• At Wood Middle School, we believe that students learn best when they take ownership of the learning process. Students have ongoing opportunities to reflect on their learning in each class. We encourage parents and students to engage in daily conversations about their learning - using the planner, teacher websites, and grades online.
    In addition, twice a year, Wood students and parents participate in Student-Led Conferences. The goal of these conferences is for students to have structured conversations with their parents during which they discuss their current status in classes, reflect on their growth, and set goals for future learning.  


    • Parents/Guardians can sign up for a conference time through ParentVUE (https://parentvue.wlwv.k12.or.us/PXP2_Login_Parent.aspx ).  If you aren’t sure if you have your ParentVUE account setup or if you are having trouble with it, please contact our front office at 503-673-7500.

    • Once you’ve logged into ParentVUE, click on the “Conferences” tab in the menu on the left hand side, then click on the “parent/teacher conferences” link.  

      • This will take you to the info page that describes conferences and should have your student’s name listed and give you the option to enter an email address, then click “continue.”

      • Find the name of your student’s ADVISORY teacher and click on it.

      • Look at the schedule and click a time slot labeled “Available” that you would like to reserve. 

    Enter your contact info and click “Register” to complete the process. 


    • Los padres / tutores pueden inscribirse para una conferencia a través de ParentVUE (https://parentvue.wlwv.k12.or.us/PXP2_Login_Parent.aspx). Si no está seguro de haber configurado su cuenta de ParentVUE o si tiene problemas con ella, comuníquese con nuestra oficina al 503-673-7500.

    • Una vez que haya iniciado sesión en ParentVUE, haga clic en la pestaña "Conferencias" en el menú del lado izquierdo, luego haga clic en el enlace "conferencias de padres / maestros".

    • Esto lo llevará a la página de información que describe las conferencias y debe tener el nombre de su estudiante en la lista y darle la opción de ingresar una dirección de correo electrónico, luego haga clic en "continuar".

    • Busque el nombre del maestro ASESOR (Advisory) de su estudiante y haga clic en él.

    • Mire el horario y haga clic en un intervalo de tiempo con la etiqueta "Available" que le gustaría reservar.

    • Ingrese su información de contacto y haga clic en "Register" para completar el proceso.

    Fall Conferences 
    Spring Conferences