Hi! Thanks for stopping by to learn a little bit more about me.
Q: How long have you been a teacher?
A: I am entering my tenth year of teaching. This will be my 7th year in fifth grade!
Q: How long have you been at Trillium?
A: This is my 4th year at TCPS. I moved from Pittsburgh, PA in the summer of 2015.
Q: Are you a Ducks fan or a Beavers fan?
A: Neither! I cheer for the Michigan Wolverines!
Q: Who is in your family?me
A: My husband, Andy, and I have two daughters. Julia is a senior at Lakeridge High School, and Claire is a junior at Lakeridge High School. We have 3 pets: a tri-pawed Golden Retriever named Penny, and two Siberian Forest Cats named Fritz and Brooks.
Q: What do you like to do when you are not in school?
A: My favorite thing to do outside of school is spend time with my family. I also enjoy hiking, reading, going to the beach, and walking in the woods. I LOVE to travel, too!
Q: What is the best thing about being a teacher?
A: That is a really hard question! There are so many things that I love about teaching. What I love the most, though, is finding ways to help every single student in my classroom to learn, grow, and succeed!
Thanks again for stopping by!
-Mrs. Fennell