A Message from the Principal
It is my sincere pleasure and honor to move into my third year as Meridian Creek Middle School Principal! This year will be my 20th in education and I have had the privilege of teaching, coaching and supporting students from 1st grade all the way up to Seniors in High School. I have worked in Elementary, Middle, High and International Schools in California, Oregon, and the Dominican Republic. For the last six years, I have found a home as part of the West Linn – Wilsonville School District, most recently serving as the Assistant Principal here at MCMS for 3 years and Principal for the past 2. I am so thrilled to continue my career in this capacity to support this amazing community!
Meridian Creek is a school community that prides itself on putting students first, always. Whatever decisions we make as a school, we endeavor to put our student’s needs and experiences at the forefront of what we can do to make this institution the best it can possibly be. As we look into the upcoming year at Meridian Creek Middle School, we are focusing on continuing to grow our school culture to be an inclusive and equitable environment for all students that offers academically rigorous experiences and access for all students. Our amazing staff has supported our students in building structures and processes to continue this work in a meaningful way.
We are honored to welcome your child and family to the Meridian Creek Middle School community. Please contact me if you have any questions. Open communication is very important to us and we want all of our students and their caregivers to feel welcome at our school!
Thank you for your partnership in this important work!
Kenny Ewbank
Meridian Creek Middle School Principal