• 6th Grade Choir
    (Quotes from RRMS students):
    "Music is always there for you."  
    "No music makes an empty world."
    "Music…shows the best side of people." 
    6th Grade Choir is an integrated music and choir experience.
    Visit the choir calendar for up-to-date information regarding concerts. 
    Quarter 1/3:
     Focus on general music concepts:
    •  Basic rhythm notation
    •  Sight reading
    •  Body Percussion
    Quarter 2/4:
     Focus on singing concepts:
    • Music Terminology
    • Large group performance skills
    • Breath control
    • Proper vocalization
    • Changing voices
    • Reading music
    • Vowel production
    • Part singing
    • Preparation for a final concert
    • African drums and folk songs