• Downloading the software:

    On the Mac... This is the URL to download the software to run the Cloud:


    This Mac piece requires some interesting installation which is easy for most experienced Mac users. It involves decompressing a Mac disk image and then copying off what is in it.

    On the PC... This is the URL:

    Copy and paste this URL into your web browser: http://www2.wlwv.k12.or.us/DistrictDepts/InformationServices/NC-Update.exe

    When it asks, choose "Run" as opposed to "Save".  This PC one does everything for you that is needed.


    You now should have an icon that will allow you to Connect to the WLWV cloud.

    Note: in order to connect to the cloud you MUST be connected to the district network. You can do that by being on the school wireless, plugged into the school network with a cable, or run some VPN utility from a computer at home.