- Rosemont Ridge Middle
- Registration Forms
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Registration Form
Please be sure to fill out all fields, except for the Emergency Early Closure Plan. The Emergency Early Closure Plan only applies to primary school children.
Spanish Registration Form (Impreso de Registro en Español)
Por favor llena todos los espacios, excepto "Plan de Emergencia por Cierre Anticipado," que solamente aplica a los estudiantes en la escuela primaria.
Language Survey Form
Please print and fill out so that we can determine what support your child may need.
Spanish Language Survey Form
El propósito de esta encuesta es determinar si el contacto lingüístico y el uso de idiomas que actualmente tiene su hijo(a) le puede calificar para recibir los servicios del Programa de aprendizaje del idioma inglés (ELL).
Oregon Certificate of Immunization
Out of state applicants are required by Oregon State Law to fill this out.
We would appreciate families moving in from other Oregon school districts to also fill out this form. It will greatly expedite the registration process.
Health Information
Please fill out this form even if all answers are "No". We want to be aware of any serious health concerns for your child's safety.
Student Google Apps for Education Agreement
This form allows students to use Google Apps for Education, including Google Classroom, email, and Chromebooks.