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Registration Information
Students who are new to West Linn-Wilsonville Schools:
Please use this link to register online. Online Registration for Athey Creek Middle School
You can download the Registration Form in Adobe Acrobat format. You will need to bring this Registration Form (signed and dated at the bottom) along with Immunization documentation and verification of birthdate (birth certificate) when you register your student at school. In addition, if there are any custody issues regarding your child, you will need to provide hard-copy of that documentation. You will also need to provide proof of residence/address (examples of proof of residence/address: current utility bill, rental agreement - please make sure to cover sensitive information). Finally, you should also bring any transfer (copies of permanent record) information that you have from any previous schools that your child has attended. Please call or email Jazmin Perez, our registrar, before you come into the school in order to save yourself an extra trip necessitated by specific circumstances. We do have other information we need in order to finish the registration process for your student.
If you cannot print out the forms, contact the registrar and she can mail them, or make them available to you at the school.
Jazmin Perez: PerezplJ@wlwv.k12.or.us or 503-673-7405