• Successful students...                   Successful Tips

    • Use their planner - students write their daily agenda and assignments in their planner
      • Every class, every day 
      • Copy assignment AND due date  ex. Math XL 3.1 due Friday 
        • Successful students write IC = In class 
        • Successful students write HW = Homework 
        • Successful students check off the work when completed &/or strike through assignment when turned in 
      • Use a Checklist - at bottom of planner on specific day to guide for each assignment 
        • I have my work 
        • I completed my work 
        • I turned in my work
      • Some students use a homework folder - left side marked "To Do" and right side marked "Turn In" 
      • Review teacher Google Classrooms  to match their planner 
    • Organize their binder - students have sections for each class in their binder and save their work for each quarter 
    • Set aside a consistent time for evening- students have a consistent and quiet setting for nightly homework
      • After the school day, it is important for students to take a break away from the screen, participate in some physical movement, have a snack, rest or socialize with friends and family. 
      • Successful students have a designated place for homework - screen and distraction free 
      • Successful students have a consistent time for homework 
      • Successful students organize their student work space, binder and have all supplies accessible. 
    • Message teachers in Google Classroom or email their teachers with specific and clear needs. 
    • Check StudentVue one night a week - Wednesday is a good night to check grades and then communicate with teachers as needed for clarification. 


    Levels of Academic Support: 

    1) Teachers: If a student is having difficulty in the area of academics, meeting with the teacher directly is always the best step.  During Comprehensive Distance Learning, the best way to connect with your teacher is via Zoom during student/teacher conferencing.  Have a list of questions or examples of needs to review with your teacher.   Students can also message via GC or send an email with specific details and information for teachers to respond.  

    2) Office Hours: please connect with your teacher or visit their GC to determine Zoom office hours.  This is a great space to attend, listen to the teacher review, process with peers and ask your specific questions.  

    3) Student Mentors/tutors: please visit WLHS and WHS National Honor Society websites for contact information and areas of expertise.  This may look different during Comprehensive Distance Learning. 

    If you child is demonstrating a higher level of academic difficulty, please don't hesitate to directly contact me.            Math


    Parent/Guardian Workshop Series #1  

    Navigating Middle School - Sept 23, 2019 click here for this presentation. (This workshop was conducted prior to COVID)