Community Education Classes Open Now

CCC is offering free adult education courses starting Oct. 14. Use the QR code to  register.

Family Empowerment Center Home


    The West Linn-Wilsonville Family Empowerment Center is part of the West Linn-Wilsonville School District. Launched in August 2020, the center is currently located at the rear entrance of Wilsonville High School.  The Family Empowerment Center works with all families residing in the West Linn, Wilsonville school district area.

    Vision: Empowering families to become active advocates in their children’s education through a culturally responsive holistic approach.

    Our Belief:  We believe that the empowerment of families’ fundamental rights and needs contributes to students’ maximized success in school and in life.   Each of our schools and the WLWV Family Empowerment Center promote equity, strengthen community partnerships, support students’ emotional and mental well-being and work to eliminate barriers to student success. 

    The West Linn-Wilsonville Empowerment Center equips families with needed resources such as food, clothing, school supplies, as well as access to mental health resources and local programs, education classes, workshops and much more. The West Linn-Wilsonville Family Empowerment Center provides direct services to families as well as connections to other community resources.

    The WLWV Family Empowerment Center is always looking to add and bolster community partnerships. If you are interested in making a donation or have an idea for connecting families to a community resource, please contact Maria Horton.

    To view our list of family resources, please access our WLWV Family Empowerment Center website. To learn more about the West Linn-Wilsonville Family Empowerment Center, please call 503-673-7690.

    What is the role of the WLWV Family Empowerment Center within the district and alongside our schools?

    We believe that our families’ first point of contact remains their home school.  Immediate needs are communicated to the teacher, school counselor or school principal.  Most resources are available at the school location and families can connect to those resources right at their school.    

    Other resources would be available from the WLWV Family Empowerment Center location.  School staff and leaders will direct families to the Center for specific items and resources that are located at that venue. 

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