At Trillium Creek Primary School we will practice...

    • Creating a positive, nurturing, fun, socially engaging atmosphere in the classroom and throughout the school because this leads to a school community where everyone belongs, enjoys learning, and is known and respected as an individual.
    • Creating opportunities and access because each person has a right to dream, to learn, to achieve, and to be accepted.
    • Challenging children academically because we want to meet students from where they are so they can apply and extend their knowledge, skills, thinking, and not repeat what they already know unless practice is needed.
    • Starting from a place of observation and noticing what a child brings to his/her learning as a way to understand what and how to best teach as opposed to talking about what a child doesn't know or can't do yet.
    • Valuing diversity in our school, our community and our world because treating one another respectfully is not only a personal right but important to bridging cultures and working collectively to solve world problems.
    • Teaching the social/emotional curriculum because resiliency, self-advocacy, working together and communicating with others are essential to each child’s success academically, socially, and emotionally.