- West Linn - Wilsonville School District
- Archive Email
Archive Email
Archiving email will remove the email from your inbox while retaining the ability to search for it later.
To archive an email from within Gmail, select the message you want to archive and click Archive
- To archive multiple messages, click the box next to each message > Archive
- To archive a message with keyboard shortcuts, press E.
Find archived email
When you search in Gmail, your results include archived messages.
- On your computer, open Gmail.
- On the left, click More.
- Click All Mail.
Note: If you don’t see All Mail or Trash, scroll to the bottom of the left sidebar and click More.Move archived email back to your inbox
- On your computer, open Gmail.
- Find the archived message.
- Next to the message, check the box.
- At the top, click Move to Inbox
Deleted Email
If you choose to delete your email instead of archiving, you will only be able to retrieve that email for 30 days, after which, the email is only recoverable by a legal e-discovery initiated by the IT department.
- To archive multiple messages, click the box next to each message > Archive