Bullying Prevention Practices

  • Bullying is intentional, targeted, and repeated negative actions where there is a real or perceived power imbalance between students. These negative actions typically include physical contact, words, exclusion, gestures, name calling, rumors, teasing or intimidation. Cyberbullying occurs when electronic communications are employed to perform the above actions.

    For All Students:

    • Willamette Primary Guiding Principles and Class Agreements Posted
    • Weekly Second Step lessons focusing on Skills for Learning, Empathy, Emotion Management, and Problem Solving
    • Bullying Prevention lessons from Second Step
    • Frequent school counselor lessons in classrooms focusing on building empathy, emotional self-regulation, safety, problem solving, apologies, and bullying prevention
    • Trusting, powerful relationships with adults within school for every child
    • SafeOregon link to provide anonymous reporting of bullying on school website

    Steps When a child Reports Bullying:

    • Teachers and administrators immediately begin an investigation. An investigation includes:
      • Discussing the incident(s) with those who engaged in, were affected by, or possibly witnessed bullying.
        • These conversations follow a restorative justice model: What happened? Who was harmed? What can be done to make things right?
      • Discussing the incident(s) with families of those who were harming or harmed by others
      • Reviewing expectations for behavior and ensuring all students understand these actions should not continue in any way
      • Disciplinary actions such as loss of school privileges, restricted access to unstructured times and/or school suspension
        (Disciplinary actions are administered on an individual case by case basis determined by school administration)
      • Review and address any school structures to support student safety and success

    Ongoing Actions:

    • Frequent check-ins from Teachers and Administrators to ensure bullying activities have ceased
    • ongoing meetings with School counselor or Administrators if needed
    • Observations of students during unstructured times during the school day
