• Attendance Procedure Information 

    Attendance Email: WVHS-Attendance@wlwv.k12.or.us 

    Attendance Hotline: 503-673-7602

    Please note: We are no longer accepting attendance requests through ParentVUE

    Oregon Revised Statute 339.065 (2)* states: “An absence may be excused by a principal or teacher if the absence is caused by the student’s sickness, by the sickness of some member of the student’s family, or by an emergency. A principal or teacher may also excuse absences for other reasons where satisfactory arrangements are made in advance of the absence.”

    Excusable Absences

    Absences are excusable if they are for one of the following:

    • Illness/Mental Health Day

    • Severe weather, 

    • Extenuating circumstances (e.g. death in the family) 

    • Observance of religious holidays

    • Emergency situations that require the student’s absence

    • Field trips and school-approved activities.

    • Medical and dental appointments. 

    Pre-arranged absences deemed appropriate by the school administrator. Satisfactory arrangements must have been made in advance of the absence (pre-arranged absence forms can be picked up in the main office).

    Pre-arranged absences may include:

    • Family holidays (not to exceed 10 school days)

    • College visitations

    Inexcusable (unexcused) absences include sleeping in, missing the bus, car trouble, etc. Any student who is more than 20 minutes late for any class will be considered absent for that class period.


    Parent-guardians should notify the school office before an absence occurs whenever possible. In the case of an illness, parents should notify the school office before school starts that day. When circumstances do not allow for this, parents will have two school days after an absence in order to report it for possible identification as an excused absence You can call, e-mail, or send a note. Please include the following:

    • Your name (first and last)

    • Student’s name (first and last)

    • Reason for absence

    • Approximate return-to-school time (if applicable)

    • Number to call you back if there is a question

    • A signature, if sending a note

    If you call and receive the voicemail, please leave a message. Phone messages are checked periodically between 7:30 and 3:30. Please allow 24 hours for any attendance response. 

    Release Passes

    • Parents may call, e-mail, or send a note with the time and reason the student needs to leave school. Early dismissal notice should be given before the beginning of the school day whenever possible in order to get release notes sent in a timely manner. Due to a high volume of requests, we are unable to accommodate early dismissal requests after the start of the school day.

    • A release pass will be sent to the student in class. Their teacher will release them from class at the requested time. Students may leave the building with the release pass, eliminating the need for guardians to come inside to get them.

    • If your student knows they are to be excused for an appointment but did not receive a release pass, they must come to check out at the Attendance Office before leaving campus.

    • Students returning to school after leaving with a release pass must check in at the Attendance Office upon return.

    Tardies/Unexcused Absences

    • Any student late for school must check in at the Attendance Office before going to class.

    • A tardy of more than 20 minutes is considered an absence.

    • Tardies and unexcused absences may result in lunch or after school detention

    Miscellaneous Items:

    • The 9th period is “Access” period, and takes place periodically during the 6th period time slot. You might hear this if you get the automatic messaging advising you of an absence.

    • Students are expected to be at school if they are going to participate in extracurricular activities, including athletics. 

    • A student with excessive tardies/unexcused absences may be ineligible to attend school dances and may have parking privileges revoked

    Extracurricular Activity/Athletic Participation:

    • In order for a student to participate in extracurricular activities, they must maintain a 90% or higher attendance rate.

    • Students who fall below the 90% threshold will meet with the school administration to develop an attendance plan. Failure to meet this plan could result in missed practices and/or competitions.

    • Extracurricular events include any and all school-sponsored after-school activities (e.g. athletics, ASB activities, performances, club events, etc.)