• Catalog

    There are 4 different choices on the left side of the page. The first is Library Search

    1. Library Search
    Simply type in what you know about the resource: keyword, title, author, subject, or series name. If you hit enter, it will do a keyword search. If you want to search a specific area, click that button (Title, Author, etc.)  There are 3 other tabs.

    • Power: Clicking Power tab allows you to be more specific in your library search. You can choose multiple words with boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT).
    • Visual: Visual search is a way to browse subjects without typing in any words.  All the items are by category.
    • Categories: You can browse books that have been placed in different kinds of categories (like romance, animals, mystery, adventure, etc.)

    2. Webpath Express
    This allows you to search your keywords on selected websites that have been chosen to be the best for students. This is MUCH better than a Google search.

    3. Resource Lists
    You can save lists of books or websites that you find, so you can easily find them again when you are using the catalog later. You can also save lists and give them particular names. There are also some public lists that teachers, and the library, have made for you to use.

    4. My Info
    Clicking this tab allows you to view your library information: books you have checked out, due dates, and any holds you have placed.


    Holds & Reviews


    In order to place holds and write reviews, you will need log into the library catalog. Use the following information:

    Username = complete email address (example: smithj@iwms.wlwv.k12.or.us)
    password = your school password (same as that you use to get onto the cloud)