Bus Note Information

  • If a student will be leaving school other than on the bus that brings them to their home address, they must bring a completed “Special End of Day Request” form in the morning. By law, and for your child’s protection, we must have the request in writing. It is not possible for us to take schedule changes by telephone.

    • The office will maintain a list of students who have a predictable pattern of bus changes. Teachers will have a printed list of regular bus changes for their class.
    • If your child will be delivered to a sitter or daycare situation after school on a regular basis, a note for the year will effect this change throughout the school year. Be certain to indicate that this is a permanent situation.

    In case of an emergency or abrupt change in your plans, please contact our office by telephone and we will try to accommodate that change. We request that you do not call the office after 1:30 pm to request a change unless it is an emergency or change that must occur. Often teachers are not in their classrooms and/or may not return to retrieve the bus note. Of course we know life can throw last minute needs at us and we will support you and your family. We hope you can support us on this request. It supports our work to guarantee that all students are following the correct PM routines.

    If you have questions, please call our office to speak to Kim Walton or Mi Lynn Crollard!