Transportation Procedures During Inclement Weather

  • Notification of Changes

    Weather announcements impacting school transportation will be posted through ParentSquare and to all WLWV websites. Weather announcements will also be posted to FlashAlert. To sign up go directly to Any changes will be posted to the School District website: Most area radio and television stations announce inclement weather school delays or closures.


    Possible Transportation Changes


    School is in
    w/ Snow Routes*

    School is in
    w/ 2-Hour Delayed Opening

    School is in

    w/ 2-Hour Delayed Opening
    & Snow Routes*

    No School
    Bus Info

    The buses will travel modified bus routes posted on the District Website both to and from school.

    All buses will run at a 2-hour delay (eg. if regular stop time is 8:00a with a 2-hour delay it would be 10:00a)

    The buses will travel modified bus routes posted on the District Website and on a 2-hour delayed opening both to and from school.

    No transportation to or from school.

    Student Info

    All classes Pre-K through Grade 12 are in regular session.

    No AM Pre-School, No PM Pre-School, Grades K-12 have a delayed start time, but end at regular dismissal time.

    No AM Pre-School, No PM Pre-School, Grades K-12 have a delayed start time, but end at regular dismissal time.

    School is cancelled for the day and the day will be made up at a later date.**


    * Routes for students with special transportation needs do not have "snow routes"; instead each student has a designated pick-up and drop off location. If your student has a different stop you will be notified of the location.

    ** It is standard practice that all activities are canceled on days of school closures. On rare occasions exceptions may occur, this decision will be made by the Operations Department.