- West Linn - Wilsonville School District
- Budget Information
2023-24 Budget Information
Learn more about the 2023-24 Budget Process and Landscape through the following informational video. Interested community members can also review the 2023-24 proposed budget and read the 2023-24 superintendent's budget message. The 2024-25 budget process will begin in April, 2024.
Form OR-ED-1 Notice of Budget Hearing
Budget Information
Dr. Sơn Lê Hughes, Chief Financial Officer (503) 673-7005
2023-24 Budget 2023-24 Adopted Budget Superintendent Budget Message Annually, our School Board adopts a budget for the upcoming school year that guides our staff in how funds are spent on instructional programs for students. This budget is initially put together by the Superintendent and District staff. The Budget Committee then reviews the plan and gathers feedback from our local community. After the review and possible revisions, the Budget Committee approves the financial plan and forwards it to the School Board with the recommendation that it be adopted. The School Board may or may not make changes, and then adopts the budget. This becomes the guide for spending for the coming year for the District. Budget Committee members are asked to attend five to six evening meetings beginning in the spring to review the proposed budget. To see a list of Budget Committee members or the Budget Calendar, please visit our Budget Committee Webpage.
Learn about the 2023-24 Budget and Budget Process by viewing the below video presentation by Superintendent Dr. Kathy Ludwig.
2023-24 Budget Information Video: Message from the Superintendent