• Welcome to Mr. McKern's Website! 
    I am very excited to be teaching Advanced Algebra and Advanced Algebra B this school year. Please checkout the links on this site to learn more about your class and to learn more about your teacher. Supplies for your course are listed below. All assignments and class information will be posted on Google Classroom this year. Google Classroom codes will be available on the first day of class. Thank you for visiting my page and I look foward to meeting you soon! Have a great day!
    Virtual Classroom

     Materials Checklist for Advanced Algebra:
    ____ (1) Graphing Calculator A TI-83 plus or TI-84 Graphing Calculator is required for this course and higher level math courses.
    ____ (1) 3-ring binder or folder (this is to organize your notes and work)

    ____ Pencils
    ____ Red Pens (at least one)
    ____ Notebook Paper and Graph Paper 
    ____ Colored Pencils/Highlighters (optional)
    ____ (1) Dry Erase Marker

    Materials Checklist for Advanced Algebra B:
    ____ (1) Graphing Calculator A TI-83 plus or TI-84 Graphing Calculator is required for this course and higher level math courses.
    ____ (1) 3-ring binder or folder (this is to organize your notes and work)

    ____ Pencils
    ____ Red Pens (at least one)
    ____ Notebook Paper and Graph Paper 
    ____ Colored Pencils/Highlighters (optional)
    ____ (1) Dry Erase Marker