• Justice League Headquarters  

    Success Studio

    Teacher: Nick Pepper 

    Email: peppern@wlwv.k12.or.us

    Phone: 971-800-0396 

    Course Description

    This course is designed to foster academic engagement, enhance social and emotional skills, and facilitate supportive relationships within the high school community.

    Students will set weekly goals, learn strategies to be aware of and manage emotions, develop coping strategies related to school stressors, and build supportive relationships with their teacher and classmates.

    Course Objectives

    You will learn strategies and skills to increase or develop: 

    • Academic success

    • Effective communication

    • Social and emotional awareness

    • Motivation

    • Self-management 

    • Executive functioning

    • Self-advocacy

    • Accountability


    Lessons will use the School Connect curriculum for Social Emotional Learning. These lessons will be supplemented with related material from news articles, online videos, and other creative content. Students should come to class with their laptop and access to their preferred organizational tool for keeping track of daily assignments (e.g. planner, Google Calendar).

    Learn more about School Connect here: https://school-connect.net/ 

    We will also use the Naviance System to explore careers and interests for life after high school: https://student.naviance.com/westlinn


    Grading is based on participation, engagement and completion of in-class activities. Students will earn full credit for class activities by participating in the class discussion, OR completing the accompanying worksheet on paper OR the task posted in Google Classroom. Students will be encouraged to participate in class activities in the manner that they are most comfortable. This may change from day-to-day or depending on the instructional content. 

    Each lesson will be worth 4 points. Students who do not participate or who are absent will earn 2 out of 4 points - zeroes will not be entered into the gradebook. Absent students can recoup full points upon a check-in conversation with the teacher. 

    There will be no homework assigned in this class.

    Grades will be given based on the following criteria:

    A   90%+

    B   80 - 89%

    C   70 - 79%

    D   60 - 69%

    NP  under 60%

    Students who earn 60% or greater will earn 0.5 elective credits for this course. 

    Weekly Class Structure

    Monday - Classwide and individual check-ins with the teacher.

    Block 1 - Lesson for the week followed (sometimes block 2) by independent or supported work time.

    Block 2 - Lesson for the week (if not already taught) followed by independent or supported work time. 

    Friday - Self-assessment/reflection. 

    Substitute Teachers

    On days that your teacher is out, the class period will be used for independent work time. Please be respectful to our guest teachers. Please ask them for help when you need it.

    Classroom Expectations

    Be respectful to yourself, your classmates, your teacher, and guests. 

    Be safe, and be supportive of classmates’ feelings of safety. 

    Pay attention, ask questions, and ask for help.

    Great Ways to Utilize Class Work-Time

    • Scheduling appointments with school counselors, case manager, or classroom teachers.

    • Working on daily assignments for other classes.

    • Organizing paperwork and digital work.

    • Test retakes or corrections (upon coordination between S.S. teacher and classroom teachers).

    • Working on projects, assignments, or organization with support from the teacher.

    • Taking breaks.

    • Quiet conversation with classmates.