- Trillium Creek Primary
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Instructional Day
The student instructional day is 7:50 am – 2:10 pm. Please note that children may arrive at school at 7:45 am each school day and should not arrive earlier. Students will walk directly to their classrooms whether they arrive by bus, walking or in vehicles. Staff will be stationed around the building to supervise and support students during arrival and dismissal times.
You can access ParentVUE from the Trillium Creek homepage. At the beginning of each school year, families are required to log in to ParentVue and update their child’s data and information. This will ensure we have the most up-to-date contact information and will allow families to access attendance, report cards and sign up for conferences.
We communicate with our families through ParentSquare for general newsletters, announcements, and emergency information. Please go to the Trillium Creek homepage or the District webpage to subscribe.
We look forward to seeing your child at school each day. If your child is absent or tardy, he/she is missing important instruction and the classroom community is not complete. If your child is ill and not able to come to school be sure to notify us of their absence by 8:00 AM.
There are three ways to report absences:
Log in to ParentVUE and click the report absences button
Email Kara Kraxberger, kraxberk@wlwv.k12.or.us
Call the school office 503-673-7950
First Student is the bus provider for our school district. Bus route information is available on our district website under the “community” tab. Your child’s bus information, if applicable, can be viewed in your ParentVUE account. If you need to request changes to your child’s bus service please do so within your ParentVUE account. Note that the bus company may not be able to honor all requests and requires some time to respond to new requests. If you receive a confirmed change to your child’s bus service be sure to notify your child’s teacher and our school office.
During arrival, buses drop students off at the South side of the building while parents use the car lane on the North side of the building and other families and students walk from each side of the campus. This is a busy time of day. We have staff members stationed around the building so that children are always in sight of an adult as they arrive. Children should arrive no earlier than 7:45 AM so that supervision is in place. Parents are asked to remain in vehicles during drop off and to send their children independently from the designated drop-off locations.
In the care lane, all drivers will pull up along the curb, staying to the right until their children have been dropped off. Pull to the left around other cars only to exit the parking lot.
If your child arrives to school late, after our staff has gone inside, be sure they come to the South side of the building where the exterior doors are open.
At the end of the day, walkers and bus riders are dismissed directly from their classrooms. We have staff members stationed around the building so that children are always in sight of an adult as they walk to their bus or meet up with siblings, friends or parents to walk home. Parents who are meeting walkers should wait at designated walker pick-up locations.
Parents who are picking up in the car lane should pull into the driveway and stay to the right.
Kindergarten parents, please pull over into the area marked with cones so that other vehicles may pass you while you get your child buckled in.
Remember that all drivers will pull up along the curb, staying to the right until all of their children have been picked up. Once your children are picked up you are welcome to pull into the left lane to leave the parking lot. Use caution when pulling out.
**Our car lane becomes congested during dismissal and caregivers who are picking up in the car lane must plan to spend a little while in line to get their students. Whenever possible, we recommend that you plan to have your child be a walker or ride the school bus. This makes our dismissal smoother for everyone.**
Picking Your Child Up During the School Day
If you pick your child up during the school day, be sure to allow extra time to call your student to the office. Please come to the south side entrance where the exterior doors are open. We will NOT release a child unless a parent or someone with clear, written permission from the custodial parent comes to the office.
Free and Reduced Meals
It is important to apply for free and reduced meals if you may qualify. For sign up information, please visit the nutrition services website.
P-EBT is now available for qualified West Linn-Wilsonville families (those who qualify for free and reduced lunch). Families who are eligible are encouraged to sign up for free and reduced lunch to ensure they receive P-EBT benefits. Families who are signed up for free and reduced lunch are not required to fill out any additional information to receive P-EBT benefits. To learn more, please visit the nutrition services website.
Medication / Allergies
If your child needs to take any medication at school, please come to the school office to fill out the Medication Authorization form.
