About Kindergarten in West Linn-Wilsonville

  • All West Linn-Wilsonville Primary Schools offer Kindergarten Programs. Children must be 5 years old by September 1 of the calendar year for which they are registering to enter kindergarten. 
    In the West Linn-Wilsonvile School District, our Kindergarten day, like the rest of our grade level days, is a full school day of learning.  A full-day of learning in our schools means your child can delve deeply into Literacy, Mathematics, and Science/Social Studies learning every day with ample time for new learning and practice.  A full-day Kindergarten means your child will have two sessions of Music and PE/Wellness every week and lots of opportunities throughout the week to visit the school library to read, research, and take books home to enjoy together.  Our full-day Kindergarten Program also provides access for children to assemblies, field trips, and special events during the school day and school year.
    IF YOU ARE ENROLLING IN THE WEST LINN-WILSONVILLE SCHOOL DISTRICT, WE RECOMMEND SIGNING UP TO RECEIVE SCHOOL NEWS. We recommend signing up for your school's Community Group. While parent-guardians will receive school information once enrolled, families can begin receiving school newsletters and information ahead of time.