February 24 Update to Masking Guidelines

Posted by Kathy Ludwig on 2/24/2022 5:00:00 PM

On Feb. 24, the Oregon Health Authority (OHA) made an announcement lifting the indoor mask mandate for all indoor spaces including K12 schools, effective March 19, 2022 based on current modeling from Oregon Health and Sciences University (OHSU) that indicates hospitalizations will fall below 400 or fewer Oregonians per day by March 19. 

With this announcement, the Oregon Department of Education will update the language about indoor face masks in the Ready Schools, Safe Learners Resiliency Framework (RSSL). 

WLWV: Masks Strongly Advised But Not Required After March 19, 2022

The West Linn-Wilsonville School Board voted in July to follow the RSSL guidance for the 2021-2022 school year. This means that wearing masks will be strongly advised but not required in West Linn-Wilsonville schools after March 19.  State officials continue to strongly recommend universal masking in K-12 settings because these settings bring together vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals, as well as individuals who are at higher risk for severe COVID-19 illness.

The district will continue to monitor updates from Clackamas County Health as we near March 19 and will provide more information for families as that date approaches.

Enrolling in the Online Academy

Families who are uncomfortable continuing in-person learning without indoor masking may enroll in the Online Academy (WKOA). Secondary students (middle/high school) are encouraged to enroll in WKOA as soon as possible. If a transition to WKOA is something your family is considering, please contact your school right away to begin planning for the transition period.

Remember, We are a Community of Care and Connection

Students, staff and volunteers may continue wearing masks at school even after March 19, 2022. The West Linn-Wilsonville district and schools will continue to ensure PPE is available to staff and students; effective air flow and ventilation are maintained in buildings; and cohorts remain in place where possible. 

The District will continue to uphold and foster a culture of inclusion, respect, equity and care for every member as they make their own personal health decisions. There will be no tolerance for verbal taunts or othering behaviors based on how people make a decision regarding their own personal health.  We appreciate that our community chooses to model respectful, civil and safe engagement with one another. 


Kathy Ludwig, Superintendent