.310 --> 00:32:55.470 Chelsea King: And then if I think a board member. So I was recently contacted by the press to speak to an issue that I felt like I wasn't prepared to speak to 216 00:32:55.980 --> 00:33:03.030 Chelsea King: And I just said, I don't have any information for you on that topic right now and I didn't speak to the press. 217 00:33:03.540 --> 00:33:17.340 Chelsea King: And so I think an individual board member can always exercise that right to say, you know, I'm not prepared to speak on that topic or I would refer you to the board chair for information. They don't have to speak, but if they want to. 218 00:33:18.720 --> 00:33:22.590 Chelsea King: As long as they state. I'm giving you just my personal opinion here. 219 00:33:23.700 --> 00:33:25.980 Chelsea King: And everybody knows their board member but 220 00:33:27.090 --> 00:33:28.320 Chelsea King: That seems like a 221 00:33:29.340 --> 00:33:33.330 Chelsea King: More robust democratic process than 222 00:33:34.530 --> 00:33:38.580 Chelsea King: Not allowing any speak any, you know, personal speech. 223 00:33:40.740 --> 00:33:48.030 Chelsea King: That's my comfort level. I mean, I'm flexible if other people feel strongly in the other direction. But I lean more toward what you're saying director Fitch. 224 00:33:51.990 --> 00:34:00.210 Regan Molatore: To I still struggle to have you reconcile saying, well, this is my personal opinion because they're not they're not wanting you, the person they're wanting you 225 00:34:00.600 --> 00:34:17.760 Regan Molatore: The elected official to make a comment. And that's the thing. We all know that whenever, even if we write a letter to the editor, we can write in in that first sentence, you know, I'm speaking on my own behalf and we know that the newspaper is going to print under our name, you know, 226 00:34:18.810 --> 00:34:20.880 Regan Molatore: Reagan mala tour chair. 227 00:34:22.080 --> 00:34:38.550 Regan Molatore: School Board, even though I said I wasn't you know i'm i'm writing in my personal capacity. So there are some things where we can pretend that we are individuals, but we also will do that with the full knowledge that when it goes to print 228 00:34:39.600 --> 00:34:41.490 Regan Molatore: That's not going to be attached to it. 229 00:34:44.010 --> 00:34:44.490 Ginger Fitch: So, 230 00:34:45.510 --> 00:34:50.730 Ginger Fitch: I think it's fine. I think it's fine endorse candidates to endorse. 231 00:34:53.130 --> 00:35:11.160 Ginger Fitch: I don't know legislative action down and say alarm or on the federal level as an elected official with our title, but I think that's very different from saying I'm going to speak to you about what the board decided, or why the board made a decision. 232 00:35:12.330 --> 00:35:13.290 Ginger Fitch: And that 233 00:35:15.930 --> 00:35:26.400 Ginger Fitch: That's what I think is circumvented by a policy and i think is properly circumvented. Because then we have acted as a board and then we have made us 234 00:35:26.970 --> 00:35:45.870 Ginger Fitch: staked out a position as a board and then it should probably properly referred to the district or to the chair, but I actually don't have a problem with us being recognized in our elected capacity as individuals. What I found helpful that 235 00:35:48.030 --> 00:36:00.720 Ginger Fitch: Director. King said is maybe part of our policy is that we specifically ask the news reporter or whomever please include exactly these words. 236 00:36:02.220 --> 00:36:16.440 Ginger Fitch: You know, in my individual capacity not I'm not speaking on behalf the board, whatever that phrases that we could have wrote, If I'm going to speak to you. You have to include that specific line or something like that. 237 00:36:17.700 --> 00:36:29.430 Chelsea King: And to piggyback on that. I was thinking that that could be a good edit to this policy if the board chooses to keep the essence of this policy and tactic that could be an additional statement that that 238 00:36:29.700 --> 00:36:38.340 Chelsea King: It must be stated that this is my personal opinion and probably we'd have to ask it any interviews we give to pampling be recorded. 239 00:36:38.850 --> 00:36:55.260 Chelsea King: And so just up the formality. I don't know if they record. I don't think they do if they are, they're not telling me that there. And so, ask them if they're recording. And that way if there's ever anything you know question that the board member followed policy or not there should be documentation. 240 00:36:57.990 --> 00:37:06.750 Christy Thompson: The policy already does say in paragraph three, when expressing such opinions in public. The board member must clearly identify the opinions as his or her own 241 00:37:08.880 --> 00:37:18.300 Chelsea King: Yeah, it does state that I think some sometimes it might be getting lost in translation somewhere to the print to, you know, whether it be social media posts or 242 00:37:18.570 --> 00:37:33.360 Chelsea King: Pamphlet or whatever we might need to just if we choose to keep the essence of this policy intact, we might need to be a little more firm on that point that anytime a board members expressing personal opinion and must state in writing and that's their personal opinion. 243 00:37:35.730 --> 00:37:40.680 Chelsea King: Some sort of muster. Shall I think lawyers like to use the word shallow, so we could put a shell in there somewhere. 244 00:37:48.060 --> 00:37:57.870 Regan Molatore: Okay, so, not really. I'll just tell you, I honestly as I read this. I don't know really what are where we are on this, you know, or how people are interpreting 245 00:37:59.310 --> 00:38:15.240 Regan Molatore: This. So, um, I guess I would pose this question, let's say the news media contact somebody who's not the chair because we do know that there is a that the chair through this policies others to speak on behalf the board to call somebody who is not the chair. 246 00:38:17.070 --> 00:38:20.160 Regan Molatore: What, what do you do or how do you process. 247 00:38:21.660 --> 00:38:22.020 Christy Thompson: Deal. 248 00:38:22.590 --> 00:38:26.190 Regan Molatore: Because that's that's possibly where we could have different 249 00:38:27.240 --> 00:38:36.240 Regan Molatore: Ideas about it. And as long as we get so we know what that is, then great. We can put this to bed and move forward. I'm just not certain. 250 00:38:37.350 --> 00:38:39.900 Regan Molatore: Collectively all five of us would would know. 251 00:38:42.120 --> 00:38:43.230 Regan Molatore: What that looks like. 252 00:38:45.870 --> 00:38:47.250 Regan Molatore: And I'd take suggestions. 253 00:38:49.560 --> 00:38:54.900 Chelsea King: I think I already articulated exactly how I would interpret this policy, what I would do. So I'll 254 00:38:54.900 --> 00:38:55.950 Regan Molatore: Listen, I didn't 255 00:38:56.040 --> 00:39:01.320 Regan Molatore: Yeah, I don't see, even though you did. I'm not really certain I would know what that is. 256 00:39:01.410 --> 00:39:06.870 Chelsea King: Okay, so what, how is that third paragraph and that final paragraph is being the key. 257 00:39:07.230 --> 00:39:14.580 Chelsea King: Paragraphs that tell me I may speak on my own behalf so long as I state that I'm speaking on my own behalf. 258 00:39:14.850 --> 00:39:24.090 Chelsea King: And then if there's a formal position of the board. Then I refer to the board chair. So my first point being the third paragraph. And the last point being in that final paragraph. 259 00:39:24.900 --> 00:39:34.020 Chelsea King: And then I have freedom to either declined to comment if I don't feel like I have the information or if it's a formal board decision that's been made. 260 00:39:34.410 --> 00:39:46.620 Chelsea King: Or forward to the board chair. If it's something about something else I can speak. I just need to say this is my personal opinion. That's how I understand this policy that's how I've been operating based on this policy. 261 00:39:53.520 --> 00:39:58.650 Kathy Ludwig: Is that is a personal opinion, different than a board opinion board member opinion. 262 00:40:01.350 --> 00:40:04.440 Chelsea King: Just yeah i think the way I understand it is that I 263 00:40:05.100 --> 00:40:14.250 Chelsea King: I only have my personal opinion, even when I'm acting as a board member that's all I have is my personal opinion that the board only has power when I know majority vote. 264 00:40:14.520 --> 00:40:30.420 Chelsea King: And then there's our opinion as a board, but every time I show up in the boardroom. All I'm bringing is my personal opinion, hopefully, based on data and after listening to my community I formulated my personal opinion from an informed point, but I don't have any power as an individual. 265 00:40:31.830 --> 00:40:36.210 Chelsea King: So yeah, does that answer that question. I think it's a good question and one that's important to 266 00:40:38.070 --> 00:40:39.060 Chelsea King: Reinforce 267 00:40:40.830 --> 00:40:42.900 Kathy Ludwig: Yeah, and I only asked it because I 268 00:40:43.080 --> 00:40:47.760 Kathy Ludwig: I think this is a incredibly sophisticated conversation. And I'm not sure. 269 00:40:49.710 --> 00:40:57.270 Kathy Ludwig: Something, sometimes the general public works with the nuances and the distinctions at which our level of conversation is tonight. 270 00:40:58.380 --> 00:41:10.230 Kathy Ludwig: They just see a quote by a board member in the paper and may not know what led before what's going to come after if there's going to be how how boards make decisions. 271 00:41:11.310 --> 00:41:27.480 Kathy Ludwig: They're not in the work and they just see a quote by a board member about something. That's my only wonder of does, does it stay in the realm of personal opinion, or does it have a weight subscribe to it, subscribe to it because it's a quote by a board member 272 00:41:28.800 --> 00:41:40.500 Kathy Ludwig: That elevates it from a personal opinion by a non board member and that's just my wonder out there. I'm not telling you where to land. I'm just as I'm listening. I'm trying to listen from the lens of 273 00:41:41.190 --> 00:41:46.710 Kathy Ludwig: Average public member who doesn't know the work or understand all the nuances of how a board works. 