Wood Middle School

Bettering the learning of ourselves and others.




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    Attendance Line: 503-673-7502

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    Athletics and Activities Payments

    Attention all runners!!! The upcoming cross-country season is fast approaching with our first practice scheduled for Wednesday, September 4th. This is a great way for students to meet new people, hang out with friends, and for many, participate in their first school sport. All ability levels are welcome! Practices are right after school (Monday-Thursday) and the season ends in late October. Just a reminder that all athletes can sign up in the front office and must have a current physical on file. In addition to this, there is a $75 athletic fee (scholarship forms available) and an emergency information card that needs to be filled out. Both are available online or in the front office. Looking forward to another great season and Go Wolverines!!!

    Supplies by Grade


    Feel Safe. Be Safe.
    Go to SafeOregon for more information.

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Welcome To Wood Middle School!

  • The West Linn-Wilsonville Middle School Musical

    Posted by Kat Budiao on 10/19/2022
    The West Linn-Wilsonville Middle School Musical is coming and this year's production is "Disney's The Little Mermaid"!  Students from all 4 district middle schools (plus Three Rivers Charter School) will come together to put on a full-scale musical production in April, 2023 on the West Linn High School stage. Auditions are open to 7th and 8th graders and everyone who auditions will be cast in the show!  Please see your school's choir/drama teacher, or your office for the audition packet. Sign-up times will be posted near your choir room beginning next week. Questions?  Contact director, Julie Lane at lanej@wlwv.k12.or.us.  Audition dates are below:

    Monday, November 14 – WOOD, 4-7 p.m.

    Tuesday, November 15 – ROSEMONT, 4-7 p.m.

    Thursday, November 17 – MERIDIAN, 4-7 p.m.

    Friday, November 18 – ATHEY, 4-7 p.m.


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  • Order your Wood Wear Here until November 11th!

    Posted by Kat Budiao on 10/17/2022


    Wood Wear

    Wood wear will be delivered to the office by December 14th. Here is the link to order from: Wood Wear

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  • _______________________________________________

    Posted by Joey King on 7/11/2022

    Enroll Now

    Enrolling a New Student  /  Matricular a un nuevo estudiante

    If you have a student that will be newly enrolling at Wood Middle School, CLICK HERE to begin your online registration and learn more about the process to get your student started.   We're excited to have you and your student join the Wood community!

    Si tiene un estudiante que se inscribirá recientemente en Wood Middle School, HAGA CLIC AQUÍ para comenzar su registro en línea y obtener más información sobre el proceso para que su estudiante comience. ¡Estamos emocionados de que usted y su estudiante se unan a la comunidad de Wood!

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  • School Communication and Messages from the Principal / Información de la escuela y Mensajes del director

    Posted by Wood MS on 10/22/2021

    Click here for the most recent message that was sent out to parents/guardians through email.

    Haga clic aqui para ver el mensaje más reciente que se envió a los padres / tutores a correo electronico.

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  • Curriculum Night Access / Noche de Curriculum

    Posted by Joey King on 9/22/2021


    Here is the link for the Wood Curriculum Night Videos created by our teachers and specialists. All schools in our district are doing this event virtually this year and we wanted to provide a format that is accessible to all of our families at their convenience. We’ll post the links on our Wood website and they’ll be available for you to view over the next week. If you have follow up questions about any of your child’s classes or curriculum please reach out to your student’s teachers. 




    Mike Strande


    Wood Middle School 



    Aqui son los videos de  Wood Curriculum Night Videos creados por nuestros maestros y especialistas. Todas las escuelas de nuestro distrito están realizando este evento virtualmente este año y queríamos ofrecer un formato que sea accesible para todas nuestras familias cuando les resulte conveniente. Publicaremos los enlaces en nuestro sitio web de Wood y estarán disponibles para que los vea durante la próxima semana. Si tiene preguntas sobre cualquiera de las clases o el plan de estudios de su hijo, comuníquese con los maestros de su estudiante. 




    Mike Strande


    escuela intermedia Wood

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  • Where to Go In the Morning / A donde ir por la mañana

    Posted by Joey King on 9/7/2021

    Students will head to the entry door for their first class of the day.  If it's an Advisory day, they will go to their Advisory teacher's door.  If it's a Regular day (no Advisory), they will go to their 1st period teacher's door.  This video will help students locate their entrance.  Doors open at 9:10am and classes start at 9:15am.


    Los estudiantes se dirigirán a la puerta de entrada para su primera clase del día. Si es un día de Advisory, irán a la puerta de su maestro de Advisory. Si es un día regular (sin Advisory), irán a la puerta de su maestro del primer período. Este video ayudará a los estudiantes a localizar su entrada. Las puertas se abren a las 9:10 am y las clases comienzan a las 9:15 am.



