Activities and Clubs

  • Clubs are a great way to meet new people, get involved in your school, learn leadership skills. Plus, they add to your college application resumé.

    Who can join? Almost all clubs are open to all students whether they are participating in Comprehensive Distance Learn (CDL) or attending online program. Only a few clubs require formal application. For most clubs, just attend a meeting!

    See club advisors if you would like more information.

    Can I start a club? Absolutely! Anytime! Click here for the Club Request and Application form. You can always contact Mr. Davis in the main office for more information on starting a new club.

    Click here for a CLUB LIST including descriptions, advisors, and meeting times. 

    FUNDRAISING REQUEST FORM - Needs to be filled out prior to the event for approval- to ensure no date conflicts etc. 

    Click here for form