274 00:41:58.800 --> 00:42:02.850 Regan Molatore: Okay, to move this forward up Dylan. Thank you. 275 00:42:04.200 --> 00:42:05.490 Dylan Hydes: Yeah, I was just going to say that 276 00:42:06.870 --> 00:42:22.800 Dylan Hydes: This isn't always that complicated. I mean, I don't get reached out to you but immediate very often and when I do, it's almost always about something that's immediately in front of the board. So it's a really easy answer, please contact Mr kills trim or board chair mala tour. 277 00:42:24.060 --> 00:42:28.950 Dylan Hydes: The only gray area that I see is when it comes to campaigning when people have to 278 00:42:29.280 --> 00:42:35.880 Dylan Hydes: run against somebody who's not on the board. And there's inevitably going to be questions important questions. I should be answering my opinions. 279 00:42:36.150 --> 00:42:48.030 Dylan Hydes: So maybe there are some exceptions for campaign ish campaign seasons, but even that's pretty unusual campaigns in the school boards are pretty short lot of board members don't even run for reelection, so it's 280 00:42:49.110 --> 00:42:57.330 Dylan Hydes: I don't know, to me it seems like it's a campaign discussion, but it's also not very complicated at all doesn't happen very often when it does, it's usually pretty simple and straightforward. 281 00:42:58.230 --> 00:43:03.300 Dylan Hydes: And I know it gets complicated because there won't always be a board that this that this 282 00:43:03.930 --> 00:43:15.210 Dylan Hydes: Gets mature, for lack of a better term, and this trustworthy as the five of us are now, but I don't know if there's a way to safeguard out of control board members in the future. You have to trust people at some point. 283 00:43:19.890 --> 00:43:20.580 Regan Molatore: In qualified 284 00:43:23.610 --> 00:43:26.040 Regan Molatore: Alright, so then yep Christie. 285 00:43:26.580 --> 00:43:38.520 Christy Thompson: So Dylan just based on what you just said is your feeling that it should stand the way the understanding should stay on the way it is that you like it that only the board chair comments or 286 00:43:39.870 --> 00:43:42.660 Christy Thompson: Are you thinking it's okay to express the personal 287 00:43:42.990 --> 00:43:49.890 Dylan Hydes: No, I think the policy is good as it's written by I think all of us need to understand that there's going to be issues of grey. 288 00:43:50.400 --> 00:43:54.000 Dylan Hydes: Especially when it's campaign season and that all of us should just 289 00:43:54.600 --> 00:44:04.500 Dylan Hydes: You know, remember them. The principle is that we don't want to act in a way on our own. That would undermine the effectiveness of the board process, including prejudging an issue. 290 00:44:04.890 --> 00:44:11.100 Dylan Hydes: And so if you're being asked here in campaign about initiatives coming in front of the board. I think it would be useful to preface those statements by saying 291 00:44:11.580 --> 00:44:20.340 Dylan Hydes: This could be coming up. Um, I always keep an open mind. Let me share with you what I'm thinking right now, but I will always be open occasion on my board members. 292 00:44:21.570 --> 00:44:29.250 Dylan Hydes: But that's about the best we can do. I think I don't think there's a way to change the language of the current board policy to make any safer. So I like it the way it is. 293 00:44:34.920 --> 00:44:45.390 Regan Molatore: Alright, so I do think that this conversation was really for me it was helpful because it was good to see where everyone's minds were and how they read and internalize 294 00:44:45.990 --> 00:44:56.340 Regan Molatore: And this type of inquiry and how they act when they're speaking in an individual capacity or on behalf or in their capacity as a board member. So, um, 295 00:44:57.570 --> 00:45:14.910 Regan Molatore: I think from what I've heard consensus wise and if I'm wrong please correct. It sounds like we're comfortable, leaving the language, the way it is. But we seem to have a little bit more clarity be clarity around that comp that statement of like official 296 00:45:16.560 --> 00:45:23.760 Regan Molatore: official position of the board and about issues that we know are kind of imminently before are going to come before the board. 297 00:45:24.840 --> 00:45:25.410 Regan Molatore: That we 298 00:45:27.060 --> 00:45:36.060 Regan Molatore: Ensure that we keep an open mind and that we're not having a discussion public discussion essentially through interviews with news media. 299 00:45:39.450 --> 00:45:41.220 Regan Molatore: Does anybody else have anything else. 300 00:45:42.810 --> 00:45:45.480 Regan Molatore: They would like to add or contribute to this conversation. 301 00:45:49.080 --> 00:46:02.220 Christy Thompson: You know, I just have been rolled through oh sorry about my dog. I've been reading through OSB A's. I'm just kind of all their guidance and what are they saying and I noticed on. Let's see. 302 00:46:03.360 --> 00:46:06.420 Christy Thompson: I'm not. Let me see, which documented is um 303 00:46:08.220 --> 00:46:14.040 Christy Thompson: Oh, I know. No, it's not. It's on the Westland was in middle school district board operating agreement, just at the bottom of page one. 304 00:46:14.520 --> 00:46:25.980 Christy Thompson: Weren't talks about group functioning, it says a board member shall review information, consider others ideas with an open mind and then present individual opinions during board deliberation. 305 00:46:26.730 --> 00:46:34.320 Christy Thompson: And so I'm wondering if you know the fact that it says there that when we present our individual opinions is during board. 306 00:46:35.310 --> 00:46:46.740 Christy Thompson: deliberations and I'm not. I'm just throwing in that piece of information to see if that should also guide that you know is that saying that that's when we have the opportunity to present our individual opinions versus 307 00:46:47.850 --> 00:46:54.990 Christy Thompson: Meaning you can't do it before in as article or whatever. So I'm just kind of putting that out there. 308 00:46:57.540 --> 00:46:59.520 Christy Thompson: Just as another piece of information. 309 00:47:04.710 --> 00:47:10.920 Regan Molatore: I would I would put in particular when I read that one I it's not necessarily mutually exclusive that 310 00:47:12.960 --> 00:47:15.720 Regan Molatore: You know board deliberation isn't appropriate time. 311 00:47:16.170 --> 00:47:21.840 Regan Molatore: To share your individual but yeah I don't find that it excludes you necessarily 312 00:47:21.870 --> 00:47:23.400 Christy Thompson: From from doing it before that. 313 00:47:23.580 --> 00:47:24.960 Regan Molatore: Before then, yeah. 314 00:47:28.920 --> 00:47:40.980 Chelsea King: And I think the only other thing I'd add is just the assumption that this applies to social media as well. I don't think that our policy. I'm going to pull it back up. But it doesn't 315 00:47:41.040 --> 00:47:55.500 Regan Molatore: We do have under a board operating procedures. There is something about social media and it's number 22 on that code of conduct, just since you bring that up Chelsea says, Never post confidential. 316 00:47:56.490 --> 00:48:06.540 Regan Molatore: Oh, sorry. Hold on, 21 when using social media treating her to other board members, staff, students and members of the public with respect is kind of our only 317 00:48:07.950 --> 00:48:10.290 Regan Molatore: The only thing we have the addresses for social media. 318 00:48:10.740 --> 00:48:11.130 Yeah. 319 00:48:14.160 --> 00:48:18.180 Regan Molatore: But I think you're right. I think news media and social media is it's very 320 00:48:18.900 --> 00:48:27.780 Chelsea King: I think this would fall under when expressing an opinion in public, which would be social media, then the board member must clearly identify the opinions as his or her own 321 00:48:30.630 --> 00:48:38.970 Chelsea King: So we're not we're not for what I'm understanding, we're sticking with this policy. We're not going to try to truncate individual board members from speaking 322 00:48:39.570 --> 00:48:49.380 Chelsea King: Extend some trust that they'll have diplomacy, they can always defined a comment and maybe we want to add something to our board operating agreement at some point or 323 00:48:50.430 --> 00:48:55.950 Chelsea King: Lit up being the fall, whoever's chair, yeah. Dr Ludwig's raising her hand. 324 00:48:56.400 --> 00:49:01.860 Kathy Ludwig: I'm sorry. Before you leave, social media Chelsea, because I know you were talking about have to be careful. Social media that's actually the 325 00:49:02.520 --> 00:49:13.920 Kathy Ludwig: Three numerator comments about it. Number 20 says use social media and electronic communications judiciously in a manner that does not violate Oregon's public meetings law. 326 00:49:14.790 --> 00:49:25.620 Kathy Ludwig: So I think that's where when you, when we know how public meetings laws work that helps us also make sure that we're that nothing is going on on social media that would violate that as well. 327 00:49:26.610 --> 00:49:29.160 Chelsea King: So just no no deliberating sort of decision. 