- West Linn High
- Welcome
The week of April 6th is for finishing quarter one grades and preparing for "distance learning." So if you have anything from quarter one that is inaccurate or that you need addressed that is the week to take care of it. The district has asked us to do that through google classroom, so I will start updating there and move away from having things here for you.
Seniors are moving to PASS / FAIL for the semester based upon quarter three grades. If you are not passing (56% and above) you need to be sending me an email so I can work on an individual plan for getting you to a passing level. Please be patient as this is individual work that I am going to be workin on in addition to getting everything ready for my other students to start "distance learning" next week. We will have time to get you passing, but you need to reach out so I know you are wanting to start that process.
NON SENIORS need to join our class with the google classroom code for economics being: hhozop3. World 9: zxulo6h Hope you are all well, washing your hands, eating healthy food, getting adequate exercise and extra sleep, reading, limiting how much time you spend on devices. . . . . miss you.
Ms Emerick can best be reached by email: emerickm@wlwv.k12.or.us
Ms Emerick was born in Portland, Oregon on January 26, 1973. Her family moved to Hillsboro, Oregon in 1976. She graduated from Hillsboro High School in 1991 and went on to Western Oregon State College and University of Oregon. After getting a BA in sociology, with minors in US history and anthropology, she earned a Masters in the Art of Teaching from Pacific University. Ms Emerick then entered the professional world of teaching and the summer world of travels. After 6 years of teaching high school social studies in the state of Oregon Ms Emerick took a leave of absence to teach English in Hokkaido Japan for one year. Upon returning from Nippon, Ms Emerick began teaching at West Linn High School and loves being able to bike to school from her home in SE Portland. Ms Emerick is also a triathlete, proud aunt, and nordic skier.
Some photos of Hokkaido:
And one of Ms Emerick's closer to home places that is a favorite place to visit for Spring Break, Death Valley: