    As of 3/24 I have graded all CIA #1 and Wealth letters that I could find in google docs or that had been handed in via paper before we left school on Friday March 13th.  If I have missed one of these for you, please send me an email and reshare it in google documents so I can make sure your grade is up to date.
    Currently the week of April 6th is all about quarter one grades = so if you have anything from quarter one that is inaccurate or needs to be made up next week will be our week to take are of that.  
    Seniors are moving to PASS / FAIL for the semester based upon quarter three grades.  If you are not passing (56% and above) you need to be sending me an email so I can work on an individual plan for getting you to a passing level.  Please be patient as this is individual work that I am going to be workin on in addition to getting everything ready for my other students to start "distance learning" next week.  We will have time to get you passing, but you need to reach out so I know you are wanting to start that process.
    For juniors, the district has asked us to do that through google classroom, so I will start updating there and move away from having things here for you.  You need to join our class with the google classroom code: hhozop3
      MW #1  MW
      Supply Quiz
      CIA #2
      MW #2  MW