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  • 6th Grade Parent Info Night Video

    Posted by Kat Budiao on 5/5/2021 10:45:00 AM
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  • Incoming 6th Graders to Wood Middle School for 2021-2022

    Posted by Kat Budiao on 4/22/2021 1:45:00 PM

    Welcoming Our Incoming 6th Graders to Wood Middle School

    Wood Middle School is so excited to be starting the welcoming process for our incoming 6th graders!  The transition from 5th grade to middle school is a big one and so we want to share some important upcoming dates and invite all of you parents/guardians to our Virtual Incoming 6th Grade Info Night (offered in English & Spanish), which will be on Thursday, April 29th from 5:30pm-6:30pm.  This will be your chance to learn some of the key information and get answers to some the most frequent questions.  Below you’ll find a link to the Zoom:

    • Monday, April 26th - Videos of the different Related Arts Elective class options will be shared with students on their Welcome To Wood Google Classroom.
    • Tuesday, April 27th - A video about how to rank your Related Arts Elective class options will be shared with students along with the virtual form to make their choices.  Students will have from April 27th - May 10th to submit their choices.
    • Thursday, April 29th - Virtual Incoming 6th Grade Info Night for parents/guardians will be offered on Zoom from 5:30pm-6:30pm.  Parents/Guardians can join the webinar by clicking on the following link:  https://wlwv-k12.zoom.us/j/95883112875?pwd=cEE5R3JRbkwyOXh1dWJ1R1dJNVQ0UT09         Passcode: 292817


    Damos una bienvenida a nuestros estudiantes entrantes de sexto grado a la escuela secundaria Wood

    ¡Wood Middle School está muy emocionada de comenzar el proceso de bienvenida para nuestros estudiantes de sexto grado que ingresan! La transición del quinto grado a la escuela secundaria es un gran cambio y, por lo tanto, queremos compartir algunas fechas próximas importantes e invitar a todos ustedes padres a nuestra Noche de información virtual para estudiantes de sexto grado (ofrecida en inglés y español), que será el Jueves 29 de abril de 5:30pm a 6:30pm. Esta será su oportunidad de aprender parte de la información clave y obtener respuestas a algunas de las preguntas más frecuentes. A continuación, encontrará un enlace al Zoom:

    • Lunes 26 de abril: Los videos de las diferentes opciones de clases electivas de artes relacionadas se compartirán con los estudiantes en su aula de Google Welcome To Wood.
    • Martes 27 de abril: Se compartirá con los estudiantes un video sobre cómo clasificar sus opciones de clases electivas de artes relacionadas junto con el formulario virtual para que tomen sus decisiones. Los estudiantes tendrán del 27 de abril al 10 de mayo para enviar sus opciones.
    • Jueves 29 de abril - Se ofrecerá una Noche Virtual de Información para los Padres / Tutores de 6to Grado en Zoom de 5:30 p.m. a 6:30 p.m. Los padres / tutores pueden unirse al seminario web haciendo clic en el siguiente enlace: https://wlwv-k12.zoom.us/j/95883112875?pwd=cEE5R3JRbkwyOXh1dWJ1R1dJNVQ0UT09          Código de acceso: 292817
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  • Tech Tip Videos

    Posted by Joey King on 9/29/2020

    Here are a series of videos that demonstrate some helpful technology tips both for students and for parents/guardians.


    How to Access ParentVUE

    StudentVUE Tutorial

    Google Classroom Walkthrough

    Zoom Audio Check

    Zoom Video Option

    Split Screen Hack for Chromebooks


    Troubleshooting Tips


    If you find that your student is having issues with sound during a Zoom meeting, you may want to try these tips.

    1. Have the student turn off their camera when speaking.
    2. Make sure they don’t have too many tabs open while Zooming.

    If you notice that they are cutting in and out during a Zoom, you may want to try these tips.

    1. They can leave the meeting and try connecting again.
    2. Make sure they are near their modem or router for a stronger signal.
    3. Have them perform a reset on their Chromebook.

    To reset their Chromebook they need to press the refresh key on the keyboard (above the 4 key) and the power button.

    After it powers off, they can press the power button on the keyboard to turn it back on and sign back in.


    If they are still experiencing issues, have them or their parents open up a Tekmee ticket so that I can further troubleshoot with them.


    Here is the link to the Tekmee ticket system for families.



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  • This is our main school entrance.  These doors are open from 8:30 A.M. until 4:30 P.M.  

