

    West Linn–Wilsonville School District

    28995 SW Brown Road, Wilsonville, OR 97070

    503 673-7700

    This information is provided to our Lowrie families to answer many of your questions about the operation of our school. Safety and quality of student learning are our top priorities. If you have additional questions please call the Lowrie office at 503 673-7700 and we will try to direct your call to the person who can help you.

Office staff

District Vision Themes

    • Demonstrate personal and academic excellence.
    • Provide a personalized education to improve student performance.
    • Establish community partnerships and expand the classroom beyond the school.
    • Create a “circle of support” for each student.
    • Educate the whole person — intellectually, emotionally, physically and ethically.
    • Integrate technology in daily learning.


  • Grades K-5 ... 7:50 a.m. – 2:10 p.m.

Parent Email

  • We communicate with our families through email for general newsletters, announcements and emergency information. Therefore, it is important that we have your current email address in our system. Log onto our website and join the listserv. If you do not sign up on the listserv you will not be in the email system to receive emergency or newsletter announcements. It is very easy to do and gives you the important information that you will need and want to have. You can sign up for listserv from our school website: www.lps.wlwv.k12.or.us.


  • Arriving On Time
    Students may arrive at school after 7:45 a.m. Supervision begins at 7:45 a.m. when students walk directly to their classrooms. If students arrive after 8:05 a.m., please sign them in at the office.

    Arriving Late
    If your children arrive after 8:05 a.m., please sign in on the clipboard marked “STUDENT SIGN IN/OUT” located at the front desk. All students need to be in class on time to maximize the quality of their school day. Thank you.


  • To meet an increased need in our society to insure the safety of children, Lowrie Staff wear name/picture badges every day so students and families can identify staff members. Parents and other visitors will be required to sign in, wear identification badges and come into the building to pick up children. All exterior doors will be locked during the school day and non staff will be required to ring the door bell near the main entrance and sign in at the office.

    We add these safety procedures to those already in place as a precaution.

    While we do not expect we will be faced with threats to safety, we choose to be prepared.

Absence From School

  • If your child will be absent from school, please call the office (not your child’s teacher) at 503 673-7700 before 7:30 a.m., or leave a message before/after hours and provide the following information:

    • Child’s name
    • Child’s teacher
    • Reason for absence
    • Day(s) of absence

    If the absence exceeds the number of days initially expected, please keep the school office informed. Whenever your child’s absence is unexplained, our automatic calling system will try to reach you by calling all parent contact numbers and email addresses on your child’s registration form. Please help avoid unnecessary calls whenever possible.

    Prior to a planned absence, such as an appointment or vacation, please call the office as well as notifying your child’s teacher.

    It would be very helpful if you would send your child’s teacher a brief message regarding a student’s absence. This will allow the teacher to best support your child’s return to school.

School Newsletters

  • We are working to decrease the amount of paper that goes home. Weekly newsletters from the school will be sent online. We encourage you to check for papers sent home in your child’s backpack on a daily basis, if possible. Our newsletter is our primary means of communicating happenings at the school and contains a section upcoming events. We may also ask for your participation and support from time to time. We appreciate any suggestions for improved communications. To sign up for the listserv go to the school website at www.lps.wlwv.k12.or.us and look for the “Subscribe to our email list” on the left hand side.

School Curriculum and Textbook / Program Adoptions

  • The curriculum and materials used in our school follow district-wide adoptions in all subject areas. The adoptions are based on the work of curriculum committees composed of teachers and administrators. Through the adoption process we study best educational practices, survey current education research, review materials endorsed by the State Textbook Commission, consult with the public, and make recommendations to the West Linn-Wilsonville School Board. Programs adopted by the School Board are then implemented in all primary schools throughout the district. Please see classroom teachers, our Instructional Coordinator or the Principal for more information about instructional materials or the curriculum.


  • Lunch at School
    The school district offers lunches for students at $3.20 per lunch and $0.50 per drink. Lowrie Primary has an automated lunch payment program. Each student has a lunch account with ID #. Money is deposited into this account to allow the student to purchase lunches or drinks.

    • To deposit money in your child’s account, please send in a check in an envelope labeled with your student’s name and ID number. Please do not send loose cash or checks.
    • Please make school lunch checks payable to West Linn-Wilsonville School District. Checks for school lunch made out to the school will be deposited in your child’s account, but it requires an additional step for the staff.
    • We encourage monthly or weekly deposits to your accounts. Daily deposits will be accepted, but do not allow us to be as efficient with staff time.
    • You are expected to keep your child’s account paid and up to date. If you your child’s account goes negative you will be notified with the expectation that you will take care of the matter quickly.

    Lunch from Home
    A child who takes a bag lunch to school every day can create about 67 pounds of waste each school year. Use a lunch box to reduce waste - and instead of plastic bags try reusable, washable containers.

Free/Reduced Meals

  • Each year families need to reapply for the free and reduced lunch program. This must be filled out as soon as possible for families to receive the benefits. The application form is available in English and Spanish at the District website www.wlwv.k12.or.us. Go to District Departments and then to Food Service or it can be picked up in the office. We have included an application in this packet for your convenience.

Getting Home

  • Notes/Bus Memos
    All students who will be taking a bus to an address other than their normal stop – and –all students who will be picked up from school when this is not their normal routine must have a written bus note (“Memo To School” form). Teachers keep the originals of the bus notes and distribute them to the students at the end of the day. The copies are kept in the office in case that information is needed in an “emergency” situation. Please call the office with any questions regarding bus notes.

    Early Check Out
    If your children need to be picked up from school prior to the end of the school day, please send a bus note/Memo to School form indicating the time of dismissal. Please come to the office and sign out the students on the clipboard marked “STUDENT SIGN IN/OUT” located at the front desk.

    Picking Up Students From School
    Please send a bus note/Memo To School, for your children indicating that they will be picked up from school. All children being picked up need to be met in the hall outside the office at the end of the school day and be signed out with the staff member on duty.

    This would include leaving early for an appointment, riding the bus home with a friend, or having a parent pick them up when they normally take the bus.

    Please, for the safety of our students, we ask that no students be removed from school before the proper sign-out procedures have been followed. Children are not allowed to meet parents at their vehicles.

Student Supplies

  • A supply list is available on our website as well as a printed copy in the office. We have also included a list in this packet. If you need assistance in obtaining these supplies, please call our counselor or the school office at 503 673-7700. We want each child to be safe when they play during their two daily recesses and participate in activities. Therefore, students should wear suitable shoes to school daily and tennis shoes on the days they have their PE/Wellness class.

Student Belongings at School

  • We request that students keep their toys at home. They are easily broken or lost at school. Please identify clothing and lunchboxes with your children’s names – especially outer garments. Children often take off coats or jackets and leave them in various areas of the school grounds. Names help to locate the owners. Students should not bring electronics and cell phones to school. If there is a need for any such item they should remain in the child’s backpack throughout the school day.

Latex Balloon Policy

  • West Linn-Wilsonville SD adopted a latex free policy in 2004. This means parents and students are no longer allowed to bring any latex balloons to the school at any time. The change in this policy reflects the increasing number of people with severe latex allergies, some even life threatening. Mylar balloons are acceptable.

    Thank you for adhering to these policies. Your cooperation helps us maintain a safe place for your children to learn!

Equal Opportunity

  • It is the policy of the West Linn-Wilsonville board of Education and School District that no discrimination or harassment on the grounds of race, color, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, religion, national origin, age or disability in any educational programs, activities or employment shall occur. Persons having questions about equal opportunity and nondiscrimination should contact the Personnel Director at the West Linn-Wilsonville School District at 503 673-7000.