- Rosemont Ridge Middle
- Student General Information and Services
Student Handbook
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- WLWV School District Discipline Policy
- Equal Opportunity Statement
RRMS General Information & Services
Student Information and Services
The counseling office is available to all students and parents to help with the resolution of student problems. Our counselor meets with individuals or groups to help students learn study skills, social skills and techniques for dealing with peer problems. Students may make appointments with the counselor by filling out the Google form that is posted in their advisory Google classroom. Parents may set up appointments by calling the school office.
. The activity fee for participation in jazz band, track cross country and/or Nuance choir is $75.00. This fee must be paid prior to practice. Scholarships and/or payment options are available. Information may be obtained in the office. Library books, textbooks and athletic uniforms must be returned by the end of the year. If they're lost, not returned, or damaged, a fee to cover the cost of the item will be assessed. Students failing to return books, athletic uniforms or pay a fine/fee will not be assigned a locker the following year until the item is returned or the fee or fine is resolved.
A number of field trips are scheduled each year. Parents/guardians will be asked to complete a field trip permission slip that will be kept on file. Occasionally, a student will need a separate slip for a certain trip. Please be sure to have these turned in on time. Whenever a field trip is planned, we will send notification to parents via e-mail. Any field trip monies must be turned into the office PRIOR to the date of the field trip. Should a student need assistance with payment of field trip fees, please contact the teacher or the school office. In some cases, students not eligible for field trips may remain at school completing alternative assignments. All chaperones must be approved by our Help Counter system in advance of the trip
Each student will have his/her own locker. Students should take care to keep their locker combinations to themselves. Students and parents need to know that all school lockers are school property and that school officials have the right to search lockers at any time or seize items if there is a reasonable suspicion of wrong doing. Any locker mechanism problems should be reported to the office staff. Problems with lockers involving other students are reported to the advisory teacher.
Students are urged to make certain that their name is CLEARLY MARKED on all personal items. This will make it easy to identify any item, which is misplaced. Found technology, jewelry or money should be turned into the office. Please check with the office if you ever lose an item of that type. Found clothing can be turned in to the Commons. Unclaimed items will be displayed in the Commons and at the end of each grading period, if not claimed, will be donated to charity.
Rosemont Ridge has a breakfast program with a daily option and a lunch program with a number of options. Students can choose a vegetarian or meat option.
Student visitors are not encouraged during school because of the distraction this causes. The exception is when the teaching staff plans for a guest student speaker or participant in a specific learning activity and pre-arranges the visit with the families involved. In this case, the grade level team will set the schedule guidelines and duration.