Welcome to Wilsonville High and English 11! Through reading, writing, and discussion, we will examine American identity and culture and how we relate to it.
This course is designed to help students:
- develop critical thinking skills for the interpretation of various texts,
- take ownership of literacy skills through broad and extensive reading, writing, and discourse,
- expand their understanding of language and its functions, and
- develop a deeper awareness of the American and human experience.
Qtr 1: American Dream and Becoming Somebody/The Great Gatsby - narrative essay writing
Qtr 2: Self vs. Society and the Roots of American Mind/Into the Wild and The Crucible - expository writing
Qtr 3: Fact and Image/Intro to Critical thinking/Enrique's Journey - expository/investigative journalism research
Qtr 4: Historical assumptions and modern challenges - multi-genre writing
Grading Policy
Overall Grade:
A 100-90%
B 89-80%
C 79-70%
D 69-60%
F <60%
10% Scholarship/Engagement
30% Practice
60% Performance
Scholarship - these are 'good faith' points you'll receive weekly. Skills assessed: arrive on time, no excused absences, supplies out and phone away when class starts. Turn in work on time. Focused engagement during class, reading time, and writing time. Attempt work no matter how challenging. Keep conversations and debate civil and respectful. These points cannot be made up through any means.
Practice - Most of our class will be honing our skills though daily practice in reading, writing, speaking, and listening. For this work -- in-class notes, reading notes, group planning, pre-writing and rough drafts, writing conferences, etc -- you'll receive feedback to help you improve. In this section, the grade you'll receive in the gradbook will be a reflection of your effort. Similar to how you build upon other skills, you'll get out what you put in.
Performance - For this grade, you'll show me what you can do, and your grade will reflect how your skills measure up to the class and state standards. Examples of Performance tasks include: final essays and other writing, fishbowl discussions, tests, quizzes, reading assessments, speeches.
Materials Required
- A composition notebook. This will serve as your writer's notebook. You will need one per semester.
- A durable 3-ring binder with plenty of storage capacity.
- Loose leaf paper
- Pens – black or blue only
- Highlighters – preferably a couple of different colors
- Sticky notes
- A book of the student’s choice to read during Choice Reading–the independent reading time.
Please contact me if you are unable to acquire the required materials for any reason.
Choice Reading
A central goal of English 11 is to establish a reading habit in the busy lives of high school students, to recapture the pleasure and passion of readers, to give students lots of language and perspectives to digest, to prepare students for the rigors and volume of college reading. Students will choose books and we will dedicate an hour/week in class to choice reading. I will also ask students to read at least an hour a week at home. In this way, we should read 8 books, maybe 10, often 20 or more this year in addition to the assigned reading in class.
Writing and Achievement Portfolios
This portfolio will showcase the work you’ve done and the growth you’ve made in your language skills. You will have a space in the classroom to keep your writing journal, your polished writing, your reading logs, and any assessments you’ve completed throughout this class. This portfolio will showcase the work you’ve done and the growth you’ve made in your language skills. You will need a complete portfolio for the final and to pass the course.
Makeup Work
1) Late work. I do not accept late work for Practice materials. There will be an opportunity for students to drop two (2) of their lowest Practice grades.
2) Absences. You are responsible for finding out about class discussions, activities, and assignments. Please don’t ask me what you missed–check the folder in the purple crate, our Google Classroom and a trusted peer. Again, be proactive and use your resources. For every day you’re absent, you’ll have one (1) day from the date you return to submit the assignment. Fill out a blue sheet for your absence. If you have an unexcused absence on an assignment due date, you will receive a 0 for that assignment.
Google Classroom
Students will be members of an online Google Classroom. Many of the classes assignments will be assigned and submitted through this service. Once logged into a Google Classroom through a student's account, both students and parents are able to see assignments, due dates, and which previous assignments were completed.
Academic Integrity
It is so important that I see your work, so I can be effective helping you become a better reader, writer, and thinker. You will complete your own work on reading and writing assignments, unless otherwise specified [i.e. collaborative projects and presentations]. In this case, though collaboration is encouraged, it means you are active in the process of completing an assignment. I expect you to understand these definitions and ask or consult the Student Handbook if the policies confuse you.
Cheating: If you have copied or appropriated information and/or text from another individual or source, you will be subject to reprimand under the rules and regulations of Wilsonville H.S. and you will receive a zero for the assignment. You will not be able to make it up.
Plagiarism: Plagiarism involves using and passing off someone else’s ideas, inventions, and writings as one’s own. Consult a reliable writing handbook and provide adequate documentation when citing other sources. Again, whether your attempts to plagiarize are conscious or unconscious, you will be subject to reprimand under the rules and regulations of Wilsonville H.S. and you will receive a zero for the assignment. You will not be able to make it up.
Class Policy
1) You are expected to come to class on time. You will have to make up time with Mr. Ryan before or after school if you’re late more than 5 minutes per week. If you’re tardy more than three (3) times in a semester, I will refer you to the Wilsonville H.S.
2) Unexcused absences are not tolerated. You will receive a 0 for any assignments due on the date of an unexcused absence. Furthermore, I will contact your parents/guardians as well as the Wilsonville H.S. administration after your second UA.
3) Cell phone use is prohibited during class time. Please keep it in your bag, not on the desk on on your person.
4) Food and drink are permitted if the class pledges to respect the learning environment. Leave no trace!
Growth involves asking questions, making mistakes, and keeping an open mind. At these times when we are learning together, we may hear what sounds like a silly question, a dumb assertion, an opposing point-of-view, or a very personal statement. In our learning environment, all people are welcome. They and their statements will be treated with respect and compassion.