Oregon State Assessments


    • Oregon English Language Arts (ELA) Assessments - Grades 3-8, and Grade 11
    • Oregon Mathematics Assessment - Grades 3-8 and Grade 11
    • Oregon Science Assessment - Grades 5, 8, and 11
    • The English Language Proficiency Assessment (ELPA) for students eligible for servicesfor English learners

    For the majority of Oregon students, participation in the statewide assessment system is through a standard administration of the above tests. A standard administration of a test is one where the test is given and completed in a manner that is consistent with the guidelines in the test administration manual; these procedures are designed to produce valid scores given that test administrators consistently follow the same rules across the state.  As part of standard administration, students are allowed as much time as needed in order to complete the assessment.

    Test results provide students with feedback on whether they are meeting state requirements. Test results also provide local schools and districts a source of data to determine strengths and weaknesses of their instructional programs. School and district test results provide essential data that are used in state and federal reports and inform parents and other citizens about school effectiveness.

    OSAS Online is a web-based computer testing capability available for the Knowledge and Skills Assessments (Math, Reading, and Science). OSAS Online offers students a flexible testing schedule, the opportunity to test more than once a year and the ability to get immediate feedback regarding test results. ELPA is a computer-delivered assessment (through OSAS Online) which tests a student's proficiency in English listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

    West Linn-Wilsonville students take some or all of the state tests, as shown below (at various times during the school year):

    Oregon Statewide Assessment Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 11
    Mathematics X X X X X X X
    Reading/Literature X X X X X X X
    Science     X     X X
    PSAT/NMSQT® Grade 10 students
    ELPA All eligible Title III students grades K-12 [English Language Learners]

    Additional information regarding Oregon's Statewide Assessment is available on the Oregon Department of Education's website.

    For the West Linn-Wilsonville School District statewide assessment results (and state report cards, adequate yearly progress reports and school SAT scores), visit the Student Achievement page.

    Work Samples

    Oregon Administrative Regulation (OAR) 581-22-0615 Assessment of Essential Skills requires students to complete one or more local performance assessments per year (in grades 3-8) and at least once in high school for each skill area assessed. Local performance assessments evaluate the application of students' knowledge and skills.

    Work samples, scored with the official state scoring guides, fulfill the requirement for one local performance assessment for the purpose of demonstrating a student’s opportunity to learn.  Skill areas which must be assessed are:

    • Writing
    • Speaking
    • Mathematical problem-solving
    • Scientific inquiry

    Work samples are representative samples of individual student work that may cover one or more content areas. Examples include:

    • Research papers
    • Statistical experiments
    • Speaking presentations
    • Theatrical performances
    • Work experience

    At the high school level, a work sample can be used to fulfill the local performance assessment requirement and as part of the assessment of Essential Skills graduation requirement (starting with the graduation class of 2012). 

    Additional information regarding local performance assessments and work samples is available on the Oregon Department of Education's website