Quick Links
The Testing Center is open Wednesdays and Thursdays after school, 3:15-4:45pm, and Thursdays and Fridays before school, 7:15-8:15am. The Testing Center is located in the Library Alcove.
The Tutoring Center is open Monday through Thursday from 3:15-4:45pm. It is located on Porch 1A.
About West Linn High School
We are West Linn STRONGSCHOOL HOURS ARE 8:30AM - 3:05PMParents both Current and New: Please take a moment to sign up for the Email ListServe which keeps you current and informed on all things WEST LINN HIGH, and the FlashAlert so you will be informed when weather/emergencies impact the school schedules.Procedure for reporting absences, tardies and request for early dismissals:
Report whole day absences, tardies and early dismissal request first thing in the morning. Voicemails and emails are put into a queue and are handled in the order in which they are received.
Last minute calls to pick up your student may take up to 20 minutes to retrieve your student.
To report an absence, tardy or request for early dismissal:
- Use ParentVue - use the notes to enter the time of their arrival or the time they need to be dismissed from school. If the notes are left blank, then it will be assumed that it is for the whole day
- Email - wlhs-attendance@wlwv.k12.or.us
- Call 503-673-7812
- Excuse Note
School events, such as assemblies, that take place within the school hours of 8:30 to 3:05 are mandatory. Students should not be excused from school events unless it is absolutely necessary.
Early Dismissal Slips are delivered at the beginning of each class and handed directly to the teacher. The teacher then passes out the Early Dismissal Slips to the student. It is up to the student to leave class at the designated time.
Due to the increased number of students, we need to use ParentVue as much as possible for attendance.
Daily Activity Bus:The Activity Bus leaves each school day at 5:00pm. It leaves from in front of the PAC (Performing Arts Center). The start date for the 24-25 SY Activity Bus will be posted in due course.
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