
     West Linn - Wilsonville School District

    Athletic/Activity Code of Conduct

    Students representing the West Linn/Wilsonville School District in athletics and/or activities are expected to exemplify the highest standards of moral integrity and good citizenship both in school and in the community.  Students must also meet the expectations described below for attendance, academic progress, conduct and behavior in order to be eligible for participation in athletics and/or activities.

    Attendance.  A student must be in attendance for a full day of school to participate in athletics and/or activities.  Student handbook policies related to valid pre-arranged absences (medical appointments, for example) apply to participation, as well.

    Academics.  Individuals involved with athletics and/or activities are students first and are expected to make satisfactory progress in their academic work.  To be eligible for such, students must have taken and passed five (5) classes in the previous semester and they must be enrolled in and passing five (5) classes during the current semester.  Students entering their sophomore year must have earned at least a minimum of 4.5 credits, students entering their junior year must have earned a minimum of 10.0 credits and students entering their senior year must have earned at least a minimum of 17.0 credits.  

    Conduct.  Membership in an athletic and/or activity program is an honor that should be carefully guarded.  The privilege of competing in athletics and/or activities carries added responsibility for each participant, a privilege that may be forfeited for conduct that is detrimental to the team, school, or program in general.  As a participant in an extra-curricular school program, a student’s behavior on campus, in the community, during competitions, and at other schools reflects not only on the student, but on the program and school as well.  Criminal acts, violence, intimidation or discrimination, whether at school or in the community, will not be tolerated and may be cause for disciplinary action up to and including suspension/dismissal from the program (see consequences outlined later in this section).  Please refer to board policy JBA, Sexual Harassment and JFCF, Hazing, Harassment, Intimidation, Bullying, Cyberbullying, Teen Dating Violence and Domestic Violence.

    Behavior.  Students are expected to follow behavior patterns that are a credit to themselves, their teams, and their school.  Also, in caring about our students, the expectations are designed to protect their health and safety, and to help students acquire the tools to consider options and make proper decisions. Furthermore, it is clearly beneficial for students who wish to participate in extracurricular activities to stay in top physical and mental condition. Students are expected to observe the following behavior rules, for the entire calendar year (calendar year is 12 months from the date signed on the code of conduct):

    Participants are prohibited from selling, possessing or using tobacco, nicotine, vaping paraphernalia, alcohol, illegal drugs, “look alike drugs”, inhalants, and narcotics on or off campus at any time.  In addition, participating students who are in the presence of other students or individuals in violation of this policy are expected to take all reasonable actions necessary to leave the premises immediately where such illegal activity is occurring, even if the participating student is not using or possessing or distributing alcoholic beverages, illegal drugs or paraphernalia.

    Individuals, while attending any WLWV District High School, who violate these behavior rules, will be subject to the consequences listed below:

    • First Offense:  Suspension from participation for a period of four (4) contest weeks (a contest week is any week that has a schedule contest or an activity-based equivalency).  In the event that there are not four (4) contest weeks remaining in the season, the count will resume with the first contest or activity of the next season/year in which the student participates.  The suspension may be reduced to two (2) weeks if the student complies with interventions and/or administration recommendations. With the permission of the head coach or advisor, the athletic director and the administration, the student may participate in practices and attend contests or performances during the suspension.
    • Second Offense:  Expulsion from athletics and/or activities for one (1) calendar year beginning with the date of the second offense.  Reduction of the penalty may be considered by school administration if the student agrees to be involved in and completes a certified treatment program.
    • Third Offense:  No further participation in athletics and/or activities in the West Linn/Wilsonville School District for up to the remainder of the student’s high school eligibility.