Transfer Information

  • Students are assigned to a “home school” in their “home attendance area” based on their legal address of residence, as provided by their parent or legal guardian. A transfer request is required to attend a school other than the home school; students may not attend another school without valid permission. (Homeless students should contact their counselor or principal to see if they qualify for Title X provisions.)

    Q: What school boundary do I reside in?

    A: Use our School Locator.
    If you are attempting to determine which SCHOOL DISTRICT an address is allocated to, you will be best served to use the Locator provided by the county - Clackamas County Online Mapping Application (CMAP).
    If you are attempting to determine which West Linn-Wilsonville school an address is allocated to, you should use our locator -
    Simply put, the COUNTY is the authority when determining DISTRICT boundaries. The DISTRICT is the authority when determining school boundaries within the district. 

    There are 2 transfer processes available:

    1. In-District Application (for use by Residents of the West Linn-Wilsonville School District)

    Please read:  Board Policy JECBB

    (1) In-District (within the district) requests: This transfer would be used if you reside within the West Linn-Wilsonville School District boundaries and you would like to request your student attend a different school than your home school. 

    It is the policy of the Board that every student attends the school that serves the attendance area in which the student lives.  However, the Board recognizes that in certain situations, a transfer to another attendance area within the district may be in the best interest of the individual student.

    Therefore, parent/guardian requests for student transfers to another attendance area may be approved by the Superintendent in the order in which they are received subject to the following conditions:

    • The requested school is open to in-district transfers.  
    • There is adequate space at the student’s grade level for added enrollment.
    • There are windows of time at each school level when transfers are considered: 
      • High school level transfer requests will only be considered before the start of the school year and before the second semester begins.
      • Middle school level transfer requests will only be considered before the end of the current school year for the following school year and before the second semester begins.
      • Primary school level transfer requests will only be considered before the end of the current school year for the following school year.
    • The student’s parent/guardian assumes responsibility for transporting the student to the school they will be attending except for Riverside High School.
    • Attendance plays an integral role in the success of your child and is a consideration regarding the ongoing viability of any transfer.  

    A one-time transfer application is needed for the requested school. Additionally, a one-time transfer application is needed when a child moves from primary-to-middle school and from middle-to-high school. 

    PROCESS FOR AN IN-DISTRICT TRANSFER ~ Please allow up to 2 weeks for the Process to occur

    1.  Parent or Guardian must submit the In-District transfer application (above) using the time frames for each level for consideration.

    2.  The current Principal may reach out to the parent or guardian to discuss the transfer request. 

    3.  Both the current Principal and the transfer Principal will connect with one another to discuss the transfer request.

    4.  If the In-District Transfer is approved, the final approval email is generated from the Superintendent's Office. 

    5.  If there are questions about the transfer application process, call Kelly Douglas, Director of the Superintendent's Office: 503.673.7034 or email


       2. Inter-District Transfers (for use by non-residents requesting entry and for residents requesting release)  

    (2) Inter-District Transfers are part of Oregon Legislation and require an annual vote by the West Linn-Wilsonville School Board:


    APPLICATIONS INTO the West Linn-Wilsonville School District will be accepted for:

    • Non-resident students currently enrolled in the West Linn-Wilsonville District (students that experienced a mid-year or mid-summer move within the last school year)
    • Siblings of non-resident students currently enrolled in the West Linn-Wilsonville District
    • Families who present an approved Hardship Cause (Senate Bill 709, ORS 581-021-0019)
    • New students in grades K-8 (as space and program capacity allows, the Dual Language Program is not included)
    • New students in grade 9: (see steps to apply below)
      • Wilsonville High School (5) openings
      • West Linn High School (5) openings
      • Riverside High School (15) openings

    Grade 9 Steps for Applying/Approving Inter-District Transfers into WLWV for the 2025-2026 School Year:

    1. Beginning February 1st, the District will accept IDT applications for 9th graders who reside outside the school district boundaries. 
    2. The 9th grade applicants are for limited slots and will be date-stamped upon receipt. 
    3. The first applicants that submit an IDT Release from their residential district will be approved for one of the 9th grade limited slots.    

