School Board General Information

  • 2023-2024 West Linn-Wilsonville School Board of Directors

    Louis Taylor.Louis Taylor
    Position 1

    Term Expires

    Kirsten Wyatt.Kirsten Wyatt
    Vice Chair
    Position 3

    Term Expires

     Kelly Sloop Kelly Sloop
    Board Member
    Position 5

    Term Expires

    Maegan Vidal
    Board Member
    Position 2
    Term Expires
    Dan Schumaker
    Board Member
    Position 4
    Term Expires

    Mission Question
    How do we create learning communities for the greatest thinkers and most thoughtful people... for the world?


    Vision Themes
    Academic Excellence - Personalized Education - Community Partnerships
    Circle of Support - The Whole Child  - Integrated Technology

      2024-2025 Board Goals

    The Board adopts short-term goals that align with West Linn-Wilsonville School District Goals. As a Board we have established District Goals to:

    1. Together, we will research, develop and adopt an anti-racism policy.
    2. Together, we will monitor student achievement data through the District Integrated Plan, School Work Plans, school visits, a Winter work session and quarterly Board reports.
    3. Together, we will value community voice and the authentic engagement of parents/guardians and students through Board-appointed site visits to each school and their respective K-8 PTA/PTO organization meetings or monthly forums, and three Board-facilitated student engagement events with students in grades 6, 9, and 13 regarding their transitions to next learning levels (middle, high, post-high).
    4. Together, we will engage as a Board with the Long Range Planning Committee (LRPC) and the community on long-range facilities and financial planning to host a Bond Summit in Spring 2025.

School Board Message to WLWV Students