Primary Strings Program

  • Orchestra

    West Linn-Wilsonville Primary Strings

    Primary Strings classes are temporarily on hold as we all navigate these new and challenging times together. 
    All musicians should continue practicing at home.  Please see practice notes below, and follow what your instructors have been working on in class.
    Please watch this page for continued updates.

    Beginning Strings Practice Notes

    Beginning violin/viola students are currently working on #44 - Au Claire de la Lune and #45 - Slavonic Folk Song. Focus looking ahead in your music and preparing fingers ahead of time with good posture.

    Beginning cello/bass students are currently working #40 - Bows ’n’ Notes. Focus on filling in the note names and bow markings. 

    Primary Orchestra Practice Notes

    Primary Orchestra students are currently working on three pieces for our tour and concert in May. We are working on A Beethoven Lullaby, Sahara Crossing, and Sneaking Suspicion. Here are some of the places to focus on in our pieces:

    A Beethoven Lullaby: Work on holding our half notes for two full beats. Practice sub-dividing to 8ths notes so we don’t cheat the longer notes (ex. say the 8ths notes as 1 & 2 & in your head for a half note that starts on the first beat of the measure). Also, watch out for the slurs throughout the piece. Remember with slurs the fingers will change while the bow keeps going in one direction.

    Sahara Crossing: Focus on learning the notes for mm. 1 - 27. We have practiced mm. 1 - 19 so far in class. Look ahead and start mm. 19 - 27 at home. We will start this section on Tuesday in class. Cello/Bass - focus on sub-dividing to 8th notes so we keep the rhythm steady in your pizzicato sections (mm. 1 - 19) and remember the  B flat in measure 10 (2nd finger on G for cellos and 1/2 position 1st finger for bass). Violins/Viola - remember to hold the dotted half note for 3 full beats. Also, watch out for all of the low 1st fingers (B flats on the A string for 1st violins and E flats on the D string for 1st violins, 2nd violins, and violas)

    Sneaking Suspicion: Work on playing all of the way through the piece. Pay special attention to counting the rests in the passages where the melody passes back and forth from upper to lower strings (mm. 13 - 21 and mm. 29 -37).

    You can find the audio files for our current Primary Orchestra pieces by following the links below: