• Update ParentVUE (access through our website: wlwv.k12.or.us/MCMS or App )

    ParentVUE is real-time access to your student’s grades, attendance, assignment, and more.
    Please verify phone numbers, emails, emergency contacts, etc.  

    This is required annually to access ParentVue and extremely  important! 

    ParentVUE Login: https://parentvue.wlwv.k12.or.us/PXP2_Login_Parent.aspx?regenerateSessionId=True


    Register for Parent Square and Download the App!

    ParentSquare is the MCMS/West Linn-Wilsonville School District's primary tool for communicating with parent-guardians. Registering for ParentSquare gives parent-guardians the ability to customize how they receive information from school and from the district. We highly recommend that parent-guardians register their ParentSquare account and update their settings for preferred communication and language.