328 00:49:30.900 --> 00:49:32.190 Chelsea King: Essentially, is how I 329 00:49:32.280 --> 00:49:41.490 Regan Molatore: Use your social media, Chelsea. I shouldn't be chiming in. And then having Christie chime in to our with our, our commentary on your 330 00:49:42.570 --> 00:49:43.590 Regan Molatore: Opinions 331 00:49:43.950 --> 00:49:47.280 Kathy Ludwig: Because now I have core group text, you know, so 332 00:49:49.980 --> 00:49:51.930 Regan Molatore: So, Ginger, I know you've got it. 333 00:49:52.020 --> 00:50:05.250 Ginger Fitch: All right, so let's just be frank, the question asked by the pampling reporter was, why did you choose as a board to do x and the 334 00:50:08.430 --> 00:50:09.570 Ginger Fitch: That's not 335 00:50:12.630 --> 00:50:21.210 Ginger Fitch: So what is it that or why director hides did you decide to vote for the bond. 336 00:50:22.800 --> 00:50:30.510 Ginger Fitch: Why director Thompson, did you support the new curriculum. I mean, those are 337 00:50:32.790 --> 00:50:47.850 Ginger Fitch: That's the question that was asked, and I think those for me. I know director hide says this is we need to give each other. Grace. But what happens then is that if one person does say why as an individual, they 338 00:50:48.750 --> 00:51:00.570 Ginger Fitch: Supported or didn't support something and then the others Nintendo that there's a possibility that that's out there and maybe they want to have their positions out there so 339 00:51:01.140 --> 00:51:14.160 Ginger Fitch: I'm still a little uncertain about the understanding that we all have among each other about responding to questions that are other than aboard action. 340 00:51:20.910 --> 00:51:31.200 Regan Molatore: Welcome to notice I think there is a difference between the inquiry of, you know, why, why did you, why did you take a certain action versus um 341 00:51:37.530 --> 00:51:44.790 Regan Molatore: Why are you embarking on a path of action because 342 00:51:45.960 --> 00:52:02.220 Regan Molatore: The embarking on a path of action. Whenever we embark on a path of action. We do that because we know we're going to have to make a decision at the end. And so we embark on the path, so that we can learn all the information get data and fully inform ourselves so that at the end. 343 00:52:03.240 --> 00:52:12.600 Regan Molatore: When we're asked to make a decision, we're able to do so competently versus the inquiry about why did you 344 00:52:13.200 --> 00:52:26.190 Regan Molatore: You know, why did you make a decision you made. Well, the decision was already made and you're just providing commentary on on that versus providing commentary on a process that you're embarking on that you will ultimately 345 00:52:27.480 --> 00:52:38.160 Regan Molatore: be asked to have the five of us come together and have a public discussion and at the conclusion of that discussion. We're going to make decisions or take action. 346 00:52:48.720 --> 00:52:50.640 Regan Molatore: Okay, thank you. Dylan. Yes. Yeah. 347 00:52:50.670 --> 00:52:58.050 Dylan Hydes: Real quick, um, to gingers point, I get this a tough distinction when the media says why the board do this. That's a really easy call 348 00:52:58.740 --> 00:53:02.070 Dylan Hydes: Or if they say, why did you do this. That's a lot tougher call 349 00:53:02.820 --> 00:53:10.170 Dylan Hydes: But I think for something that's in front of the board or recently, you're going to be soon. I think we need to err on the side of deferring to the board because 350 00:53:10.860 --> 00:53:21.300 Dylan Hydes: I think the answer that needs to be well you know I don't decide things the board decides things. So, speak to the board chair about that. And the problem is when you don't do that when you decided, well, let me tell you why. 351 00:53:21.870 --> 00:53:26.970 Dylan Hydes: It puts those who defer to the board in a bad light. Specifically, I mean if 352 00:53:27.780 --> 00:53:38.070 Dylan Hydes: You know if Chelsea decides to talk to the media and I say regarding the board chair. Well, we're all elected officials were all in Canada, the public and when they see one board member talking to the media. 353 00:53:38.400 --> 00:53:48.060 Dylan Hydes: And the other one not talk to the media and makes me look like a coward, or somebody who's not open and so or me should keep in mind that we may or open overly open 354 00:53:49.140 --> 00:53:51.930 Dylan Hydes: It makes the rest of us look bad. And so 355 00:53:52.740 --> 00:53:58.860 Dylan Hydes: If there's an issue in front of the board. They're probably going to ask you about the board action. Anyways, but if they squeak in with this little caveat. 356 00:53:59.070 --> 00:54:05.160 Dylan Hydes: No, not the board, but you. I think you need to fall to the same place, which is that this is a board action, go to the board chair. 357 00:54:05.670 --> 00:54:17.820 Dylan Hydes: as tempting as you may be to say something because he feels strongly about it, it puts the rest of us in a bad position. So I would encourage and board members to keep that in mind before they decide to speak as an individual to current pressing issue. 358 00:54:29.250 --> 00:54:36.240 Chelsea King: And no matter what, when you speak to the press you run the risk of looking like fill in the blank. I mean, 359 00:54:36.570 --> 00:54:46.680 Chelsea King: You know, I had to deal with the resignation of a Long Range Planning Committee member. It was my responsibility as the liaison and the board chair was out of town. I gave a very brief quote 360 00:54:47.310 --> 00:54:58.560 Chelsea King: And primarily pointed toward the Director of Communications and I received flack about that, quote, I think my phone was like five words long. And I was getting texts getting grief about that so 361 00:55:00.030 --> 00:55:12.870 Chelsea King: You know, in some ways, like we're these policies are designed to I'm sorry to say it again but mitigate everybody's egos and you know we can't do that. So we all well behaved. 362 00:55:14.670 --> 00:55:18.420 Regan Molatore: I'm sorry, Chelsea. I talked over you. I just what you were saying was so 363 00:55:19.230 --> 00:55:25.260 Regan Molatore: Amongst all the research I didn't trying to prepare for tonight and just kind of put before you guys everything I could find out there that might 364 00:55:25.800 --> 00:55:33.360 Regan Molatore: Help. And there was one OSB a document that I was going through and it actually had to do with the question was, Is your board high functioning. 365 00:55:33.840 --> 00:55:44.070 Regan Molatore: And so what I went through it. I'm happy to report that yes i after reading concurred that we work. But one of the things that pointed out was, you know, this idea of 366 00:55:44.940 --> 00:55:50.190 Regan Molatore: When the news media reaches out to either a communications director or your board chair. 367 00:55:50.670 --> 00:56:01.770 Regan Molatore: You know, that's one thing and but this to be conscious in the back your mind that when they're reaching out to all five of you are all seven of you or whatever your whatever your board is comprised of that, you know, 368 00:56:02.430 --> 00:56:10.020 Regan Molatore: This idea that they're doing that a little bit to kind of pick you off like they want isn't in all of us. 369 00:56:11.460 --> 00:56:25.140 Regan Molatore: deferring to the chair or to speak on behalf of the Board, but it is to try and create a story where potentially, it may not exist between us, but it could be relayed that way. And I think to 370 00:56:25.650 --> 00:56:35.010 Regan Molatore: It sounds as we're having this discussion here, you know, we're all kind of aware of that. And that's why we're trying to be so respectful and we've got a lot of trust with each other. 371 00:56:35.730 --> 00:56:43.200 Regan Molatore: But that is a component of it. And when you share that you know you've got flack for what you know the small comment that you did. 372 00:56:43.200 --> 00:56:45.000 Regan Molatore: Make it also 373 00:56:45.090 --> 00:56:54.600 Regan Molatore: reinforces that little snippet that I read from SBA about when they go to all of you individually, there they are trying to pick you apart a little bit 374 00:56:56.850 --> 00:56:58.500 Regan Molatore: Ginger, did you have something else to add, 375 00:57:02.310 --> 00:57:03.030 Regan Molatore: Oh, Christy 376 00:57:03.810 --> 00:57:08.520 Christy Thompson: Um, yeah, sorry. It just said my internet connection is unstable in case I 377 00:57:09.960 --> 00:57:20.610 Christy Thompson: Come out um okay did have something to add, and then just in that whole getting that message on my computer and now I've lost it. But let me think here um 378 00:57:21.330 --> 00:57:28.170 Christy Thompson: And I go back to do things that there's some things that are there to protect boundaries protect us. And so I do like that. 379 00:57:28.710 --> 00:57:36.840 Christy Thompson: Protective for whatever reason on on many different levels. And now I remember what I was gonna say I saw that it was adopted in 380 00:57:37.500 --> 00:57:55.650 Christy Thompson: January 16 so Reagan. You are on the board then and Chelsea, you were as well. So I'm just wondering if you remember when this was adopted, what the Spirit was of the going back to that. Just, just out of curiosity, just to add another 381 00:57:56.220 --> 00:57:57.090 Regan Molatore: BBA 382 00:57:57.480 --> 00:58:14.790 Regan Molatore: I think we just, we did a huge policy renewal and we went through all of our policies and renewed them all, and I'm not like I look at this, I actually couldn't. Specifically, I mean this policy or some version of it existed before and 383 00:58:16.620 --> 00:58:19.140 Regan Molatore: 16 you 2016 384 00:58:20.490 --> 00:58:27.540 Christy Thompson: Because it says adopted I doesn't, doesn't it say something different if it's been reviewed or update. I thought it would have a different 385 00:58:29.730 --> 00:58:30.360 Regan Molatore: I don't know. 386 00:58:30.720 --> 00:58:37.170 Christy Thompson: I was just looking for kind of what was behind it, the spirit that was behind it but that's okay. You may not know 387 00:58:37.890 --> 00:58:38.580 A chair. 