• Using NetStorage gives you access to all of the network drives that you can use at school: like your Home drive (h:), your Web drive (g:), and the student common drive (k:).  This will work on Windows-based computers as well as Macs.


    Logging In:
    On the school home page, you can click NetStorage under Academics-Learning
    For username, type in your computer login name (like at school)
    Your password is your regular computer login password.


    Accessing and Downloading Files:
    You first need to select which drive you want to open: Home drive (h), common drive (k), etc. Double-click on the drive you want.

    Next you will get a list of the first 25 items in the drive. If you want to view more, you need to drag the rectangle on the bottom of the screen that is between the two arrows.

    When you want to download an item, you can do one of two things:

    • double-click on the item (only for files)
    • click on box to the left of the item, then select File (from the NetStorage page, NOT the browser) and choose “Download”.

    Note: This can be done to download an entire folder

    Once you have downloaded the file, you can open it, edit it, whatever you want.

    If you make changes to the document, you MUST upload the newer version through NetStorage to be able to use it at school.


    Uploading Files:
    If you want to put a file from your computer onto a network drive (like your h: drive), do the following steps.

    1. Be sure you have the file saved on your computer, and know where it is (desktop, document folder, etc.)
    2. On NetStorage, open up the drive that you want, and the folder where you want to store the file.
    3. Click File (from the page, NOT the browser) and choose “Upload”.
    4. A new window will open. Click “Browse”
    5. Find the file on the computer that you want to upload. Click “Open”.
    6. If there is another file you want to upload, click the “+” button. Then you can Browse again for the other file. Continue until you have selected all the files you want to upload.
    7. Click “Upload”.

    Now the file should be in the drive and the folder that you selected.

    Note: You can only upload files (not folders).