- Sunset Primary
- Class News
Class News
Posted by Akhrijatun Cutler on 8/16/2018
August 16, 2018
Dear Fabulous First and Second Graders,
I'm so glad you are here with me! We are about to start a wonderful trip together with lots of other interesting classmates where we will explore many exciting things. I hope you had a fun summer with your friends and family. I can’t wait to hear your summer vacation stories! Please bring one picture from your summer break. These pictures will be used for sharing and writing. I had a great summer with my family because we got to take care of Blossom together. What did we do during those HOT summer days when it was over 95 degrees? Well…we rubbed ice cubes on Blossom’s ears! She liked it, can you believe it? I learned a lot about Blossom and I can’t wait to tell you some stories.
Our first day of school will be on Monday, August 27th at 7:50 AM. To get us ready for the coming year, please bring your favorite book with you for the first week of school. We will be sharing and talking about them together. I also hope I get to see you at the upcoming Sunset's Popsicle Palooza on Thursday, August 23rd. It will be a chance to come and meet me and Sandy (our Kenyan Sand boa), see your classroom, visit with friends old and new, as well as drop off school supplies.
I look forward to starting this year with you and seeing you soon! It is totally okay to be a little nervous about starting this year. That is normal. This is a big but exciting step you are taking. See you soon!
Ms. Cutler
P.S. Don't forget to bring one picture from summer break and your favorite book on the first day of school.