388 00:58:39.780 --> 00:58:40.170 Regan Molatore: Yes. 389 00:58:42.090 --> 00:59:01.740 Kelly Douglas: I noticed is that it usually doesn't say originally adopted and then re adapted and read it and read it and re adopted because there's so many iterations. And so these that have policies reviewed and but we can certainly look into it. If you wanted us to let you know when it will 390 00:59:02.670 --> 00:59:16.560 Christy Thompson: Know, I was just wondering if either director monitor our chairman HR or vice chair King had any more insight into the history. If it was, in fact, adopted when they were on the board and what the discussion might have looked like back then. That was my only reason 391 00:59:18.360 --> 00:59:21.600 Regan Molatore: I was hearing 16 I do recall, there were 392 00:59:22.320 --> 00:59:29.400 Regan Molatore: 20 or so policies like we've reviewed all policies, and there were maybe 20 or so, who can't that came before the board. 393 00:59:29.550 --> 00:59:48.540 Regan Molatore: Maybe 22 or something. I remember you Chelsea. I don't know if you remember, I remember that night because you kept graciously providing a second for discussion, but this one is not one of those that stands out. So I'm thinking any change was minimal. Maybe more informed than in substance. 394 00:59:53.730 --> 01:00:10.320 Regan Molatore: Ginger, did you have anything you want that. Okay, sorry. Your hand is still raised in the chat. So that's why okay i'm not i feel collectively we we we have a working understanding amongst ourselves, um, 395 01:00:11.640 --> 01:00:12.570 Regan Molatore: Is that where 396 01:00:13.830 --> 01:00:16.260 Regan Molatore: We are okay. Okay. 397 01:00:17.790 --> 01:00:19.110 Regan Molatore: All right. And if, as we 398 01:00:20.160 --> 01:00:28.260 Regan Molatore: As we go along. We encounter some new nuances to this, by all means, we can always bring it up and discuss it and then reflect Christie. 399 01:00:28.770 --> 01:00:32.790 Christy Thompson: was just gonna say, Can you restate what that collective understanding is 400 01:00:36.360 --> 01:00:36.780 Regan Molatore: I 401 01:00:37.800 --> 01:00:38.490 Regan Molatore: Feel like I 402 01:00:41.340 --> 01:00:44.010 Regan Molatore: Think I think Dylan said it most succinct. 403 01:00:45.060 --> 01:00:45.630 Regan Molatore: And 404 01:00:46.680 --> 01:00:48.000 Regan Molatore: Telling you want to really express 405 01:00:49.110 --> 01:00:51.690 Regan Molatore: If you can, I can try but 406 01:00:52.020 --> 01:01:00.600 Dylan Hydes: Let me try it. And I mean, jump in. So I think what we're agreeing to is that if the media contacts us for an opinion. 407 01:01:01.830 --> 01:01:13.710 Dylan Hydes: Of an issue that's before the border assume, either before the board truck defer to the board chair or the MEDIA DIRECTOR, even if they try to wriggle a tricky one, by saying, what about you, what do you think individually. 408 01:01:15.060 --> 01:01:21.240 Dylan Hydes: But we also understand that there needs to be some leeway given a board members, especially during election times and the 409 01:01:21.840 --> 01:01:27.030 Dylan Hydes: Probably the most important principles that we don't want to act in a way that's going to undermine our ability to work together and collectively 410 01:01:27.330 --> 01:01:39.000 Dylan Hydes: And to come to meetings with an open mind. And so when we talked to the public and the media, make sure we do so in a way that isn't prejudging issue or indicate that we're not going to work together and listen to our other directors as that. 411 01:01:43.740 --> 01:01:44.580 Christy Thompson: Very well stated 412 01:01:45.240 --> 01:02:07.080 Ginger Fitch: All right. I also think we have a collective agreement that it's okay for us to state a personal opinion as an elected school board member. So if we're supporting a particular candidate. If we're supporting a particular position that we can say 413 01:02:08.490 --> 01:02:18.360 Ginger Fitch: As a Westland Wilson bill school board member I support acts. I'm not speaking on behalf of the Board. 414 01:02:20.550 --> 01:02:24.330 Ginger Fitch: But as an individual, and that is okay too. Am I right. 415 01:02:26.340 --> 01:02:28.500 Regan Molatore: Okay, we'll just add that I'm 416 01:02:29.430 --> 01:02:46.500 Regan Molatore: Christy actually did some reached out to SBA on that and put that point, particular in preparation for this meeting and then sent me their correspondence and they also concur that that board members have the right and the authority or ability to utilize their title in that capacity. 417 01:02:48.030 --> 01:02:53.250 Chelsea King: Okay that's good to know. And the last thing I want to do is drag this conversation out past an hour, but 418 01:02:53.880 --> 01:03:06.060 Chelsea King: I thought we had a separate policy or something written in a board operating agreement or I feel like I've been sent something at some point that said that I shall not use my title as a as a board member to endorse any 419 01:03:07.050 --> 01:03:11.250 Chelsea King: Measures or candidates. Is that not true. Do we not have that kind of policy. 420 01:03:13.950 --> 01:03:18.660 Regan Molatore: Don't we have a policy that says you're not able to use your 421 01:03:20.190 --> 01:03:21.480 Regan Molatore: Well, I think it was 422 01:03:21.840 --> 01:03:22.200 Chelsea King: I didn't 423 01:03:22.710 --> 01:03:23.370 Regan Molatore: Know the answer. 424 01:03:23.430 --> 01:03:31.770 Regan Molatore: To be honest, I didn't know the answer. And then we went to OSPF about it and I didn't. I don't think we have something in our policy that says we can't do it. 425 01:03:32.130 --> 01:03:45.540 Regan Molatore: But so that just remember that you're you know you are you are doing it as an individual, not as the Westland Wilson bill school board, you know, and you can do as an individual who is a member of the board. 426 01:03:46.080 --> 01:03:54.090 Regan Molatore: But it's that ensuring that it it's not coming off as if it was we collectively five have right 427 01:03:54.690 --> 01:03:55.530 Chelsea King: So it would 428 01:03:55.770 --> 01:03:56.880 Regan Molatore: To support. 429 01:03:58.020 --> 01:04:06.510 Chelsea King: Know this, that's just a huge very variation. I'm fine with it. It's just a complete deviation from the way that we've been operating since I've been on the board, which is over five years. 430 01:04:06.720 --> 01:04:12.180 Chelsea King: So I've always been told that I don't use my title to endorse anything. And so I've always said no and use 431 01:04:12.810 --> 01:04:13.350 Regan Molatore: It, too. 432 01:04:14.220 --> 01:04:23.190 Chelsea King: But what I'm hearing now is that's not true. We can, it would just stay member of or director on what Symbol Symbol school board. 433 01:04:24.780 --> 01:04:27.840 Christy Thompson: Chair Molotov. Do you want me to read the short little paragraph. 434 01:04:28.440 --> 01:04:29.730 Regan Molatore: Yes, please. Okay. 435 01:04:29.760 --> 01:04:30.690 Christy Thompson: So this was from 436 01:04:32.070 --> 01:04:40.200 Christy Thompson: Vincent Adams from SBA and he said yes directors can show their membership status on the board in their endorsement. 437 01:04:40.590 --> 01:04:54.690 Christy Thompson: But it's important that it's formatted such that it is not a reasonable expectation that the public may be confused and think that the whole board is making the endorsement regular position title formatting will suffice. Um, let's see. And then he said, 438 01:04:55.770 --> 01:05:02.370 Christy Thompson: Above all, it is important that the above actions do not use public resources, including staff time 439 01:05:03.480 --> 01:05:05.730 Christy Thompson: Etc. Um, so 440 01:05:07.980 --> 01:05:14.580 Peter Mersereau: For example, you'll see Op Ed pieces in The Oregonian that are written on current topics. And then at the end of that you'll see 441 01:05:15.000 --> 01:05:26.640 Peter Mersereau: A little blurb about the author and it'll, it'll say Chelsea being as a member of the Western Wilson build school board. He lives in Westland, that's perfectly appropriate. So the reading audience knows 442 01:05:27.720 --> 01:05:37.350 Peter Mersereau: In effect, your title your credentials, where you're coming from. But you're not speaking for the board the editorial itself will make clear, you're expressing the personal opinion. 443 01:05:40.530 --> 01:05:50.850 Ginger Fitch: I would say that I think in terms of word functioning being a high level board, it's probably good form to inform the chair and the superintendent. 444 01:05:51.450 --> 01:06:05.850 Ginger Fitch: When we're doing something like that. If I was going to be writing an article with my opinion that I would want to give head because we don't want any surprises. None of that is part of our operating agreement, certainly with Dr. Lin. 445 01:06:08.430 --> 01:06:13.230 Kathy Ludwig: Would you want to inform your fellow board members that you were writing an article or as well. 446 01:06:20.970 --> 01:06:25.410 Ginger Fitch: Probably. I think part in Part I leave that up to the chair. If I told the chair. 447 01:06:28.890 --> 01:06:34.770 Regan Molatore: In the spirit of no surprise, it's always good that people know it's happening before they see it the newspaper. 448 01:06:36.390 --> 01:06:36.960 Regan Molatore: All right. 449 01:06:37.980 --> 01:06:45.060 Regan Molatore: I think and Kelly. I am hoping that as you take our meeting minutes that the 450 01:06:47.250 --> 01:06:51.570 Regan Molatore: Partner. Mr. Hyde's helped restate our 451 01:06:52.830 --> 01:07:00.120 Regan Molatore: Thinking, if that in particular could get into the meeting minutes. I think that that would be very helpful. Probably for all of us to be able to read and refer back to 452 01:07:00.960 --> 01:07:01.650 Absolutely. 