District-Wide Improvements

Several projects will be completed across the West Linn-Wilsonville School District
  • The district has a strong history of protecting the community’s investment in facilities. District-wide improvements include a wide range of projects that address critical issues such as accessibility upgrades, equitable access, Title IX compliance, renovations for Career Technical Education (CTE) learning environments, and safety improvements.

    Proposed district-wide projects include:

    • Wet Lab / Classroom addition and site improvements at CREST;
    • Air-Conditioning at select schools
    • Instructional greenhouses at each middle school;
    • Synthetic Turf, lighting, and practice facility at Wilsonville High School women's softball field;
    • Improved Career Technical Education (CTE) spaces, equipment, and fixtures at all high schools;
    • Replace track surface at multiple schools;
    • Select interior improvements at all schools;
    • Select student furniture replacement;
    • Kitchen equipment replacement;
    • Athletic scoreboard replacement;
    • Select roofing replacement;
    • Select exterior painting;
    • Mechanical equipment life cycle replacements and energy efficiency upgrades