- Athey Creek Middle
- Agenda and Homework
John VanAcker
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Thursday March 12, 2020
Posted by John VanAcker on 3/12/2020Agenda
Today we revised, printed and turned in our essays "A Day in the Life." We finished by working in our Empires groups to plan our final moves which will be executed tomorrow. Tomorrow is also the day for retakes on the Empire test.
Wednesday March 11, 2020
Posted by John VanAcker on 3/11/2020Agenda
We had review lessons on paragraphing in essays and use of dialogue in essays. Students were then given the remaining class time to complete and revise their essays which are due tomorrow (Thursday March 12).
Complete essay. Students do not need to print.
Tuesday March 10, 2020
Posted by John VanAcker on 3/10/2020Agenda
Today we reviewed the scoring guide for our "A Day in the Life" writing project. Students were then given the remainder of class to work on their first drafts. First drafts are due tomorrow for "Self and Peer Evaluation" activities with final drafts being due on Thursday March 12.
Complete first draft of "A Day in the Life" writing project (due tomorrow Wednesday March 11). Final drafts will be due Thursday March 12.
Monday March 9, 2020
Posted by John VanAcker on 3/9/2020Agenda
Today we worked on planning essays. Each student has been assigned a "Social Class" citizen of the Mesopotamian era (Slave, Farmer, Merchant, Priest or King). They are tasked to create a story entitled "A Day in the Life." Essays need to include characters (with names from that time period), the setting of the story, a conflict of some type and resolution of that conflict. It will be important that essays are logical and fit the time period. Essays are due Thursday March 12.
Work on essay drafts.
Thursday March 5, 2020
Posted by John VanAcker on 3/5/2020Agenda
Today Empire groups executed Fate #5 which allowed them to earn additional resources to meet the resource requirements of the simulation. We then prepared a Wealth Tally for tomorrow's move and trade day. Lastly we planned our essays "A Day in the Life" and began writing our first drafts.
Wednesday March 4, 2020
Posted by John VanAcker on 3/4/2020Agenda
We handed back the results for Empire group Challenge #5 and assigned bonus moves. Groups then executed fate #4 which allowed groups to earn additional resources as needed to meet the resource requirement of the Empires simulation. We then read about and discussed the basic social classes of the Mesopotamian era. We continued discussions on our upcoming essay "A Day in the Life."
Tuesday March 3, 2020
Posted by John VanAcker on 3/3/2020Agenda
Today we completed our Wealth Tally sheets and finished making empire group moves. We then read an article on the Farming Tools of the Mesopotamians and did an additional challenge activity. We then began an introduction to our next activity which will be an essay entitled "A Day in the Life."
Monday March 2, 2020
Posted by John VanAcker on 3/2/2020Agenda
Today we began class with studying an article entitled "Achievements of the Ancients." Empire groups then executed challenge #4. We continued by completing each group's Wealth Tally and executed our simulation moves.
Friday Feb. 28, 2020
Posted by John VanAcker on 2/28/2020Agenda
Students were given 5 minutes to study/prepare for their test over Challenges 1 - 3. Students were then given the remainder of the class to complete the test.
No Homework over the weekend.
Thursday Feb. 27, 2020
Posted by John VanAcker on 2/27/2020Agenda
Today students completed their Hammurabi Document Based Question activity and turned it in. They then moved into "Trading Day" where Empire groups "traded" resources in order to try to meet resource requirements for the Empires simulation. We then planned clan moves which will be executed tomorrow after our test. We finished class today on Empires Challenge #4 which is Achievements of the Ancients.
Study for Friday Feb. 28 test.