453 01:07:02.850 --> 01:07:14.580 Regan Molatore: All right, thank you. And Peter. Thank you so much for joining us this evening and taking time just to share with us your, your thoughts as well. 454 01:07:15.060 --> 01:07:15.540 Welcome 455 01:07:18.210 --> 01:07:27.900 Regan Molatore: Okay, with that, thank you very much and we will move on to the next item on our agenda and 456 01:07:29.160 --> 01:07:36.390 Regan Molatore: It has to do with our board commitment. Number three, and in particular that commitment that we made. 457 01:07:36.690 --> 01:07:46.470 Regan Molatore: Said that, you know, we would provide guidance and clarity about the bond oversight role assigned to the Long Range Planning Committee in order to further district Goal number four. 458 01:07:46.890 --> 01:07:57.030 Regan Molatore: And ginger and I kind of worked together to put together some thinking around that bond oversight and what that role. 459 01:07:57.990 --> 01:08:09.000 Regan Molatore: Might look like with our Long Range Planning Committee. We have done a really good job. I think we have board policy that establishes the Long Range Planning Committee as well as sets forth 460 01:08:09.720 --> 01:08:20.460 Regan Molatore: The functions and purpose of that committee and the last item in our policy says, you know, the board can assign other duties in addition to those outlined. 461 01:08:20.790 --> 01:08:36.810 Regan Molatore: To the Long Range Planning Committee and one of those additional duties that we have assigned is that of bond oversight and you will notice in my mendham mo I raised a process question as to whether or not we had actually in fact specifically 462 01:08:37.920 --> 01:08:40.290 Regan Molatore: Delegated bond oversight of 463 01:08:41.400 --> 01:08:43.050 Regan Molatore: bond to the 464 01:08:44.550 --> 01:08:56.190 Regan Molatore: Long Range Planning Committee and Christy actually also looked that up and confirmed that on December 2 of 2019 we did take that official action so 465 01:08:56.820 --> 01:09:05.580 Regan Molatore: We close the loop there. And so then the next part is this commitment, which I think is just us trying to provide a little bit more meat and organization. 466 01:09:06.810 --> 01:09:13.140 Regan Molatore: To what that bond oversight role would look like a little bit more, maybe have a job description and 467 01:09:13.830 --> 01:09:23.820 Regan Molatore: We are actually pretty fortunate because we have both apartment golf and remote Douglas here with us this evening, and they also, in addition to our several new 468 01:09:24.510 --> 01:09:36.300 Regan Molatore: Long Range Planning Committee members. They also are relatively new to to their roles and and Pat will serve as the district representative on 469 01:09:36.780 --> 01:09:56.460 Regan Molatore: The Long Range Planning Committee and the remote Douglas will serve as kind of the district administrator on the bond oversight and as their new rules were kind of forming and taking shape they too had actually prior to our discussion of going to flush out 470 01:09:58.830 --> 01:10:08.340 Regan Molatore: Bond oversight committee guidance they actually had already been kind of thoughtful and thinking that through themselves and how they would like to 471 01:10:08.970 --> 01:10:19.320 Regan Molatore: essentially take ownership of those roles and those committees, so they're here this evening as well to kind of share with us some of their thoughts and where they were heading and 472 01:10:19.860 --> 01:10:35.940 Regan Molatore: Chelsea and I had an opportunity to listen to them today during a lunch meeting and hear that information as well. And I think I'll invite them to speak because I have a feeling it's going to address a lot of where our board is heading with us so 473 01:10:37.650 --> 01:10:39.120 Regan Molatore: Pat and remote would you 474 01:10:40.140 --> 01:10:42.990 Regan Molatore: Mind sharing as you did with Chelsea and I earlier today. 475 01:10:43.860 --> 01:10:46.260 Patric McGough: Thank you. Yeah, I'd like to, um, 476 01:10:47.340 --> 01:11:02.760 Patric McGough: We of course had passed bond after bond after bond and Ben successful and the Long Range Planning Committee has always also taken the second role of being the bond oversight committee. 477 01:11:03.660 --> 01:11:17.460 Patric McGough: And when Tim was here, he was the leader of both he could manage both and but the lines kind of got blurred between what function each committee was serving 478 01:11:18.000 --> 01:11:29.910 Patric McGough: Real and I've talked about this at length, and one of the one that I think one of the ways to define the rules, very clearly is for that function to be divided cleanly. 479 01:11:30.360 --> 01:11:42.510 Patric McGough: That's why I've elected to take the Long Range Planning Committee and lead that and we will bring the meeting to order. Take role and adjourn the meeting. 480 01:11:44.220 --> 01:11:58.950 Patric McGough: All at once and then begin the bond oversight committee that will be led by remote. We've talked about how we get more engagement from the Long Range Planning Committee themselves. 481 01:12:00.030 --> 01:12:04.350 Patric McGough: We've, of course, seeing the suggestions by the board by 482 01:12:06.870 --> 01:12:15.960 Patric McGough: Reagan and and she presented those to us. They were all almost all of them in the same vein of what we had been thinking 483 01:12:16.530 --> 01:12:27.630 Patric McGough: In a way to help the Long Range Planning Committee and bond oversight understand what we're doing have input and be more effective at reporting back 484 01:12:28.110 --> 01:12:38.370 Patric McGough: What their what their role AILS so the Long Range Planning Committee, I'll just focus on that for a minute. We will of course have 485 01:12:39.360 --> 01:12:55.410 Patric McGough: Probably less to do in this cycle, um, you know, it's mostly demographics and it's mostly looking at what our future needs and our and so those will happen kind of quarterly 486 01:12:56.580 --> 01:13:08.430 Patric McGough: But the bond committee, the bond oversight committee is something, and I'll let remote expand on us something that function will take a lot more information. And when we 487 01:13:09.540 --> 01:13:23.910 Patric McGough: Put that information together remote will expand again on how we can get them engaged and more activated. So I'm just going to turn this over to remote and let him describe the bond oversight. 488 01:13:25.680 --> 01:13:32.760 Remo Douglas: Sure. Thanks Pat and I will both try to be more brief and speak more slowly than last week. 489 01:13:34.890 --> 01:13:39.990 Remo Douglas: And feel free to to wave or jump in as questions might come to mind. 490 01:13:41.190 --> 01:13:45.660 Remo Douglas: So first and foremost, when we're talking about, you know, how do we 491 01:13:46.920 --> 01:14:02.190 Remo Douglas: Kind of generate excitement interest engagement in our committee members. I can't remember who first said it, but I wish that I had the moment I heard it was holding the meetings at schools, rather than at the administration building 492 01:14:03.870 --> 01:14:21.540 Remo Douglas: You know, just going out and sitting and woods library and talking about that schools project, we could start meetings with a tour around the building to look at the areas that are needing improvement to look at the things that are 493 01:14:22.890 --> 01:14:23.310 Remo Douglas: You know, 494 01:14:24.720 --> 01:14:27.330 Remo Douglas: Being replaced or refreshed. 495 01:14:28.530 --> 01:14:37.710 Remo Douglas: As part of these bond projects and kind of show you know yeah the the lights in this room aren't supposed to be seven colors. They're actually they started out all the same color. 496 01:14:39.180 --> 01:14:44.340 Remo Douglas: And you know they're inefficient and you know they use a lot of power. We can't dim them. 497 01:14:45.420 --> 01:14:54.360 Remo Douglas: And part of this bond program is to replace those lights and you know the. You can see the the walls in here just they're not looking good. We need to get them. 498 01:14:54.720 --> 01:15:05.130 Remo Douglas: You know when you get to finish this replace me to clean them up, etc, etc. And so, you know, we can go around and do what in our Office Graph new describe his arm waving. 499 01:15:06.090 --> 01:15:15.630 Remo Douglas: Where we can go and just be out there and you know this new wall is going to be over here and we're going to replace those lights and you know I get to do all the motions. 500 01:15:17.190 --> 01:15:25.140 Remo Douglas: And really help folks get a sense of, you know, the reality. You know, you know, on the ground of what those things. 501 01:15:26.280 --> 01:15:41.880 Remo Douglas: And then we could go back to the table, you know, and even in these times, sit around, you know, large tables be spaced apart. Look at a projection screen maybe look at some drawings, you know, and then show, you know, okay, here's what the new improvements will be 502 01:15:43.320 --> 01:15:53.910 Remo Douglas: The designers are largely designing a 3D at this point. And so it's a great tool to go to take screenshots of that and really show people, you know, they can really get their head around. 503 01:15:54.360 --> 01:16:02.160 Remo Douglas: What that'll look like they can just take a digital picture of this is our view. If you're standing in reception and looking into the office. 504 01:16:03.660 --> 01:16:05.280 Remo Douglas: You know, all of those sorts of things. 505 01:16:06.510 --> 01:16:10.650 Remo Douglas: You know, and then head into a question and answer session for the committee. 506 01:16:11.850 --> 01:16:16.470 Remo Douglas: Now that they've gotten to see the existing and what we're planning for in the future. 507 01:16:18.060 --> 01:16:27.930 Remo Douglas: In. You know, I think it will do a lot for them to feel engaged to be active to be motivated to be present and participate in the conversation. 508 01:16:28.950 --> 01:16:32.400 Remo Douglas: So I think even that by itself. And there's a number of others. 