• Morning Arrival 

    Students are welcome to arrive at school between 8:45 and 9:05. Breakfast service begins at 8:45, and students enter the main building at 9:05. Arriving earlier than 8:45 is not encouraged due to limited supervision. 


    • For everyone’s safety, please do not drop off your child in front of the school, in disabled parking, in the middle of the parking lot, or the bus lanes closest to school. 


    • Use the car lanes on the far side of the parking lot (by the track and field) to drop kids off at the “Sheltered Island”.  Please follow the car lanes all the way around and do not cut through open parking spaces.


    • Your child may exit the car only when they are no more than three cars back from the head of the line. They must cross using the crosswalk.

    After School Pick Up 

    • Use the car lanes to travel to the far side of the parking lot (by the track and field). Please do not cut through open parking spaces. Pick kids up from the "Island" at the front and middle of the parking lot.


    • For everyone’s safety, please do not pick your child up in front of the school, in disabled parking, in the middle of the parking lot, or the bus lanes closest to school.


    • If you know your child is ready and waiting on the "Island", you may drive in the left car lane, the "Moving Lane.”


    • If your child is not ready and waiting on the island, you need to stay on the right ("Still Lane"). This is the lane closest to the track and field. Once you know that your child is ready and waiting on the island, you can merge into the left "moving lane."


    • Please give the right of way to students in all crosswalks and follow the instructions of any traffic controllers.