- All over-the-counter medication must be age appropriate. A child's weight is not a consideration.
- Parents/guardians must bring medication, over-the-counter and prescription, to school. It cannot be sent with a student.
- Medication must be in its original container.
- At the end of the school year, parents are notified to pick up medication. Medication that is left will be destroyed.
The school nurses work closely with parents and school staff to keep students safe and healthy at school. Parents of students with life threatening allergies are encouraged to speak with their school nurse regarding safeguards available at school.
Please reach out to the nurses with any questions. Lindsay Nowak, RN (nowakl@wlwv.k12.or.us) and Nancy Buchwald, RN (buchwaln@wlwv.k12.or.us) 503-673-7099.
Evacuation Procedures and Security
Each year we practice security and evacuation procedures with our students so that staff and students remain safe should an emergency arise at our school. We will be practicing fire drills on a monthly basis and earthquake and secure/lock down drills twice during the school year. Our staff is prepared with security measures in case a special need arises. In addition, the District has emergency handbooks posted in each classroom so that procedures are readily available to anyone who may need them. In the event of an emergency that requires one or more students to go home during the school day, the school staff follows the information provided by parents through ParentVUE. Therefore, please be sure that you keep your contact information and emergency contacts for your children up-to-date throughout the year.
Student Supplies
A supply list is available on our website. Typically each spring our PTA also sets up an opportunity for interested families to pre-purchase school supplies which are sent directly to the school for your child. If you ordered supplies online in the spring, the supplies have been delivered directly to your child’s classroom. If you would like assistance in obtaining school supplies, please contact our school counselor, Megan Dawes at dawesm@wlwv.k12.or.us or by calling our school office at 503.673.7950. Students should also have a backpack and wear comfortable shoes, especially on the days they will have PE/Wellness class. We want each child to be safe when they play during their daily recesses and participate in activities.
Student Property
- Money and valuables are the responsibility of the individual student.
- Toys should be left at home unless a child wishes to bring something special for classroom sharing, and it is approved by the classroom teacher.
- Playground equipment is provided by the school. Students should not bring balls or other personal playing equipment from home as those items are not allowed at recess
- Weapons or toy weapons of any kind are not to be taken on the bus or brought to school.
- Some families choose to give their child a cell phone or smartwatch. Cell phones and smartwatches brought to school must be kept in student backpacks and not used to make calls or text messages during the school day without a staff member’s permission. If a child needs to contact you during the school day, he/she should ask the school office to make a call. Cell phones are the responsibility of the child and family.
We honor a couple of celebrations each school year. Grade level teams of teachers work together with parents to plan and organize these celebrations so that all students are included and costs are kept to a minimum. We do not hold classroom birthday celebrations, however if your child does wish to bring something for the class, we encourage a book to donate to the school or classroom library that would include your child's name and date on the inside cover. Families may not bring or send in food to share as part of a birthday recognition. We have a number of children each year who experience food allergies. This policy supports their safety and wellness.
Developing a relationship with you is very important to our school staff. The communication between you, your child and your child’s teacher is important to your child’s education. Be sure to call, email or write a note if you have any questions, concerns or compliments. Having accurate information will aid both you and our staff in working together to meet your child’s needs. You can reach your child’s teacher most readily through email. Remember that teachers are engaged with students throughout the school day and may not see emails during the course of the day. If you have an urgent message or need, please call the school office number 503-673-7950. If you need to change your child’s after school plans, call the office prior to 12:00 noon. We appreciate your understanding that the time before and after school is teacher planning and time for meetings. While teachers will do their best to connect with you, please allow at least a day for a return call or email.
Student Responsibilities and Rights
Be sure to read the District Guide to Student Responsibilities and Rights located on our District website and provided to you when you update your child’s registration each year. This informs you and your child of policies and practices as they apply to student responsibilities and rights.
Our School Vision
Each day at Trillium Creek we are creating a culture of excellence and equity within a community of care.