509 01:16:33.540 --> 01:16:36.930 Remo Douglas: That will go through, but I think that by itself will do a lot 510 01:16:38.040 --> 01:16:39.660 Remo Douglas: For the engagement in the process. 511 01:16:44.850 --> 01:16:47.580 Remo Douglas: Okay. Just seeing nod, so we'll keep going. 512 01:16:49.020 --> 01:16:59.400 Remo Douglas: The next one is, you know, how, how do they really get some deep dives into some of the designs and really, you know, get that next level of 513 01:16:59.880 --> 01:17:12.540 Remo Douglas: Engagement and we do something as part of design by default called Focus groups will have a kitchen focus group and an arts focus group and a library focus group and, you know, all sorts of them. 514 01:17:13.470 --> 01:17:21.600 Remo Douglas: And we'll take a small group one, two, maybe three occasionally of people that work in that part of the schools. 515 01:17:22.290 --> 01:17:34.350 Remo Douglas: And walk through their portion of the design and really get into the nitty gritty detail of it. What works well about this, what doesn't work well about that we did this at Meridian Creek doesn't work. 516 01:17:35.970 --> 01:17:48.420 Remo Douglas: All of those sorts of things. And I could envision a bond oversight focus group that you know isn't. It's not into you know exactly what light bulb were picking 517 01:17:49.800 --> 01:17:55.260 Remo Douglas: Or any of that. But, you know, if you had just a couple of members of the committee. 518 01:17:55.740 --> 01:18:13.170 Remo Douglas: You could have a two hour session of digging through all the details of the design and kind of some of the iterations. We've gone to to get where we are. Why is the library that shape. Why are the porches this size, and in this configuration. 519 01:18:14.340 --> 01:18:29.220 Remo Douglas: You know, all those kind of details around the design and then have those committee members kind of adopt that project and say, you know, this is the one where you know I really got that in depth presentation. It's one. I'm very interested in 520 01:18:30.420 --> 01:18:37.920 Remo Douglas: And you know, that's what I'm really going to focus on when we get quarterly reports, when we hear from staff about the program. 521 01:18:38.340 --> 01:18:46.740 Remo Douglas: I remember them talking about this and this from stakeholders and I'm going to remember and ask them, and make sure that we're following through, you know, 522 01:18:47.460 --> 01:18:56.550 Remo Douglas: You can imagine public meetings for a number of the projects. And then, you know, being present for those and remembering those and continuing to ask about the feedback we got there. 523 01:18:57.810 --> 01:19:01.170 Remo Douglas: I think there's a lot of opportunities in that 524 01:19:05.400 --> 01:19:06.540 Remo Douglas: There's my pause again. 525 01:19:09.450 --> 01:19:20.010 Remo Douglas: Alright, the next thing would be when we get into the construction phase is actually having occasional visits, there are periods of time where that might be from the sidewalk. 526 01:19:21.510 --> 01:19:28.920 Remo Douglas: You know, we've got big equipment moving around and things, but there's certainly times where we could arrange for again a responsibly small group. 527 01:19:29.910 --> 01:19:35.190 Remo Douglas: To come in and view things as they're progressing and, you know, be able to come in with 528 01:19:35.760 --> 01:19:44.970 Remo Douglas: With those personal experiences when they're both talking with the community as well as the board, you know, I went to the new sunset when it looked like this. 529 01:19:45.330 --> 01:19:53.820 Remo Douglas: And I saw it. I saw those picture. You know, I could see the whole space and yep that's that's what it's looking like that's that's the point of progress. 530 01:19:55.080 --> 01:20:00.720 Remo Douglas: And, you know, they'll, of course, have their own notions and opinions about what it is they saw 531 01:20:01.740 --> 01:20:05.820 Remo Douglas: But you'll get to get that kind of authentic and kind of first hand. 532 01:20:06.870 --> 01:20:20.370 Remo Douglas: Experience rather than just, you know, the bond team went out and took two or three photos and put a blurb together and and you know so allow them to expand on you know what we put together in our presentations. 533 01:20:24.180 --> 01:20:26.220 Remo Douglas: In order for all of that to work. 534 01:20:27.570 --> 01:20:35.850 Remo Douglas: First and foremost, we you know we need to kind of decide on what this is going to be and then have somewhat of a onboarding session. 535 01:20:36.930 --> 01:20:51.060 Remo Douglas: Something that says, you know, yeah, this is the role for the committee and you know we are your staff liaison to some extent. And we're here to report these things and tell you about the decisions that have been made. 536 01:20:52.350 --> 01:20:56.130 Remo Douglas: And, you know, here's where we're hoping for you to connect and engage and 537 01:20:57.150 --> 01:21:05.160 Remo Douglas: You know, become involved and familiar with these projects and be able to reach out to neighbors community members and certainly speak to the board. 538 01:21:06.630 --> 01:21:09.450 Remo Douglas: So, you know, really trying to define it. 539 01:21:10.770 --> 01:21:22.560 Remo Douglas: You know, we're we're used to having six members have been there between five and 30 years and one person comes on and they kind of just jump in and eventually they're swimming. But, you know, 540 01:21:23.580 --> 01:21:39.420 Remo Douglas: Especially with three board members new sorry committee members and this big of a program new leadership say let's do, let's do something very deliberate around that and help kind of do a primer piece. 541 01:21:41.160 --> 01:21:45.630 Patric McGough: And to that and remote we promise not to speak inaccurate names. 542 01:21:47.310 --> 01:21:58.530 Patric McGough: We will not do DVD CD RSI RFP, or if q will actually speak in full sentences, so they look up to speed, little quicker. Yes. 543 01:21:59.220 --> 01:22:18.180 Remo Douglas: Yes, and certainly anytime when when we're in me and particular presenting if you're going what is, what is this acronym. He's doing you know flag me down, let me know. Occasionally we kind of get into our own vernacular, and we forget, not everybody does that 544 01:22:19.590 --> 01:22:21.270 Remo Douglas: Alrighty, so 545 01:22:22.530 --> 01:22:24.690 Remo Douglas: In terms of reporting to the board. 546 01:22:26.520 --> 01:22:32.130 Remo Douglas: I think that staying with that quarterly financial report is appropriate. 547 01:22:34.260 --> 01:22:43.320 Remo Douglas: To do that more frequently. I don't think there would there would often not be very material changes. 548 01:22:44.640 --> 01:22:53.610 Remo Douglas: Depending on which month of the quarter, it was. And it's a it's a pretty considerable effort on staffs part to do it, we certainly could. 549 01:22:54.810 --> 01:23:06.660 Remo Douglas: But often our design phases as we're in design and our seasons of constructions kind of work well on the quarter system. And so, you know, if we get a new estimate in and say, 550 01:23:07.470 --> 01:23:22.230 Remo Douglas: September and we report on it. And the third quarter report in October, we probably won't have a whole lot of news is that it's just kind of starting to being digested. I mean, there'll be new spending, of course. 551 01:23:24.300 --> 01:23:30.960 Remo Douglas: But I think that frequency is probably about right on that front for the for that main quarterly financial report. 552 01:23:32.280 --> 01:23:46.590 Remo Douglas: But certainly I would commit to being available in the interim, particularly when there are highlight moments to do additional updates and presentation of the board on the actual progress of the work. 553 01:23:47.910 --> 01:23:50.490 Remo Douglas: You know, when we get designs to the points where 554 01:23:51.810 --> 01:23:55.290 Remo Douglas: You know, we should we should present it before we go out to the community. 555 01:23:56.400 --> 01:24:04.170 Remo Douglas: When we hit, you know, a milestone or other with a project, you know, after a groundbreaking or 556 01:24:04.680 --> 01:24:17.970 Remo Douglas: After you know we have a term called dried in when a project is roofed and we're ready to start filling in things on the inside and the insight starts changing and we want to get some some new photos out and comment on how it's going 557 01:24:19.050 --> 01:24:28.500 Remo Douglas: You know, when the aerial photos can't show us anything anymore. There's kind of specific times where additional presentations will happen. 558 01:24:29.610 --> 01:24:35.970 Remo Douglas: I'd also like to see it the quarterly reports and we talked about the more personal and directly engaged. 559 01:24:37.350 --> 01:24:47.700 Remo Douglas: You know site visits, both in our meetings, as well as our projects and trying to have, you know, let's have. Could it be two or three 560 01:24:48.240 --> 01:24:59.250 Remo Douglas: Perhaps more committee members who go to those quarterly board report meetings and speak to their experience and their interest, you know, as they adopt those projects. 561 01:25:00.060 --> 01:25:13.830 Remo Douglas: So you're not just seeing one face and maybe it's the same face over and over, but there could be some more variety and kind of individual experience the community. We get to hear, rather than kind of a company line. 562 01:25:16.290 --> 01:25:25.290 Remo Douglas: Let's see here. Oh, also a great opportunity that the committee members could have for for talking with the public would be 563 01:25:25.800 --> 01:25:46.560 Remo Douglas: You know, around organizing open houses groundbreakings other celebration and events when either projects are launching or when they're finishing where the community would be invited where, you know, you start getting people you know city councils and rotary leadership and those people 564 01:25:47.970 --> 01:25:58.830 Remo Douglas: You know, invited to an event around a construction project that they could help coordinate that, you know, raise awareness of it do invitations and that sort of things, of course, with the staff support. 