• Emerick’s Course Guidelines   World 9 w9guidelines  Economics



    Thoughts for success!

    Each semester provides us with the opportunity to make a new beginning.  You have the ability to choose the kind of semester you would like to have.  I am here to help you attain your academic goals.  Communication is the key to us having a successful semester together.  Please ask for clarification, extra help, or whatever you need in order to attain your academic goals.  You may visit me outside of class or email me anytime for assistance. The best time to see me outside of class is before school.  “It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities,” J.K. Rowling.  Please make good choices while inside and outside of this class.


    Class Environment:

    Learning and stretching our thinking is an exciting experience that sometimes takes us outside of our comfort zones.  In order for us to create a class environment that is conducive to learning and thoughtfulness, we must encourage each other to explore ideas and allow for differences.  Social studies addresses controversy, therefore an environment of respect is critical.  In addition to being polite to everyone, including myself, please also take the time to practice positive communication skills while in class.


    Attendance ~

    Your ability to master content will be affected by both your physical and mental attendance.  Absences also have ramifications for the class as a community of learners. If you are absent it is your responsibility to find out what you have missed, to provide yourself with the necessary materials, and to make-up your missed class work within the amount of time allotted by me.  Please do not use class time for this.  Exams and long-range assignments that you have been notified of in advance must be taken or turned in immediately upon return. Some long range assignments will be due regardless of your attendance. Contacting me is your responsibility = please practice advocating for yourself.  Tests will be put in the academic support center for you to make up, unless you arrange an alternative testing time with me.

    Unexcused absences will result in a grade of a zero for any assignments or activities due or missed on the day(s) of absences. You can check your attendance online before class to know if your absence has been excused.



    Your behavior in class needs to follow the 4 Compelling State Interests, outlined below.

    1.      The Right to Health and Safety in the Classroom

    2.      The Right to have Personal Property Protected

    3.      Activities must have a Legitimate Educational Purpose

    4.      Rights and Needs of Others must be Protected


    Additional Rules:

    1.      The school’s tardy policy is     4 tardies = referral            After 10 minutes = UA

    2.      The classroom should be left at least as clean as you found it.   Please do not pack up your stuff before we have finished for the day.  Please do not wait by the door at the end of the class period. 

    3.   School requires that there is no food or drink near computers. You may have non-soda beverages in closed containers and healthy snacks inside our classroom.  

    4.   Classroom Substitutes, Visitors, Visitations:  Any visitor in our classroom needs to be treated with respect.  Substitutes are to be considered and treated  as  guests. Any positive comments from a substitute will be rewarded. Your behavior represents me and all of WLHS.

    5.      I will follow the school's 20 minute rule. 

    6.      Phones and electronics – you are encouraged to use these as tools for learning when appropriate.  Please do not use them for texting.  Please do not use them for listening to music while we are having class discussions and lectures.  You will also not be allowed to have them out during tests and quizzes.



    I grade on a point system and the computer calculates the percentages. Here are my grade cut offs by percentage:  A = 89%     B = 78%          C = 67%          D = 56%          F = below 55%




    Please keep this for the entire time you are with me and be aware that you will be tested on these policies.

    What class is this for?

    9th Grade World History is a semester long course that focuses on the following essential questions: How do we see the world?  What is history all about?  Who writes the story of history?  What are the origins of inequality in the modern world?  What brings about significant changes in existing societies?  What is human nature?  How do communities of human beings govern themselves?  How do they determine who gets to govern and how?  This course is designed to examine time periods of significant historic upheavals – revolutions – to answer these and other questions.  Activities in this class include, but are not limited to, discussions, projects, simulations, small group activities, lectures, and the assessment of a variety of readings.  By the end of this semester, you will have developed the skills necessary to demonstrate proficiency on the Research and Framing strands of the Social Studies Analysis.  In addition, Common Core literacy skills in reading and writing will be emphasized and developed.   When our semester is complete you will be able to: Frame a research question; Distinguish between primary and secondary sources; Evaluate a source’s point of view for bias, credibility, stereotyping and misrepresentation; Demonstrate an understanding of historical chronology; Use historical data from a variety of sources to support an argument or position; Interpret and apply data from primary source documents, including political cartoons, graphs, letters, works of art, music, etc.; Effectively use analytical skills of evaluation, cause and effect, compare and contrast; Work effectively alone and with others.


    Units of Study - These may include, but are not limited to, the following:

    1.      Course Introduction:  Worldview & the Origins of Inequality

    2.      Evolution of Revolution

    3.      The French Revolution

    4.      Industrial Revolution & the Russian Revolution

    5.      Social Studies Analysis 

    What class is this for?

    Economics is a semester long course that studies how a society allocates scarce resources.  In other words, we as economists answer the three essential questions: What to produce? How much to produce? Who gets what?  This course is an introduction to micro- and macroeconomics concepts. You will learn core economic concepts like scarcity, opportunity cost, and supply and demand; how the government tries to steer the economy through fiscal and monetary policy; and, how different types of business firms function.  Activities include, but are not limited to:   a semester-long stock market simulation, simulations, readings, lectures, and project-based learning.  During this semester, you will be given the opportunity to develop the skills necessary to demonstrate proficiency in the Analysis and Concluding strands of Oregon’s Social Studies Analysis. In addition, Common Core literacy skills in reading and writing will be emphasized and developed.  By the end of the semester you will be able to: Use and apply the academic language of macroeconomics and microeconomics; Analyze economic situations using basic economics concepts, such as opportunity cost, scarcity, and competition; Use graphical analysis to display economic relationships; Demonstrate an understanding of the models of market organization to businesses.


    Units of Study - These may include, but are not limited to, the following:

    Unit 1  - The Economic Way of Thinking:  Basic Principles

    Unit 2  - Supply, Demand, and the Market

    Unit 3 - Microeconomics:  Business Firms & Market Structures

    Unit 4  - Macroeconomics:  Fiscal and Monetary Policy

    Unit 5 - Financial Literacy

    Unit 6 – The Role of the Government in the Economy