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Athey Creek Middle School At Dollar
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To receive project updates, sign up for the WLWV-Bond-New-Athey-Creek-At-Dollar ListServ. The district will provide regular communication regarding the middle school project process and progress.
2024 Q3 Project Updates
Posted by West Linn - Wilsonville School District on 11/19/2024Recent Activities:
■ Permanent track surfacing was completed over the summer and the new scoreboard was installed
■ Landscaping continues. Sloped areas have been planted with seed mixes
■ Public Street Improvements (grading, retaining walls, sidewalks, bike lanes, crosswalks, pedestrian flashers, street lighting and storm drainage) has continued over the summer. Final road paving occurred at the end of September
Upcoming Activities:
■ Landscaping and bike lanes will be completed with the remaining work on Willamette Falls Drive
■ Remaining trees and plantings along Willamette Falls Drive will occur through the fall, along with irrigation
■ Biweekly meetings with the City of West Linn will continue through the project completion -
2024 Q2 Project Updates
Posted by West Linn - Wilsonville School District on 7/30/2024Recent Activities:
■ Permanent track surfacing is underway
■ Landscaping installation is complete. Warranty work is in place for one year with plants that fail to thrive being replaced as needed
■ The roundabout at Willamette Falls Drive is fully functional including sidewalks and the temporary access road is closed
■ Work continues on the public street improvements (grading, retaining walls, sidewalks, bike lanes, crosswalks, pedestrian flashers, street lighting and storm drainage)Upcoming Activities:
■ Track expected to be complete in the coming weeks
■ The public street work will continue through summer 2024 -
2024 Q1 Project Updates
Posted by West Linn - Wilsonville School District on 4/23/2024Recent Activities:
■ The turf field and track are being used by the school and community for sports activities and practices
■ Landscaping is complete and is under warranty for one year. Irrigation is complete
■ The roundabout at Fields Bridge Park is nearing completion
■ Public street improvements (grading, retaining walls, sidewalks, bike lanes, crosswalks, pedestrian flashers, street lighting and storm drainage) has commencedUpcoming Activities:
■ Track completion to occur summer 2024
■ Public street improvements continue through summer 2024
■ Roundabout work continues through April 2024
■ The temporary access road will be closed with the roundabout opens
■ City of West Linn youth baseball is utilizing Athey Creek parking lots during construction after school and on weekends -
2023 Q4 Project Updates
Posted by West Linn - Wilsonville School District on 1/25/2024Recent Activities:
■ The temporary walls at the last classroom porch have been removed
■ Staff trainings on building equipment and systems have been completed
■ Both gyms are fully functioning and being used by the school as well as the community
■ Stage lighting and AV system components have been installed. Final programming on both components are in the works
■ Occupancy for the building has been received. Final occupancy for the entire project will be received upon completion of the public improvement work on Willamette Falls Drive
■ The turf has been completed and the track is temporarily striped. Due to colder temps the track and long jump will be completed in the spring. Both the track and field are in use by the school and community
■ Landscaping and irrigation are complete
■ Work has begun on the roundabout at Fields Bridge and Willamette Falls Drive. The work is estimated to continue through February. The temporary access road continues to serve as access from Willamette Falls Drive to the schoolUpcoming Activities:
■ Punchlist items are continuing to be addressed
■ Additional furniture orders are awaiting final delivery -
2023 Q3 Project Updates
Posted by West Linn - Wilsonville School District on 10/31/2023Recent Activities:
■ Classes began as scheduled August 29th
■ Staff was able to move in a week prior to school and get settled in the building
■ Building mechanical and electrical systems are fully functioning including the kitchen
■ Furniture was installed and is in use
■ The auxiliary gym was opened two weeks into school and the main gym will open at the end of October
■ The main parking lot and staff parking lot are complete with minor areas of planting still ongoing
■ Bus drop off and pick up is functioning as intended
■ A temporary access road was constructed to provide access from Brandon Place to Willamette Falls Drive
■ The playground is fully functional and the turf field is slated to be complete at the end of OctoberUpcoming Activities:
■ Theater components have had on-going delays throught the industry. The stage is anticipated to be complete in early to mid November
■ Operations training of all building systems to occur in late October
■ Roundabout construction is tentatively planned for early November -
Athey Creek Building Dedication
Posted by West Linn - Wilsonville School District on 10/23/2023The entire community is invited to the Athey Creek Middle School Building Dedication Ceremony on October 30 starting at 6 p.m.; 2110 Brandon Place, West Linn.
The event will include an official ribbon cutting ceremony and student-led tours of the new building. -
Construction Update
Posted by West Linn - Wilsonville School District on 7/28/2023Good afternoon WLWV Community Members,
We have several updates regarding the New Athey Creek Middle School that we would like to share, including some important reminders.
NOTICE: The new Athey Creek Middle School site is an active construction zone. Only construction personnel are authorized to enter the property. This restriction is for the safety of all.
The New Athey Creek Middle School project continues to make steady progress towards completion in time for students this fall. We are excited to open on the first day of school, Aug. 29.