565 01:26:00.480 --> 01:26:03.900 Remo Douglas: But I think there's a variety of ways that that we could 566 01:26:05.010 --> 01:26:10.620 Remo Douglas: Encourage that participation that they could feel engaged and take some ownership and particular projects. 567 01:26:12.420 --> 01:26:13.320 Remo Douglas: You know, without 568 01:26:14.880 --> 01:26:17.190 Remo Douglas: You know, a tremendous increase in 569 01:26:18.270 --> 01:26:23.400 Remo Douglas: Reporting and kind of errands running necessarily by staff, they could slow us down a bit. 570 01:26:24.990 --> 01:26:37.560 Remo Douglas: So yeah, those are the various options that we had kind of been talking about in house and I'd seen some of the other writing down by others. I don't know if there any other questions around any of that or thoughts. 571 01:26:44.610 --> 01:26:45.720 Patric McGough: you're muted ginger. 572 01:26:46.560 --> 01:26:48.300 Regan Molatore: Ginger. Oh. 573 01:26:48.990 --> 01:26:55.950 Ginger Fitch: You know I'm yelling at kids while we're doing this too. So guys, this is hard to do sometimes. 574 01:26:58.470 --> 01:27:05.550 Ginger Fitch: So thank you for that. And for your thinking it's important to me that our committee members. 575 01:27:06.480 --> 01:27:12.000 Ginger Fitch: Are not just receiving information and what I heard you say is, we're inviting them to hold us accountable. 576 01:27:12.360 --> 01:27:22.500 Ginger Fitch: And there are some. These are some ways we've thought about how they can do that. So I really appreciate that. I think that adds a lot of meaning and value to their work into the committee. 577 01:27:24.090 --> 01:27:26.220 Ginger Fitch: Visa V. Board as well. So thank you for that. 578 01:27:27.690 --> 01:27:28.320 Ginger Fitch: I 579 01:27:30.000 --> 01:27:39.960 Ginger Fitch: Understand that a quarterly report is a lot of work. So what am I questions before I would talk about what I might like on a monthly basis would be 580 01:27:40.650 --> 01:27:54.090 Ginger Fitch: What do you think, like the three important things are that you're conveying to us like bottom line. What are the two or three things that you're trying to convey to us in a quarterly we work 581 01:28:00.330 --> 01:28:01.770 Remo Douglas: That's an excellent question. 582 01:28:03.060 --> 01:28:06.180 Remo Douglas: I think first and foremost is 583 01:28:08.490 --> 01:28:15.900 Remo Douglas: Kind of a status check, you know, Arianna, green, yellow or red light, and I think 584 01:28:17.370 --> 01:28:26.310 Remo Douglas: You know budget figures in a summary table are telling us that, as well as all those little bullet points on that front cover sheet. 585 01:28:28.560 --> 01:28:31.380 Remo Douglas: You know, that's where you see things about you know 586 01:28:32.940 --> 01:28:36.360 Remo Douglas: Budget versus our current forecasting. 587 01:28:37.470 --> 01:28:43.020 Remo Douglas: That's where you hear about you know how we're doing schedule wise is something sliding or not. 588 01:28:44.970 --> 01:28:58.140 Remo Douglas: And then just in general, notice that, you know, these commitments are being made and the spending are being made on a little bars are kind of trotting their way across to the right and it's showing that we're that something's happening. 589 01:28:59.880 --> 01:29:15.000 Remo Douglas: You know folks aren't aren't just sitting around over here. You, you won't spend 200 million on accident. There's an awful lot of deliberate work that's got to take place. I'm good. 590 01:29:15.810 --> 01:29:16.440 So, 591 01:29:17.700 --> 01:29:25.140 Ginger Fitch: I think than that. All I would be looking for would be on a monthly basis, just kind of 592 01:29:26.850 --> 01:29:40.050 Ginger Fitch: Status, Chuck, we're on track. You know nothing bigs happening, no huge hurdles haven't made major changes to anything and something's happening. I mean, 593 01:29:42.090 --> 01:29:58.380 Ginger Fitch: But let's say litigation started that you started again. Huge Opposition from a ticket particular neighborhood that you hadn't expected that change things. I mean, for me it's just I don't want to wait for quarter to learn those things. So just 594 01:29:59.610 --> 01:30:04.890 Ginger Fitch: On those two or three things that you're trying to convey over all. Is there anything significant 595 01:30:06.630 --> 01:30:13.020 Ginger Fitch: That will about before you do a formal report is it sort of like our financials. 596 01:30:16.290 --> 01:30:26.820 Ginger Fitch: Worse. I'm Dr. Suddenly Hughes will just say hey, nothing's big change or hey, we had to do this or there's something on the outlook that we're paying attention to. 597 01:30:27.210 --> 01:30:40.680 Ginger Fitch: Not a full report, but just, hey, something's deviated or nothing. Stevie deviated really high level information just a guide tells us things are on track. 598 01:30:42.060 --> 01:30:47.340 Ginger Fitch: Or there's a bomb and we're dealing with it. But I don't know how the others feel those are just thoughts. I had 599 01:30:49.590 --> 01:30:49.980 Patric McGough: So, 600 01:30:51.180 --> 01:30:58.980 Patric McGough: I might want to interject here. One thing that we want to be conscious of is the length of board meetings and the amount of time that we consume. 601 01:30:59.610 --> 01:31:11.490 Patric McGough: Arm, we have a number of projects all going simultaneously and and any one of those can have some nuance to it that may 602 01:31:12.450 --> 01:31:30.960 Patric McGough: Require a longer explanation anything big like litigation that would hit everybody's radar screen right away. There would be no delay in something like that or if there and I'll just make this up, like you did a labor strike that, um, you know, cause the delay in the 603 01:31:32.340 --> 01:31:55.320 Patric McGough: In the projects progress those big ticket items would would be brought to your attention right away, you would know about those arm but there are so many moving parts in any one project. It would be hard for us to predict what might be of interest or importance at one specific project. 604 01:31:56.730 --> 01:32:09.420 Patric McGough: over another. And so we would end up almost giving an hour long report at every board meeting, and we're trying to be conscious both of our workload and yours. Does that help 605 01:32:14.280 --> 01:32:21.960 Regan Molatore: And I think yeah gingers then yeah, I think if a schedule change shifted significantly or a project costs shifted 606 01:32:23.550 --> 01:32:36.150 Regan Molatore: Significantly, or you know that. Yeah, definitely. Please include those in our monthly board reports, if not sooner, I think, is the ask and a board would concur with that. 607 01:32:37.560 --> 01:32:43.650 Regan Molatore: Seem to have a reward grateful that you're respectful of our time. And I know it's a tough balance when you're trying to get everything 608 01:32:44.010 --> 01:32:55.500 Regan Molatore: In in our meetings and pick and choose. You know what the board needs to know now and there's always that other option of. All right, here's the key points, we want you to take away. But here's a memo. 609 01:32:56.220 --> 01:33:06.390 Regan Molatore: For in your own time to read to get a little bit more detailed or overall grand picture of all the moving parts. So I'm guessing we can all work together. 610 01:33:06.870 --> 01:33:10.470 Regan Molatore: But it's going to take a little, little communication between the board and 611 01:33:10.980 --> 01:33:26.220 Regan Molatore: We have Dr. Ludwig to help me hone in on what it is, in particular the board is wanting to hear about as well as just information to read and just able to keep abreast of so we can work together to make happen at Dillon. Do you have 612 01:33:27.150 --> 01:33:41.130 Dylan Hydes: Yes, I just wanted to acknowledge the work of chair mala tour and director Fitch this job description you guys put together for the long range planning committees throw up on her side is really outstanding. I think it really 613 01:33:42.540 --> 01:33:56.220 Dylan Hydes: I can tell a lot of research went into it, but it also accomplishes or Borgo I think a lot of community input and and making the engagement meaningful and like in the end of the Astra suggestions. I don't have any I think its outstanding and I thank you both for your hard work. 614 01:34:07.050 --> 01:34:19.770 Regan Molatore: All right, well I there was some pre planning that went into this with on behalf of director Fitch and I, as well as it was really helpful that then when we all came to the table. I'm 615 01:34:20.220 --> 01:34:36.690 Regan Molatore: Pat Rima we're kind of headed on that same path and trajectory. So that just that felt good and made it easy. And I think what hot and Rima shared tonight matches largely with what we were trying to to create in this memo, um, 616 01:34:37.710 --> 01:34:43.980 Regan Molatore: So, anybody else have any thing they would like to add or printed out or 617 01:34:45.270 --> 01:34:48.030 Regan Molatore: Offer in support of bond oversight. 618 01:34:51.960 --> 01:35:04.800 Chelsea King: I just would like to thank Pat and remote for the thinking that you put into how to make the Long Range Planning Committee meetings in the bond oversight meetings just engaging and meaningful. Every, everything from 619 01:35:05.340 --> 01:35:16.050 Chelsea King: Attendance so that everybody knows, whose presence in you know like in a connected kind of way to not using acronyms so that people feel informed. 