     Inter-District Transfer (IDT) Application for 2025-26 to REMAIN or ENTER the WLWV District - (click on the link)

    The district will approve all 12th grade students that are CURRENTLY ENROLLED at the school they are requesting and 20 individual students in the following order beginning March 1, 2025:
    • All 12th grade students that are currently enrolled in the requested school district (In addition to the 20 individual releases)
    • Resident students who are currently enrolled in High School at the requested school district  
    • Resident students who are currently enrolled in middle or primary school at the requested school district
    • Siblings of students who are currently enrolled in the requested school district
    • Students making new transfer requests



    • Attendance and behavior play an integral role in the success of your child and is a consideration in the transfer contractual agreement. 
    • Transportation to the West Linn-Wilsonville School District from another district is the responsibility of the transferring student and family. Students will be allowed access to transportation if they can get to an existing bus stop on an established route for the school they will be attending. Please contact First Student for possible arrangements once your transfer has been officially approved: 503.570.8604.
    • Once a student has been accepted into the West Linn-Wilsonville School District, the student is considered a resident of this district until the student graduates from high school, enrolls in a school in a different district, or is no longer required to be admitted to the school district under ORS 339.133. Students do not have to reapply every year.
    • Acceptance of a non-resident admission under ORS 339.133(5)(b) does not guarantee athletic eligibility at the high school level. OSAA rules apply and should be carefully considered when making an application.

    You can submit your completed form by email (preferred), fax, or mail to:

    Kelly Douglas, Director of the Superintendent's Office  


    Fax:         503-673-7001  
    Phone:    503-673-7034

    Mail:        West Linn-Wilsonville S.D.
                    Kelly Douglas, Director of the Superintendent's Office  
                    22210 SW Stafford Rd.
                    Tualatin, Oregon 97062


    (2) Inter-District Transfers are part of Oregon Legislation and require an annual vote by the West Linn-Wilsonville School Board:


    APPLICATIONS INTO the West Linn-Wilsonville School District will be accepted for:

    • Non-resident students currently enrolled in the West Linn-Wilsonville District (students that experienced a mid-year or mid-summer move within the last school year)
    • Siblings of non-resident students currently enrolled in the West Linn-Wilsonville District
    • Families who present an approved Hardship Cause (Senate Bill 709, ORS 581-021-0019)
    • New students in grades K-8 (as space and program capacity allows, the Dual Language Program is not included)
    • New students in grade 9: (see steps to apply below)
      • Wilsonville High School (5) openings
      • West Linn High School (5) openings
      • Riverside High School (15) openings

    Grade 9 Steps for Applying/Approving Inter-District Transfers into WLWV for the 2024-2025 School Year:

    1. Beginning February 1st, the District will accept IDT applications for 9th graders who reside outside the school district boundaries. 
    2. The 9th grade applicants are for limited slots and will be date-stamped upon receipt. 
    3. The first applicants that submit an IDT Release from their residential district will be approved for one of the 9th grade limited slots.    

     Inter-District Transfer (IDT) Application for 2024-25 to REMAIN or ENTER the WLWV District - click on this link

    APPLICATIONS FOR RELEASE OUT of the West Linn-Wilsonville School District: Closed as of June 30, 2024.
    The district will approve all 12th grade students that are CURRENTLY ENROLLED at the school they are requesting and 20 individual students in the following order beginning March 1, 2024:
    • All 12th grade students that are currently enrolled in the requested school district (In addition to the 20 individual releases)
    • Resident students who are currently enrolled in High School at the requested school district  
    • Resident students who are currently enrolled in middle or primary school at the requested school district
    • Siblings of students who are currently enrolled in the requested school district
    • Students making new transfer requests



    • Attendance and behavior play an integral role in the success of your child and is a consideration in the transfer contractual agreement. 
    • Transportation to the West Linn-Wilsonville School District from another district is the responsibility of the transferring student and family. Students will be allowed access to transportation if they can get to an existing bus stop on an established route for the school they will be attending. Please contact First Student for possible arrangements once your transfer has been officially approved: 503.570.8604.
    • Once a student has been accepted into the West Linn-Wilsonville School District, the student is considered a resident of this district until the student graduates from high school, enrolls in a school in a different district, or is no longer required to be admitted to the school district under ORS 339.133. Students do not have to reapply every year.
    • Acceptance of a non-resident admission under ORS 339.133(5)(b) does not guarantee athletic eligibility at the high school level. OSAA rules apply and should be carefully considered when making an application.

    You can submit your completed form by email (preferred), fax, or mail to:

    Kelly Douglas, Director of the Superintendent's Office  


    Fax:         503-673-7001  
    Phone:    503-673-7034

    Mail:        West Linn-Wilsonville S.D.
                    Kelly Douglas, Director of the Superintendent's Office  
                    22210 SW Stafford Rd.
                    Tualatin, Oregon 97062

    Terms of Transfer 
    Transfers are subject to availability of space, resources, personnel and appropriate programs. Transportation is the responsibility of the family. Failing to meet transfer conditions, violating district policies, or providing false statements or documentation may result in immediate revocation of a transfer, and the student will need to return to their home school or district.

    The West Linn-Wilsonville School District will not consider requests from non-residents until the resident school district has released the student. Both districts must approve the transfer before the student may enroll.

    If you have any QUESTIONS regarding transfers please contact: 
    Kelly Douglas, Director of the Superintendent's Office   
    (503) 673-7034