• calc text                                     AP Calculus AB
    Google Classroom info for students and parents:
    Like last year, I will be using Google Classroom as the "home base" for posting information and assignments.  Please use the code listed below to sign up for your Semester 1 class:
           Period 1 and 3: 
    I have already posted the course syllabus there for you to look at and some instructions on how to sign into MyOpenMath (MOM).  You should be familiar with using MOM from last year, but if not, it is a program that we will be using for online assignments and assessments.  Please be sure to get registered for that within the first week of school.  Looking forward to seeing you all soon!  :)
    Need some extra help with a lesson?  Try looking for a tutorial video using the link below:
    Also, check out some of the amazing music videos made by previous classes, they are so fun!

             Calculus go fish anyone???   Calc go fish!