- West Linn - Wilsonville School District
- Philosophy and Staff
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Philosophy and Staff
The West Linn-Wilsonville School District
provides a thought-provoking environment
that awakens the mind and
encourages children and adults
to go where questions lead.As educational leaders, we constantly strive to:
Increase the quality of student learning
Create a community of character for inquiry and learning
Set aggressive goals for student achievement
Communicate high expectations for the way we go about learning and teaching
The future belongs to the learner.
Please explore our web pages (navigation links to the left and the "Programs" menu above) for further information about the district's educational programs.Staff
of Primary Schools503-673-7031
Dr. Barb Soisson
Assistant Superintendent
of Teaching and Learning
503-673-7020Dual Language and ELD
Professional Development
Gifted Education503-673-7024Administrative Assistant
OSAS AssessmentCRESTPS & MS Summer School503-673-7010 -