- 2019 Capital Bond
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School Board Calls Election, Receives Tentative 2019 Bond Timeline
Posted by West Linn-Wilsonville on 12/10/2019 4:00:00 PMSchool Board Calls 2019 Bond and Local Option Election Measures, Appoints Long Range Planning Committee as Bond Oversight Committee
By approving three concurrent resolutions during the Dec. 2 School Board meeting, the West Linn-Wilsonville School Board determined November 5 election results, authorized the issuance and sale of GO bonds, and assigned the Board-appointed Long Range Planning Committee as the district's Bond Oversight Committee.
Election results from the Nov. 5 Election showed Measure 3-554, the district's $206.8 million Capital Bond, passed with 60 percent of votes. Measure 3-555, the district's Local Option Levy renewal, passed with 70 percent of votes. In total, 41.67 percent of registered voters voted in the November 5 Election.
The Bond Oversight Committee will meet regularly for the purpose of providing oversight of Capital Bond Management. The Bond Oversight Committee will actively monitor and regularly report to the Board on the progress of the 2019 bond program. Responsibilities include ensuring bond revenues are used for purposes consistent with the Long Range Plan and Measure 3-554; they will meet at least quarterly to review expenditure reports, project plans, and progress reports; and communicate key 2019 Capital Bond progress and information to community stakeholders.
Bond Manager Tim Woodley and Superintendent Dr. Kathy Ludwig also provided a bond timeline to the School Board during the Dec. 2 meeting.
2019 Bond Timeline
November, 2019 — the District posted an RFP for a Bond Construction Management Firm and Architecture Firm(s). The district expects to sell the first series of the 2019 capital bond in February, with smaller bond projects expected to break ground by the spring and summer of 2020.
November 22, 2019 — District staff met with the Board Chair and Piper Jaffray to learn about the bond sale authorization and timeline.
December — The district will begin screening interviews for construction management and architecture firms.
January 13 — The School Board will give approval for firms at the Jan. 13 School Board meeting.
February — The district will present a master schedule for sequencing projects. This will include the assignment of costs as well as a flowchart for expenditures for the School Board and community.