Materials Checklist for Advanced Algebra:
____ (1) Graphing Calculator A TI-83 plus or TI-84 Graphing Calculator is required for this course and higher level math courses.
____ (1) 3-ring binder or folder (this is to organize your notes and work)
____ Pencils
____ Red Pens (at least one)
____ Notebook Paper and Graph Paper
____ Colored Pencils/Highlighters (optional)
____ (1) Dry Erase Marker
Materials Checklist for Advanced Algebra B:
____ (1) Graphing Calculator A TI-83 plus or TI-84 Graphing Calculator is required for this course and higher level math courses.
____ (1) 3-ring binder or folder (this is to organize your notes and work)
____ Pencils
____ Red Pens (at least one)
____ Notebook Paper and Graph Paper
____ Colored Pencils/Highlighters (optional)
____ (1) Dry Erase Marker