West Linn-Wilsonville Properties

  • The West Linn-Wilsonville owns several properties in parts of West Linn and Wilsonville in addition to school and district facility sites. Those properties are listed below including the address and a brief description.

    Proposed Site of New Athey Creek Middle School
    840 & 945 Dollar Street, West Linn, OR 97068
    Two parcels of district owned land totally nearly 22 acres situated in West Linn near the Tualatin River and Field Bridge Park. This land has been proposed as the site of the New Athey Creek Middle School, the rebuild and expanded school identified in the 2019 Bond. 


    Future Site of New Primary School
    7151 & 7035 SW Boeckman Rd. Wilsonville, OR 97070
    2 parcels in the Frog Pond neighborhood of Wilsonville. One 10 acre parcel and a flag lot of 3.5 acres adjacent. For more information concerning the master plan of the Frog Pond neibhrohood please visit the City of Wilsonville website. The site currently includes district storage and a ranch home. The stored property will be relocated once a new storage building is complete. This site has been identified in the 2019 Bond as the site for a new primary school to meet the enrollment needs of the district.
    Frog Pond Property

    Frog Pond Flag Lot

    District Property 60th Ave House
    28355 SW 60th Ave. Wilsonville, OR 97070
    District property located in Wilsonville adjacent to Meridian Creek Middle School. 2 acres that includes a residential house, used to house visiting international teachers working in the West Linn - Wilsonville School District.
    60th Property