620 01:35:16.890 --> 01:35:24.960 Chelsea King: And the idea of, you know, coming and visiting the schools. I think I first heard that from Dr. Ludwig. So I don't know if we're going to pin credit for that idea anywhere. I'd be pending it on her. 621 01:35:25.860 --> 01:35:33.840 Chelsea King: But I love that. I mean, I think that's going to make it a lot more meaningful and then when they come speak to us, they can speak from their personal 622 01:35:34.260 --> 01:35:46.980 Chelsea King: Experience, which is great because we, I love the beautiful reports that you give their interesting and I know it's coming from you. And so when when they can speak to their personal experience of having seen the work and 623 01:35:47.520 --> 01:36:06.240 Chelsea King: And they can feel engaged in that way, then I think it just makes it more meaningful for everybody so that combined with the work with the position description and things like that I think will just really be a great launch to what's largely what 50 or 60% new membership on that committee. 624 01:36:07.500 --> 01:36:08.490 Regan Molatore: Yeah 50% 625 01:36:11.010 --> 01:36:19.800 Kathy Ludwig: Yeah, I'm just really excited that with a goal, like this, you'll actually see your you'll actually see us deliver on your, your commitment. 626 01:36:20.250 --> 01:36:29.850 Kathy Ludwig: And the outcomes because you'll start to hear from Long Range Planning Committee members, you might see pictures of them out in the field and there'll be eager to share 627 01:36:30.750 --> 01:36:34.020 Kathy Ludwig: Their lens on things at those quarterly reports in a way that 628 01:36:34.590 --> 01:36:48.510 Kathy Ludwig: Perhaps we haven't had that structure before and immediately. You'll see. Ah, you know, that's why we needed some clarification around the extent of that role and how engaged. We want to invite them to be and encourage them to be. 629 01:36:49.770 --> 01:36:59.460 Kathy Ludwig: It's a beautifully diverse group in terms of some some of their experiences. And I think that opportunity for input of their voices when you're walking around a building. 630 01:37:00.240 --> 01:37:10.260 Kathy Ludwig: Is more likely to occur because it feels more informal than, than the meeting. But then, there certainly would be time that evening to circle up around the table and 631 01:37:10.860 --> 01:37:20.130 Kathy Ludwig: You know, work on some things that need to be delivered that way and I am always still surprised when a few of the mentioned in a meeting. I've never been to that school, you know, 632 01:37:20.820 --> 01:37:30.510 Kathy Ludwig: We think, Oh my gosh, that should be some helpful that into all this work is that they experienced all 16 schools and crest and doc and district office and 633 01:37:31.350 --> 01:37:41.550 Kathy Ludwig: Really get a sense of the lay of the land. Just a reminder to you did task. Long Range Planning Committee with a land audit and we did start that 634 01:37:42.690 --> 01:37:48.360 Kathy Ludwig: Patent McGough did quite a bit of work and research and gave a document to the group, but then we did pause it 635 01:37:48.780 --> 01:37:59.610 Kathy Ludwig: While we waited for these new committee members. So we will be bringing that back to the group and Pat will lead that work, and we'll get that task back to us as soon as we're able 636 01:38:02.520 --> 01:38:02.790 Kathy Ludwig: Yes. 637 01:38:02.880 --> 01:38:03.930 Patric McGough: That is our 638 01:38:03.990 --> 01:38:12.090 Patric McGough: Main mission. This year is to take inventory and find out if we're on the right path or if we need to make adjustments. 639 01:38:16.590 --> 01:38:19.140 Remo Douglas: For me to do or offer or say 640 01:38:20.220 --> 01:38:29.370 Remo Douglas: But if the board would like or Kathy would like I'm happy to try to type up something kind of a summary of that role conversation we had 641 01:38:33.690 --> 01:38:43.710 Regan Molatore: And yes, that role. Yeah. That would be wonderful. And just have a job description that we keep and go forward with 642 01:38:46.020 --> 01:38:53.430 Regan Molatore: That can be a subset to that board policy that we have for the Long Range Planning Committee, but I think would be helpful. 643 01:38:55.080 --> 01:38:59.880 Regan Molatore: And then also, I just think as we go forward. You know, one in this process. Let's make sure to that. 644 01:39:00.450 --> 01:39:07.290 Regan Molatore: Typically you know about this time, we would have like a joint meeting or something with our long range planning because it is and bond oversight function. 645 01:39:07.740 --> 01:39:16.440 Regan Molatore: I feel that the current time and and platform from which are meeting doesn't lend itself to that. So I would also, um, and courage, both 646 01:39:17.010 --> 01:39:28.320 Regan Molatore: Patent and remote to also get that feedback from the Long Range Planning Committee itself. And if there's areas or ideas they have as to how they think they can make it more meaningful and 647 01:39:29.220 --> 01:39:37.740 Regan Molatore: I would want them to be a part of that discussion as well. And maybe they have to live into it a little before they can give that feedback. But I think our board would would support that. 648 01:39:38.220 --> 01:39:44.490 Regan Molatore: And then also we as a board just, I guess, as we're working through this year and receiving these reports. 649 01:39:45.630 --> 01:39:53.520 Regan Molatore: Final feedback if you don't do it in the present time of the meeting through Dr. Ludwig or me, and we can 650 01:39:54.810 --> 01:40:00.510 Regan Molatore: Work to make sure that you're receiving the information that's most pertinent to you to keep you abreast 651 01:40:03.990 --> 01:40:08.310 Regan Molatore: All right. Anything else anybody have anything further they'd like to offer. 652 01:40:11.790 --> 01:40:12.690 Regan Molatore: Up. Dr. Ludwig 653 01:40:13.110 --> 01:40:30.090 Kathy Ludwig: One of our thoughts was prior to the first Long Range Planning Committee meeting, which I believe is in October, and we were bouncing a number of dates off last meeting and I can't remember where we landed on it, but it is it is listed somewhere is perhaps gather the group for an orientation. 654 01:40:31.440 --> 01:40:37.260 Kathy Ludwig: And I think that would be a time if we can get that document then remote before then it'd be nice to maybe have 655 01:40:37.770 --> 01:40:44.970 Kathy Ludwig: Here's the role of Long Range Planning Committee. Here's role bond oversight, you know, here's a binder with all of the projects in it. 656 01:40:45.840 --> 01:40:55.590 Kathy Ludwig: Just talk through the distinction of both how we plan to structure the meetings. And by the way, the first one is October the such and such and will be on location at 657 01:40:56.730 --> 01:41:11.820 Kathy Ludwig: Blank school bring you know wear shoes that can get money or whatever, you know, so the orientation kind of sets up the clarifications of the roles and perhaps even the binder that they could be studying 658 01:41:12.900 --> 01:41:25.320 Kathy Ludwig: Elements of those seven bond projects and and doing a little bit of homework in that regard and and then maybe also in the orientation pat would be when we could just give a preview of that land audit task. 659 01:41:26.760 --> 01:41:43.140 Kathy Ludwig: And catch some members up to that. So it definitely be for the new members but if other Members want, you know, to come, they certainly could. And then, off we go. The first meeting in October with everyone kind of an even playing field and ready to meet at that first location. 660 01:41:43.740 --> 01:41:51.630 Patric McGough: As I've repeated that date incorrectly, a number of times I have it now etched in stone. It's the first of October. 661 01:41:52.260 --> 01:41:52.950 Kathy Ludwig: It's the what 662 01:41:53.700 --> 01:41:55.110 Patric McGough: 21st of October. 663 01:41:55.770 --> 01:41:57.600 Kathy Ludwig: I think I had it wrong, too, so we 664 01:41:57.960 --> 01:41:59.820 Patric McGough: I don't know. I gave you the wrong date. 665 01:42:01.110 --> 01:42:02.850 Patric McGough: I had Stafford Hamlet. 666 01:42:02.910 --> 01:42:04.170 Meeting in there. Oh. 667 01:42:06.120 --> 01:42:09.240 Patric McGough: It's the one that I just couldn't get out of my mind. 668 01:42:13.320 --> 01:42:13.920 Regan Molatore: All right. 669 01:42:14.400 --> 01:42:24.780 Kathy Ludwig: Do just also Lassie so director fish, you are as of the orientation meeting, taking the baton from director King as the new 670 01:42:26.640 --> 01:42:33.810 Kathy Ludwig: Liaison, did you want to come to that orientation meeting and introduce yourself, or did you want to just go to the first meeting. Want to make sure 671 01:42:34.410 --> 01:42:36.930 Ginger Fitch: Sure you can invite me and I can see 672 01:42:37.440 --> 01:42:39.210 Kathy Ludwig: If you're okay. Perfect. Great. 673 01:42:44.610 --> 01:42:53.940 Ginger Fitch: It just something as a board, I would like us to consider that we can do things for consent agenda like received the report of Mr Douglas sorry Mr mark off. 674 01:42:54.390 --> 01:43:06.930 Ginger Fitch: And we can get those memos, we can get that report if we want to talk about it. We can take it off the consent agenda. But otherwise, it doesn't mean we have to talk about it. We could get received those through the content engine. 675 01:43:10.260 --> 01:43:10.530 Ginger Fitch: Great. 676 01:43:10.620 --> 01:43:15.480 Regan Molatore: Great, great idea we've not done it that way. And you're right we kid and thank you. 677 01:43:16.860 --> 01:43:21.630 Regan Molatore: Will get creative about how we're going to do this. So Dr. Ludwig anything further you wanted to offer. 678 01:43:23.160 --> 01:43:28.410 Regan Molatore: All right, I think we can say goodnight. Thank you. I will call this work session to a close. 679 01:43:29.310 --> 01:43:31.650 Patric McGough: I everybody. All right. Thank you all. 680 01:43:32.130 --> 01:43:33.630 Kathy Ludwig: Thank you, everybody. Good night.