This picture depicts a typical classroom in the new Athey Creek Middle School. Remaining work includes final ceiling tile, network cable faceplates, tack surface and cleaning. The material on the floor is protection for the carpet. The furniture is assembled and secured in the center of the rooms.
The auxiliary gymnasium at the new Athey Creek Middle School. Remaining work includes cleaning, wood flooring, power and data outlets. The wood flooring is acclimating in preparation for installation.Site Improvements:
- Irrigation installation is nearing completion, planting is underway
- Parking lot pavement and striping is complete
- Concrete sidewalk installation is nearing completion
- Playground equipment installation is underway
- Solar panel installation is complete
Building Improvements:
- Painting is nearing completion
- Ceiling installation is nearing completion
- Lighting installation is nearing completion
- Mechanical equipment testing is underway
- Plumbing installation is nearing completion
- Technology systems installation is underway
- Flooring installation is underway
- Window installation is complete
- Roofing installation is nearing completion
- Power generator installation is complete
- Entry vestibules are under construction
- Casework (cabinetry) installation is nearing completion
Furniture, Fixtures and Equipment
- Marker board installation is complete
- Furniture delivery to site is nearing completion
- Classroom furniture assembly and installation is nearing completion
- General furniture assembly and installation is underway
- Equipment and supplies orders have been placed
- Equipment and supplies deliveries are underway
- Existing supplies and materials have been moved to storage from prior building
- Existing supplies and materials delivery to new building is scheduled
2023 Q2 Project Updates
Posted by West Linn - Wilsonville School District on 7/20/2023Recent Activies:
■ Permanent power, water and networking are all up and running in the building
■ Interior finishes are underway, including acoustic ceiling tiles, light fixtures, painting, tile and casework
■ Large kitchen equipment is being installed, including hood, walk in cooler and walk in freezer
■ Theater equipment is being installed
■ Elevator installation is complete
■ Interior doors are being installed
■ All Athey items have been moved out of the old building and into trailers until ready to go into the new space
■ Final paving was completed on Dollar Street and staff parking lot
■ The lower visitor parking lot and new driveway from Brandon Place were installed along with all sidewalks and striping. Parking lot islands are being irrigated and prepped for planting.
■ Brandon Place is paved
■ Exterior windows are nearly completed with the exception of the entry vestibules
■ Solar array panels are installed on the upper level bus canopies
■ Exterior light poles have been installed
■ Both generators are installed and will begin testing
■ The roof is complete and all but one rooftop unit is placed, with completion in late July
■ Landscaping has begun and will be ongoing throughout the summer months
■ Fence installation has begun
■ The concessions building is being constructedUpcoming Activities
■ Gym flooring is scheduled to start in July
■ HVAC installation is expected to be complete at the end of July with testing to follow in August
■ Interior glazing will begin in July
■ The track and field are being prepared for installation
■ The playground equipment will be installed in the coming months
■ Reconstruction of the West entry to Fields Bridge Park and construction of the roundabout is pending City of West Linn permitting
■ Furniture arrives on site July 17th and will be installed over a three-week period
■ Movers will bring Athey Creek staff stored items to the site the first week of August
■ Meeting with the City of West Linn to confirm temporary occupancy requirements
■ Meeting with TVF&R to outline occupancy requirements
■ Temporary entry constructed from Willamette Falls Drive -
2023 Q1 Project Updates
Posted by West Linn - Wilsonville School District on 4/20/2023Recent Activities:
■ Structural steel erection is complete, including covered entry areas and bus canopies. Bus canopies will be finalized with translucent solar panels in the spring.
■ Interior metal stud framing is nearly complete, with drywall installation beginning in selected areas.
■ The temporary roof has been completed, with the exception of the large expansion joint area between the commons and classroom wings. Final roof installation is occurring as weather permits.
■ Major plumbing, HVAC and Electrical components are being installed, including electrical switchgear, boilers, terminal units and rooftop mechanical units.
■ Exterior window frame installation is in progress and will frame the main entry to the building.
■ The City of West Linn has assigned the new address: 2110 Brandon Place.
■ Water line installation on Willamette Falls DRive is complete and retaining wall installation on the north side of Willamette Falls DRive is in progress.
■ New curbs are installed on the new Brandon Place extension, and the intersection of Brandon Place and Dollar Street is being prepared for final asphalt.
■ The moving company was hired and Athey CReek staff have begun packing for the move this summer.
■ Elevator installation has begunUpcoming Activities:
■ Final paving on Dollar Street was delayed due to weather but is anticipated to occur in April.
■ Reconstruction of the West entry to Fields Bridge Park and continued work on the north side of Willamette Falls Drive, including new street lights, bike paths, and sidewalks
■ Interior finish work will commence in the building this spring, including drywall, casework, tiling and paint.
■ Parking lots and track work to commence later in the spring.
■ Permanent power will be installed to the building in April. -
Athey Creek at Dollar Project Update : Paving of Dollar Street
Posted by West Linn - Wilsonville School District on 4/12/2023With a break in the weather and dry weather expected the rest of week, paving of Dollar Street will take place this Thursday and Friday (April 13-14). Flaggers will provide street access for neighbors and will maintain traffic on Dollar Street. Delays are to be expected during this work.
The City will provide digital signage to alert traffic of work.
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