• In my class, I attempt to encourage students to embrace the "Inner Nerd" that is alive (or maybe dormant) and flowing in all of our veins. What do I call this? Students who have walked through my doors know it as being a member of the NerdNation. It is my goal to encourage the learning and growth of all of you reading this. I try to do this by encouraging risks, participation, and creating a safe environment, which contributes to quenching your thirst to learning. I expect all students to embrace this concept and bring that young, elementary desire to learn through my doors everyday. 
    In addition to the expectations of being an active learner in my class, all course expectations and policies have been covered in class or are noted in the syllabus and/or West Linn Handbook. Every student will be responsible to know, follow, and respect the rules of the school and classroom. 
    Thank you.
    -Mr. Sobotta